Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package Symbol;
=head1 NAME
Symbol - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
use Symbol;
$sym = gensym;
open($sym, "filename");
$_ = <$sym>;
# etc.
ungensym $sym; # no effect
print qualify("x"), "\n"; # "Test::x"
print qualify("x", "FOO"), "\n" # "FOO::x"
print qualify("BAR::x"), "\n"; # "BAR::x"
print qualify("BAR::x", "FOO"), "\n"; # "BAR::x"
print qualify("STDOUT", "FOO"), "\n"; # "main::STDOUT" (global)
print qualify(\*x), "\n"; # returns \*x
print qualify(\*x, "FOO"), "\n"; # returns \*x
use strict refs;
print { qualify_to_ref $fh } "foo!\n";
$ref = qualify_to_ref $name, $pkg;
use Symbol qw(delete_package);
print "deleted\n" unless exists $Foo::{'Bar::'};
C<Symbol::gensym> creates an anonymous glob and returns a reference
to it. Such a glob reference can be used as a file or directory
For backward compatibility with older implementations that didn't
support anonymous globs, C<Symbol::ungensym> is also provided.
But it doesn't do anything.
C<Symbol::qualify> turns unqualified symbol names into qualified
variable names (e.g. "myvar" -E<gt> "MyPackage::myvar"). If it is given a
second parameter, C<qualify> uses it as the default package;
otherwise, it uses the package of its caller. Regardless, global
variable names (e.g. "STDOUT", "ENV", "SIG") are always qualified with
Qualification applies only to symbol names (strings). References are
left unchanged under the assumption that they are glob references,
which are qualified by their nature.
C<Symbol::qualify_to_ref> is just like C<Symbol::qualify> except that it
returns a glob ref rather than a symbol name, so you can use the result
even if C<use strict 'refs'> is in effect.
C<Symbol::delete_package> wipes out a whole package namespace. Note
this routine is not exported by default--you may want to import it
BEGIN { require 5.002; }
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(gensym ungensym qualify qualify_to_ref);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(delete_package);
$VERSION = 1.02;
my $genpkg = "Symbol::";
my $genseq = 0;
my %global = map {$_ => 1} qw(ARGV ARGVOUT ENV INC SIG STDERR STDIN STDOUT);
# Note that we never _copy_ the glob; we just make a ref to it.
# If we did copy it, then SVf_FAKE would be set on the copy, and
# glob-specific behaviors (e.g. C<*$ref = \&func>) wouldn't work.
sub gensym () {
my $name = "GEN" . $genseq++;
my $ref = \*{$genpkg . $name};
delete $$genpkg{$name};
sub ungensym ($) {}
sub qualify ($;$) {
my ($name) = @_;
if (!ref($name) && index($name, '::') == -1 && index($name, "'") == -1) {
my $pkg;
# Global names: special character, "^x", or other.
if ($name =~ /^([^a-z])|(\^[a-z])$/i || $global{$name}) {
$pkg = "main";
else {
$pkg = (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : caller;
$name = $pkg . "::" . $name;
sub qualify_to_ref ($;$) {
return \*{ qualify $_[0], @_ > 1 ? $_[1] : caller };
# of Safe.pm lineage
sub delete_package ($) {
my $pkg = shift;
# expand to full symbol table name if needed
unless ($pkg =~ /^main::.*::$/) {
$pkg = "main$pkg" if $pkg =~ /^::/;
$pkg = "main::$pkg" unless $pkg =~ /^main::/;
$pkg .= '::' unless $pkg =~ /::$/;
my($stem, $leaf) = $pkg =~ m/(.*::)(\w+::)$/;
my $stem_symtab = *{$stem}{HASH};
return unless defined $stem_symtab and exists $stem_symtab->{$leaf};
# free all the symbols in the package
my $leaf_symtab = *{$stem_symtab->{$leaf}}{HASH};
foreach my $name (keys %$leaf_symtab) {
undef *{$pkg . $name};
# delete the symbol table
%$leaf_symtab = ();
delete $stem_symtab->{$leaf};