You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
292 lines
7.2 KiB
292 lines
7.2 KiB
package YAML;
use strict;
use vars qw($Width $Comma $Level $TabWidth $Sort $MaxLines $HashMode);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(serialize deserialize);
$VERSION = '0.16';
use Carp;
sub serialize {
local $/ = "\n";
my $o = bless {serial => '',
level => 0,
width => 4,
}, __PACKAGE__;
while (@_) {
$_ = shift;
croak "Arguments to serialize() must be a list of hash refs\n"
unless ref eq 'HASH' and not /=/;
$o->_serialize_hash($_, 1);
$o->{serial} .= "----\n" if @_;
return $o->{serial};
sub _serialize_data {
my $o = shift;
$_ = shift;
return $o->_serialize_undef($_)
if not defined;
return $o->_serialize_value($_)
if (not ref);
return $o->_serialize_hash($_, 0)
if (ref eq 'HASH' and not /=/ or /=HASH/);
return $o->_serialize_array($_)
if (ref eq 'ARRAY' and not /=/ or /=ARRAY/);
warn "WARNING: Cannot serialize the following reference:\n\t$_\n"
if $^W;
$o->{serial} .= "$_\n";
sub _serialize_value {
my ($o, $data) = @_;
my $value;
if ($data =~ /\n/) {
my $indent = ' ' x (($o->{level} + 1) * $o->{width});
my $sigil = ($data =~ s/\n\Z//) ? '|' : '|-';
$data =~ s/^/$indent/mg;
chomp $data;
$value = "$sigil\n$data\n";
elsif ($data =~ /^[\s\%\@\~\"]|\s$/ or
$data =~ /([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/ or
$data eq '') {
$data =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$value = qq{"$data"\n};
else {
$value = "$data\n";
$o->{serial} .= $value;
sub _serialize_hash {
my ($o, $data, $top) = @_;
$o->_serialize_reference($data, '%', 'HASH', $top);
$o->{level}++ unless $top;
my $indent = ' ' x ($o->{level} * $o->{width});
for my $key (sort keys %$data) {
my $key_out = $key;
if ($key =~ /^[\s\%\@\~\"]|:|\s\s|\n|\s$/) {
$key_out =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$key_out =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$key_out = qq{"$key_out"};
$o->{serial} .= "$indent$key_out: ";
delete $o->{ref_stack_xref}{pop @{$o->{ref_stack}} or die};
sub _serialize_array {
my ($o, $data) = @_;
$o->_serialize_reference($data, '@', 'ARRAY', 0);
my $indent = ' ' x (++$o->{level} * $o->{width});
for my $datum (@$data) {
$o->{serial} .= "$indent: ";
delete $o->{ref_stack_xref}{pop @{$o->{ref_stack}} or die};
sub _serialize_undef {
my ($o) = @_;
$o->{serial} .= "~\n";
sub _serialize_reference {
my ($o, $data, $sigil, $type, $top) = @_;
$data =~ /^(([\w:]+)=)?$type\(0x([0-9a-f]+)\)$/
or croak "Invalid reference: $data, for type $type\n";
croak " does not yet support circular references\n"
if defined $o->{ref_stack_xref}{$3};
if (not $top) {
$o->{serial} .= "!$2 " if defined $2;
$o->{serial} .= $sigil . "\n";
push @{$o->{ref_stack}}, $3;
sub deserialize {
local $/ = "\n";
my ($text) = @_;
chomp $text;
my $o = bless {lines => [split($/, $text)],
level => 0,
width => 4,
tabwidth => 8,
}, __PACKAGE__;
@{$o->{objects}} = ();
$o->{level} = 0;
$o->{line} ||= 1;
while (not $o->{eod}) {
croak "Deserialize error. Starting production not a hash.\n"
unless $o->{content} =~ /^\S.*[^\\]:/;
$o->{done} = 0;
my $hash = {};
%$hash = $o->_deserialize_hash(1);
push @{$o->{objects}}, $hash;
return wantarray ? @{$o->{objects}} : ${$o->{objects}}[-1];
sub _deserialize_data {
my $o = shift;
my ($obj, $class) = ('', '');
if ($o->{content} =~ /^(?:\!(\w(?:\w|::)*))?\s*
) {
$obj = ($2 eq '%') ? {} : [];
$class = $1 || '';
if ($2 eq '%') {
%$obj = $o->_deserialize_hash(0);
elsif ($2 eq '@') {
@$obj = $o->_deserialize_array;
else {
croak "Insane error\n";
bless $obj, $class if length $class;
elsif ($o->{content} =~ /^\~\s*$/) {
$obj = $o->_deserialize_undef;
else {
$obj = $o->_deserialize_value;
return $obj;
sub _deserialize_value {
my $o = shift;
my $value = '';
my $indent = $o->{level} * $o->{width};
if ($o->{content} =~ /^\s*\|\s*(-)?\s*$/) {
my $chomp = $1 eq '-';
my $indent = ($o->{level} + 1) * $o->{width};
while (not $o->{done} and
$o->{lines}[0] =~ /^\s{$indent}/) {
$value .= substr($o->{lines}[0], $indent) . "\n";
chomp $value if $chomp;
elsif ($o->{content} =~ /^\"/) {
croak "Mismatched quotes"
unless $o->{content} =~ /^\"(.*)\"\s*$/;
$value = $1;
else {
$value = $o->{content};
return $value;
sub _deserialize_hash {
my @values;
my ($o, $top) = @_;
my $level = $o->{level};
unless ($top) {
my ($key, $value);
while ($o->{level} == $level) {
if ($o->{content} =~ /^\"/) {
croak "Bad map key at line $o->{line}\n"
unless ($o->{content} =~ /^\"(.*?(?<!\\))\"\s*:\s*(.*)/);
($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
$key =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$key =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;
else {
($key, $value) = split /\s*:\s*/, $o->{content}, 2;
croak $o->invalid_key_value unless (defined $key);
$o->{content} = defined $value ? $value : '';
push @values, $o->_get_key($key), $o->_deserialize_data;;
croak "Invalid ident level\n$o->{content}\nLine: $o->{line}\n$o->{level}\n$level\n"
if $o->{level} > $level;
return @values;
sub _get_key {
my ($o, $key) = @_;
return $key unless $key =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/;
$key = $1;
$key =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$key =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;
return $key;
sub _deserialize_array {
my @values;
my $o = shift;
my $level = $o->{level} + 1;
while ($o->{level} == $level) {
croak "List item not bulleted at line $o->{line}\n"
unless($o->{content} =~ /^(: +)/);
substr($o->{content}, 0, length($1), '');
push @values, $o->_deserialize_data;
croak "Invalid indent level\n" if $o->{level} > $level;
return @values;
sub _deserialize_undef {
my $o = shift;
return undef;
sub _next_line {
my $o = shift;
$o->{eod}++, $o->{done}++, $o->{level} = -1, return unless @{$o->{lines}};
$_ = shift @{$o->{lines}};
sub _setup_line {
my $o = shift;
$o->{eod}++, $o->{done}++, $o->{level} = -1, return unless @{$o->{lines}};
$o->{done}++, $o->{level} = -1, return if $o->{lines}[0] =~ /^----$/;
my ($width, $tabwidth) = @{$o}{qw(width tabwidth)};
$_ = $o->{lines}[0];
croak "Invalid indent width at line $o->{line}\n"
unless /^(( {$width})*)(\S.*)$/;
$o->{level} = length($1) / $width;
$o->{content} = $3;