Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

306 lines
9.1 KiB

@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM <<allraise.cmd>>
REM Issue the appropriate DFS commands to raise/lower builds to a specific quality.
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM Version: < 1.0 > 11/08/2001 Suemiao Rossignol
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use Win32::File qw(GetAttributes SetAttributes);
use File::Basename;
use Carp;
use comlib;
use PbuildEnv;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use DfsMap;
use RelQuality;
#use RaiseSkus;
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Display DFS shares by given language, build number, architecture and debug type.
$scriptname [-l:<language>][-n:<BuildNo>][-a:<Architecture>][-t:DebugType]
-n:# Raise Build number.
-l:lang Language. Default is "usa".
-a:arch Ex: "x86" or "ia64".
-t:type EX: "fre" or "chk".
-d Debug mode.
-? Display Usage.
$scriptname -l:ger
$scriptname -n:2600 -d
$scriptname -n:2600 -l:ger -a:x86 -t:fre
my ( $lang, $buildNo, $buildArch, $buildType );
my ( $iniFile, @mArch, @mType, @releaseAccess );
my ( %bldProfile, %dfsMap, $dash );
timemsg( "Starting $scriptname" );
if( !&InitVars() ){ exit (1); }
if( !&TieDfsAccess( \%dfsMap ) ){ exit(1); }
logmsg( $dash );
timemsg( "Complete Successfully!" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'n:' => \$buildNo,'a:' => \$buildArch, 't:' => \$buildType, 'd' => \$Logmsg::DEBUG );
$ENV{lang} = "usa" if( !$ENV{lang} );
$lang = $ENV{lang};
if( $buildArch ){ push( @mArch, $buildArch ); } else { @mArch = ( "x86", "ia64", "amd64" ); }
if( $buildType ){ push( @mType, $buildType ); } else { @mType = ( "fre", "chk" ); }
sub InitVars
##### Format vars
$dash = '-' x 60;
$bldProfile{lang} = $lang;
##### Define Server/client branch
if( &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{_buildBranch}, $lang, "DFSLatestServerSkus" ) )
$bldProfile{pkgtarget} = "server";
elsif( &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{_buildBranch}, $lang, "DFSLatestClientSkus") )
$bldProfile{pkgtarget} = "client";
#### Define DFS branch name
$bldProfile{dfsBranch} = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{_buildBranch}, $lang, "DFSAlternateBranchName" );
$bldProfile{dfsBranch} = $ENV{_buildBranch} if( !$bldProfile{dfsBranch} );
$iniFile = "$bldProfile{dfsBranch}.$lang.ini";
#####Set Symbol Servers
$bldProfile{symshare} = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $bldProfile{dfsBranch},$lang,"SymFarm" );
#####Set access user to the release share
my @iniRequest = ( "ReleaseAccess" );
for my $access( @iniRequest )
my $iniAccess = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( $access );
@releaseAccess = split ( /\s+/, $iniAccess );
last if( @releaseAccess );
dbgmsg( "Release Access .......[@releaseAccess]" );
dbgmsg( "Lauguage ...........[$lang]" );
dbgmsg( "Build Number ........[$buildNo]" );
dbgmsg( "Build Architecture ..[$buildArch]" );
dbgmsg( "Build Type...........[$buildType]" );
dbgmsg( "Razzle Branch Name ..[$ENV{_buildBranch}]" );
dbgmsg( "INI File ............[$iniFile]" );
dbgmsg( "Symbol share ........[$bldProfile{symshare}]" );
logmsg( $dash );
return 1;
# This is a wrapper to glob that expects and
# returns paths using '\' as the path separator
sub globex ($)
my $match_criteria = shift;
croak "Must specify parameter for globex" if ( !defined $match_criteria );
# Need to use '/' for UNC paths, so just convert to all '/''s
$match_criteria =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Return the results, converting back to '\'
return grep { s/\//\\/g } glob( $match_criteria );
sub DisplayShareInfo
my ( @myInfo, $mixstr, @mixary, @errary);
my $blankstr = ' ' x 40;
##### Get release path through net share
my $buildSearch=$buildNo;
$buildSearch = "*" if ( !$buildNo );
for my $theArch ( @mArch )
for my $theType ( @mType )
#####Get release servers by Arch/Type
my @iniRequest = ( "ReleaseServers::$theArch$theType" );
my( $iniRelServers ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
next if( !$iniRelServers );
my @releaseServers = split( /\s+/, $iniRelServers );
print "$theArch$theType\n";
#####Loop by each server
#####special handle for sym
for my $theServer ( @releaseServers )
if(($theServer =~ /dsys/i) || ($theServer =~ /burn/i))
#####Search builds by request or latest
my $releaseRootDir = &comlib::ParseNetShare( "\\\\$theServer\\release", "Path" );
$releaseRootDir =~ s/\:/\$/;
if( system( "dir \\\\$theServer\\$releaseRootDir >nul 2>nul ") )
printf(" %-11.11s : No access permission, skipping...\n", $theServer);
my $searchStr = "\\\\$theServer\\$releaseRootDir\\$lang\\$buildSearch.$theArch$theType.*";
my @availBuilds = ();
if( !(@availBuilds = globex( $searchStr ) ) )
print " $theServer\n";
$bldProfile{basename} = basename($availBuilds[$#availBuilds]);
$bldProfile{no} = build_number($bldProfile{basename});
$bldProfile{branch} = build_branch($bldProfile{basename});
$bldProfile{ts} = build_date($bldProfile{basename});
$bldProfile{arch} = $theArch;
$bldProfile{type} = $theType;
$bldProfile{server} = $theServer;
#####Retrive release Quality
my ( $quality, $strlen);
(my $logDir = "\\\\$theServer\\$releaseRootDir\\$lang\\$bldProfile{basename}\\build_logs" )=~ s/\:/\$/ ;
&RelQuality::Which( $logDir, $bldProfile{basename}, \$quality);
$strlen = length( $bldProfile{basename} );
printf("%2.2s%-11.11s : %-*.*s : $quality :", $blankstr, $theServer, $strlen, $strlen,$bldProfile{basename});
#####Get Raised shares, skus, and destination dirs
@myInfo = &GetRaiseShareInfo( \%bldProfile );
#####Loop through the share
@mixary = ();
@errary = ();
my $allRaise = 1;
my $line = $myInfo[0];
if( !(tied %dfsMap)->EXISTS( "$line->{RootShare}$line->{SubShare}" ) )
if( $allRaise )
$allRaise = 0;
#print " NO MAPPING\n";
ErrorInfo( $line->{RootShare}, \@errary );
push( @mixary, $mixstr );
if( $allRaise ){ print " RAISED\n"; next }
elsif( @errary ){ print "$errary[0]\n" for( @errary ); next; }
else {print "\n";}
print "\n";
sub GetRaiseShareInfo
my ( $pBldProfile ) = @_;
my %raiseSkus;
$pBldProfile->{package} = "";
#my %raiseSkus = &RaiseSku::GetRaisedSkus( $pBldProfile->{lang},$pBldProfile->{arch},$pBldProfile->{type} );
my @dfsInfo = &comlib::ParseDfsMapText( \%raiseSkus, $pBldProfile );
return @dfsInfo;
sub ErrorInfo
my ( $pShare, $pErrAry ) = @_;
$pShare =~ /^\\\\[^\\]+\\(.*)$/;
my $baseShare = $1;
if( system( "rmtshare $pShare >nul 2>nul" ) )
push( @{$pErrAry}, " NOT SHARING" );
return 1;
my %shareAccessIdPerm = &comlib::ParseNetShare( $pShare, "Permissions:" );
my $i;
for my $oldId ( keys %shareAccessIdPerm )
for ( $i=0; $i < @releaseAccess; $i++ )
last if( lc $oldId eq lc $releaseAccess[$i] );
next if( $i < @releaseAccess );
push( @{$pErrAry}, " NOT RAISED" );
return 1;
return 0;
sub TieDfsAccess
my ( $pDfsMap ) = @_;
my ( $dfsRoot );
##### Get DFS Root name
if( !($dfsRoot = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $bldProfile{dfsBranch}, $lang,"DFSRootName" ) ) )
wrnmsg( "[DFSRootName] undefined in [$iniFile] file." );
$dfsRoot = "\\\\ntdev\\release";
##### Access DFS through a TIE hash
if ( ! tie %$pDfsMap, 'DfsMap', $dfsRoot )
errmsg( "Error accessing DFS." );
return 0;
return 1;