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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: assignbvt.pl
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Purpose: This script is an example of a perl script in the NT postbuild
# environment.
# Version: 1.00 (10/05/2000) : (bensont) Assign BVT JOb
# Set Package
# <Set your package name of your perl module>
package assignbvt;
# Set the script name
# <Set your script name>
$ENV{script_name} = 'assignbvt.pl';
# Set version
# <Set the version of your script>
$VERSION = '1.00';
# Set required perl version
# <Set the version of perl that your script requires>
require 5.003;
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" };
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" }. "\\PostBuildScripts";
# Use section
use Win32API::Registry 0.13 qw( :ALL );
use GetParams;
use LocalEnvEx;
use Logmsg;
use GetIniSetting;
use cksku;
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
# <Add any perl modules that you will be using for this script>
# Require section
require Exporter;
# <Add any perl pl files that you will be using>
# Global variable section
# <Add any global variables here using my to preserve namespace>
@platforms = qw(x86);
@frechks = qw(fre);
($RemoteId, $BVTEntry, $BVTResult)=(
($BVTMachine, $BVTAccount, $Noticed, $OneNotice, $administrator,
$platforms, $frechks)=();
($BVTAccountUsername, $BVTAccountDomainname, $BVTAccountPassword)=();
($platform, $frechk, $BVTMachine, $sku, %skus, @BVTMachines)=();
($AdministratorGroupName, $AdministratorName)=();
sub Main {
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# Begin Main code section
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# Return when you want to exit on error
# <Implement your code here>
# Issue: If we need support multi-BVT Machine, we could get BVTMachines from parameter for each sku or ...
# Assign BVT if we defined certain machine to run
if (defined $BVTMachine) {
return; # According Dave's suggestion
# According the platforms, frechks and skus, we look for the Boot Test Machine
# that we defined in <branch>.<language>.ini file to call PrepareForBVT
for $platform ( @platforms ) {
for $frechk ( @frechks ) {
%skus = &cksku::GetSkus($lang, $platform);
for $sku (keys %skus) {
@BVTMachines = &WhereIsMyBootTestMachine($platform, $frechk, $sku);
for $BVTMachine (@BVTMachines) {
# According autoboottest.cmd, the boottest machinename
# will be add "1" after the origional boottest machine
$BVTMachine .= "1";
# Call PrepareForBVT
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# End Main code section
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# <Implement your subs here>
# PrepareForBVT($BVTMachine)
# purpose: Preparing $BVTMachine for BVT
# details:
# 1. Net Use BVT Machine
# 2. Write Auto Login Registry in BVT Machine
# 3. Add Account to BVT Machine
# 4. Remote Logoff BVT Machine
sub PrepareForBVT {
my ($BVTMachine) = @_;
my $MyNotice = "${BVTMachine}:${AdministratorName}";
NoticeMessage("Preparing $BVTMachine for BVT ...", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
NoticeMessage("1. Net Use BVT Machine ($BVTMachine)", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&MySystemCall("echo. | net use \\\\${BVTMachine} /u:${BVTMachine}\\${AdministratorName}") or return;
NoticeMessage("2. Write Auto Login Registry in BVT Machine", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&WriteRegister($BVTMachine) or return;
NoticeMessage("3. Add Account to BVT Machine", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&RemoteAddAccount($BVTMachine) or return;
NoticeMessage("4. create myrunbvt.cmd", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&WriteMyRunBVT($BVTMachine) or return;
NoticeMessage("5. Remote Logoff BVT Machine", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&RemoteLogoff($BVTMachine) or return;
NoticeMessage("6. Disconnect BVT Machine ($BVTMachine)", $MyNotice, @NoticeList);
&MySystemCall("echo Y | net use \\\\${BVTMachine} /d") or return;
NoticeMessage("We are starting BVT Process at $BVTMachine", $MyNotice, @NoticeList, @NoticeListForSingleMessage);
# WriteRegister($BVTMachine)
# purpose: WriteRegister, so that we can auto-login and run BVT script
# details:
# 1. Update DefaultDomainName at SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon
# 2. Update DefaultUserName
# 3. Update DefaultPassword
# 4. Set AutoAdminLogon = 1
# 5. Set ForceAutoLogon = 1
# 6. Add BVT Process at SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce
sub WriteRegister {
my ($BVTMachine) = @_;
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
"DefaultDomainName", $BVTAccountDomainname);
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
"DefaultUserName", $BVTAccountUsername);
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
"DefaultPassword", $BVTAccountPassword);
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
"AutoAdminLogon", "1");
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WINDOWS NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
"ForceAutoLogon", "1");
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"Startup BVT Process", "\\tools\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe " .
"\\tools\\OpShellFolder.pl CopyFileTo Startup \\tools\\myrunbvt.cmd");
UpdateRegistry($BVTMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
"Desktop BVT Process", "\\tools\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe " .
"\\tools\\OpShellFolder.pl CopyFileTo Desktop \\tools\\myrunbvt.cmd");
# RemoteLogoff($BVTMachine)
# purpose: Logoff BVT Machine
# details:
# Send Logoff command to remote console
sub RemoteLogoff {
my ($BVTMachine) = @_;
&MyRemoteCommand($BVTMachine, $RemoteId, "logoff");
sub WriteMyRunBVT {
my ($BVTMachine) = @_;
&MyRemoteCommand($BVTMachine, $RemoteId,
"echo $BVTEntry ^^^\%SystemDrive^^^\%\\BVT " .
"$BVTResult ^^^>^^^\%SystemDrive^^^\%\\tools\\myrunbvt.cmd");
&MyRemoteCommand($BVTMachine, $RemoteId,
"echo ^^^\%systemDrive^^^\%\\tools\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe " .
"^^^\%systemDrive^^^\%\\tools\\OpShellFolder.pl " .
"DelFile Startup myrunbvt.cmd ^^^>^^^>^^^\%SystemDrive^^^\%\\tools\\myrunbvt.cmd");
# RemoteAddAcount($BVTMachine)
# purpose: Add BVTAccount to BVT Machine as administrator
# details:
# Send net localgropu command to remote console
sub RemoteAddAccount {
my ($BVTMachine) = @_;
&MyRemoteCommand($BVTMachine, $RemoteId,
"net localgroup $AdministratorGroupName " .
"/add $BVTAccountDomainname\\$BVTAccountUsername");
&MyRemoteCommand($BVTMachine, $RemoteId,
"if errorlevel 1 pause Please make sure account add correctly!!!");
# NoticeMessage($Message, @Domain_Users)
# purpose: logmsg and Net Send message to Domain/Users
# details:
# Send net localgropu command to remote console
sub NoticeMessage {
my ($Message, $BVTMachine, @Domain_Users) = @_;
my ($Domain_User, $DomainName, $UserName)=();
logmsg $Message;
if (defined $BVTMachine) {
if ($BVTMachine !~ /(\w+)\:(\w+)/) {
errmsg "Echo into remote($DomainName:$RemoteId) failed";
($DomainName) = $1;
&MyRemoteCommand($DomainName, $RemoteId, "echo $Message");
for $Domain_User (@Domain_Users) {
# Skip if not formate as "<DomainName>:<UserName>"
next if ($Domain_User !~ /(\w+)\:(\w+)/);
# Assign the match pattern to the variable
($DomainName, $UserName)=($1, $2);
# Net Send Message to This Domain\User
&MySystemCall("Net send $UserName /Domain:$DomainName $Message");
# UpdateRegistry($Machine, $hKey, $SubKey, $ValueName, $Data)
# purpose: Connect to Machine and update the ValueName with Data under hKey\Subkey
# details:
# 1. Connect $Machine Registry with $hKey (eg. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) and store handle to $phKey)
# 2. Open $SubKey under $phKey and store handle to $phSubKey
# 3. Store $Data to $valuename under $phSubKey
# 4. Close the register
sub UpdateRegistry{
my ($Machine, $hKey, $SubKey, $ValueName, $Data)=@_;
my ($phKey, $phSubKey, $ptype, $pvalue);
RegConnectRegistry( $Machine, $hKey, $phKey ) or return 0;
RegOpenKeyEx( $phKey, $SubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, $phSubKey) or return 0;
RegSetValueEx( $phSubKey, $ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, $Data, 0 ) or return 0;
RegCloseKey( $phSubKey ) or return 0;
RegCloseKey( $phKey ) or return 0;
return 1;
# WhereIsMyBootTestMachine($platform, $frechk, $sku)
# purpose: Retrive the boot test machine name from <branch>.<language>.ini
# details:
# 1. Set the query key as "BootTestMachines::$platform$frechk::$sku"
# 2. Call GetSetting to get the value from ini file
sub WhereIsMyBootTestMachine {
my ($platform, $frechk, $sku) = @_;
my( @Request ) = ( "BootTestMachines", "${platform}${frechk}", $sku );
return &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @Request );
# MyRemoteCommand($Machine, $RemoteId, $cmd)
# purpose: Execute $cmd on remote console
sub MyRemoteCommand {
my ($Machine, $RemoteId, $cmd) = @_;
return &MySystemCall("echo $cmd|remote /c $Machine $RemoteId");
# MySystemCall($cmd)
# purpose: Execute $cmd thru system call
sub MySystemCall {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $r = system($cmd);
$r >>= 8;
# Because remote command always return 4, we should ignore it.
if (($r)&&($r ne 4)&&($r ne 0)) {
errmsg "Failed ($r): $cmd";
return 0;
return 1;
# splitcolon($str)
# purpose: split $str with delimiter ':' and return splited string
sub splitcolon {
return grep {/\w+/} split(/\:/, $_[0]);
# splitsemicolon($str)
# purpose: split $str with delimiter ';' and return splited string
sub splitsemicolon {
return grep {/\w+/} split(/\;/, $_[0]);
sub GetAccount {
my (@Request) = ("JoinDomain");
my( $JoinDomain ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @Request );
return $JoinDomain;
sub ValidateParams {
#<Add your code for validating the parameters here>
# Initial GetIniSetting
unless ( &GetIniSetting::CheckIniFile ) {
errmsg( "Failed to find ini file ..." );
if (!defined $BVTAccount) {
@JoinDomain = split(/\s+/, &GetAccount);
($BVTAccountUsername, $BVTAccountDomainname, $BVTAccountPassword) = &splitcolon($BVTAccount);
if (defined $administrator) {
($AdministratorName, $AdministratorGroupName)=&splitcolon($administrator);
if (! defined $AdministratorName) {
$AdministratorName = (lc$lang ne "ger")?"Administrator":"Administrator";
if (! defined $AdministratorGroupName) {
$AdministratorGroupName = (lc$lang ne "ger")?"Administrators":"Administratoren";
@NoticeList = &splitsemicolon($Noticed);
@NoticeListForSingleMessage = &splitsemicolon($OneNotice);
@platforms = &splitcolon($platforms) if (defined $platforms);
@frechks = &splitcolon($frechks) if (defined $frechks);
# <Add your usage here>
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
Purpose of program
Usage: $0 [-l lang] [-m BVTMachine] [-i RemoteId] [-a BVTAccount]
[-n Noticed] [-o OneNotice] [-z administrator] [-p platform]
[-c frechk] [-s BVTEntry] [-t BVTResult]
-l Language
-m BVTMachine - BVT Machine Name; default is reference from
<branch>.<lang>.ini file and add "1" after the safe boottest
machine name. Specified BVTMachine name as
"foomachine;boomachine". Such as i32bt0011.
-i RemoteId
Currently the remote ID name on BVTMachine; default is
-a BVTAccount
The UserName/Domain/Password Account for re-login BVT machine.
The format is "foo_user:boo_domain:goo_password"
-n Noticed. The process will notice the domain/user each step.
This script always notice the BVTMachine/Administrator. If
you need add more, use the format as
-o OneNotice. After the BVT process assigned to the BVT Machine,
Send message to this domain/user. It will net send message to
the domain/user. The format is the same as <Noticed>.
-z administrator. Defined the localized term for administrator.
The format is "<administratorgroupname>:<administratorname>".
Such as "administratoren:Administrator" in German.
-p platforms; such as "x86:amd64:ia64". Default is "x86".
-c frechks; such as "fre:chk". Default is "fre".
-s BVTEntry; the script for starting run BVT. Default is
-t BVTResult; the path for store BVT result. We launch the BVT
process as <BVTEntry> <SystemDrive>\\BVT <BVTResult>.
-? Displays usage
$0 -l jpn
sub GetParams {
# Step 1: Call pm getparams with specified arguments
# Step 2: Set the language into the enviroment
# Step 3: Call the usage if specified by /?
if ($HELP) {
exit 1;
# Cmd entry point for script.
if (eval("\$0 =~ /" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pl\$/i")) {
# Step 1: Parse the command line
# <run perl.exe GetParams.pm /? to get the complete usage for GetParams.pm>
&GetParams ('-o', 'l:m:i:a:n:o:z:p:c:s:t:', '-p',
'lang BVTMachine RemoteId BVTAccount Noticed OneNotice administrator platforms frechk BVTEntry BVTResult', @ARGV);
# Include local environment extensions
# Set lang from the environment
# Validate the option given as parameter.
# Step 4: Call the main function
# End local environment extensions.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: assignbvt.pl
# Purpose: Template perl perl script for the NT postbuild environment
# SD Location: %sdxroot%\tools\postbuildscripts
# (1) Code section description:
# CmdMain - Developer code section. This is where your work gets done.
# <Implement your subs here> - Developer subs code section. This is where you write subs.
# (2) Reserved Variables -
# $ENV{HELP} - Flag that specifies usage.
# $ENV{lang} - The specified language. Defaults to USA.
# $ENV{logfile} - The path and filename of the logs file.
# $ENV{logfile_bak} - The path and filename of the logfile.
# $ENV{errfile} - The path and filename of the error file.
# $ENV{tmpfile} - The path and filename of the temp file.
# $ENV{errors} - The scripts errorlevel.
# $ENV{script_name} - The script name.
# $ENV{_NTPostBld} - Abstracts the language from the files path that
# postbuild operates on.
# $ENV{_NTPostBld_Bak} - Reserved support var.
# $ENV{_temp_bak} - Reserved support var.
# (3) Reserved Subs -
# Usage - Use this sub to discribe the scripts usage.
# ValidateParams - Use this sub to verify the parameters passed to the script.
# (4) Call other executables or command scripts by using:
# system "foo.exe";
# Note that the executable/script you're calling with system must return a
# non-zero value on errors to make the error checking mechanism work.
# Example
# if (system("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang")){
# errmsg("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang failed.");
# # If you need to terminate function's execution on this error
# goto End;
# }
# (5) Log non-error information by using:
# logmsg "<log message>";
# and log error information by using:
# errmsg "<error message>";
# (6) Have your changes reviewed by a member of the US build team (ntbusa) and
# by a member of the international build team (ntbintl).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
B<mypackage> - What this package for
<An code example how to use>
<Use above example to describe this package>
=head2 <myinstances>
<Description of myinstances>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 <mymathods>
<Description of mymathods>
=head1 SEE ALSO
<Some related package or None>
=head1 AUTHOR
<Your Name <your e-mail address>>