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<?XML version="1.0" ?>
Used in International and US BVT.
The script is able to manage remote box as well as local machine.
The script connects to the chosen BVT machine,
lists the available boot options to identify the safe boot.
If found, the safe boot option is made the next default boot option.
Optionally, the BVT machine is rebooted.
The current version of the script is designed to provide remote execution only.
The BVT machine name is supposed to be meaningful and to be specified on command line.
The script is not blocking.
Errors of no BVT machine found or no valid user account logged are
caught and displayed.
An attempt to connect to the BVT machine WBEM provider takes approximately
one minute when the server is unavailable or not responding.
There is currently no inquiry of the state of the BVT machine.
BVT machine would be rebooted even if in the middle of BVT test.
The remote execution is based on the assumption the ntdev/winbld user is
currently in ADMINISTRATORS local group to the BVT machine. the user does not have
to be logged to BVT machine.
(c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.00 09/13/2001 : Serguei Kouzmine
[email protected]
<reference guid="{565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" version="1.1"/>
<resource id="cDebug">0</resource>
<resource id="Label">SAFE</resource>
<resource id="Usage">
%SELF% /b:%MACHINE% [/r] [/h] [/l:%LABEL%] /u:%USER% /p:%PASSWORD%
/b:%MACHINE% Change the boot order of the specified BVT machine.
/l:%LABEL% boot into OS marked as %LABEL% (default is SAFE)
/r reboot the machine, specify it only if %MACHINE% defined.
/d enable debug information
/u user to impersonate
/p password if user differs from the currently logged on
/h view this message
%SELF% /r
%SELF% /b:I64BT0041 /r
%SELF% /b:i32bt0031 /l:"safe boot" /d
<resource id="user">ntdev\winbld</resource>
<resource id="password">XXXXXXXX</resource>
<script language="VBScript">
option explicit
Function ReadResource(sPresId)
On Error resume next
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim sPRes, asRes, uRes, tsRes
sPREs = GetResource(sPresId)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
If cDebug Then
Wscript.echo err.number & " " & err.description
' The Error description are not informative when failed getresource
IF Err.number = 7 Then
Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Null resource: " & _
End If
IF Err.number = 5 Then
Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Undefined resource: " & _
End If
End If
End If
asRes = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPRes), VBNEWLINE)
Set ures = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each tsRes in asRes
If 0 <> Len(tsRes) Then
uRes(tsRes) = 1
End If
Dim tResource
tResource = uRes.Keys
If uBound(tResource) = 0 Then
ReadResource = tResource(0)
ReadResource = tResource
End If
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set uRes = Nothing
End Function
sub showUsage
on error resume next
Dim oGenRplaceVarNamXp
Dim oExRplaceVarNamXp
Dim aoRplaceMatches, oMatch, sMatch, sLabel, sResource
Set oGenRplaceVarNamXp = new RegExp
Set oExRplaceVarNamXp = new RegExp
With oGenRplaceVarNamXp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "%\w+%"
End With
With oExRplaceVarNamXp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "%\w+%"
End With
Dim sLine,asTest
asTest = ReadResource("Usage")
For Each sLine in asTest
Set aoRplaceMatches = oGenRplaceVarNamXp.Execute(sLine)
For Each oMatch in aoRplaceMatches
sMatch = oMatch.value
sMatch = UCase(Mid(sMatch, 2, Len(sMatch)-2))
sLabel = LCase(sMatch)
sResource = GetResource(sLabel)
If err = 0 Then
sMatch = sResource
ElseIf err = VBEXPECTED Then
sMatch = "<" & sMatch & ">"
Raise Err
End If
oExRplaceVarNamXp.Pattern = oMatch.value
sLine = oExRplaceVarNamXp.Replace(sLine, sMatch)
WScript.echo sLine
End sub
<script language="VBScript">
Option Explicit
Dim spUser, spPassword, opNetwork
spUser = CStr(GetResource("user"))
spPassword = CStr(GetResource("password"))
set opNetwork=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.network")
Dim spDefaultComputerName, spDefaultUser
Dim cDebug
Dim KeyedArg
Dim tPLocator
Dim spComputerName
Dim tPService
Dim sPQryStr
Dim tPBootSet, tPBoot
Dim sPSelfScript
Dim sPSafeBootLabel, uPSafeBootLabel
Dim sPDoBoot
Dim psMaskSwitch
Dim npChange
Dim nTSafePos
Dim nTCurPos
Dim poKnownSwitchRegEx, psMaskKnownSwitch
Dim poBadSwitchRegEx, psMaskBadSwitch
Dim issSwitches
Dim nLCnt
Dim tpBootOptRegEx
Dim sTStartupOption
Dim isMatches
' On Error resume next
cDebug = cBool(GetResource("cDebug"))
ReDim objArgs(0)
sPSelfScript = WScript.ScriptName
Set poKnownSwitchRegEx = New RegExp
Set poBadSwitchRegEx = New RegExp
psMaskKnownSwitch = "[-/][hdrup]$"
poKnownSwitchRegEx.Global = True
poKnownSwitchRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
poKnownSwitchRegEx.Pattern = psMaskKnownSwitch
psMaskBadSwitch = "[-/][^hdrlbup]"
poBadSwitchRegEx.Global = True
poBadSwitchRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
poBadSwitchRegEx.Pattern = psMaskBadSwitch
For nLCnt = 0 to Wscript.arguments.count-1
ReDim Preserve objArgs(nLCnt)
objArgs(nLCnt) = Wscript.arguments.Item(nLCnt)
If Not IsEmpty(objArgs) Then
For nLCnt = 0 to Ubound(objArgs)
set issSwitches = poBadSwitchRegEx.Execute(objArgs(nLCnt))
If 0 <> issSwitches.Count Then
WScript.StdErr.Write _
sPSelfScript & _
": unrecognized command line argument: " & _
objArgs(nLCnt) & _
End If
set issSwitches = Nothing
set issSwitches = poKnownSwitchRegEx.Execute(objArgs(nLCnt))
If 0 <> issSwitches.Count Then
KeyedArg = Mid(issSwitches(0),2,1)
If Ucase(KeyedArg) = "H" Then
End If
If Ucase(KeyedArg) = "R" Then
sPDoBoot = 1
End If
If Ucase(KeyedArg) = "D" Then
cDebug = True
End If
End If
End If
If cDebug Then
WScript.echo "cDebug=" & cDebug
End If
spComputerName = ""
spComputerName = WScript.Arguments.Named("b")
If IsEmpty(spComputerName) Then
spComputerName = spDefaultComputerName
sPDoBoot = 1
End If
sPSafeBootLabel = GetResource("Label")
uPSafeBootLabel = WScript.Arguments.Named("l")
If Not IsEmpty(uPSafeBootLabel) Then
sPSafeBootLabel = Ucase(uPSafeBootLabel)
End If
If cDebug Then
WScript.echo _
"Checking boot option labeled: """ & _
sPSafeBootLabel & _
End If
Dim siUser
siUser = WSCript.Arguments.Named("u")
If siUser <> "" Then
spUser = siUser
end If
spDefaultUser = opNetwork.UserName
WSCript.echo spDefaultUser
Dim siPassword
siPassword = WSCript.Arguments.Named("p")
If spPassword <> "" Then
spPassword = siPassword
end If
Set tPlocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
tPlocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate
' wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate constant: 3
' The symbolic constant name is not to be used here. The code
' tPlocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate
' does not work.
If spComputerName = spDefaultComputerName Then
Set tPService = tPlocator.ConnectServer(spDefaultComputerName, "root\CimV2")
If spUser <> spDefaultUser Then
Set tPService = tPlocator.ConnectServer(spComputerName, "root\CimV2", spUser, spPassword)
Set tPService = tPlocator.ConnectServer(spComputerName, "root\CimV2")
End If
End If
If Err Then
WScript.Stderr.write "WBEM provider at " & _
spComputerName & _
".\\root\cimv2 " & _
Err.Number & _
Chr(09) & _
End If
Set tPBoot = tPService.Get("Win32_ComputerSystem.Name="""& _
spComputerName & _
If Err Then
WScript.Stderr.write "WBEM provider at " & _
spComputerName & _
".\\root\cimv2 " & _
Err.Number & _
Chr(09) & _
End If
If cDebug Then
wscript.echo "Looking " & _
sPSafeBootLabel & _
" Boot option of " & _
End If
Set tPBoot = Nothing
Set tPBootSet = tPService._
InstancesOf ("Win32_ComputerSystem")
npChange = 0
Set tpBootOptRegEx = New RegExp
tpBootOptRegEx.Global = True
tpBootOptRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
tpBootOptRegEx.Pattern = sPSafeBootLabel
For Each tPBoot in tPBootSet
If cDebug = True Then
wscript.echo "Obtained " & _
End If
if VBNull = VarType(tPBoot.SystemStartupOptions) Then
WScript.echo "Fatal: invalid data in Win32_ComputerSystem.SystemStartupOptions"
WScript.echo "Giving up"
nTSafePos = 0
nTCurPos = 0
For Each sTStartupOption in tPBoot.SystemStartupOptions
If cDebug = True Then
wscript.echo "Checking in SystemStartupOptions:" & _
End If
Set isMatches = tpBootOptRegEx.Execute(sTStartupOption)
If isMatches.count <> 0 Then
nTSafePos = nTCurPos
npChange = 1
End If
nTCurPos = nTCurPos + 1
End If
ShowStatus npChange, nTSafePos
If nTSafePos <> 0 Then
Set tPBootSet = Nothing
Set tPBootSet = tPService._
ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
for each tPBoot in tPBootSet
tPBoot.SystemStartupSetting = nTSafePos
If cDebug Then
WScript.Echo "Boot up default OS changed to " & sPSafeBootLabel
End If
Set tPBootSet = Nothing
End If
If sPDoBoot Then
If cDebug Then
WSCript.echo "Booting " & spComputerName
End If
sPQryStr = "SELECT * FROM " & _
"Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE PRIMARY = true"
Set tPBootSet = tPService._
ExecQuery(sPQryStr, _
if cDebug = True Then
WScript.echo TypeName(tPBootSet)
WScript.echo tPBootSet.Count
End If
For Each tPBoot In tPBootSet
Set tPBootSet = Nothing
End If
Sub ShowStatus(npChange, nTSafePos)
If npChange = 0 Then
If cDebug Then
WScript.echo sPSafeBootLabel & _
" not found " &_
VbCrLf &_
"Giving up"
End If
End If
If nTSafePos = 0 Then
WScript.echo "Don't need switch boot OS:" & _
VbCrLf & Chr(09) & sPSafeBootLabel & _
" is the current default" & VbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
If nTSafePos <> 0 Then
If cDebug Then
WScript.echo "Found " & _
sPSafeBootLabel & _
" Boot option (" & _
nTSafePos & _
"), switching to it"
End If
End If
End Sub