Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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259 lines
5.8 KiB

@echo off
rem --------------------------------------------
rem Forced source depot sync utility v1.0 (fsds)
rem Created by: karolk
rem Last modified: 1/8/03
rem Componenets: fsds.cmd (this file)
rem --------------------------------------------
echo Forced source depot sync utility v1.0
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
rem Start of main script
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
rem -----------
rem Preparation
rem -----------
set suberror=
rem ---------------------------------
rem Processing command line arguments
rem ---------------------------------
if "%1"=="" goto :ArgsDone
if "%1"=="/h" goto :DisplayUsage
if "%1"=="-h" goto :DisplayUsage
if "%1"=="/?" goto :DisplayUsage
if "%1"=="-?" goto :DisplayUsage
call :ProcessArg %1
if /i "%suberror%"=="true" goto :exit
set suberror=
goto :CmdArgs
rem --------------
rem Error checking
rem --------------
if not exist %SDXROOT%\sd.map goto :nosdmap
rem ----------------------------------------
rem Get the list of depots into ListedDepots
rem ----------------------------------------
set ListedDepots=
set isDepot=false
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims== " %%i in (%SDXROOT%\sd.map) do (
if /i "!isDepot!"=="true" (
if /i "%%i"=="#" set isDepot=false
if /i "!isDepot!"=="true" set ListedDepots=!ListedDepots! %%j
if /i "!isDepot!"=="false" (
if /i "%%j"=="-------------------" set isDepot=true
echo Depots enlisted on this machine:
echo --------------------------------
for %%i in (%ListedDepots%) do echo * %%i
rem --------------------------------------------
rem Nothing specified, everything will be synced
rem --------------------------------------------
set SyncedDepots=%ListedDepots%
rem -----------------------
rem Single depot specified?
rem -----------------------
if NOT "%SingleDepot%"=="" (
set SyncedDepots=
call :CheckDepot %SingleDepot%
if /i "%suberror%"=="true" goto :exit
set suberror=
set SyncedDepots=%SingleDepot%
rem ------------------
rem Restart specified?
rem ------------------
if NOT "%RestartDepot%"=="" (
set SyncedDepots=
call :CheckDepot %RestartDepot%
if /i "%suberror%"=="true" goto :exit
set suberror=
set foundinlist=
for %%i in (%SyncedDepots%) do (
if /i "%%i"=="%RestartDepot%" set foundinlist=true
if /i "!foundinlist!"=="true" set SyncedDepots=!SyncedDepots! %%i
echo Depots to be syncronized on this machine:
echo -----------------------------------------
for %%i in (%SyncedDepots%) do echo * %%i
rem ------------------------
rem Full syncing the machine
rem ------------------------
echo Full syncing this machine...
start /wait /min cmd /c %RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\fullsync.cmd
rem ------------------------------------
rem Reverting open files on this machine
rem ------------------------------------
echo Reverting open files on this machine...
start /wait /min cmd /c %RazzleToolPath%\sdx.cmd revert ...
rem ---------------------
rem Processing each depot
rem ---------------------
echo Syncing out-of-date files in ...
for %%i in (%SyncedDepots%) do (
if exist %SDXROOT%\%%i (
cd /d %SDXROOT%\%%i
echo ... %SDXROOT%\%%i:
sd diff -sE | sd -x - sync -f
) else (
echo Could not find %SDXROOT%\%%i - skipped
goto :exit
rem -------
rem clenaup
rem -------
goto :EOF
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
rem End of main script
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
rem +=+=+=+=+=+
rem Subroutines
rem +=+=+=+=+=+
rem --------------------------------
rem Processing one cmd line argument
rem --------------------------------
set suberror=
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%i in ("%1") do (
if "%%i"=="-s" (
if "%%j"=="" goto :MissingParam %%i
if not "%RestartDepot%"=="" goto :BothSpecified
set SingleDepot=%%j
goto :EOF
if "%%i"=="/s" (
if "%%j"=="" goto :MissingParam %%i
if not "%RestartDepot%"=="" goto :BothSpecified
set SingleDepot=%%j
goto :EOF
if "%%i"=="-r" (
if "%%j"=="" goto :MissingParam %%i
if not "%SingleDepot%"=="" goto :BothSpecified
set RestartDepot=%%j
goto :EOF
if "%%i"=="/r" (
if "%%j"=="" goto :MissingParam %%i
if not "%SingleDepot%"=="" goto :BothSpecified
set RestartDepot=%%j
goto :EOF
goto :IncorrectSwitch %%i
goto :EOF
rem -------------------------
rem Check depot in depot list
rem -------------------------
set ValidDepot=
for %%i in (%ListedDepots%) do if /i "%1"=="%%i" goto :EOF
goto :InvalidDepot %1
goto :EOF
echo Diffs and forced syncs all enlited or the secified depot(s) on this machine
echo fsds.cmd [-s:depotname ^| -b:depotname]
echo -s:depotname Runs only for the specified (single) depot.
echo The 'depotname' depot must be enlisted on this machine.
echo -r:depotname Run restarts at the specified depot. Use this command to
echo resume the execution if the command previously was stopped.
echo The 'depotname' depot must be enlisted on this machine.
echo Running the command without parameters will force sync all enlisted depots.
goto :exit
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=
rem Error Handlers
rem +=+=+=+=+=+=+=
echo Could not find sd.map exiting
goto :exit
echo Missing paramater for the '%1' switch
set suberror=true
goto :EOF
echo Incorrect switch: '%1'
set suberror=true
goto :EOF
echo Both '-s' and '-r' switches are specified. Please specify only one of them
set suberror=true
goto :EOF
echo The specified depot '%1' is not listed in SD.MAP
set suberror=true
goto :EOF