Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3548 lines
126 KiB

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: muimake.pm
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Purpose: This script creates the mui satallite dlls
# Version: 1.00 (09/2/2000) : (dmiura) Inital port from win2k
# Set Package
package muimake;
# Set the script name
$ENV{script_name} = 'muimake.pm';
# Set version
$VERSION = '1.00';
# Set required perl version
require 5.003;
# Use section
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" };
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use ParseArgs;
use GetParams;
use LocalEnvEx;
use Logmsg;
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
use HashText;
use ParseTable;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use Cwd;
use DirHandle;
# Require section
require Exporter;
# Global variable section
sub Main {
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# Begin Main code section
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# Return when you want to exit on error
# <Implement your code here>
# Make sure that text written to STDOUT and STDERR is displayed in correct order
# $| = 1;
# Check environment variables
if (!&CheckEnv()) {
wrnmsg ("The environment is not correct for MUI build.");
return 1;
# Define some constants
if (!&DefineConstants()) {
errmsg ("The constants could not be defined.");
return 0;
# Get language's LCID and ISO code
if (!&GetCodes()) {
errmsg ("The language's LCID and ISO code could note be extracted from the CODEFILE.");
return 0;
# Make sure directories exist
if (!&CheckDirs()) {
errmsg ("The required directorys do not exist.");
return 0;
# Update mui.inf with the current build number
if (!&UpdateMuiinf()) {
errmsg ("mui.inf could not be updated with the correct build number.");
# Note: We also extract US binaries for the purpose of adding resource checksum
# Extract files listed in extracts.txt
if (!&ExtractCabFiles()) {
errmsg ("The files listed in extracts.txt could not be extracted.");
#Add *.MSI to extracted
#Note: We also extract US binaries for the purpose of adding resource checksum
if (!&ExtractMSIFiles()) {
errmsg("The files listed in extmsi.txt could not be extracted.");
# Get (filtered) contents of source directory
if (!&MakeSourceFileList()) {
errmsg ("Could not get the filtered contents of the source directory.");
# Generate resource dlls from the files in the source file list
if (!&GenResDlls()) {
errmsg ("");
# Rename the files listed in renfile.txt
if (!&RenameRenfiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# Copy over the files listed in copyfile.txt
# We also add resource checksum to the files
if (!&CopyCopyfiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# Copy over the files from \mui\drop
if (!&CopyDroppedfiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# Copy over the updated server files
if (!&CopyServerFiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# Delete the files listed in delfile.txt
if (!&DeleteDelfiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# BUG BUG: this is a temporary hack to get past the fact that uddi mui package has a file bullet.gif
# that exists both under locbin and where uddi files are supposed to be picked up, we make a copy of this file
# and rename it to bulletuddi.gif and will rename it back to bullet.gif during mui installation (uddimui.inf)
if (!&CopyRenameUDDIFile()) {
errmsg ("");
# Note: We also extract US binaries for the purpose of adding resource checksum
# Copy over components' files to a separate directory
if (!&CopyComponentfiles()) {
errmsg ("");
# BUG BUG: delete the file we just renamed for uddi
if (!&DeleteRenameUDDIFile()) {
errmsg ("");
# Compress the resource dlls (& CHM/CHQ/CNT files)
if (!&CompressResDlls()) {
errmsg ("");
# Fusion team has changed its MUI manifest implementation
# Copy fusion files
# if (!&CopyFusionFiles ("$_NTPOSTBLD\\asms", "$TARGETDIR\\asms") ||
# !&CopyFusionFiles ("$_NTPOSTBLD\\asms", "$COMPDIR\\asms")) {
# errmsg("");
# }
# Copy MUI tools to release share
if (!&CopyMUIRootFiles()) {
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# End Main code section
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# <Implement your subs here>
sub muimake {
logmsg("This is a muimake test message");
return 0;
sub CopyRenameUDDIFile {
logmsg ("Renaming and copying $UDDIORIGFILE --> $UDDIRENAMEFILE.");
$status = system("copy /Y $UDDIORIGFILE $UDDIRENAMEFILE");
if($status) {
logmsg ("WARNING: Copy/Rename $UDDIORIGFILE --> $UDDIRENAMEFILE failed!");
return 1;
sub DeleteRenameUDDIFile {
logmsg ("Deleting $UDDIRENAMEFILE file.");
$status = system("del /F /Q $UDDIRENAMEFILE");
if($status) {
logmsg ("WARNING: cannot find $UDDIRENAMEFILE to delete!");
return 1;
# CheckEnv - validates necessary environment variables
sub CheckEnv {
logmsg ("Validating the environment.");
# if ($LANG=~/psu/i || $LANG=~/gb/i || $LANG=~/ca/i)
# {
# $_NTPOSTBLD="$ENV{_NTPostBld_Bak}\\psu";
# }
# logmsg ("Reset _NTPostBld for PSU to $_NTPOSTBLD");
if ($LANG=~/psu_(.*)/i)
elsif ($LANG=~/psu/i || $LANG=~/mir/i || $LANG=~/FE/i)
if (defined( $ENV{"LANG_MUI"} ) )
elsif ($LANG=~/psu/i)
elsif ($LANG=~/FE/i)
logmsg ("------- special lang is $Special_Lang");
if ($ENV{_BuildArch}=~/x86/i) {
} else {
if ($ENV{_BuildType} =~ /^chk$/i) {
wrnmsg ("This does not run on chk machines");
return 0;
if(defined($SAFEMODE=$ENV{SAFEMODE})) {
logmsg ("SAFEMODE is ON");
logmsg ("Success: Validating the environment.");
return 1;
} # CheckEnv
# DefineConstants - defines global constants
sub DefineConstants {
my ($layout);
logmsg ("Definition of global constants.");
# Directories
$MUI_VALUEADD_DIR = "valueadd";
$MUI_NETFX_DIR = "netfx"; # .net framework folder name
$MUI_RELEASE_DIR = "$MUIDIR\\release\\$_BuildArch_Release\\Temp"; # changing this to hide the classic muisetup packages
$MUI_RELEASE_DIR2 = "$MUIDIR\\release\\$_BuildArch_Release";
$CONTROLDIR = "$MUIDIR\\control";
$TMPDIR = "$MUIDIR\\$Special_Lang\\tmp";
$MSIDIR = "$MUIDIR\\msi";
$RESDIR = "$MUIDIR\\$Special_Lang\\res";
$TARGETDIR = "$MUIDIR\\$Special_Lang\\$_BuildArch.uncomp";
#$COMPDIR = "$MUIDIR\\$Special_Lang\\$_BuildArch";
$IE5DIR = "$MUIDIR\\drop\\ie5";
# Filenames
$INFFILE = "$MUIDIR\\mui.inf";
$COPYFILE = "$CONTROLDIR\\copyfile.txt";
$DELFILE = "$CONTROLDIR\\delfile.txt";
$EXTFILE= "$CONTROLDIR\\extracts.txt";
$RENFILE = "$CONTROLDIR\\renfile.txt";
$COMPEXCLUDEFILE = "$CONTROLDIR\\compexclude.txt";
$UDDIORIGFILE = "$LOCBINDIR\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\images\\bullet.gif";
$UDDIRENAMEFILE = "$LOCBINDIR\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\images\\bulletuddi.gif";
$layout = GetCDLayOut();
$COMPDIR = "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$Special_Lang\.mui\\$_BuildArch";
# Other Constants
if($_BuildArch =~ /i386/i) {
$MACHINE = "IX86";
elsif ($_BuildArch =~ /ia64/i) {
$MACHINE = "IA64";
if ($LANG =~ /^(ARA|HEB)$/i) {
$RESOURCE_TYPES = "2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 14 16 HTML MOFDATA 23 240 1024 2110";
else {
$RESOURCE_TYPES = "4 5 6 9 10 11 16 HTML MOFDATA 23 240 1024 2110";
logmsg ("Success: Definition of global constants.");
if ($BuildChecksum) {
if (! -d $USBINDIR) {
logmsg("Build Resource Checksum is enabled but $USBINDIR doesn't exist");
$WorkTempFolder ="$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang\\RCCheckSumFiles";
$MSITemp ="$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang\\msitemp";
# Read renfile.txt into hash so that we may access in muibld() quickly
ParseTable::parse_table_file($RENFILE, \%Global_RenFiles);
return 1;
} # DefineConstants
# GetCodes - gets the language's LCID and ISO language code from CODEFILE
sub GetCodes {
logmsg ("Get the language's LCID and ISO language code form CODEFILE.");
# Don't allow nec_98 or CHT to be processed!
if($Special_Lang =~ /^(NEC_98|CHT)$/i) {
logmsg ("No MUI available for $Special_Lang");
exit 0;
# Search CODEFILE for $Special_Lang, $LCID, $LANG_ISO, etc.
if(!open(CODEFILE, "$CODEFILE")) {
errmsg ("Can't open lcid file $CODEFILE for reading.");
return 0;
if (/^$Special_Lang\s+/i) {
@data = split(/\s+/,$_);
if(!@data) {
logmsg ("$Special_Lang is an unknown language");
return 0;
$LCID = $data[2];
$LCID_SHORT =~ s/^0x//;
$LANG_ISO = $data[8];
$GUID = $data[11];
$LANG_NAME = $data[$#data]; # The comments are the last column
logmsg ("Success: Get the language's LCID and ISO language code form CODEFILE.");
return 1;
} # GetCodes
# CheckDirs - makes sure that the necessary directories exist
sub CheckDirs {
logmsg ("Make sure the necessary directories exist.");
# Make sure the source directories exist
if(! -e $_) {
logmsg ("$0: ERROR: $_ does not exist");
return 0;
# Make sure destination directories exist
if(! -e $_) {
$status = system("md $_");
if($status) {
logmsg ("$0: ERROR: cannot create $_");
return 0;
logmsg ("Success: Make sure the necessary directories exist.");
return 1;
} # CheckDirs
# UpdateMuiinf - updates mui.inf with current build number, and insert the filelayout from layout.inx
sub UpdateMuiinf {
logmsg ("Update mui.inf with the current build number.");
my(@inf_contents, $build_section, $build_line_found,
my($filelayout_section, $bInFileLayoutSection, $tempFile, $genfilelayoutCmd, @newFileLayout);
# Get current build number
my $filename="$LOGS\\buildname.txt";
open (BUILDNAME, "< $filename") or die "Can't open $filename for reading: $!\n";
while (<BUILDNAME>) {
$BLDNO = $_;
$BLDNO =~ s/\.[\w\W]*//i;
if ($BLDNO =~ /(^\d+)-*\d*$/) {
$BLDNO = $1;
errmsg ("$BLDNO");
return 0;
if(!open(INFFILE, $INFFILE)) {
errmsg ("Cannot open $INFFILE for reading.");
return 0;
@inf_contents = <INFFILE>;
# Modify contents in memory
$build_section = 0;
$build_line_found = 0;
$filelayout_section = "[File_Layout]";
$bInFileLayoutSection = 0;
foreach (@inf_contents) {
# update the flag if we have exited the filelayout inf section
if ($bInFileLayoutSection)
# if we encounter a new section, we know that we have exited the filelayout section
if (/^\[\w+\]$/)
$bInFileLayoutSection = 0;
logmsg("Finished reading existing [File_Layout] section.");
# If we find [Buildnumber] we're in the build_section.
if(/^\[Buildnumber\]$/ && !$build_section) {
$build_section = 1;
# If we find <something>=1 within the build section, replace
# with $BLDNO and mark the end of the build section.
elsif($build_section && /^(.*)=1$/) {
$build_line_found = 1;
$build_section = 0;
# flag it if we are entering file layout section
if (/^\[File_Layout\]$/)
logmsg("mui.inf contains a [File_Layout] section, deleting this section and generating a new one dynamically.");
$bInFileLayoutSection = 1;
# we don't copy the current filelayout section contents, we will
# generate it later dynamically
if (!$bInFileLayoutSection)
push(@new_contents, $_);
$tempFile = "$MSIDIR\\flayout.txt";
$infDir = "$ENV{SDXROOT}\\MergedComponents\\SetupInfs";
$layoutinxFile = "$infDir\\layout.inx";
$layouttxtFile = "$infDir\\usa\\layout.txt";
# call genfilelayout.pl to generate a new filelayoutsection
if(-e "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\PostBuildScripts\\genfilelayout.pm") {
logmsg ("perl $ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\PostBuildScripts\\GenFileLayout.pm $layoutinxFile $layouttxtFile $USBINDIR > $tempFile");
$returnResult = system ("perl $ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\PostBuildScripts\\GenFileLayout.pm $layoutinxFile $layouttxtFile $USBINDIR > $tempFile");
if ($returnResult)
logmsg("GenFileLayout.pm ERROR: unable to generate a new [File_Layout] section for mui.inf!");
return 0;
errmsg("Cannot find genfilelayout.pm script! cannot update mui.inf filelayout section!");
return 0;
# copy the generated file_layout section into the new mui.inf content array
if(!open(INFFILE, $tempFile)) {
errmsg ("Cannot open $tempFile for reading.");
return 0;
@newFileLayout = <INFFILE>;
push(@new_contents, "\n");
push(@new_contents, "$filelayout_section\n");
foreach (@newFileLayout) {
push(@new_contents, $_);
# If no build line was found, the format is wrong - error msg and exit
if(!$build_line_found) {
errmsg ("$INFFILE doesnt have the expected format.");
logmsg ("Looking for:");
logmsg ("[Buildnumber]");
logmsg ("<something>=1");
return 0;
# Overwrite $INFFILE (mui.inf) always - we need to do this to update the filelayout section
if(!open(INFFILE, ">$INFFILE")) {
errmsg ("Cannot open $INFFILE for writing.");
return 0;
print INFFILE @new_contents;
# Confirm the update
logmsg ("$INFFILE successfully updated with Build Number = $BLDNO");
logmsg ("$INFFILE successfully updated with the generated [File_Layout] section in $tempFile.");
return 1;
} # UpdateMuiinf
# Ie5Mui - creates a language-specific version of ie5ui.inf
sub Ie5Mui {
logmsg ("Create a language-specific version of ie5ui.inf");
my(@new_inf, $input_file, $output_file);
$input_file = "$IE5FILE";
$output_file = "$IE5DIR\\ie5ui.inf";
# Check existence of input file
if(!-e $input_file) {
errmsg ("Can't find $input_file.");
logmsg ("$output_file not created.");
return 0;
# If the output file already exists and is newer than
# the input file, return. (Unless the FORCE option has been set)
if(-e $output_file) {
if($VERBOSE) {
logmsg ("$output_file already exists.");
if(&ModAge($output_file) <= &ModAge($input_file)) {
if($VERBOSE) {
logmsg ("$output_file is newer than $input_file");
if(!$FORCE) {
if($VERBOSE) {
logmsg ("$output_file will not be overwritten.");
logmsg ("Success: Create a language-specific version of ie5ui.inf");
return 1;
else {
if($VERBOSE) {
logmsg ("FORCE option is ON - overwriting anyway.");
if(!open(INPUTFILE, "$input_file")) {
errmsg ("Cannot open $input_file for reading.");
logmsg ("$output_file not created.");
return 0;
while (<INPUTFILE>) {
# Replace the human readable language names
# Replace the GUIDs
# Replace the iso language IDs
# Replace the LCIDS
# Remove the SourceDiskName
s/"Internet Explorer UI Satellite Kit"//g;
push(@new_inf, $_);
# Special case for Japanese
if($LANG_ISO eq "JA") {
push(@new_inf, "\n\[Run.MSGotUpd\]\n");
push(@new_inf, "%49501%\\MUI\\0411\\msgotupd.exe \/q\n");
# Display and log any errors
# (if @new_inf has 2 lines or less, it's probably an error)
if(scalar(@new_inf) <= 2) {
errmsg ("Error from $CONTROLDIR\\ie5mui.pl");
foreach (@new_inf) {
logmsg ($_);
logmsg ("$output_file not created");
return 0;
# Write the output of ie5mui.pl to ie5ui.inf
if(!open(OUTFILE,">$output_file")) {
errmsg ("Can't open $output_file for writing.");
logmsg ("$output_file not created.");
return 0;
print OUTFILE @new_inf;
logmsg ("$output_file successfully created.");
logmsg ("Success: Create a language-specific version of ie5ui.inf");
return 1;
} # Ie5Mui
# ExtractCabFiles - extracts files listed in extracts.txt from their cabfiles.
sub ExtractCabFiles {
logmsg ("Extract files listed in extracts.txt from their cabfiles.");
my($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_extracts);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("MUI Cab File Extraction");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Extract files from their cabfiles
($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_extracts) = &ExtractFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $EXTFILE, 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in:....................($total_extracts)");
logmsg (" $EXTFILE");
logmsg ("Number of files extracted to:.......................($files_extracted)");
logmsg (" $TARGETDIR");
logmsg ("Number of errors:...................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # ExtractFiles
# ExtractMSIFiles - extracts msi files listed in extmsi.txt from their cabfiles.
sub ExtractMSIFiles {
logmsg ("Extract files listed in extracts.txt from their cabfiles.");
my($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_extracts);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("MUI .MSI File Extraction");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Extract files from their msifiles
($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_extracts) = &ExtractMSICabFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $EXTMSIFILE, 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in:....................($total_extracts)");
logmsg (" $EXTMSIFILE");
logmsg ("Number of files extracted to:.......................($files_extracted)");
logmsg (" $TARGETDIR");
logmsg ("Number of errors:...................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # ExtractMSIFiles
# MakeSourceFileList - gets list of appropriate files to process
sub MakeSourceFileList {
logmsg ("Get list of appropriate files to process.");
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("MUI Resource-only dll Generation");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Get contents of source directory
if(!opendir(LOCBINDIR, $LOCBINDIR)) {
errmsg ("Can't open $LOCBINDIR");
return 0;
@files = grep !/\.(gpd|icm|ppd|bmp|txt|cab|cat|hlp|chm|chq|cnt|mfl)$/i, readdir LOCBINDIR;
if(!opendir(TMPDIR, $TMPDIR)) {
errmsg ("Can't open $TMPDIR");
return 0;
@files2 = grep !/\.(gpd|icm|ppd|bmp|txt|cab|cat|hlp|chm|chq|cnt|mfl)$/i, readdir TMPDIR;
# Filter out non-binaries, store in global @FILE_LIST
# (muibld.exe gives errors on text files, and produces annoying
# pop-up dialogs for directories)
@FILE_LIST = ();
foreach (@files) {
if(-B "$LOCBINDIR\\$_") {
push(@FILE_LIST, "$LOCBINDIR\\$_");
foreach (@files2) {
if(-B "$TMPDIR\\$_") {
push(@FILE_LIST, "$TMPDIR\\$_");
# Append fusion files
# @Fusion_filelist = `dir /s /b $_NTPOSTBLD\\asms\\*.dll $_NTPOSTBLD\\asms\\*.exe`;
# foreach $filename (@Fusion_filelist)
# {
# chomp ($filename);
# push(@FILE_LIST, $filename);
# }
logmsg ("Success: Get list of appropriate files to process.");
return 1;
} # MakeSourceFileList
# GenResDlls - loops over the file list, performs muibld, and logs output
sub GenResDlls {
logmsg ("Loop over the file list, perform muibld, and log output");
my($error, $resdlls_created, @resdlls, $total_resdlls);
# Process each (binary) file in the source directory
$resdlls_created = 0;
foreach $_ (@FILE_LIST) {
$error = &MuiBld($_);
if(!$error) {
# Get total number of resource-only dlls in destination directory
if(!opendir(TARGETDIR, $TARGETDIR)) {
wrnmsg ("WARNING: Can't open $TARGETDIR");
@resdlls = grep /\.mui$/, readdir TARGETDIR;
$total_resdlls = scalar(@resdlls);
# Final messages
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
logmsg ("Number of resource-only dlls created in:...........($resdlls_created)");
logmsg (" $TARGETDIR");
logmsg ("Total number of resource-only dlls in:.............($total_resdlls)");
logmsg (" $TARGETDIR");
return 1;
sub FindOriginalFile {
my ($filename);
my ($original_file);
($filename) = @_;
# If the US file exists and checksum feature is enabled, add the -c to muibld to embed the checksum.
# The original file is the US English version of the file that $source file is localized against.
$original_file = "$USBINDIR\\$filename";
if (-e $original_file) {
return $original_file;
# We also extract nonlocalized files to $original_file_Unl (.cab , .msi)
else {
# Check if the original file exists in %_NTTREE%\<LANG>\
$original_file = "$USBINDIR\\$LANG\\$filename";
if (-e $original_file) {
return $original_file;
} else {
# Check if the original file exists in %_NTTREE%\lang\<LANG>\
$original_file = $USBINDIR . "\\lang\\$LANG\\$filename";
if (-e $original_file) {
return $original_file;
return "";
sub ExecuteProgram {
$Last_Command = shift;
@Last_Output = `$Last_Command`;
chomp $_ foreach ( @Last_Output );
return $Last_Output[0];
# MuiBld - creates a resource dll for the input file, using muibld.exe
# and link (but not if the corresponding resource dll already exists and is
# newer than the input file).
sub MuiBld {
# logmsg ("MUI build creates the resource dll's");
my ($filename, $source, $resource, $resdll, $status, @stat, $resdll_time,
$source_time, $muibld_command, $link_command, @trash);
my ($original_file, $file_ver_string, $machine_flag, $MyFilenName);
$source = shift;
# Make sure target folder exist before calling MUIBLD and LINK
if ($source =~ /\Q$LOCBINDIR\E\\(.*)/) {
$filename = $1;
$resource = "$RESDIR\\$1.res";
$resdll = "$TARGETDIR\\$1.mui";
if($resource =~ /(^\S+)\\([^\\]+)$/) {
mkdir($1, 0777);
if($resdll =~ /(^\S+)\\([^\\]+)$/) {
mkdir($1, 0777);
else {
errmsg ("$source: invalid file");
return 0;
# If the source doesn't exist, return.
if(! -e $source) {
logmsg ("warning: $source not found");
return 1;
# If the corresponding resource dll already exists and is newer than
# the input file, return. (Unless the FORCE option has been set)
if( -e $resdll && !$FORCE) {
if(&ModAge($resdll) <= &ModAge($source)) {
if($VERBOSE) {
logmsg ("$source: $resdll already exists and is newer; conversion not performed.");
return 0;
# Construct muibld command
$muibld_command = "muibld.exe -l $LCID -i $RESOURCE_TYPES $source $resource 2>&1";
if ($BuildChecksum) {
# Important: Check if this file is listed in renfile.txt. If it's the case, we should use renamed file name as key
# to find original file(unlocalized file)
if (&IsWin32File($filename) && defined ($Global_RenFiles{ $MyFilenName}) )
$MyFileName = $Global_RenFiles{$MyFilenName}{DestFile};
if ($MyFileName =~ /(.*)\.mu_/i ||$MyFileName =~ /(.*)\.mui/i ) {
$MyFileName = $1;
$original_file = &FindOriginalFile($MyFileName);
else {
$original_file = &FindOriginalFile($filename);
if ($original_file =~ /\w+/) {
$muibld_command = "muibld.exe -c $original_file -l $LCID -i $RESOURCE_TYPES $source $resource 2>&1";
} else {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: The US version of this file ($original_file) is not found. Resource checksum is not included.");
} else {
# If SAFEMODE is on, just print muibld command
print "$muibld_command\n";
$status = 0;
# Execute muibld.exe for the appropriate language, localized binary, and
# resource file.
else {
# Execute command
@trash = `$muibld_command`;
$status = $?/256;
# Display warnings from muibld.exe
if($VERBOSE) {
if($status >= 100) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: SYSTEM ERROR $status");
last SWITCH;
if($status >= 7) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: TOO FEW ARGUMENTS");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 6) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: NO LANGUAGE_SPECIFIED");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 5) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: NO TARGET");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 4) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: NO SOURCE");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 3) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: LANGUAGE NOT IN SOURCE");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 2) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: NO RESOURCES");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 1) {
wrnmsg ("$source: muibld.exe: ONLY VERSION STAMP");
last SWITCH;
# Construct link command
$machine_flag = $MACHINE;
if ($MACHINE =~ /IA64/i && $original_file =~ /\w+/i) {
$file_ver_string = &ExecuteProgram("filever $original_file");
if ($file_ver_string =~ /i64/i) {
$machine_flag = "IA64";
else {
$machine_flag = "IX86";
$link_command = "link /noentry /dll /nologo /nodefaultlib /machine:$machine_flag /out:$resdll $resource";
# If SAFEMODE is on, just print link command
print "$link_command\n";
# If muibld.exe command failed, then the $status is non-zero.
# Return $status to parent routine.
if($status) {
return $status;
# If the muibld.exe command was successful, execute link.exe for
# the appropriate resource file and resource-only-dll.
elsif( !$status ) {
$? = 0; # Reset system error variable
# Execute command
$message = `$link_command`;
# Display error messages from link.exe
if($message =~ /^LINK : (.*:.*)$/) {
if($VERBOSE) {
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: $1");
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: $1");
return 0;
elsif($?) {
$status = $?/256;
if($status) {
if($VERBOSE) {
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: SYSTEM_ERROR $status");
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: SYSTEM_ERROR $status");
return 0;
elsif(! -e $resdll) {
if($VERBOSE) {
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: $resdll was not created");
wrnmsg ("$source: link.exe: $resdll was not created");
return 0;
else {
logmsg ("$source: created $resdll");
return 0;
return 1;
} # MuiBld
# DeleteDelfiles - deletes files listed in delfile.txt
sub DeleteDelfiles {
my($files_deleted, $file_errors, $total_delfiles);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN delfile.txt file deletes");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Delete each of the files listed in delfile.txt
($files_deleted, $file_errors, $total_delfiles) = &DeleteFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $DELFILE, 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in:....................($total_delfiles)");
logmsg (" $DELFILE");
logmsg ("Number of delfile.txt files deleted from:...........($files_deleted)");
logmsg (" $TARGETDIR");
logmsg ("Number of errors:...................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # DeleteDelfiles
# RenameRenfiles - renames files listed in renfile.txt
sub RenameRenfiles {
my($files_renamed, $file_errors, $total_renfiles);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN renfile.txt file rename");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Rename files listed in renfile.txt
($files_renamed, $file_errors, $total_renfiles) = &RenameFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $RENFILE, 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in:.....................($total_renfiles)");
# logmsg (" $RENFILE");
logmsg ("Number of renfile.txt files renamed:.................($files_renamed)");
logmsg ("Number of errors:....................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # RenameRenfiles
# CompressResDlls - compresses the resource dlls (& hlp|chm files)
sub CompressResDlls {
my(@messages, $status, $exclude, $tmp_compressdir);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN compression");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($COMPEXCLUDEFILE, \%CompExFiles);
# Compress the resource dlls, using compress.exe
@filelist = `dir /a-d/s/b $TARGETDIR\\*.*`;
foreach $file (@filelist) {
chomp $file;
$exclude = "no";
$filename = $file;
$filename =~/(\w*\.\w+)$/;
$filename = $1;
chomp $filename;
if ($file !~ /\w*/) {
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $CompExFile (keys %CompExFiles) {
if ($CompExFiles{$CompExFile}{FileType} =~ /^folder/i && $file =~ /\\$CompExFile\\/i) {
if ($file =~ /\Q$TARGETDIR\E(\S*)\\[^\\]*/) {
$tmp_compressdir = "$COMPDIR$1";
mkdir($tmp_compressdir, 0777);
logmsg ("No compression for:$filename");
logmsg ("Copying $file -> $tmp_compressdir\\$filename");
unless (copy($file, $tmp_compressdir)) {
$exclude = "yes";
} elsif ($filename eq $CompExFile) {
logmsg ("No compression for:$filename");
logmsg ("Copying $file -> $COMPDIR\\$filename");
unless (copy($file, $COMPDIR)) {
$exclude = "yes";
# If not excluded from compression
if ($exclude eq "no") {
$tmp_compressdir = $COMPDIR;
foreach $ComponentFolder (@ComponentFolders) {
# Skip blank
if ($ComponentFolder eq "") {
# If component folder is in the file path
if ($file =~ /\\\Q$ComponentFolder\E\\/i) {
# Filter out component directory
if ($file =~ /\Q$TARGETDIR\E(\S*)\\[^\\]*/) {
# create the directory if needed by appending it part by part
# Append component dir to the compress dir
@dir_parts = split(/\\/, $1);
foreach $subdir (@dir_parts)
$tmp_compressdir = "$tmp_compressdir\\$subdir";
if (!-e $tmp_compressdir)
logmsg("CompressResDlls: Component Directory to create is $tmp_compressdir");
mkdir($tmp_compressdir, 0777);
# Don't compress component's inf files
if ($file =~ /.*\.inf/i && $file !~ /.*\.mui/i) {
logmsg ("No compression for:$file");
logmsg ("Copying $file -> $tmp_compressdir\\$file");
copy($file, $tmp_compressdir);
$exclude = "yes";
# if we encountered a '\' we keep searching for a component directory that matches the everything but the filename
if (scalar(@dir_parts) > 0)
# Starts compression
if ($exclude eq "no") {
$result = `compress.exe -d -zx21 -s -r $file $tmp_compressdir`;
if($?) {
$status = $?/256;
errmsg ("error in compress.exe: $status");
# Print the output of compress.exe
chomp $result;
logmsg ($result);
# Print the output of compress.exe
chomp $result;
logmsg ($result);
logmsg ("Success: Compress the files");
return 1;
} # CompressResDlls
# CopyCopyfiles - copies files listed in copyfile.txt
sub CopyCopyfiles {
my($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN copyfile.txt file copy");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Copy files listed in copyfile.txt to $COMPDIR
# ($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles) = &CopyFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $COPYFILE, 0);
# workaround bug of Xcopy.exe
$src_temp ="$_NTPOSTBLD\.mui.tmp";
if ( -e $src_temp) {
system "rmdir /S /Q $src_temp";
mkdir($src_temp, 0777);
if (-e $src_temp) {
($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles) = &CopyFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$src_temp", $COPYFILE, 0);
unless (system "xcopy /evcirfy $src_temp $dest_final") {
system "rmdir /S /Q $src_temp";
else {
logmsg ("Error: Create temp. folder for work around failed: $src_temp");
($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles) = &CopyFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang", $COPYFILE, 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in:....................($total_copyfiles)");
logmsg (" $COPYFILE");
logmsg ("Number of copyfile.txt files copied to:.............($files_copied)");
logmsg (" $COMPDIR");
logmsg ("Number of errors:...................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # CopyCopyfiles
# CopyDroppedfiles - copies dropped files from \mui\drop
sub CopyDroppedfiles {
my($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN \mui\drop file copy");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
# Copy files from \mui\drop $COMPDIR
($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_copyfiles) = &CopyDropFiles("$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\drop", "$TARGETDIR", 0);
# Final messages
if ($file_errors=~/0/i) {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
} else {
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Failed!");
logmsg ("Total number of files listed in \mui\drop:............($total_copyfiles)");
logmsg ("Number of \mui\drop files copied to:..................($files_copied)");
logmsg (" $COMPDIR");
logmsg ("Number of errors:...................................($file_errors)");
return 1;
} # CopyCopyfiles
# CopyServerFiles - copies dropped files from \mui\drop
sub CopyServerFiles {
my($srvinfpath, $destdir);
$srvinfpath = "$LOCBINDIR\\srvinf";
$destdir = "$TARGETDIR";
# Initial messages
logmsg ("------------------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN Copying .hlp and .chm files from $srvinfpath to $destdir");
logmsg ("------------------------------------------------------------------");
#Copy the files recursivly
if (-e "$srvinfpath")
if (system("copy /Y $srvinfpath\\*.hlp $destdir"))
logmsg("WARNING: CopyServerFiles - copy hlp files failed.");
if (system("copy /Y $srvinfpath\\*.chm $destdir"))
logmsg("WARNING: CopyServerFiles - copy chm files failed.");
logmsg ("WARNING: CopyServerFiles - $srvinfpath does not exist!");
logmsg ("WARNING: CopyServerFiles - Updated server help files may be missing from the MUI build!");
return 1;
} # CopyServerFiles
# Build the hash for the string in [Strings] sections of a INF file
sub BuildUpStringSection
my ($INFPath, $pTheStringSection) = @_;
my (@Items, @StringItems, $Section, $Line, $Counter, $Start_idx,$End_idx);
unless (open(INFILE,$INFPath))
return $Counter;
if ( !&GetTheSection($Section,\@Items,\@StringItems,\$Start_idx,\$End_idx))
return $Counter;
foreach $Line (@StringItems)
if (length($Line) == 0)
if ($Line !~ /\w/)
if (substr($Line,0,1) eq ";")
if ( $Line =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S*)/ )
$$pTheStringSection {$1} = $2;
return $Counter;
sub GetTheSection
my ($SectioName, $pItems, $pSectionContent, $Start_Idx, $End_Idx) = @_;
my ($Idx, $Limit, $InSection, $LeadingChar, $Line, $Pattern, $Result);
$Pattern='^\[' . $SectioName . '\]$';
$$Start_Idx = -1;
$$End_Idx = -1;
for ($Idx=0; $Idx < $Limit; $Idx++)
if ($LeadingChar ne ";")
if ($LeadingChar eq "[")
if ( $Line =~ /$Pattern/i )
if ( ! $InSection)
$InSection = 1;
if ($InSection)
if ($InSection)
if ($$Start_Idx == -1)
if ($InSection && ($$End_Idx== -1 ))
if (($$Start_Idx != -1) && ($$End_Idx != -1))
return $Result;
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# IsFusionResource --- Check if the binary contains fusion resource (#24)
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
sub IsFusionResource
my ($FileName) = @_;
my (@Rsrc_Record,@Qualified,$Num, $Result, $Rsrc_Temp);
$Result = 0;
if (! -e $FileName)
return $Result;
$Rsrc_Temp = $FileName."rsrc.out";
# Call RSRC to check
system("rsrc.exe $FileName >$Rsrc_Temp 2>nul");
unless (open(RSRCFILE, $Rsrc_Temp))
errmsg("Can't open RSRC for $FileName");
return $Result;
close (RSRCFILE);
# Scan the output of rsrc.exe.
@Qualified=grep /^\s{3}18/ , @Rsrc_Record;
if ($Num > 0 )
$Result = 1;
if (-e $Rsrc_Temp)
system("del $Rsrc_Temp");
return $Result;
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# DoMUIizedForFiles --- Do MUI'ization for a localized file
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
sub DoMUIizedForFiles
my ($LocalizedFile,$original_file) = @_;
my ($Result, $Checksum, $muibld_command, $resource, $resdll, @trash, $status);
my ($machine_flag, $file_ver_string, $link_command, $message);
$Result = 0;
if (! -e $LocalizedFile)
return $Result;
if ( ($BuildChecksum) && ($original_file =~ /\w+/) && (-e $original_file))
$resource = "$LocalizedFile.res";
$resdll = "$LocalizedFile.muitmp";
if ($Checksum)
$muibld_command = "muibld.exe -c $original_file -l $LCID -i $RESOURCE_TYPES $LocalizedFile $resource 2>&1";
$muibld_command = "muibld.exe -l $LCID -i $RESOURCE_TYPES $LocalizedFile $resource 2>&1";
@trash = `$muibld_command`;
$status = $?/256;
# Display warnings from muibld.exe
if($status >= 100)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: SYSTEM ERROR $status");
last SWITCH;
if($status >= 7)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: TOO FEW ARGUMENTS");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 6)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: NO LANGUAGE_SPECIFIED");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 5)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: NO TARGET");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 4)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: NO SOURCE");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 3)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: LANGUAGE NOT IN SOURCE");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 2)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: NO RESOURCES");
last SWITCH;
if($status == 1)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: muibld.exe: ONLY VERSION STAMP");
last SWITCH;
if (-e $resource)
system("del $resource");
return $Result;
$machine_flag = $MACHINE;
if ( ($MACHINE =~ /IA64/i) && ($original_file =~ /\w+/i) && (-e $original_file))
$file_ver_string = &ExecuteProgram("filever $original_file");
if ($file_ver_string =~ /i64/i)
$machine_flag = "IA64";
else {
$machine_flag = "IX86";
$link_command = "link /noentry /dll /nologo /nodefaultlib /machine:$machine_flag /out:$resdll $resource";
print "$link_command\n";
$? = 0; # Reset system error variable
# Execute command
$message = `$link_command`;
$Result = 1;
# Display error messages from link.exe
if($message =~ /^LINK : (.*:.*)$/)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: link.exe: $1");
$Result = 0;
$status = $?/256;
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: link.exe: SYSTEM_ERROR $status");
$Result = 0;
elsif(! -e $resdll)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: link.exe: $resdll was not created");
$Result = 0;
logmsg ("$LocalizedFile: created $resdll");
if (-e $resource)
system("del $resource");
if ($Result)
if (system("move/y $resdll $LocalizedFile") != 0)
wrnmsg ("$LocalizedFile: can't move $resdll to $LocalizedFile");
if (-e $resdll)
system("del $resdll");
return $Result;
# CopyIE5files - copies ie5 files over to a separate directory
sub CopyIE5files {
my($ie5_files_copied, $ie5_file_errors, $total_ie5files, $web_files_copied,
$web_file_errors, $total_webfiles, $total_files_in_dir, @files);
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN ie5 file copy");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("Copy files listed in the [Satellite.files.install] section of ie5ui.inf");
$listfile = "$IE5DIR\\ie5ui.inf";
if (-e $listfile) {
$section = "Satellite.files.install";
@filelist = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $listfile $section`;
($ie5_files_copied, $ie5_file_errors, $total_ie5files) = &CopyFileList ("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$_NTPOSTBLD\\mui\\$Special_Lang\\$_BuildArch\\ie5", \%TheStringSection,@filelist);
# BUGBUG - For RTM, ARA/HEB get different *HTT for MUI than for loc build
if($Special_Lang =~ /^(ara|heb)$/i) {
$HTTDIR = "$_NTBINDIR\\loc\\mui\\$Special_Lang\\web";
@messages=`xcopy /vy $HTTDIR\\* $IE5DIR\\ 2>&1`;
logmsg (@messages);
# Final messages
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
logmsg ("Total number of ie5 files listed in:..................($total_ie5files)");
logmsg (" $IE5FILE");
logmsg ("Number of ie5 files copied to:........................($ie5_files_copied)");
logmsg (" $IE5DIR");
logmsg ("Number of ie5 file errors:............................($ie5_file_errors)");
logmsg ("Total number of web files listed in:..................($total_webfiles)");
logmsg (" $IE5FILE");
logmsg ("Number of web files copied to:........................($web_files_copied)");
logmsg (" $IE5DIR");
logmsg ("Number of web file errors:............................($web_file_errors)");
logmsg (" $IE5DIR");
return 1;
} # CopyIE5files
# CopyComponentfiles - copies compoents' files over to a separate directory
# note that this function is changed to now also handle SKU specific components
sub CopyComponentfiles {
my($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files, $total_components, @sku_dirs);
my(%TheStringSection, @OutputMsgs, $INFName, $DupINF);
@sku_dirs = ("", "blainf", "dtcinf", "entinf", "sbsinf", "srvinf"); # we ignore personal builds "perinf" directory
# Initial messages
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("BEGIN component file copy");
logmsg ("--------------------------------------------------------");
logmsg ("Copy files listed in the installation section of component INF file.");
if ($_BuildArch =~ /ia64/i) {
if (-e "$_NTPOSTBLD\\build_logs\\cplocation.txt") {
system "del /f $_NTPOSTBLD\\build_logs\\cplocation.txt";
system "$RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\cplocation.cmd /l:$LANG";
if (-e $INFFILE)
# Get component list from MUI.INF
@filelist = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $INFFILE "Components"`;
$total_components = 0;
foreach $Component (@filelist)
# Format: CompnentName=ComponentDirectory,ComponentINF_FileName,InstallationSection,UninstallationSection
# $1 ComponentName
# $2 ComponentDirectory
# $3 ComponentINF_FileName
# $4 InstallationSection
if ($Component !~ /\w/)
if ($Component =~ /^\s*;/i)
if ($Component =~ /([^\=]*)=([^\,]*),([^\,]*),([^\,]*),(.*)/)
foreach $Sku (@sku_dirs)
logmsg ("Process component : $Component, SKU is $Sku");
# All external components inf files have to be binplaced to mui\drop\[component dir]
# note that there may now be SKU specific sub folders, we will look for them and check
$ComponentName = $1;
if ($Sku eq "")
$ComponentDir = $2;
$ComponentInf = "$MUIDIR\\drop\\$2\\$3";
$ComponentInf = "$MUIDIR\\drop\\$2\\$Sku\\$3";
$ComponentDir = "$2\\$Sku";
logmsg("ComponentDir is $ComponentDir, ComponentInf is $ComponentInf");
$ComponentInstallSection = $4;
if (-e $ComponentInf)
$ComponentFolders[$total_components] = $ComponentDir;
# Comment out those file don't exist
@OutputMsgs=`$RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\comminf.cmd -o:yes -m:$ComponentInf -s:$ComponentInstallSection -d:$DupINF -p:$_NTPOSTBLD`;
# Get INF file default file install section
@ComponentFileInstall = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $ComponentInf $ComponentInstallSection`;
logmsg ("Installing $ComponentInf $ComponentInstallSection");
foreach $ComponentInstall (@ComponentFileInstall)
logmsg ($ComponentInstall);
#Parse CopyFiles list
if ($ComponentInstall =~ /.*CopyFiles.*=(.*)/i)
$ComponentFileCopySections = $1;
#Loop through all sections
while ($ComponentFileCopySections ne "")
if ($ComponentFileCopySections =~ /([^\,]*),(.*)/i)
$ComponentFileCopySections = $2;
$CopyFileSectionName = $1;
$CopyFileSectionName = $ComponentFileCopySections;
$ComponentFileCopySections = "";
# Get copy file list
@ComponentFileList = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $ComponentInf $CopyFileSectionName`;
if($ComponentDir =~ /oemhelp/i)
($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files) = &CopyFileList ("$_NTPOSTBLD\\oem\\help", "$TARGETDIR\\$ComponentDir", \%TheStringSection,@ComponentFileList);
($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files) = &CopyFileList ("$_NTPOSTBLD", "$TARGETDIR\\$ComponentDir", \%TheStringSection,@ComponentFileList);
# BUGBUG - For RTM, ARA/HEB get different *HTT for MUI than for loc build
if(($ComponentName =~ /ie5/i) && ($Special_Lang =~ /^(ara|heb)$/i && $1))
$HTTDIR = "$_NTBINDIR\\loc\\mui\\$Special_Lang\\web";
$IE5DIR = "$MUIDIR\\drop\\ie5";
@messages=`xcopy /vy $HTTDIR\\* $IE5DIR\\ 2>&1`;
logmsg (@messages);
# Final messages
logmsg ("RESULTS: Process Succeeded");
logmsg ("Total number of $ComponentName-$CopyFileSectionName files listed in:..................($total_files)");
logmsg ("Number of $ComponentName-$CopyFileSectionName files copied to:........................($files_copied)");
logmsg ("Number of $ComponentName-$CopyFileSectionName file errors:............................($file_errors)");
logmsg ("Warning: Invalid INF file, please check $Component");
# Always success
return 1;
} # CopyComponentfiles
# Function to copy dropped external partners files
sub CopyDropFiles {
my ($SrcDir, $DestDir, $Incremental);
my (%CopyFiles, @CopyLangs, $files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcDir, $DestDir, $Incremental) = @_;
#Set defaults
$files_copied = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_copied = 0;
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestDir) {
logmsg("Make dir:$DestDir");
#Copy the files recursivly
system "xcopy /verifky $SrcDir $DestDir";
#Copy fusion manifest files
if (-e "$DestDir\\asms") {
#Remove previous copied files
system "rd /s /q $DestDir\\asms";
if (-e "$SrcDir\\asms\\$Special_Lang") {
logmsg("Copy fusion manifest files");
system "xcopy /verifky $SrcDir\\asms\\$Special_Lang $DestDir\\asms";
system "xcopy /verifky $SrcDir\\asms\\$Special_Lang $COMPDIR\\asms";
else {
logmsg("Warning: fusion $SrcDir\\asms\\$Special_Lang not found");
return ($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied);
sub CopyFusionFiles
my ($SrcDir, $DestDir);
my ($filename, @Manifest_filelist);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcDir, $DestDir) = @_;
logmsg("Copying fusion manifest files");
#Search all manifest file.
@Manifest_filelist = `dir /s /b $SrcDir\\*.man`;
#For each manifest file, verify if the corresponding dll is already
#in the destination folder. If not, skip the manifest file copy.
foreach $filename (@Manifest_filelist)
chomp $filename;
if ($filename =~ /\Q$SrcDir\E(.*).man/i)
if (-e "$DestDir$1.dll" |
-e "$DestDir$1.exe" |
-e "$DestDir$1.dl_" |
-e "$DestDir$1.ex_")
system "xcopy /v /k $filename $DestDir$1.*";
return 1;
# Generate Exclude file for xcopy
sub GenerateExcludeList
my ($ExcludeList,$RootPath,$OutputFile) = @_;
my ($Result, @Data, $Line, $TempFile);
$Result = 0;
unless (open(INFILE,$ExcludeList))
errmsg("Can't open input for $ExcludeList");
return $Result;
unless (open(OUTFILE,">$TempFile"))
errmsg("Can't open output for $TempFile");
return $Result;
foreach $Line (@Data)
print(OUTFILE "$NewLine\n");
$$OutputFile = $TempFile;
$Result = 1;
return $Result;
#Function to copy files using a specified control file
# We also add Resource Checksum to the files being copied
sub CopyFiles {
my ($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%CopyFiles, @CopyLangs, $files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied, $excludefile);
my ($SrcCopyFile_US, $MyFileName, $MyPath, $FileCheckSumAdded, $UseModifiedFile,$CopyResult);
my ($NewExcludeFile);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_copied = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_copied = 0;
#Use exclude file for recursive copies
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%CopyFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $SrcFile (keys %CopyFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$CopyFileRecord{SourceFile} = $SrcFile;
$CopyFileRecord{SourceDir} = $CopyFiles{$SrcFile}{SourceDir};
$CopyFileRecord{DestFile} = $CopyFiles{$SrcFile}{DestFile};
$CopyFileRecord{DestDir} = $CopyFiles{$SrcFile}{DestDir};
$CopyFileRecord{Recursive} = $CopyFiles{$SrcFile}{Recursive};
$CopyFileRecord{Languages} = $CopyFiles{$SrcFile}{Languages};
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($CopyFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%CopyFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($CopyFileRecord->{SourceDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
if ($CopyFileRecord->{DestDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestCopyFileDir) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcCopyFileDir\\$CopyFileRecord->{SourceFile}";
if ($CopyFileRecord->{DestFile}=~/^-$/i) {
$DestCopyFile = "$DestCopyFileDir";
} else {
$DestCopyFile = "$DestCopyFileDir\\$CopyFileRecord->{DestFile}";
if ($CopyFileRecord{Recursive}=~/(y|yes|true)/i) {
#Copy the files recursivly
if ( GenerateExcludeList($excludefile,$SrcRootDir,\$NewExcludeFile) && (-e $SrcCopyFileDir))
if (system ("xcopy /evcirfy $SrcCopyFile $DestCopyFile /EXCLUDE:$NewExcludeFile") != 0)
errmsg("Fatal: Failed=>xcopy /evcirfy $SrcCopyFile $DestCopyFile /EXCLUDE:$$NewExcludeFile");
errmsg("Fatal: can't do copy for $SrcCopyFile $DestCopyFile /EXCLUDE:$NewExcludeFile");
} else {
#Copy the file
for $SrcSingleCopyFile (glob "$SrcCopyFile") {
# Support multiple target files - file names separated by ','
@DestFiles = split /,/, $CopyFileRecord->{DestFile};
foreach $file (@DestFiles) {
# We'll add Resource Checksum
if ($CopyFileRecord->{DestFile}=~/^-$/i) {
$DestCopyFile = "$DestCopyFileDir";
($MyFileName, $MyPath ) = fileparse($SrcSingleCopyFile);
} else {
$DestCopyFile = "$DestCopyFileDir\\$file";
if ($BuildChecksum) {
if ($MyFileName =~ /(.*)\.mu_/i ||$MyFileName =~ /(.*)\.mui/i ) {
$MyFileName = $1;
$SrcCopyFile_US = &FindOriginalFile($MyFileName);
if ( (&IsWin32File($MyFileName)) && (length($SrcCopyFile_US) > 0) ) {
# Copy source file to a temporary location
unless ( -e $WorkTempFolder) {
logmsg("Copying $SrcSingleCopyFile -> $FileCheckSumAdded");
if (system("copy $SrcSingleCopyFile $FileCheckSumAdded") != 0) {
logmsg("Can't copy $SrcSingleCopyFile to $FileCheckSumAdded");
# Add resource checksum to the file
else {
if ( system("checksum.exe $FileCheckSumAdded") == 0) {
logmsg("muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
system("muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
else {
logmsg("Resource Checksum already in $FileCheckSumAdded");
if ( -e $FileCheckSumAdded) {
else {
logmsg("Failed:muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
} #if ( (&IsWin32File($MyFileName)) && (length($SrcCopyFile_US) > 0) )
} # if ($BuildChecksum)
if ($UseModifiedFile) {
logmsg ("Copying $FileCheckSumAdded -> $DestCopyFile");
else {
logmsg ("Copying $SrcSingleCopyFile -> $DestCopyFile");
if ($UseModifiedFile) {
$CopyResult=copy("$FileCheckSumAdded", "$DestCopyFile");
} else {
$CopyResult=copy("$SrcSingleCopyFile", "$DestCopyFile");
if ($CopyResult ) {
} else {
return ($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied);
#Function to validate a comma seperated lang list given a control lang
sub IsValidFileForLang {
#Declare local variables
my ($ValidFileLangs, $lang) = @_;
#Copy only for the specified languages in the control file
@ValidLangs = split /,/i, $ValidFileLangs;
unless (grep /(all|$lang)/i, @ValidLangs) {
return 1;
#Function to preprocess a hashref file record list
sub PreProcessRecord {
#Declare local variables
my ($FileRecord) = @_;
#Verify arguments;
unless (@_ == 1 && ref($FileRecord) eq 'HASH') {
print "usage: HASHREF";
#Validate language for file record
unless (&IsValidFileForLang($FileRecord->{Languages}, $Special_Lang) ) {
#Sub in environment vars
foreach $field (keys %$FileRecord) {
while ( $FileRecord->{$field}=~/(%\w+%)/i ) {
#Environment value substutions
#Substutute the environment values into the file record
return ($FileRecord);
sub IsWin32File
my ($FileName) = @_;
my %FileTypeTbl = (
".exe" => 1,
".dll" => 1,
".cpl" => 1,
".ocx" => 1,
".tsp" => 1,
".scr" => 1
my ($Result, $TheFileExt);
if (length($FileName) > 4) {
if (defined ($FileTypeTbl{$TheFileExt}) ) {
return $Result;
#Function to copy files using a specified array of files
# We'll also add resource checksum to the files
sub CopyFileList {
my ($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $RootMUIFile, $pTheStringSection, @FileList, $Incremental);
my ($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied, $RootMUIFile, $FileCheckSumAdded, $SrcCopyFile_US);
my ($IsWin32Res, $TheFileExt, $CopyResult);
my ($Replaced, $SrcFileNew, $Doit, $DoCnt, $TheLine);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $pTheStringSection, @FileList, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_copied = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_copied = 0;
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $SrcFile (@FileList) {
chomp $SrcFile;
#Don't process blank line
if ($SrcFile !~ /\w/) {
if (substr($SrcFile,0,1) eq ";")
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestRootDir) {
# Source file could be in the format of "[original file], [compressed file]"
if ($SrcFile =~ /(.*),\s*(.*)\s*/) {
$SrcFile = $2;
#Make sure source file doesn't contain MUI extension
if ($SrcFile =~ /(.*)\.mu_/i ||$SrcFile =~ /(.*)\.mui/i ) {
$SrcFile = $1;
while( ($Doit) && ($SrcFileNew =~ /(.*)%(.*)%(.*)/))
if ( defined ($$pTheStringSection{$2}))
logmsg("**** Can't map:$2*");
if (($Doit) && ($DoCnt))
logmsg("$SrcFile is mapped to $SrcFileNew");
# Some source file may have form like %Filename%%LCID% which Filename and LCID comes from string section
# of INF file. We have to replace these name on the fly
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\$SrcFile";
#Append .MUI to the file name
$DestCopyFile = "$DestRootDir\\$SrcFile.mui";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\dump\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\dump\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\netfx\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\netfx\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\mui\\drop\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\mui\\drop\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\uddi\\system32\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\uddi\\system32\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\uddi\\resources\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\uddi\\resources\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\uddi\\help\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\uddi\\help\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\images\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\uddi\\webroot\\help\\default\\images\\$SrcFile";
# For ia64, we need to try some extral step to get external files
# from wow64 or i386 release server
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile) && ($_BuildArch =~ /ia64/i)) {
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\wowbins_uncomp\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\wowbins_uncomp\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\wowbins\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\wowbins\\$SrcFile";
if (-e "$_NTPOSTBLD\\build_logs\\cplocation.txt" && !(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
if (open (X86_BIN, "$_NTPOSTBLD\\build_logs\\cplocation.txt")) {
$SrcRootDir = <X86_BIN>;
chomp ($SrcRootDir);
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\dump\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\dump\\$SrcFile";
if (!(-e $SrcCopyFile)) {
$SrcCopyFile = "$SrcRootDir\\mui\\drop\\$SrcFile";
$SrcCopyFile_US = "$USBINDIR\\mui\\drop\\$SrcFile";
logmsg("Copy $SrcCopyFile from i386 release");
close (X86_BIN);
$RootMUIFile = "$DestRootDir\\..\\$SrcFile.mui";
if (-e $RootMUIFile) {
logmsg ("Copying $RootMUIFile -> $DestCopyFile");
if (copy("$RootMUIFile", "$DestCopyFile") ) {
if (unlink $RootMUIFile)
logmsg ("Deleting $RootMUIFile");
} else {
elsif (-e $SrcCopyFile) {
# We want to add resource checksum to the file before it's added
if (($BuildChecksum) && ($IsWin32Res) && (-e $SrcCopyFile_US) ) {
unless ( -e $WorkTempFolder) {
# Copy source file to a temporary location
logmsg("Copying $SrcCopyFile -> $FileCheckSumAdded");
if (system("copy $SrcCopyFile $FileCheckSumAdded") != 0) {
logmsg("Can't copy $SrcCopyFile to $FileCheckSumAdded");
# Add resource checksum to the file
else {
if (system("checksum.exe $FileCheckSumAdded") == 0) {
logmsg("muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
system("muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
else {
logmsg("Resource Checksum already in $FileCheckSumAdded");
if (-e $FileCheckSumAdded)
logmsg("Copying $FileCheckSumAdded -> $DestCopyFile");
$CopyResult=copy("$FileCheckSumAdded", "$DestCopyFile");
else {
logmsg("Failed:muirct.exe -c $SrcCopyFile_US -z $FileCheckSumAdded");
logmsg ("Copying $SrcCopyFile -> $DestCopyFile");
$CopyResult=copy("$SrcCopyFile", "$DestCopyFile");
if ($CopyResult) {
} else {
logmsg ("Copying $SrcCopyFile -> $DestCopyFile");
if (copy("$SrcCopyFile", "$DestCopyFile") ) {
} else {
elsif (!($SrcCopyFile =~ /\.inf/i))
logmsg("warning: $SrcCopyFile not found");
return ($files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied);
#Function to rename files using a specifiec control file
sub RenameFiles {
my ($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%RenFiles, @RenLangs, $files_renamed, $file_errors, $total_files_renamed);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_renamed = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_renamed = 0;
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%RenFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $SrcFile (keys %RenFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$RenFileRecord{SourceFile} = $SrcFile;
$RenFileRecord{SourceDir} = $RenFiles{$SrcFile}{SourceDir};
$RenFileRecord{DestFile} = $RenFiles{$SrcFile}{DestFile};
$RenFileRecord{DestDir} = $RenFiles{$SrcFile}{DestDir};
$RenFileRecord{Languages} = $RenFiles{$SrcFile}{Languages};
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($RenFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%RenFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($RenFileRecord->{SourceDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
if ($RenFileRecord->{DestDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestRenFileDir) {
$SrcRenFile = "$SrcRenFileDir\\$SrcFile";
if ($RenFileRecord->{DestFile}=~/^-$/i) {
$DestRenFile = "$DestRenFileDir";
} else {
$DestRenFile = "$DestRenFileDir\\$RenFileRecord->{DestFile}";
#Rename the file
for $SrcSingleRenFile (glob "$SrcRenFile") {
logmsg ("Rename $SrcSingleRenFile -> $DestRenFile");
if (rename("$SrcSingleRenFile", "$DestRenFile") ) {
} else {
return ($files_renamed, $file_errors, $total_files_renamed);
#Function to move files using a specifiec control file
sub MoveFiles {
my ($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%MoveFiles, @MoveLangs, $files_moved, $file_errors, $total_files_moved);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_moved = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_moved = 0;
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%MoveFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $SrcFile (keys %MoveFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$MoveFileRecord{SourceFile} = $SrcFile;
$MoveFileRecord{SourceDir} = $MoveFiles{$SrcFile}{SourceDir};
$MoveFileRecord{DestFile} = $MoveFiles{$SrcFile}{DestFile};
$MoveFileRecord{DestDir} = $MoveFiles{$SrcFile}{DestDir};
$MoveFileRecord{Languages} = $MoveFiles{$SrcFile}{Languages};
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($MoveFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%MoveFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($MoveFileRecord->{SourceDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
if ($MoveFileRecord->{DestDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestMoveFileDir) {
$SrcMoveFile = "$SrcMoveFileDir\\$MoveFileRecord->{SourceFile}";
if ($MoveFileRecord->{DestFile}=~/^-$/i) {
$DestMoveFile = "$DestMoveFileDir";
} else {
$DestMoveFile = "$DestMoveFileDir\\$MoveFileRecord->{DestFile}";
#Move the file
for $SrcSingleMoveFile (glob "$SrcMoveFile") {
logmsg ("Copying $SrcSingleMoveFile -> $DestMoveFile");
if (move("$SrcSingleMoveFile", "$DestMoveFile") ) {
} else {
return ($files_moved, $file_errors, $total_files_moved);
#Function to delete files using a specifiec control file
sub DeleteFiles {
my ($SrcRootDir, $DestRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%DelFiles, @ValidLangs, $files_deleted, $file_errors, $total_files_deleted);
#Pickup parameters
($SrcRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_deleted = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_deleted = 0;
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%DelFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $SrcFile (keys %DelFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$DelFileRecord{SourceFile} = $SrcFile;
$DelFileRecord{SourceDir} = $DelFiles{$SrcFile}{SourceDir};
$DelFileRecord{Languages} = $DelFiles{$SrcFile}{Languages};
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($DelFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%DelFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($DelFileRecord->{SourceDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
$SrcDelFile = "$SrcDelFileDir\\$DelFileRecord->{SourceFile}";
#Delete the file
for $SrcSingleDelFile (glob "$SrcDelFile") {
logmsg ("Deleting $SrcSingleDelFile");
if (-e $SrcSingleDelFile) {
if (unlink $SrcSingleDelFile) {
} else {
return ($files_deleted, $file_errors, $total_files_deleted);
#Function to extract files from a cab file using a specifiec control file
# We also add resource checksum to extracted files
sub ExtractFiles {
my ($CabRootDir, $ExtractRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%ExtractFiles, @ExtractLangs, $files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_files_extracted,$OriginalCabFile);
my ($SourceFile_Localized, $SourceFile_US,$ContainFusionResource);
#Pickup parameters
($CabRootDir, $ExtractRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_extracted = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_extracted = 0;
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%ExtractFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
foreach $ExtractFile (keys %ExtractFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} = $ExtractFile;
$ExtractFileRecord{ExtractDir} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{ExtractDir};
$ExtractFileRecord{CabFile} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{CabFile};
$ExtractFileRecord{CabDir} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{CabDir};
$ExtractFileRecord{Languages} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{Languages};
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($ExtractFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%ExtractFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($ExtractFileRecord->{CabDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
if ($ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $ExtractFileDir) {
$CabFile = "$CabFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}";
if ($ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}=~/^-$/i) {
$ExtractFile = "$ExtractFileDir";
} else {
$ExtractFile = "$ExtractFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}";
#Extract the file
logmsg ("extract.exe /y /l $ExtractFileDir $CabFile $ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}");
if (-e $CabFile) {
if (!system ("extract.exe /y /l $ExtractFileDir $CabFile $ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}") ) {
if (&IsWin32File($ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile})) {
rename("$ExtractFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}", "$ExtractFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}\.mui");
$SourceFile_Localized ="$ExtractFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}\.mui";
} else {
logmsg ("Cabinet file:$CabFile not found!");
# We have to extract Unlocalized version of the files so that we may add resource checksum to it
if ($BuildChecksum && (length($SourceFile_Localized) > 0) ) {
# Get unlocalized Cab file
if (length($OriginalCabFile) == 0)
logmsg("Can't found Original for:$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}");
logmsg("Try to get US files for:$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}");
# We Force Mui'ize every files from Cab
# We only apply this process for files contain Fusion resource, but now we apply to
# all files from Cab
# $ContainFusionResource=&IsFusionResource($SourceFile_Localized);
if (length($OriginalCabFile) > 0) {
unless (-e $ExtractFileDir) {
if ( -e $OriginalCabFile)
logmsg("extract.exe /y /l $ExtractFileDir $OriginalCabFile $ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}");
if (!system ("extract.exe /y /l $ExtractFileDir $OriginalCabFile $ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}") ) {
logmsg("Unlocalized file $ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile} is extracted from $ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile} successfully");
# Add Resource Checksum here
$SourceFile_US =$ExtractFileDir."\\$ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractFile}";
if (! $ContainFusionResource)
if (system("checksum.exe $SourceFile_Localized") == 0) {
logmsg("muirct.exe -c $SourceFile_US -z $SourceFile_Localized");
system("muirct.exe -c $SourceFile_US -z $SourceFile_Localized");
else {
logmsg("Resource checksum already in $SourceFile_Localized");
else # ! $ContainFusionResource
if (! &DoMUIizedForFiles($SourceFile_Localized,$SourceFile_US))
logmsg("$SourceFile_Localized contains Fusion but Can't be MUIized");
else # !system ("extract.exe
if ($ContainFusionResource)
if (! &DoMUIizedForFiles($SourceFile_Localized,""))
logmsg("$SourceFile_Localized contains Fusion but Can't be MUIized");
else # -e $OriginalCabFile
if ($ContainFusionResource)
if (! &DoMUIizedForFiles($SourceFile_Localized,""))
logmsg("$SourceFile_Localized contains Fusion but Can't be MUIized");
else # length($OriginalCabFile) > 0
if ($ContainFusionResource)
if (! &DoMUIizedForFiles($SourceFile_Localized,""))
logmsg("$SourceFile_Localized contains Fusion but Can't be MUIized");
} # if ($BuildChecksum)
return ($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_files_extracted);
sub ExtractMSICabFiles {
my ($CabRootDir, $ExtractRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental);
my (%ExtractFiles, @ExtractLangs, $files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_files_extracted,$OriginalCabFile);
my($MyTempFolder,$MSICabFolder,@Items, $Line, $MSICabName, $MSICabPath, $ExtractFileDir_US);
my($UnlocalizedFile,$LocalizedFile, $LocalizedFolder, $DestFile, $New_LocalizedFile);
#Pickup parameters
($CabRootDir, $ExtractRootDir, $ControlFile, $Incremental) = @_;
# Set defaults
$files_extracted = 0;
$file_errors = 0;
$total_files_extracted = 0;
#Create a hash-hash from the control file table
ParseTable::parse_table_file($ControlFile, \%ExtractFiles);
#Loop through all control file entries
# $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} : name of MSI table which contains CAB
# $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractDir} : Destination Directory
# $ExtractFileRecord{CabFile} : name of MSI File
# $ExtractFileRecord{CabDir} : Source folder contains MSI file
foreach $ExtractFile (keys %ExtractFiles) {
# Create file record hash
$ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{ExtractTable};
$ExtractFileRecord{ExtractDir} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{ExtractDir};
$ExtractFileRecord{CabFile} = $ExtractFile;
$ExtractFileRecord{CabDir} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{MSIDir};
$ExtractFileRecord{Languages} = $ExtractFiles{$ExtractFile}{Languages};
logmsg("MSI:$ExtractFileRecord{CabFile} Table:$ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile}");
#Preprocess file record hash
unless ($ExtractFileRecord = &PreProcessRecord(\%ExtractFileRecord) ) {
#Process "-" entry in text file list
if ($ExtractFileRecord->{CabDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
if ($ExtractFileRecord->{ExtractDir}=~/^-$/i) {
} else {
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $ExtractFileDir) {
$CabFile = "$CabFileDir\\$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}";
unless (-e $MSITemp) {
$LocalizedFolder= $MyTempFolder."\\LocalizedFolder";
if ( -e $MyTempFolder) {
if ( system("rd /s /q $MyTempFolder") != 0) {
errmsg("Can't delete $MyTempFolder for MSI extraction");
if (! -e $MyTempFolder) {
errmsg("Can't create $MyTempFolder for MSI extraction");
if (! -e $LocalizedFolder) {
errmsg("Can't create $LocalizedFolder for MSI extraction");
# Let's extract Cab from MSI
if ( ! -e $CabFile)
logmsg("Warning:$CabFile doesn't exist");
logmsg("msidb.exe -d $CabFile -f $MyTempFolder -e $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile}");
if ( system("msidb.exe -d $CabFile -f $MyTempFolder -e $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile}") != 0) {
logmsg("Warning: Can't extract table $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} from $CabFile");
# There is a subfolder $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} under $MyTempFolder and the cab file live under this folder
# Get the name of CAB file
unless (opendir(INDIR,$MSICabFolder)) {
errmsg("Can't open MSI cab folder: $MSICabFolder");
@Items=readdir INDIR;
undef $MSICabName;
LINE: foreach $Line (@Items) {
if ( ($Line eq "." ) || ($Line eq "..") ) {
last LINE;
# Extract the Cab inside *.MSI
if (! defined($MSICabName)) {
errmsg("No CAB file inside $ExtractFileRecord{CabFile}");
logmsg("extract /y /L $LocalizedFolder $MSICabPath *.exe *.dll *.cpl *.ocx *.tsp *.scr *.chm *.chq *.hlp *.cnt *.mfl");
if (system("extract /y /L $LocalizedFolder $MSICabPath *.exe *.dll *.cpl *.ocx *.tsp *.scr *.chm *.chq *.hlp *.cnt *.mfl") != 0) {
errmsg("extract $MSICabPath failed");
# We have to extract Unlocalized version of the files so that we may add resource checksum to it
if ($BuildChecksum) {
if (length($CabFile) == 0)
logmsg("Can't found Original for:$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}");
logmsg("Try to get US files for:$ExtractFileRecord->{CabFile}");
if (length($CabFile) > 0) {
if ( -e $CabFile) {
if ( -e $MyTempFolder) {
if ( system("rd /s /q $MyTempFolder") != 0) {
logmsg("Can't delete $MyTempFolder for MSI extraction");
if (! -e $MyTempFolder) {
errmsg("Can't create $MyTempFolder");
if (! -e $ExtractFileDir_US) {
errmsg("Can't create $ExtractFileDir_US");
# Let's extract Cab from MSI
logmsg("msidb.exe -d $CabFile -f $MyTempFolder -e $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile}");
if ( system("msidb.exe -d $CabFile -f $MyTempFolder -e $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile}") != 0) {
errmsg("Can't extract table $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} from $CabFile");
# There is a subfolder $ExtractFileRecord{ExtractFile} under $MyTempFolder and the cab file live under this folder
# Extract the Cab inside *.MSI
logmsg("extract /y /L $ExtractFileDir_US $MSICabPath *.exe *.dll *.cpl *.ocx *.tsp *.scr");
if (system("extract /y /L $ExtractFileDir_US $MSICabPath *.exe *.dll *.cpl *.ocx *.tsp *.scr ") != 0) {
errmsg("extract $MSICabPath failed");
# Add Resource Checksum to Files
unless (opendir(INDIR,$ExtractFileDir_US)) {
errmsg("Can't open Unlocalized MSI cab folder: $ExtractFileDir_US");
@Items=readdir INDIR;
foreach $Line (@Items) {
if ( ($Line eq "." ) || ($Line eq "..") ) {
if (system("checksum.exe $LocalizedFile") == 0 ) {
logmsg("muirct.exe -c $UnlocalizedFile -z $LocalizedFile");
system("muirct.exe -c $UnlocalizedFile -z $LocalizedFile");
else {
logmsg("Resourcechecksum already in $LocalizedFile");
} # foreach $Line (@Items)
} # if ( -e $CabFile)
} # if (length($CabFile)
} # if ($BuildChecksum)
# Copy Files to Destination
unless (opendir(INDIR,$LocalizedFolder)) {
errmsg("Can't open Unlocalized MSI cab folder: $LocalizedFolder");
@Items=readdir INDIR;
foreach $Line (@Items) {
if ( ($Line eq "." ) || ($Line eq "..") ) {
if ( &IsWin32File($Line)) {
# We Force Mui'ize every files from MSI
# We only apply this process for files contain Fusion resource, but now we apply to
# all files from MSI
# if (&IsFusionResource($LocalizedFile))
if (! -e $UnlocalizedFile)
if (! &DoMUIizedForFiles($LocalizedFile,$UnlocalizedFile))
logmsg("Warning: $LocalizedFile contains Fusion resource but it can't be MUIized");
logmsg("Copying $LocalizedFile -> $DestFile");
if (!copy("$LocalizedFile", "$DestFile")) {
logmsg("Failed:Copying $LocalizedFile -> $DestFile");
return ($files_extracted, $file_errors, $total_files_extracted);
#Function to copy a directory given a filter
sub CopyDir {
my ($SrcDir, $DestDir, $FileFilter, $Incremental);
my (@CopyFiles, $files_copied, $file_errors, $total_files_copied);
($SrcDir, $DestDir, $FileFilter, $Incremental) = @_;
#If a file filter is not defined set a file filter of *.
if (!defined $FileFilter) {$FileFilter ="*"};
#Create the destination dir if it does not exist
unless (-e $DestDir) {
my $LocalDirHandle = DirHandle->new($SrcDir);
@CopyFiles = sort grep {-f} map {"$SrcDir\\$_"} grep {!/^\./} grep {/\.$FileFilter$/i} $LocalDirHandle->read();
foreach $SrcCopyFile (@CopyFiles) {
#Copy the file
logmsg ("Copying $SrcCopyFile -> $DestDir");
if (copy("$SrcCopyFile", "$DestDir") ) {
} else {
# Function to create a directory
sub MakeDir {
my ($fulldir) = @_;
my ($drive, $path) = $fulldir =~ /((?:[a-z]:)|(?:\\\\[\w-]+\\[^\\]+))?(.*)/i;
logmsg ("Making dir:$fulldir");
my $thisdir = '';
for my $part ($path =~ /(\\[^\\]+)/g) {
$thisdir .= "$part";
mkdir( "$drive$thisdir", 0777 );
if ( ! -d $fulldir ) {
errmsg ("Could not mkdir:$fulldir $!");
return 0;
# ModAge - returns (fractional) number of days since file was last modified
# NOTE: this script is necessary only because x86 and alpha give different
# answers to perl's file age functions:
# Alpha:
# -C = days since creation
# -M = days since last modification
# -A = days since last access
# X86:
# -C = days since last modification
# -M = days since last access
# -A = ???
sub ModAge {
my($file, $mod_age);
# Get input arguments
($file) = @_;
# i386 uses -C when alpha uses -M
if($PROCESSOR =~ /^[iI]386$/) {
$mod_age = -C $file;
elsif($PROCESSOR =~ /^(ALPHA|Alpha|alpha)$/) {
$mod_age = -M $file;
return $mod_age;
} # ModAge
sub ValidateParams {
#<Add your code for validating the parameters here>
# <Add your usage here>
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
$0 - creates resource dlls for all files in relbins\<lang>
and populates the %_nt_bindir%\\mui tree
Creates language-specific resource only DLLs from localized
32-bit images. These DLLs are used for the Multilingual User
Interface (MUI), aka pluggable UI product for NT5.
By default, does not create a resource-only-dll if there already
is one of the same name and it is newer than the localized binary.
Also Creates a language-specific version of ie5ui.inf,
and updates mui.inf to contain the current build number.
perl $0 [-f] [-v] <lang>
-f: Force option - overrides the incremental behavior of this script.
Overwrites output files (such as resource-only dlls) even if
they already exist and are newer than their input files (such as
the localized binaries).
-v: Verbose option - gives extra messages describing what is happening
to each file. By default, the only messages displayed are successes
and errors which abort the process.
lang: valid 2-letter (Dublin) or 3-letter (Redmond) code for a
language (There is no default value for lang)
The language-specific resource-only DLLs are placed in:
The language-specific resource files are placed in:
A logfile is created, named:
Safemode: if you want the command echoed to stdout and not run,
set safemode=1
(This also turns off the logfile)
perl $0 ger
sub GetParams {
# Step 1: Call pm getparams with specified arguments
# Step 2: Set the language into the enviroment
# Step 3: Call the usage if specified by /?
if ($HELP) {
exit 1;
# Cmd entry point for script.
if (eval("\$0 =~ /" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pm\$/i")) {
# Step 1: Parse the command line
# <run perl.exe GetParams.pm /? to get the complete usage for GetParams.pm>
&GetParams ('-o', 'fvl:', '-p', 'FORCE VERBOSE lang', @ARGV);
# Include local environment extensions
# Set lang from the environment
# Validate the option given as parameter.
# Step 4: Call the main function
# End local environment extensions.
# Copy MUI root files
sub CopyMUIRootFiles {
my ($layout);
my ($us_muisetup);
$layout = GetCDLayOut();
logmsg("Copy MUI root files");
system "xcopy /vy $MUIDIR\\*.* $MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\*.*";
system "xcopy /vy $MUIDIR\\*.* $MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\*.*"; #temp fix to copy it to another dir for msi
#copy over valueadd tools to MUI CD1
if (-e "$MUIDIR\\$MUI_VALUEADD_DIR" && uc($layout) eq "CD1" ) {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_VALUEADD_DIR") {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_VALUEADD_DIR") {
logmsg("Copy valueadd files");
# copy the far east printer drivers
if (-e "$MUIDIR\\$MUI_PRINTER_DRIVER_DIR" && uc($layout) eq "CD1" ) {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_PRINTER_DRIVER_DIR") {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_PRINTER_DRIVER_DIR") {
logmsg("Copy FE printer drivers");
# copy the .net framework files to the release cd from postbuild bin dir
# exclude PSU and client languages (which do not have .net framework files)
if ($ENV{_BuildArch}=~/x86/i && !($LANG=~/^(PSU|MIR|FE|ARA|HEB|DA|FI|NO|EL)/i )) {
# make the .net framework directory netfx in cd release dir
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR") {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR") {
# make the language subfolder under netfx in cd release dir
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG") {
unless (-e "$MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG") {
# copy langpack.msi and langpac1.cab to the netfx\lang directory in cd release dir
if (-e "$LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpack.msi" && -e "$LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpac1.cab") {
system "copy /vy $LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpack.msi $MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG\\langpack.msi";
system "copy /vy $LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpac1.cab $MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG\\langpac1.cab";
system "copy /vy $LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpack.msi $MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG\\langpack.msi";
system "copy /vy $LOCBINDIR\\netfx\\langpac1.cab $MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\$MUI_NETFX_DIR\\$LANG\\langpac1.cab";
logmsg("Copied .net framework files.");
errmsg("Cannot find .net framework MUI files.");
logmsg("NOTE: Skipping .net framework files for language $LANG and platform $ENV{_BuildArch}");
# muisetup.exe exists under US binary and it is a signed binary
# so we'll grab US version to prevent file protection issues
$us_muisetup = &FindOriginalFile("muisetup.exe");
if (-e $us_muisetup) {
# system "xcopy /vy $us_muisetup $MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\*.*";
system "xcopy /vy $us_muisetup $MUI_RELEASE_DIR2\\$layout\\*.*"; #temp fix to copy it to another dir for msi
system "xcopy /vy $us_muisetup $MUIDIR\\*.*";
logmsg ("Copy signed MUISETUP.EXE from $us_muisetup");
logmsg ("WARNING: signed MUISETUP.EXE not found");
# also copy the old muisetup.exe from the mui\msi postbuild directory for the temp build
$us_muisetup = "$MUIDIR\\MSI\\muisetup.exe";
if (-e $us_muisetup)
system "xcopy /vy $us_muisetup $MUI_RELEASE_DIR\\$layout\\*.*";
logmsg("Can't find old version of muisetup.exe for copying.");
return 1;
# Get CD layout from MUI.INF
sub GetCDLayOut {
my(@cd_layout, @lang_map, $muilang, $lang_id);
# Map lang
@lang_map = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $INFFILE Languages`;
foreach $muilang (@lang_map)
if ($muilang =~ /(.*)=$LANG\.mui/i)
# Get layout
$langid = $1;
# Try ia64 section first if we're building ia64 MUI
if ($_BuildArch =~ /ia64/i)
@cd_layout = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $INFFILE CD_LAYOUT_IA64`;
foreach $layout (@cd_layout)
if ($layout =~ /$langid=(\d+)/i)
return uc("cd$1");
@cd_layout = `perl $RAZZLETOOLPATH\\PostBuildScripts\\parseinf.pl $INFFILE CD_LAYOUT`;
foreach $layout (@cd_layout)
if ($layout =~ /$langid=(\d+)/i)
return uc("cd$1");
return lc("psu");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: template_script.pm
# Purpose: Template perl perl script for the NT postbuild environment
# SD Location: %sdxroot%\tools\postbuildscripts
# (1) Code section description:
# CmdMain - Developer code section. This is where your work gets done.
# <Implement your subs here> - Developer subs code section. This is where you write subs.
# (2) Reserved Variables -
# $ENV{HELP} - Flag that specifies usage.
# $ENV{lang} - The specified language. Defaults to USA.
# $ENV{logfile} - The path and filename of the logs file.
# $ENV{logfile_bak} - The path and filename of the logfile.
# $ENV{errfile} - The path and filename of the error file.
# $ENV{tmpfile} - The path and filename of the temp file.
# $ENV{errors} - The scripts errorlevel.
# $ENV{script_name} - The script name.
# $ENV{_NTPostBld} - Abstracts the language from the files path that
# postbuild operates on.
# $ENV{_NTPostBld_Bak} - Reserved support var.
# $ENV{_temp_bak} - Reserved support var.
# (3) Reserved Subs -
# Usage - Use this sub to discribe the scripts usage.
# ValidateParams - Use this sub to verify the parameters passed to the script.
# (4) Call other executables or command scripts by using:
# system "foo.exe";
# Note that the executable/script you're calling with system must return a
# non-zero value on errors to make the error checking mechanism work.
# Example
# if (system("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang")){
# errmsg("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang failed.");
# # If you need to terminate function's execution on this error
# goto End;
# }
# (5) Log non-error information by using:
# logmsg "<log message>";
# and log error information by using:
# errmsg "<error message>";
# (6) Have your changes reviewed by a member of the US build team (ntbusa) and
# by a member of the international build team (ntbintl).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
B<mypackage> - What this package for
<An code example how to use>
<Use above example to describe this package>
=head2 <myinstances>
<Description of myinstances>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 <mymathods>
<Description of mymathods>
=head1 SEE ALSO
<Some related package or None>
=head1 AUTHOR
<Your Name <your e-mail address>>