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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM WinfuseSFCGen.cmd - SXSCore
@REM Generates catalogs for signed assemblies, updates manifest file
@REM member hashes, and validates that everything was built properly.
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
WinFuseSFCGen [-?] [-hashes:yes] [-cdfs:yes] [-verbose:yes]
Twiddles Side-by-side assemblies to create .cdf files, add SHA hashes of member files,
and any other last-second junk that has to happen to make SxS work right.
-? this message
-hashes injects hashes into manifests
-cdfs sets the CDF logging depot
-verbose turns on verbose operation
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'cdfs:' => \$ENV{CDFS},
'hashes:' => \$ENV{HASHES},
'verbose:' => \$ENV{VERBOSE},
'compress:' => \$ENV{SXSCOMPRESS} );
@if not defined DEBUG echo off
set makecatcmd=makecat
set asmsroot=%_NtPostBld%\asms\
set cdfoutput=%tmp%\winfusesfc-cdfs.log
if exist %cdfoutput% del /f /q %cdfoutput%
set cdfoutputlog=%tmp%\winfuse-cdfprocesslog
set buildtoolparams=
if /i "%CDFS%" EQU "yes" set buildtoolparams=%buildtoolparams% -makecdfs
if /i "%HASHES%" EQU "yes" set buildtoolparams=%buildtoolparams% -hashupdate
if /i "%VERBOSE%" EQU "yes" set buildtoolparams=%buildtoolparams% -verbose
set SXS_BINPLACE_LOG=%_NtPostBld%\build_logs\binplace*.log-sxs
set SXS_BINPLACE_FINAL_LOG=%_NtPostBld%\build_logs\sxs-binplaced-assemblies.log
set toolpath=
REM set toolpath=g:\nt\base\win32\fusion\tools\buildtool\obj\i386\
REM -------
REM Generate the overall log of all the legal sxs assemblies that were
REM either built or copied from the buildlab into
REM %_NtPostBld%\build_logs\sxs-binplaced-assemblies.log
REM We'll use this file as the one that we run the buildtool over, and
REM it'll act as the master list of assemblies that should be on the
REM release share after the buildtool step.
REM -------
if not exist %SXS_BINPLACE_LOG% (
call errmsg.cmd "You don't have a %SXS_BINPLACE_LOG%, can't %~f0"
goto :EOF
REM -------
REM Now call off to the buildtool to do whatever it wants over the binplace log
REM that was generated.
REM -------
call logmsg.cmd "Processing %SXS_BINPLACE_FINAL_LOG% for side-by-side assemblies"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "%toolpath%mt.exe -asmsroot %_NTPOSTBLD% -binplacelog %SXS_BINPLACE_FINAL_LOG% %buildtoolparams% -cdfpath %cdfoutput%"
if exist %cdfoutput% (
call logmsg.cmd "Generating catalogs over cdf files created"
for /f %%f in (%cdfoutput%) do (
if not "%%f" == "" (
call logmsg.cmd "Creating catalog %%f
pushd %%~dpf
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "%makecatcmd% %%f > %cdfoutputlog%"
for %%q in (%%~dpnf) do (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "ntsign.cmd %%~dpnq.cat > %cdfoutputlog%"
del %%f
) else (
call logmsg.cmd "No catalogs generated in this pass - something may be wrong."
call logmsg.cmd "Nuking intermediate files %cdfoutput% and %cdfoutputlog%"
if exist %cdfoutput% del /f /q %cdfoutput% > nul
if exist %cdfoutputlog% del /f /q %cdfoutputlog% > nul
REM -------
REM Turn around and have the buildtool validate that every catalog/manifest that
REM is present in the buildlogs actually was signed, and that every manifest
REM in the staging area %_ntpostbld%\asms is present in the binplace log and
REM that it has a catalog next to it. Paranoia here is warranted, since we
REM now require that assemblies installed have catalogs next to them during
REM OS-setup.
REM -------
REM -- First check to make sure all the manifests have catalogs next to them.
set FoundAssemblies=
set OkAssemblies=
for /f %%f in ('dir /s /b %asmsroot%\*.man') do (
set FoundAssemblies=%FoundAssemblies%.
if exist %%~dpnf.cat (
set OkAssemblies=%OkAssemblies%.
) else (
call errmsg.cmd "%%f - missing corresponding %%~dpnf.cat - Installation of this build will FAIL!"
if "%foundassemblies%"=="" (
call errmsg.cmd "You haven't generated at least one assembly, WinFuse knows there must be at least one. Install (and winnt32) will FAIL!"
goto :Eof
if not "%foundassemblies%"=="%okassemblies%" (
goto :Eof
if /i "%SXSCOMPRESS%" EQU "Yes" (
call sxs_compress.cmd %asmsroot%
goto :Eof