Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off
REM unrazzle.cmd
REM undoes the setting of environment variables that razzle.cmd does
if "%sdxroot%"=="" (
echo WARN: defaulting sdxroot to z:\nt
set sdxroot=z:\nt
if not exist %sdxroot%\tools\razzle.cmd (
echo ERROR: sdxroot\tools\razzle.cmd not found
goto :eof
REM These are set indirectly so are not found by the general code.
for %%i in (%_BuildArch% ia64 x86 i386 amd64) do (
set %%i=
set _NT%%iTREE=
REM What this is doing is passing the fullpath of this file, %~f0, to perl, and
REM treating the output as variables to clear.
REM -x to Perl makes it skip ahead to the #!perl line.
for %%j in (razzle.cmd ntenv.cmd ntuser.cmd sdinit.cmd) do (
for /f %%i in ('%razzletoolpath%\perl\bin\perl -x %~f0 ^< %sdxroot%\tools\%%j') do set %%i=
set Path=%windir%\system32;%windir%;%windir%\System32\Wbem
title %comspec%
goto :eof
#line 31
sub MakeLower
return lc($_[0]);
# find all environment variables modified by razzle.cmd by looking for set foo=
# we should populate this at runtime at least from
# reg query "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment" | findstr /i value
'processor_architecture' => 1,
'temp' => 1,
'tmp' => 1,
'username' => 1
while (<>)
if (/set +(\/a +)?([^='%]+)=/i)
$x = $2;
$y = MakeLower($x);
if (!$preserve{$y})
$vars{$y} = $x;
foreach $var (sort(values(%vars)))
printf($var . "\n");