Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
10 KiB

#ifndef _PROPITEM_H
#define _PROPITEM_H
const TCHAR c_szNumAlt[] = TEXT("NumAlt");
const TCHAR c_szMasterLM[] = TEXT("MasterLM");
const TCHAR c_szCtxtFeed[] = TEXT("ContextFeed");
const TCHAR c_szEnableLMA[] = TEXT("EnableLMA");
const TCHAR c_szSerialize[] = TEXT("Serialize");
const TCHAR c_szDictModebias[] = TEXT("DictModebias");
// const TCHAR c_szDocBlockSize[] = TEXT("docblocksize");
// const TCHAR c_szMaxCandChars[] = TEXT("MaxCandChars");
const TCHAR c_szDictCmd[] = TEXT("DictationCommands"); // Enable / Disbale commands in Dictation mode
const TCHAR c_szKeyboardCmd[] = TEXT("KeyboardCmd");
const TCHAR c_szSelectCmd[] = TEXT("SelectCmd");
const TCHAR c_szNavigateCmd[] = TEXT("NavigateCmd");
const TCHAR c_szCaseCmd[] = TEXT("CasingCmd");
const TCHAR c_szEditCmd[] = TEXT("EditCmd");
const TCHAR c_szLangBarCmd[] = TEXT("LangBarCmd");
const TCHAR c_szTTSCmd[] = TEXT("TTSCmd");
const TCHAR c_szModeButton[] = TEXT("ModeButton");
const TCHAR c_szDictKey[] = TEXT("DictationKey");
const TCHAR c_szCmdKey[] = TEXT("CommandKey");
const TCHAR c_szHighConf[] = TEXT("HighConfidenceForShortWord");
const TCHAR c_szRemoveSpace[] = TEXT("RemoveSpaceForSymbol");
const TCHAR c_szDisDictTyping[] = TEXT("DisableDictTyping");
const TCHAR c_szPlayBack[] = TEXT("PlayBackCandUI");
const TCHAR c_szDictCandOpen[] = TEXT("DictCandOpen");
#define UNINIT_VALUE 0xffff
// Take use of the below enum type as a common status type to replace
// the many previous similar enum types for different individual items,
typedef enum
typedef enum
PropId_Min_Item_Id = 0,
// Property Items in the top property page.
PropId_Min_InPropPage = 0,
PropId_Hide_Balloon = 0, // Enable/Disable hiding speech balloon
PropId_Support_LMA = 1, // Enable/Disable LMA Support
PropId_High_Confidence = 2, // Require High Confidence for short words
PropId_Save_Speech_Data = 3, // Enable/Disable Save Speech Data
PropId_Remove_Space = 4, // Enable removing whitespace for punctations
PropId_DisDict_Typing = 5, // Support disabling dictation while typing
PropId_PlayBack = 6, // Enable playback audio while candidate UI is to open.
PropId_Dict_CandOpen = 7, // Allow dictation while candidate UI is open.
PropId_Cmd_DictMode = 8, // Enable/Disable all commands in dictation mode
PropId_Mode_Button = 9, // Enable/Disable Mode Buttons
PropId_MaxId_InPropPage = 9,
// Property Items in the voice command setting dialog
PropId_MinId_InVoiceCmd = 10,
PropId_Cmd_Select_Correct = 10, // Enable/Disable Selection commands
PropId_Cmd_Navigation = 11, // Enalbe/Disable Navigation commands
PropId_Cmd_Casing = 12, // Enable/Disable Casing Commands
PropId_Cmd_Editing = 13, // Enable/Disable Editing Commands
PropId_Cmd_Keyboard = 14, // Enable/Disable Keyboard simulation commands
PropId_Cmd_TTS = 15, // Enable/Disable TTS commands
PropId_Cmd_Language_Bar = 16, // Enable/Disalbe Langauge Bar commands
PropId_MaxId_InVoiceCmd = 16,
// Property Items in the Mode button setting dialog
PropId_MinId_InModeButton = 17,
PropId_Dictation_Key = 17, // Virtual key for Dictation Key
PropId_Command_Key = 18, // Virtual key for Command Key
PropId_MaxId_InModeButton = 18,
// Property items which are not configurable through property page.
PropId_Max_Alternates = 19, // Maximum number of alternates
PropId_MaxChar_Cand = 20, // Maximum number of candidate characters
PropId_Context_Feeding = 21, // Enable/Disable Context Feeding
PropId_Dict_ModeBias = 22, // Enable/Disable Dictation while ModeBias
PropId_LM_Master_Cand = 23, // Enable/Disable Master LM for candidates
PropId_Max_Item_Id = 24
typedef struct _Prop_Item
PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem;
const TCHAR *lpszValueName;
GUID *pguidComp;
DWORD dwMaskBit;
BOOL fIsStatus; // TRUE means this is Enable/Disable item
// FALSE means this is a value item, DWORD
DWORD dwDefault;
PROP_STATUS psDefault;
class _declspec(novtable) CPropItem
CPropItem(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, PROP_STATUS psDefault);
CPropItem(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD dwDefault);
CPropItem(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem, GUID *pguidComp, DWORD dwMaskBit, PROP_STATUS psDefault);
CPropItem(CPropItem *pItem);
~CPropItem( );
BOOL GetPropStatus(BOOL fForceFromReg=FALSE);
DWORD GetPropValue(BOOL fForceFromReg=FALSE );
void SetPropStatus(BOOL fEnable);
void SetPropValue(DWORD dwValue);
void SavePropData( );
void SaveDefaultRegValue( );
BOOL IsStatusPropItem( ) { return m_fIsStatus; }
PROP_ITEM_ID GetPropItemId( ) { return m_PropItemId; }
BOOL IsGlobalCompartPropItem( ) { return ((m_pguidComp && !m_lpszValueName) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
TCHAR *GetRegValue( ) { return m_lpszValueName; }
GUID *GetCompGuid( ) { return m_pguidComp; }
DWORD GetMaskBit( ) { return m_dwMaskBit; }
PROP_STATUS GetPropDefaultStatus( ) { return m_psDefault; }
DWORD GetPropDefaultValue( ) { return m_dwDefault; }
HRESULT _GetRegValue(HKEY hRootKey, DWORD *dwValue);
void _SetRegValue(HKEY hRootKey, DWORD dwValue);
PROP_ITEM_ID m_PropItemId;
TCHAR *m_lpszValueName;
GUID *m_pguidComp;
DWORD m_dwMaskBit;
BOOL m_fIsStatus; // TRUE means this prop keeps bool (Enable/Disable).
// FALSE means this prop keeps raw data (ulong).
DWORD m_dwDefault;
PROP_STATUS m_psDefault;
DWORD m_dwValue;
PROP_STATUS m_psStatus;
class __declspec(novtable) CSpPropItemsServer
CSpPropItemsServer( );
CSpPropItemsServer(CSpPropItemsServer *pItemBaseServer, PROP_ITEM_ID idPropMin, PROP_ITEM_ID idPropMax);
~CSpPropItemsServer( );
CPropItem *_GetPropItem(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem);
DWORD _GetPropData(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem, BOOL fForceFromReg=FALSE );
DWORD _GetPropDefaultData(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem);
void _SetPropData(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem, DWORD dwData);
void _SavePropData( );
void _SaveDefaultData( );
DWORD _GetNumPropItems( ) { return m_dwNumOfItems; }
HRESULT _MergeDataFromServer(CSpPropItemsServer *pItemBaseServer, PROP_ITEM_ID idPropMin, PROP_ITEM_ID idPropMax);
HRESULT _Initialize( );
CPropItem **m_PropItems;
BOOL m_fInitialized;
DWORD m_dwNumOfItems;
// This is a server wrap derived by CSapiIMX.
class __declspec(novtable) CSpPropItemsServerWrap : public CSpPropItemsServer
CSpPropItemsServerWrap( )
#if 0
for (DWORD i=0; i<(DWORD)PropId_Max_Item_Id; i++)
m_bChanged[i] = FALSE;
memset(m_bChanged, 0, sizeof(m_bChanged));
~CSpPropItemsServerWrap( ){ };
ULONG _GetMaxAlternates( );
ULONG _GetMaxCandidateChars( );
BOOL _MasterLMEnabled( ) { return (BOOL)_GetPropData(PropId_LM_Master_Cand); }
BOOL _ContextFeedEnabled( ) { return (BOOL)_GetPropData(PropId_Context_Feeding); }
BOOL _IsModeBiasDictationEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Dict_ModeBias); }
BOOL _SerializeEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Save_Speech_Data);}
BOOL _LMASupportEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Support_LMA); }
BOOL _RequireHighConfidenceForShorWord( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_High_Confidence); }
BOOL _NeedRemovingSpaceForPunctation( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Remove_Space);}
BOOL _NeedDisableDictationWhileTyping( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_DisDict_Typing); }
BOOL _EnablePlaybackWhileCandUIOpen( ) {return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_PlayBack); }
BOOL _AllowDictationWhileCandOpen( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Dict_CandOpen); }
BOOL _SelectCorrectCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Select_Correct); }
BOOL _NavigationCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Navigation); }
BOOL _CasingCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Casing); }
BOOL _EditingCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Editing); }
BOOL _KeyboardCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Keyboard); }
BOOL _TTSCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_TTS); }
BOOL _LanguageBarCmdEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_Language_Bar); }
BOOL _AllDictCmdsDisabled( ) { return !(BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Cmd_DictMode); }
BOOL _AllCmdsEnabled( );
BOOL _AllCmdsDisabled( );
void _RenewAllPropDataFromReg( );
BOOL _IsModeKeysEnabled( ) { return (BOOL) _GetPropData(PropId_Mode_Button); }
DWORD _GetDictationButton( ) { return _GetPropData(PropId_Dictation_Key); }
DWORD _GetCommandButton( ) { return _GetPropData(PropId_Command_Key); }
BOOL _IsPropItemChangedSinceLastRenew(PROP_ITEM_ID idPropItem) { return m_bChanged[(DWORD)idPropItem]; }
BOOL m_bChanged[(DWORD)PropId_Max_Item_Id]; // indicates if the items have been changed since last
// renew from Registry.
#endif // _PROPITEM_H