Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

609 lines
19 KiB

//// DspLogcl - Display logical text
// Shows logical characters and selection range in backing store order and fixed width.
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "global.h"
//// DottedLine
// Draws a horizontal or a vertical dotted line
// Not the best algorithm.
void DottedLine(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int dx, int dy) {
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, 0);
if (dx) {
// Horizontal line
while (dx > 2) {
x += 3;
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, 0);
dx -= 3;
x += dx;
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, 0);
} else {
// Vertical line
while (dy > 2) {
y += 3;
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, 0);
dy -= 3;
y += dy;
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, 0);
//// PaintLogical - show characters in logical sequence
// Display each glyph separately - override the default advance width
// processing to defeat any overlapping or combining action that the
// font performs with it's default ABC width.
// To achieve this, we call ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth to obtain the
// leading side bearing (A), the black box width (B) and the trailing
// side bearing (C).
// Since we can control only the advance width per glyph, we have to
// calulate suitable advance widths to override the affect of the
// ABC values in the font.
// You should never normally need to call ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth.
// PaintLogical has to implement a form of font fallback - Indian and
// Tamil scripts are not present in Tahoma, so we go
// directly to Mangal and Latha for characters in those Unicode ranges.
void PaintLogical(
HDC hdc,
int *piY,
RECT *prc,
int iLineHeight) {
const int MAXBUF = 100;
const int CELLGAP = 4; // Pixels between adjacent glyphs
int icpLineStart; // First character of line
int icpLineEnd; // End of line (end of buffer or index of CR character)
int icp;
int iLen;
int iPartLen; // Part of string in a single font
int iPartX;
int iPartWidth;
int idx[MAXBUF]; // Force widths so all characters show
BYTE bFont[MAXBUF]; // Font used for each character
int iTotX;
int ildx; // Overall line dx, adjusts for 'A' width of leading glyph
int iSliderX;
int iFont; // 0 = Tahoma, 1 = Mangal, 2 = Latha
RECT rcClear; // Clear each line before displaying it
// Selection highlighting
bool bHighlight; // Current state of highlighting in the hdc
int iFrom; // Selection range
int iTo;
DWORD dwOldBkColor=0;
DWORD dwOldTextColor=0;
// Item analysis
SCRIPT_CONTROL scriptControl;
SCRIPT_STATE scriptState;
INT iItem;
HFONT hfold;
BOOL bMissing;
icpLineStart = 0;
hf[0] = CreateFontA(iLineHeight*7/10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Tahoma");
hf[1] = CreateFontA(iLineHeight*7/10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Mangal");
hf[2] = CreateFontA(iLineHeight*7/10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Latha");
hf[3] = CreateFontA(iLineHeight*7/20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Tahoma"); // for bidi level digits
iFont = 0;
hfold = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, hf[iFont]);
ildx = 0;
memset(sc, 0, sizeof(sc));
bHighlight = FALSE;
INT iSliderHeight = g_fOverrideDx ? iLineHeight * 5 / 10 : 0;
INT iLevelsHeight = g_fShowLevels ? iLineHeight * 8 / 20 : 0;
// Display line by line
while (icpLineStart < g_iTextLen) {
// Clear line before displaying it
rcClear = *prc;
rcClear.top = *piY;
rcClear.bottom = *piY + iLineHeight + iSliderHeight + iLevelsHeight;
FillRect(hdc, &rcClear, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
// Find end of line or end of buffer
icpLineEnd = icpLineStart;
while (icpLineEnd < g_iTextLen && g_wcBuf[icpLineEnd] != 0x0D) {
if (icpLineEnd - icpLineStart > MAXBUF) {
iLen = MAXBUF;
} else {
iLen = icpLineEnd - icpLineStart;
// Obtain item analysis
scriptControl = g_ScriptControl;
scriptState = g_ScriptState;
ScriptItemize(g_wcBuf+icpLineStart, iLen, MAXBUF, &scriptControl, &scriptState, items, NULL);
// Determine font and glyph index for each codepoint
if (iFont != 0) { // Start with Tahoma
iFont = 0;
SelectObject(hdc, hf[0]);
hr = ScriptGetCMap(hdc, &sc[iFont], g_wcBuf+icpLineStart, iLen, 0, wGlyphBuf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
memset(bFont, 0, iLen);
if (hr != S_OK) {
// Some characters were not in Tahoma
sfp.cBytes = sizeof(sfp);
ScriptGetFontProperties(hdc, &sc[iFont], &sfp);
bMissing = FALSE;
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++) {
if (wGlyphBuf[icp] == sfp.wgDefault) {
bFont[icp] = 1;
bMissing = TRUE;
// Try other fonts
while (bMissing && iFont < 2) {
SelectObject(hdc, hf[iFont]);
ScriptGetFontProperties(hdc, &sc[iFont], &sfp);
bMissing = FALSE;
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++) {
if (bFont[icp] == iFont) {
ScriptGetCMap(hdc, &sc[iFont], g_wcBuf+icpLineStart+icp, 1, 0, wGlyphBuf+icp);
if (wGlyphBuf[icp] == sfp.wgDefault) {
bFont[icp] = (BYTE)(iFont+1);
bMissing = TRUE;
if (bMissing) {
// Remaining missing characters come from font 0
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++) {
if (bFont[icp] >= NUMLOGICALFONTS) {
bFont[icp] = 0;
// Display each glyphs black box next to the previous. Override the
// default ABC behaviour.
idx[0] = 0;
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++) {
if (iFont != bFont[icp]) {
iFont = bFont[icp];
SelectObject(hdc, hf[iFont]);
ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth(hdc, &sc[iFont], wGlyphBuf[icp], &abc[icp]);
if (g_wcBuf[icpLineStart+icp] == ' ') {
// Treat entire space as black
abc[icp].abcB += abc[icp].abcA; abc[icp].abcA = 0;
abc[icp].abcB += abc[icp].abcC; abc[icp].abcC = 0;
// Glyph black box width is abc.abcB
// We'd like the glyph to appear 2 pixels to the right of the
// previous glyph.
// The default placement of left edge is abc.abcA.
// Therefore we need to shift this character to the right by
// 2 - abc.abcA to get it positioned correctly. We do this by
// updating the advance width for the previous character.
if (!icp) {
ildx = CELLGAP/2 - abc[icp].abcA;
} else {
idx[icp-1] += CELLGAP - abc[icp].abcA;
// Now adjust the advance width for this character to take us to
// the right edge of it's black box.
idx[icp] = abc[icp].abcB + abc[icp].abcA;
// Support selection range specified in either direction
if (g_iFrom <= g_iTo) {
iFrom = g_iFrom - icpLineStart;
iTo = g_iTo - icpLineStart;
} else {
iFrom = g_iTo - icpLineStart;
iTo = g_iFrom - icpLineStart;
// Display glyphs in their appropriate fonts
icp = 0;
iPartX = prc->left+ildx;
while (icp < iLen) {
if (iFont != bFont[icp]) {
iFont = bFont[icp];
SelectObject(hdc, hf[iFont]);
// Set selection highlighting at start
if ( icp >= iFrom
&& icp < iTo
&& !bHighlight) {
// Turn on highlighting
dwOldBkColor = SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
dwOldTextColor = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
bHighlight = TRUE;
} else if ( ( icp < iFrom
|| icp >= iTo)
&& bHighlight) {
// Turn off highlighting
SetBkColor(hdc, dwOldBkColor);
SetTextColor(hdc, dwOldTextColor);
bHighlight = FALSE;
// Find longest run from a single font, and
// without change of highlighting
iPartLen = 0;
iPartWidth = 0;
while ( icp+iPartLen < iLen
&& iFont == bFont[icp+iPartLen]
&& bHighlight == (icp+iPartLen >= iFrom && icp+iPartLen < iTo)) {
iPartWidth += idx[icp+iPartLen];
// Display single font, single highlighting
icp += iPartLen;
iPartX += iPartWidth;
// Mark the cells to make the characters stand out clearly
MoveToEx(hdc, prc->left, *piY, NULL);
LineTo(hdc, prc->left, *piY + iLineHeight*3/4);
iTotX = 0;
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++){
iTotX += abc[icp].abcB + CELLGAP;
idx[icp] = iTotX; // Record cell position for mouse hit testing
DottedLine(hdc, prc->left + iTotX, *piY, 0, iLineHeight*3/4);
// Add slider for OverridedDx control
if (g_fOverrideDx) {
iSliderX = prc->left + (icp==0 ? idx[0]/2 : (idx[icp-1] + idx[icp])/2);
// Draw the axis of the slider
DottedLine(hdc, iSliderX, *piY + iLineHeight*35/40, 0, iSliderHeight*35/40);
// Draw the knob
if (g_iWidthBuf[icpLineStart + icp] < iSliderHeight) {
MoveToEx(hdc, iSliderX-2, *piY + iLineHeight*35/40 + iSliderHeight*35/40 - g_iWidthBuf[icpLineStart + icp], NULL);
LineTo (hdc, iSliderX+3, *piY + iLineHeight*35/40 + iSliderHeight*35/40 - g_iWidthBuf[icpLineStart + icp]);
} else {
MoveToEx(hdc, iSliderX-2, *piY + iLineHeight*35/40, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, iSliderX+3, *piY + iLineHeight*35/40);
MoveToEx(hdc, prc->left + iTotX, *piY, NULL);
LineTo(hdc, prc->left + iTotX, *piY + iLineHeight*30/40);
MoveToEx(hdc, prc->left, *piY, NULL);
LineTo(hdc, prc->left + iTotX, *piY);
MoveToEx(hdc, prc->left, *piY + iLineHeight*30/40, NULL);
LineTo(hdc, prc->left + iTotX, *piY + iLineHeight*30/40);
if (g_fShowLevels)
// Display bidi levels for each codepoint
iItem = 0;
iFont = 3;
SelectObject(hdc, hf[3]);
for (icp=0; icp<iLen; icp++)
if (icp == items[iItem+1].iCharPos)
// Draw a vertical line to mark the item boundary
MoveToEx(hdc, prc->left + idx[icp-1], *piY + iLineHeight*35/40 + iSliderHeight, NULL);
LineTo( hdc, prc->left + idx[icp-1], *piY + iLineHeight*35/40 + iSliderHeight + iLevelsHeight*35/40);
// Establish where horizontally to display the digit
char chDigit = char('0' + items[iItem].a.s.uBidiLevel);
int digitWidth;
GetCharWidth32A(hdc, chDigit, chDigit, &digitWidth);
prc->left + (icp==0 ? idx[0]/2 : (idx[icp-1] + idx[icp])/2) - digitWidth / 2,
*piY + iLineHeight*35/40 + iSliderHeight,
// Check whether mouse clicks in this line are waiting to be processed
if ( g_fOverrideDx
&& g_fMouseUp && g_iMouseUpY > *piY + iLineHeight*33/40 && g_iMouseUpY < *piY + iLineHeight*63/40) {
// Procss change to DX override slider
icp = 0;
while (icp<iLen && prc->left + idx[icp] < g_iMouseUpX) {
g_iWidthBuf[icpLineStart+icp] = *piY + 60 - g_iMouseUpY; // Adjust this slider
InvalidateText(); // Force slider to redraw at new position
g_fMouseDown = FALSE;
g_fMouseUp = FALSE;
g_iFrom = icpLineStart+icp;
g_iTo = icpLineStart+icp;
} else if (g_fMouseDown && g_iMouseDownY > *piY && g_iMouseDownY < *piY+iLineHeight) {
// Handle text selection
// Record char pos at left button down
// Snap mouse hit to closest character boundary
if (g_iMouseDownX < prc->left + idx[0]/2) {
icp = 0;
} else {
icp = 1;
while ( icp < iLen
&& g_iMouseDownX > prc->left + (idx[icp-1] + idx[icp]) / 2) {
g_iFrom = icp + icpLineStart;
if (g_iFrom < icpLineStart) {
g_iFrom = icpLineStart;
if (g_iFrom > icpLineEnd) {
g_iFrom = icpLineEnd;
g_fMouseDown = FALSE;
if (g_fMouseUp && g_iMouseUpY > *piY && g_iMouseUpY < *piY+iLineHeight) {
// Complete selection processing
if (g_iMouseUpX < prc->left + idx[0]/2) {
icp = 0;
} else {
icp = 1;
while ( icp < iLen
&& g_iMouseUpX > prc->left + (idx[icp-1] + idx[icp]) / 2) {
g_iTo = icp + icpLineStart;
if (g_iTo < icpLineStart) {
g_iTo = icpLineStart;
if (g_iTo > icpLineEnd) {
g_iTo = icpLineEnd;
// Caret is where mouse was raised
g_iCurChar = g_iTo;
g_iCaretSection = CARET_SECTION_LOGICAL; // Show caret in logical text
g_fUpdateCaret = TRUE;
g_fMouseUp = FALSE; // Signal that the mouse up is processed
if ( g_fUpdateCaret
&& g_iCurChar >= icpLineStart
&& g_iCurChar <= icpLineEnd
&& g_iCaretSection == CARET_SECTION_LOGICAL) {
g_fUpdateCaret = FALSE;
if (g_iCurChar <= icpLineStart) {
ResetCaret(prc->left, *piY, iLineHeight);
} else {
ResetCaret(prc->left + idx[g_iCurChar - icpLineStart - 1], *piY, iLineHeight);
else {
// ScriptGetCMap failed - therefore this is not a glyphable font.
// This could indicate
// A printer device font
// We're running on FE Win95 which cannot handle glyph indices
// For the sample app, we know we are using a glyphable Truetype font
// on a screen DC, so it must mean the sample is running on a Far
// East version of Windows 95.
// Theoretically we could go to the trouble of calling
// WideCharToMultiByte and using the 'A' char interfaces to
// implement DspLogcl.
// However this is only a sample program - DspPlain and DspFormt
// work correctly, but there's no advantage in implementing
// DspLogcl so well.
// Display an apology.
ExtTextOutA(hdc, prc->left+2, *piY+2, ETO_CLIPPED, prc, "Sorry, no logical text display on Far East Windows 95.", 54, NULL);
icpLineEnd = g_iTextLen; // Hack to stop display of subsequent lines
*piY += iLineHeight + iSliderHeight + iLevelsHeight;
// Advance to next line
if (g_fPresentation) {
icpLineStart = g_iTextLen; // Only show one line in presentation mode
} else {
if (icpLineEnd < g_iTextLen) {
if (icpLineEnd < g_iTextLen && g_wcBuf[icpLineEnd] == 0x0A) {
icpLineStart = icpLineEnd;
SelectObject(hdc, hfold);
if (bHighlight) {
// Turn off highlighting
SetBkColor(hdc, dwOldBkColor);
SetTextColor(hdc, dwOldTextColor);
bHighlight = FALSE;
for (iFont=0; iFont<NUMLOGICALFONTS; iFont++) {
if (sc[iFont]) {