Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

814 lines
27 KiB

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Attribute VB_Name = "frmHscSearchTester"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents m_HssQt As HssSimSearch
Attribute m_HssQt.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_dblTimeLastKey As Double
Private m_strHht As String ' The Hht File used as base.
Private m_strTempXMLFile As String ' Temporary File for XML Rendering
Private m_bBatchMode As Boolean ' Tells parts of the app whether
' we are running Batch or interactive
Private Function GetFile(ByVal strURI As String) As String
GetFile = ""
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject: Set oFs = New FileSystemObject
Dim oTs As TextStream: Set oTs = oFs.OpenTextFile(strURI)
GetFile = oTs.ReadAll
End Function
Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
txtHht.Text = CommonDialog1.FileName
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNewQuery_Click()
Me.txtInput = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOpenTpl_Click()
If (Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtQTpl.Text = GetFile(CommonDialog1.FileName)
m_HssQt.XpathQueryTplXml = txtQTpl
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
' OpenHht CommonDialog1.FileName
m_HssQt.TestedHht = CommonDialog1.FileName
Me.Frame1.Enabled = True
Me.txtInput.Enabled = True
Me.cmdOpenTpl.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set m_HssQt = New HssSimSearch
' Initialize the XPath Query Generator
txtQTpl = GetFile(App.Path + "\HSCQuery_Exact_Match.xml")
m_HssQt.XpathQueryTplXml = txtQTpl
' Let's Get a Temporary File Name
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject: Set oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
m_strTempXMLFile = Environ$("TEMP") + "\" + oFs.GetTempName + ".xml"
Dim oFh As Scripting.TextStream
Set oFh = oFs.CreateTextFile(m_strTempXMLFile)
oFh.WriteLine "<Note>When you click on a Match, the Taxonomy Entry will show up here</Note>"
wb.Navigate m_strTempXMLFile
StatusBar1.Style = sbrSimple
Me.AutoRedraw = False
' == Disable all controls which should not have User Input
Me.cmdOpenTpl.Enabled = False
If (Len(Command$) > 0) Then
doWork Command$
Unload Me
Timer1.Interval = 400
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Terminate()
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject: Set oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
If oFs.FileExists(m_strTempXMLFile) Then oFs.DeleteFile m_strTempXMLFile
End Sub
Private Sub lstAllMatches_Click()
DisplayTaxonomyEntry lstAllMatches, m_HssQt.MergedResults, wb2
End Sub
Private Sub lstAutoStringifiableQResults_Click()
DisplayTaxonomyEntry lstAutoStringifiableQResults, m_HssQt.AutoStringResults, wb
End Sub
Private Sub lstMatches_Click()
DisplayTaxonomyEntry lstMatches, m_HssQt.KwQResults, wb
End Sub
Sub DisplayTaxonomyEntry(oList As ListBox, oResultsList As IXMLDOMNodeList, wBrowser As WebBrowser)
If (oList.ListIndex < oResultsList.length) Then
Dim oDom As DOMDocument: Set oDom = New DOMDocument
oDom.loadXML oResultsList.Item(oList.ListIndex).xml
oDom.save m_strTempXMLFile
wBrowser.Navigate m_strTempXMLFile
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_HssQt_QueryComplete(bCancel As Variant)
Debug.Print "Here"
' Now let's show everything we've gathered on the UI
If (m_HssQt.QueryIsAutoStringifiable) Then
Me.lblAutoStringifiable = "[ Query is AutoStringifiable ]"
Me.lblAutoStringifiable = "[ Query is NOT AutoStringifiable ]"
End If
Me.txtASQ = m_HssQt.AutoStringyQuery
Me.txtCanonicalQuery = m_HssQt.CanonicalQuery
' Populate the Resulting Stopwords and StopSigns Lists
Dim strKey As Variant
For Each strKey In m_HssQt.StopWords.Keys ' m_odStw.Keys
lstStw.AddItem strKey
For Each strKey In m_HssQt.StopSigns.Keys ' m_odSs.Keys
lstSS.AddItem strKey
' BUGBUG: Need to add stats for AutoString Query.
If (Not m_HssQt.KwQResults Is Nothing) Then
StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Time: " & _
Format(m_HssQt.QueryTiming, "##0.000000") & _
" Records = " & m_HssQt.KwQResults.length
End If
' BUGBUG: Need to prop back from Query Object the Query Errors.
Dim bKwqError As Boolean, bAsqError As Boolean
bKwqError = False: bAsqError = False
DisplayResultsList m_HssQt.AutoStringResults, Me.lstAutoStringifiableQResults, bAsqError
DisplayResultsList m_HssQt.KwQResults, lstMatches, bKwqError
DisplayResultsList m_HssQt.MergedResults, Me.lstAllMatches, False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Static s_strPrevInput As String
Static s_bqueryInProgress As Boolean
If (Len(Me.txtInput) > 0) Then
If (Timer - m_dblTimeLastKey > 0.2) Then
If (Me.txtInput <> s_strPrevInput) Then
If (Not s_bqueryInProgress) Then
s_bqueryInProgress = True
s_strPrevInput = Me.txtInput
s_bqueryInProgress = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtInput_Change()
' Debug.Print "txtInput_Change: Query = " & txtInput.Text
m_dblTimeLastKey = Timer
End Sub
Sub ProcessQuery()
m_HssQt.ProcessQuery Me.txtInput
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub DisplayResultsList(oDomList As IXMLDOMNodeList, oListBox As ListBox, bError As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
If (Not oDomList Is Nothing) Then
If oDomList.length = 0 Then oListBox.AddItem "No matching elements"
For i = 0 To oDomList.length - 1
oListBox.AddItem "[" + CStr(i + 1) + "]" + oDomList.Item(i).Attributes.getNamedItem("TITLE").Text
oListBox.AddItem "No matching elements - N"
End If
End Sub
' ================ Batch Procssing Routines ======================
' ============= Command Line Interface ====================
' Function: Parseopts
' Objective : Supplies a Command Line arguments interface parsing
Function ParseOpts(ByVal strCmd As String) As Boolean
' Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = "": If (g_bOnErrorHandling) Then On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim lProgOpt As Long
Dim iError As Long
Dim lFileCounter As Long: lFileCounter = 0
Const INP_FILE1 As Long = 2 ^ 0
Const INP_FILE2 As Long = 2 ^ 1
' Const OPT_SSDB As Long = 2 ^ 0
Dim strArg As String
Do While (Len(strCmd) > 0 And iError = 0)
strCmd = Trim$(strCmd)
If Left$(strCmd, 1) = Chr(34) Then
strCmd = Right$(strCmd, Len(strCmd) - 1)
strArg = vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=Chr(34))
strArg = vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" ")
End If
If (Left$(strArg, 1) = "/" Or Left$(strArg, 1) = "-") Then
' strArg = Mid$(strArg, 2)
' Select Case UCase$(strArg)
' ' All the Cases are in alphabetical order to make your life
' ' easier to go through them. There are a couple of exceptions.
' ' The first one is that every NOXXX option goes after the
' ' pairing OPTION.
' lProgOpt = (lProgOpt Or OPT_EXPANDONLY)
' Me.chkExpandOnly = vbChecked
' Case "INC"
' lProgOpt = (lProgOpt Or OPT_INC)
' Me.chkInc = vbChecked
' Case "SSDB"
' strArg = LCase$(vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" "))
' If ("\\" = Left$(strArg, 2)) Then
' lProgOpt = lProgOpt Or OPT_SSDB
' Me.txtSSDB = strArg
' Else
' MsgBox ("A source safe database must be specified using UNC '\\' style notation")
' iError = 1
' End If
' Case "SSPROJ"
' strArg = LCase$(vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" "))
' If ("$/" = Left$(strArg, 2)) Then
' lProgOpt = lProgOpt Or OPT_SSPROJ
' Me.txtSSProject = strArg
' Else
' MsgBox ("A source safe project must be specified using '$/' style notation")
' iError = 1
' End If
' Case "LVIDIR"
' strArg = LCase$(vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" "))
' If ("\\" = Left$(strArg, 2)) Then
' lProgOpt = lProgOpt Or OPT_LVIDIR
' Me.txtLiveImageDir = strArg
' Else
' MsgBox ("Live Image Directory must be specified using UNC '\\' style notation")
' iError = 1
' End If
' Case "WORKDIR"
' strArg = LCase$(vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" "))
' If ("\\" = Left$(strArg, 2)) Then
' lProgOpt = lProgOpt Or OPT_WORKDIR
' Me.txtWorkDir = strArg
' Else
' MsgBox ("Working Directory must be specified using UNC '\\' style notation")
' iError = 1
' End If
' Case "RENLIST"
' strArg = vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" ")
' If (Not (FileExists(strArg))) Then
' MsgBox ("Cannot open Renames file " & strArg & ". Make sure you type a Full Pathname")
' iError = 1
' lProgOpt = (lProgOpt And (Not OPT_RENLIST))
' Else
' Me.txtRenamesFile = strArg
' lProgOpt = (lProgOpt Or OPT_RENLIST)
' End If
' Case Else
' MsgBox "Program Option: " & "/" & strArg & " is not supported", vbOKOnly, "Program Arguments Error"
' lProgOpt = 0
' iError = 1
' End Select
lFileCounter = lFileCounter + 1
' strArg = vntGetTok(strCmd, sTokSepIN:=" ")
If (Not (FileExists(strArg))) Then
MsgBox ("Cannot open input file " & strArg & ". Make sure you type a Full Pathname")
iError = 1
Select Case lFileCounter
Case 1
lProgOpt = (lProgOpt And (Not INP_FILE1))
Case 2
lProgOpt = (lProgOpt And (Not INP_FILE2))
End Select
Select Case lFileCounter
Case 1
' m_strInputBatch = Rel2AbsPathName(strArg)
m_HssQt.TestBatch = Rel2AbsPathName(strArg)
lProgOpt = (lProgOpt Or INP_FILE1)
Case 2
' Me.txtHht = Rel2AbsPathName(strArg)
m_HssQt.TestedHht = Rel2AbsPathName(strArg)
Me.txtHht = m_HssQt.TestedHht
lProgOpt = (lProgOpt Or INP_FILE2)
End Select
End If
End If
' Now we check for a complete and <coherent> list of files / options.
' As all options are
' mandatory then we check for ALL options being set.
If ((lProgOpt And (INP_FILE1 Or INP_FILE2)) <> (INP_FILE1 Or INP_FILE2)) Then
iError = 1
End If
ParseOpts = (0 = iError)
Exit Function
' g_XErr.SetInfo "frmLiveHelpFileImage::ParseOpts", strErrMsg
' Err.Raise Err.Number
End Function
Sub doWork(ByVal strCmd As String)
' Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = "": If (g_bOnErrorHandling) Then On Error GoTo Error_Handler
If Not ParseOpts(strCmd) Then
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Me.Show vbModeless
Exit Sub
' g_XErr.SetInfo "frmLiveHelpFileImage::doWork", strErrMsg
' Err.Raise Err.Number
End Sub
Sub UseageMsg()
MsgBox "HSCSearchTester TestFile.xml HHTFile", _
vbOKOnly, "HSCSearchTester Program Usage"
End Sub