Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1091 lines
34 KiB

MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "Importer"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Private Const MAX_LEVELS_C As Long = 100
Private p_clsKeywordifier As Keywordifier
Private p_arrTags(4) As String
Private p_arrParamHhcTags(3) As String
Private p_arrParamHhkTags(1) As String
Private p_strDirName As String
Private p_enumHelpDir As HELPDIR_E
Private p_strSubDir As String
Private p_strVendorString As String
Private p_intLevel As Long
Public Event MissingFile(ByVal strFileName As String)
Public Event CorruptFile(ByVal strFileName As String)
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set p_clsKeywordifier = New Keywordifier
p_arrTags(0) = "<UL>"
p_arrTags(1) = "</UL>"
p_arrTags(2) = "<LI>"
p_arrTags(3) = "<OBJECT" ' Note that there is no >
p_arrTags(4) = "</OBJECT>"
p_arrParamHhcTags(0) = """Name"""
p_arrParamHhcTags(1) = """Local"""
p_arrParamHhcTags(2) = """Merge"""
p_arrParamHhcTags(3) = """NoLocEnuTitle:"
p_arrParamHhkTags(0) = """Name"""
p_arrParamHhkTags(1) = """Local"""
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set p_clsKeywordifier = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub SetHelpDir( _
ByVal i_enumHelpDir As Long, _
ByVal i_strSubDir As String _
Dim intLength As Long
Dim vntVendorString As Variant
p_enumHelpDir = i_enumHelpDir
p_strSubDir = i_strSubDir
intLength = Len(p_strSubDir)
If (intLength = 0) Then
' Nothing
ElseIf (Right$(p_strSubDir, 1) = "\") Then
p_strSubDir = Left$(p_strSubDir, intLength - 1) ' Remove trailing \
End If
If (i_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_VENDOR_E) Then
vntVendorString = g_clsParameters.Value(VENDOR_STRING_C)
If (IsNull(vntVendorString)) Then
Err.Raise errVendorStringNotConfigured
End If
p_strVendorString = vntVendorString
End If
End Sub
'HHCs look Like this:
'<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="Welcome">
' <param name="Comment" value="NoLocEnuTitle: Welcome">
' <param name="Local" value="MS-ITS:ntdef.chm::/default.htm">
' <param name="ImageNumber" value="21">
'<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="Take ownership of a file or folder">
' <param name="Comment" value="NoLocEnuTitle: Take ownership of a file or folder">
'<OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
'<param name="Merge" value="MS-ITS:Gstart.chm::/gstart.hhc">
'<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="Users and Computers">
' <param name="Comment" value="NoLocEnuTitle: Users and Computers">
' <param name="Local" value="sag_MNGUGtopnode.htm">
' <param name="ImageNumber" value="1">
' <UL>
' <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="Managing servers remotely">
' <param name="Comment" value="NoLocEnuTitle: Managing servers remotely">
' <param name="Local" value="MS-ITS:adminpk.chm::/sag_adminpack.htm">
' </UL>
' <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Merge" value="MS-ITS:comptoc.chm::/comptoc.hhc">
' <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Merge" value="MS-ITS:msinfo32.chm::/msinfo32.hhc">
Public Function Hhc2Hht( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
Optional ByVal i_intCodePage As Long = 0 _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set DOMDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set Node = HhtPreamble(DOMDoc, True)
p_strDirName = DirNameFromPath(i_strPathName)
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = Node
p_ProcessHhcOrHhkFile i_strPathName, True, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage
Set Hhc2Hht = DOMDoc
End Function
'HHKs look Like this:
'<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="access">
' <param name="See Also" value="access">
' <UL>
' <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="auditing of See auditing">
' <param name="See Also" value="auditing">
' <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="file permissions See file permissions">
' <param name="See Also" value="file permissions">
' </UL>
'<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="auditing">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="See Also" value="auditing">
' <UL>
' <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="enabling Audit Object Access">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_audit_file_folder.htm">
' <LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="files and folders">
' <param name="Name" value="How inheritance affects file and folder auditing">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_inherit_auditing.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Selecting where to apply auditing entries">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_applyonto_auditing.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_audit_file_folder.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Setting up permissions and auditing">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_overview.htm">
' </UL>
'In the case of "Name/Name/See Also" and "Name/Name/Local", the second Name is to be ignored.
'However, in the case of "Name/Name/Local/Name/Local/...", the first Name is to be made a
' parent. The subsequent Name/Local pairs are to be made children.
'In the past, the first Name used to be Keyword. Ie "Keyword/Name/See Also",
'"Keyword/Name/Local", "Keyword/Name/Local/Name/Local/...", etc
Public Function Hhk2Hht( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
Optional ByVal i_intCodePage As Long = 0 _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set DOMDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set Node = HhtPreamble(DOMDoc, True)
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = Node
p_ProcessHhcOrHhkFile i_strPathName, False, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage
Set Hhk2Hht = DOMDoc
End Function
Public Function Xls2Hht( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set DOMDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set Node = HhtPreamble(DOMDoc, True)
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = Node
p_ProcessXlsFile i_strPathName
Set Xls2Hht = DOMDoc
End Function
Public Function Htm2Hht( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strBaseFile As String _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set DOMDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set Node = HhtPreamble(DOMDoc, True)
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = Node
p_ProcessHtmFile i_strPathName, i_strBaseFile
Set Htm2Hht = DOMDoc
End Function
Private Sub p_ProcessHtmFile( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strBaseFile As String _
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strLocContent As String
Dim strURI As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strBaseFile As String
Dim arrNameValuePairs(2, 1) As String
strTitle = XMLMakeValidString(GetHtmTitle(i_strPathName))
strFileName = FileNameFromPath(i_strPathName)
strURI = p_TransformURI(strFileName, i_strBaseFile)
strURI = XMLMakeValidString(strURI)
If (i_strBaseFile = "") Then
strBaseFile = strFileName
strBaseFile = FileNameFromPath(i_strBaseFile) & "\" & strFileName
End If
' Fetch the TAXONOMY_ENTRIES node.
Set Node = p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1)
arrNameValuePairs(0, 0) = HHT_TITLE_C
arrNameValuePairs(0, 1) = strTitle
arrNameValuePairs(1, 0) = HHT_basefile_C
arrNameValuePairs(1, 1) = strBaseFile
arrNameValuePairs(2, 0) = HHT_URI_C
arrNameValuePairs(2, 1) = strURI
XMLCreateChildElement Node, HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C, "", True, arrNameValuePairs
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessXlsFile( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String _
On Error GoTo LErrorHandler
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strFileName As String
Dim arrNameValuePairs(3, 1) As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strTitleOld As String
Dim strURI As String
Dim strURIOld As String
Dim strKeywords As String
Dim strKeyword As String
Dim blnRecordSeen As Boolean
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.Open "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);ReadOnly=0;DBQ=" & _
i_strPathName & ";HDR=0;"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`", cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
strFileName = FileNameFromPath(i_strPathName)
' Fetch the TAXONOMY_ENTRIES node.
Set Node = p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1)
arrNameValuePairs(0, 0) = HHT_TITLE_C
arrNameValuePairs(1, 0) = HHT_basefile_C
arrNameValuePairs(1, 1) = strFileName
arrNameValuePairs(2, 0) = HHT_URI_C
arrNameValuePairs(3, 0) = HHT_keywords_C
Do While (Not rs.EOF)
strTitle = XMLMakeValidString(rs("Title") & "")
strURI = XMLMakeValidString(rs("URI") & "")
If (strTitle = "") Then
' Sometimes, we get a couple of blank rows at the end.
GoTo LWhileEnd
End If
If ((strTitle <> strTitleOld) Or (strURI <> strURIOld)) Then
arrNameValuePairs(0, 1) = strTitleOld
arrNameValuePairs(2, 1) = strURIOld
arrNameValuePairs(3, 1) = FormatKeywordsForTaxonomy(strKeywords)
If (blnRecordSeen) Then
XMLCreateChildElement Node, HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C, "", True, arrNameValuePairs
End If
strKeywords = " "
strTitleOld = strTitle
strURIOld = strURI
End If
blnRecordSeen = True
strKeyword = RemoveExtraSpaces(rs("Keyword") & "")
If (strKeyword <> "") Then
strKeywords = strKeywords & p_clsKeywordifier.GetKID(strKeyword) & " "
End If
If (blnRecordSeen) Then
arrNameValuePairs(0, 1) = strTitleOld
arrNameValuePairs(2, 1) = strURIOld
arrNameValuePairs(3, 1) = FormatKeywordsForTaxonomy(strKeywords)
XMLCreateChildElement Node, HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C, "", True, arrNameValuePairs
End If
Exit Sub
Err.Raise errBadSpreadsheet
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessHhcOrHhkFile( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_blnHhc As Boolean, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
ByVal i_intCodePage As Long _
Dim Tokenizer As Tokenizer
Dim strFileName As String
Dim arrNameValuePairs(1, 1) As String
Set Tokenizer = New Tokenizer
Tokenizer.Init FileRead(i_strPathName, i_intCodePage)
Tokenizer.NormalizeTokens p_arrTags
If (i_blnHhc) Then
Tokenizer.NormalizeTokens p_arrParamHhcTags
Tokenizer.NormalizeTokens p_arrParamHhkTags
End If
strFileName = FileNameFromPath(i_strPathName)
If (Not i_blnHhc) Then
arrNameValuePairs(0, 0) = HHT_TITLE_C
arrNameValuePairs(0, 1) = strFileName
arrNameValuePairs(1, 0) = HHT_basefile_C
arrNameValuePairs(1, 1) = strFileName
' Fetch the TAXONOMY_ENTRIES node.
Set Node = p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1)
' Create a TAXONOMY_ENTRY node for the file.
Set Node = XMLCreateChildElement(Node, HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C, "", True, arrNameValuePairs)
' Push this new node on to the stack.
p_intLevel = p_intLevel + 1
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = Node
End If
If (i_blnHhc) Then
p_ProcessHhc strFileName, Tokenizer, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage
p_ProcessHhk strFileName, Tokenizer, i_strHTMLocation
End If
If (Not i_blnHhc) Then
p_intLevel = p_intLevel - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessHhc( _
ByVal i_strFileName As String, _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
ByVal i_intCodePage As Long _
Dim strMatch As String
Do While (True)
If (u_Tokenizer.GetUpToClosestMatch(p_arrTags, strMatch, , vbTextCompare) = "") Then
Exit Do
End If
Select Case strMatch
Case "<UL>"
p_intLevel = p_intLevel + 1
Case "</UL>"
p_intLevel = p_intLevel - 1
Case "<LI>"
p_ProcessHhcLI i_strFileName, u_Tokenizer, i_strHTMLocation
Case "<OBJECT"
p_ProcessHhcObject u_Tokenizer, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage
Case "</OBJECT>"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessHhcLI( _
ByVal i_strFileName As String, _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String _
Dim AuxTokenizer As Tokenizer
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim Element As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim Attr As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strDesc As String
Dim strURI As String
Dim strEntry As String
Dim str As String
Set AuxTokenizer = New Tokenizer
AuxTokenizer.Init u_Tokenizer.GetUpTo("</OBJECT>")
With AuxTokenizer
' Parse Title and URI out of HHC Entry.
' <OBJECT type=text/sitemap>
' <PARAM NAME="Name" VALUE="Disk Management">
' <PARAM NAME="Comment" VALUE="NoLocEnuTitle: Disk Management">
' <PARAM NAME="Local" VALUE="MS-ITS:DISKconcepts.chm::/dm_overview.htm">
.GetUpTo """Name"""
.GetAfter """"
strTitle = XMLMakeValidString(.GetUpTo("""", i_blnIncludeMatch:=False))
str = .GetUpTo("""NoLocEnuTitle: ")
If (str <> "") Then
strEntry = XMLMakeValidString(.GetUpTo("""", i_blnIncludeMatch:=False))
strEntry = strTitle
End If
.PushBack str
If (.GetUpTo("""Local""") <> "") Then
.GetAfter """"
strURI = XMLMakeValidString(.GetUpTo("""", i_blnIncludeMatch:=False))
End If
' Create the <TAXONOMY_ENTRY> node for this Title / URI pair
strDesc = p_GetDescription(strURI, i_strHTMLocation)
Set p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1) = p_CreateTaxonomyEntry( _
p_Nodes(p_intLevel), strTitle, strEntry, strDesc, strURI, i_strFileName, True)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessHhcObject( _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
ByVal i_intCodePage As Long _
Dim AuxTokenizer As Tokenizer
Dim strURI As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim intLevel As Long
Set AuxTokenizer = New Tokenizer
AuxTokenizer.Init u_Tokenizer.GetUpTo("</OBJECT>")
With AuxTokenizer
' Do the merge if required. We have already read OBJECT.
' <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Merge" value="MS-ITS:comptoc.chm::/comptoc.hhc">
If (.GetUpTo("""Merge""") = "") Then
Exit Sub
End If
.GetAfter """"
strURI = XMLMakeValidString(.GetUpTo("""", i_blnIncludeMatch:=False))
strFileName = FileNameFromURI(strURI)
strPath = p_strDirName & strFileName
If (FileExists(strPath)) Then
intLevel = p_intLevel
p_ProcessHhcOrHhkFile strPath, True, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage
' Some files have mismatched <UL> </UL> pairs.
If (p_intLevel <> intLevel) Then
p_intLevel = intLevel
WriteLog "The file " & strFileName & " is corrupt"
RaiseEvent CorruptFile(strFileName)
End If
WriteLog "The file " & strFileName & " is missing"
RaiseEvent MissingFile(strFileName)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub p_ProcessHhk( _
ByVal i_strFileName As String, _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String _
Dim strMatch As String
Dim dictURIs As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim blnGetKIDString As Boolean
Dim strKIDString As String
Dim vntURI As Variant
Dim strTitle As String
Dim intPos As Long
Set dictURIs = New Scripting.Dictionary
Do While (True)
If (u_Tokenizer.GetUpToClosestMatch(p_arrTags, strMatch) = "") Then
Exit Do
End If
' After the first <UL>, we are at the top level. We must keywordify the Title.
' After the second <UL>, we are at the second level. We mustn't keywordify.
Select Case strMatch
Case "<UL>", "</UL>"
blnGetKIDString = IIf(blnGetKIDString, False, True)
If (blnGetKIDString) Then
' We are about to see the next top level entry. Reset strKIDString.
strKIDString = ""
End If
Case "<LI>"
p_ProcessHhkLI i_strFileName, u_Tokenizer, blnGetKIDString, strKIDString, _
End Select
For Each vntURI In dictURIs.Keys
strTitle = p_GetTitle(vntURI, i_strHTMLocation)
If (strTitle <> "") Then
Set DOMNode = p_CreateTaxonomyEntry(p_Nodes(p_intLevel + 1), strTitle, "", "", _
vntURI, i_strFileName, False)
XMLSetAttribute DOMNode, HHT_keywords_C, dictURIs(vntURI)
End If
End Sub
Private Function p_GetHtmFileName( _
ByVal i_strURI As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String _
) As String
' i_strURI looks like one of these:
' MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' hcp://help/sub/foo.htm
' hcp://system/sub/bar/foo.htm
' hcp://<Vendor>/sub/bar/foo.htm
' sub/bar/foo.htm (Equivalent to the URI above)
' Each of these may have a bookmark at the end:
' MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\bar.chm::/foo.htm#gar
Dim strChm As String
Dim strHtm As String
Dim strURI As String
Dim intPos As Long
' Remove bookmark
strURI = i_strURI
intPos = InStrRev(strURI, "#")
If (intPos <> 0) Then
strURI = Mid$(strURI, 1, intPos - 1)
End If
intPos = InStrRev(strURI, "/")
If (intPos = 0) Then
Exit Function
End If
strHtm = Mid$(strURI, intPos + 1) ' foo.htm
If (Left$(strURI, 10) = "hcp://help") Then
p_GetHtmFileName = i_strHTMLocation & "\" & strHtm
strURI = Left$(strURI, intPos) ' Everything except foo.htm
If (Right$(strURI, 7) = ".chm::/") Then
strURI = Left$(strURI, intPos - 7) ' String ending with bar
strURI = Left$(strURI, intPos - 1) ' String ending with bar
End If
strURI = Replace$(strURI, "\", "/")
intPos = InStrRev(strURI, "/")
If (intPos = 0) Then
intPos = InStrRev(strURI, ":")
End If
strChm = Mid$(strURI, intPos + 1) & ".chm" ' bar.chm
p_GetHtmFileName = i_strHTMLocation & "\" & strChm & "\" & strHtm
End If
End Function
Private Function p_GetTitle( _
ByVal i_strURI As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String _
) As String
On Error GoTo LDone
Dim strHtmFile As String
strHtmFile = p_GetHtmFileName(i_strURI, i_strHTMLocation)
p_GetTitle = GetHtmTitle(strHtmFile)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
WriteLog "Couldn't get title of " & i_strURI
End If
End Function
Private Function p_GetDescription( _
ByVal i_strURI As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String _
) As String
On Error GoTo LDone
Dim strHtmFile As String
strHtmFile = p_GetHtmFileName(i_strURI, i_strHTMLocation)
p_GetDescription = GetHtmDescription(strHtmFile)
End Function
'Case 1:
'<OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="access">
' <param name="See Also" value="access">
'Case 2:
'<OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="auditing">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="See Also" value="auditing">
'Case 3:
'<OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="enabling Audit Object Access">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_audit_file_folder.htm">
'Case 4:
'<OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
' <param name="Name" value="files and folders">
' <param name="Name" value="How inheritance affects file and folder auditing">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_inherit_auditing.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Selecting where to apply auditing entries">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_applyonto_auditing.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Set, view, change, or remove auditing for a file or folder">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_audit_file_folder.htm">
' <param name="Name" value="Setting up permissions and auditing">
' <param name="Local" value="acl_overview.htm">
Private Sub p_ProcessHhkLI( _
ByVal i_strFileName As String, _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer, _
ByVal i_blnGetKIDString As Boolean, _
ByRef u_strKIDString As String, _
ByVal o_dictURIs As Scripting.Dictionary _
Dim AuxTokenizer As Tokenizer
Dim arrNameLocalPairs() As Variant
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strURI As String
Dim strKIDString As String
Dim strKIDStringMerged As String
Dim intIndex As Long
Set AuxTokenizer = New Tokenizer
AuxTokenizer.Init u_Tokenizer.GetUpTo("</OBJECT>")
With AuxTokenizer
.GetUpTo """Name"""
.GetAfter """"
strTitle = XMLMakeValidString(.GetUpTo("""", i_blnIncludeMatch:=False))
' FileWrite "c:\temp\foo.txt", strTitle & " ::: " & i_blnGetKIDString & vbCrLf, True
arrNameLocalPairs = p_GetNameLocalPairs(AuxTokenizer)
If (i_blnGetKIDString) Then
strKIDString = p_clsKeywordifier.CreateKeywordsFromTitle(strTitle)
u_strKIDString = strKIDString
strKIDString = u_strKIDString
End If
For intIndex = 1 To UBound(arrNameLocalPairs)
strURI = arrNameLocalPairs(intIndex)(1)
strURI = XMLMakeValidString(LCase$(p_TransformURI(strURI, i_strFileName)))
If (o_dictURIs.Exists(strURI)) Then
strKIDStringMerged = _
FormatKeywordsForTaxonomy(strKIDString & o_dictURIs(strURI))
o_dictURIs.Remove strURI
strKIDStringMerged = strKIDString
End If
o_dictURIs.Add strURI, strKIDStringMerged
End With
End Sub
Private Function p_GetNameLocalPairs( _
ByVal u_Tokenizer As Tokenizer _
Dim arrNameLocalPairs() As Variant
Dim intIndex As Long
Dim strName As String
Dim strLocal As String
intIndex = 0
ReDim arrNameLocalPairs(intIndex)
Do While (True)
With u_Tokenizer
If (.GetUpTo("""Name""") = "") Then
GoTo LEnd
End If
.GetAfter """"
strName = .GetUpTo("""", False)
If (.GetUpTo("""Local""") = "") Then
GoTo LEnd
End If
.GetAfter """"
strLocal = .GetUpTo("""", False)
intIndex = intIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve arrNameLocalPairs(intIndex)
arrNameLocalPairs(intIndex) = Array(strName, strLocal)
End With
p_GetNameLocalPairs = arrNameLocalPairs
End Function
Private Function p_CreateTaxonomyEntry( _
ByVal i_DOMNodeParent As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal i_strTitle As String, _
ByVal i_strEntry As String, _
ByVal i_strDescription As String, _
ByVal i_strURI As String, _
ByVal i_strFileName As String, _
ByVal i_blnTransformURI As Boolean _
Dim arrNameValuePairs(4, 1) As String
Dim strURI As String
If (i_blnTransformURI) Then
strURI = p_TransformURI(i_strURI, i_strFileName)
strURI = i_strURI
End If
arrNameValuePairs(0, 0) = HHT_TITLE_C
arrNameValuePairs(0, 1) = i_strTitle
arrNameValuePairs(1, 0) = HHT_URI_C
arrNameValuePairs(1, 1) = strURI
arrNameValuePairs(2, 0) = HHT_basefile_C
arrNameValuePairs(2, 1) = i_strFileName
arrNameValuePairs(3, 0) = HHT_DESCRIPTION_C
arrNameValuePairs(3, 1) = i_strDescription
arrNameValuePairs(4, 0) = HHT_ENTRY_C
arrNameValuePairs(4, 1) = i_strEntry
Set p_CreateTaxonomyEntry = XMLCreateChildElement(i_DOMNodeParent, HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C, "", _
True, arrNameValuePairs)
End Function
Private Function p_TransformURI( _
ByVal i_strURI As String, _
ByVal i_strFileName As String _
) As String
Dim strFileNameWithoutExtension As String
Dim strSubDirSlash As String
Dim strSubDirWack As String
' Returns:
' p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_HELP_MSITS_E, p_strSubDir = sub:
' (foo.htm, bar.*) -> MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' (MS-ITS:bar.chm::/foo.htm, *) -> MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_HELP_HCP_E, p_strSubDir = sub:
' (foo.htm, bar.*) -> hcp://help/sub/bar/foo.htm
' (MS-ITS:bar.chm::/foo.htm, *) -> MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_SYSTEM_E, p_strSubDir = sub:
' (foo.htm, bar.*) -> hcp://system/sub/bar/foo.htm
' (MS-ITS:bar.chm::/foo.htm, *) -> MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_VENDOR_E, p_strSubDir = sub:
' (foo.htm, bar.*) -> sub/bar/foo.htm
' (MS-ITS:bar.chm::/foo.htm, *) -> MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\sub\bar.chm::/foo.htm
' If an HTM is dragged and dropped, then i_strFileName will be ""
' In this case, in the non-MS-ITS URI's, bar/ will not be present.
If (p_strSubDir = "") Then
strSubDirSlash = ""
strSubDirWack = ""
strSubDirSlash = p_strSubDir & "/"
strSubDirWack = p_strSubDir & "\"
End If
If (i_strURI = "") Then
p_TransformURI = i_strURI
ElseIf (InStr(i_strURI, "::") = 0) Then
strFileNameWithoutExtension = FileNameWithoutExtension(i_strFileName)
If (p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_HELP_MSITS_E) Then
p_TransformURI = "MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\" & strSubDirWack & _
strFileNameWithoutExtension & ".chm::/" & i_strURI
ElseIf (p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_HELP_HCP_E) Then
p_TransformURI = "hcp://help/" & strSubDirSlash & i_strURI
ElseIf (p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_SYSTEM_E) Then
If (strFileNameWithoutExtension <> "") Then
strFileNameWithoutExtension = strFileNameWithoutExtension & "/"
End If
p_TransformURI = "hcp://system/" & strSubDirSlash & _
strFileNameWithoutExtension & i_strURI
ElseIf (p_enumHelpDir = HELPDIR_VENDOR_E) Then
If (strFileNameWithoutExtension <> "") Then
strFileNameWithoutExtension = strFileNameWithoutExtension & "/"
End If
p_TransformURI = strSubDirSlash & strFileNameWithoutExtension & i_strURI
End If
p_TransformURI = "MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\" & strSubDirWack & Mid$(i_strURI, 8)
End If
End Function
Public Sub ImportHHC( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
ByVal i_enumSKUs As Long, _
ByVal i_enumHelpDir As Long, _
ByVal i_strSubDir As String, _
Optional ByVal i_intCodePage As Long = 0 _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim clsTaxonomy As Taxonomy
Set DOMDoc = Hhc2Hht(i_strPathName, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage)
If (DOMDoc Is Nothing) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set DOMNodeList = DOMNode.selectNodes(HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C)
Set clsTaxonomy = New Taxonomy
For Each DOMNode In DOMNodeList
p_SetTypeSKUsLeafLocIncludeVisibleSubSite DOMNode, i_enumSKUs
clsTaxonomy.CreateTaxonomyEntries DOMNode, ROOT_TID_C, True
End Sub
Public Sub ImportHHK( _
ByVal i_strPathName As String, _
ByVal i_strHTMLocation As String, _
ByVal i_enumSKUs As Long, _
ByVal i_enumHelpDir As Long, _
ByVal i_strSubDir As String, _
ByVal i_intParentTID As Long, _
Optional ByVal i_intCodePage As Long = 0 _
Dim DOMDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim clsTaxonomy As Taxonomy
Set DOMDoc = Hhk2Hht(i_strPathName, i_strHTMLocation, i_intCodePage)
If (DOMDoc Is Nothing) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set DOMNodeList = DOMNode.selectNodes(HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C)
Set clsTaxonomy = New Taxonomy
For Each DOMNode In DOMNodeList
p_SetTypeSKUsLeafLocIncludeVisibleSubSite DOMNode, i_enumSKUs
clsTaxonomy.CreateTaxonomyEntries DOMNode, i_intParentTID, True
End Sub
Private Sub p_SetTypeSKUsLeafLocIncludeVisibleSubSite( _
ByVal u_DOMNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal i_enumSKUs As SKU_E _
Dim blnHasChildren As Boolean
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_TYPE_C, 0
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_skus_C, i_enumSKUs
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_locinclude_C, LOC_INCLUDE_ALL_C
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_VISIBLE_C, CStr(True)
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_SUBSITE_C, CStr(False)
If (u_DOMNode.selectNodes(HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C).length <> 0) Then
blnHasChildren = True
End If
XMLSetAttribute u_DOMNode, HHT_leaf_C, IIf(blnHasChildren, False, True)
If (blnHasChildren) Then
For Each DOMNode In u_DOMNode.childNodes
If (DOMNode.nodeName = HHT_TAXONOMY_ENTRY_C) Then
p_SetTypeSKUsLeafLocIncludeVisibleSubSite DOMNode, i_enumSKUs
End If
End If
End Sub
'Private Sub p_DisplayAndRaiseError()
' Dim errCollection As ADODB.Errors
' Dim errSingle As ADODB.Error
' Dim strErrorText As String
' Dim intIndex As Long
' Set errCollection = g_cnn.Errors
' For Each errSingle In errCollection
' With errSingle
' strErrorText = strErrorText & "ADO Error #" & intIndex & ":" & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "ADO Error: #" & .Number & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "Description: " & .Description & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "Source: " & .Source & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "HelpFile: " & .HelpFile & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "HelpContext: " & .HelpContext & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "NativeError: " & .NativeError & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "SQLState: " & .SQLState & vbCrLf
' intIndex = intIndex + 1
' End With
' Next
' With Err
' strErrorText = strErrorText & "Other Error:" & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "Number: " & .Number & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "Description: " & .Description & vbCrLf
' strErrorText = strErrorText & vbTab & "Source: " & .Source & vbCrLf
' End With
' PrintLog 0, strErrorText
' MsgBox strErrorText, vbOKOnly
' Err.Raise Err.Number
'End Sub