You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1173 lines
42 KiB
1173 lines
42 KiB
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX"
Begin VB.Form frmMain
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "Keyword Reporting Utility"
ClientHeight = 5355
ClientLeft = 1575
ClientTop = 1740
ClientWidth = 9810
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 5355
ScaleWidth = 9810
Begin VB.ComboBox cmbReports
Height = 315
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 3
Top = 495
Width = 4380
Begin VB.ComboBox cmbMaxRows
Height = 315
Left = 6855
TabIndex = 4
Top = 495
Width = 1020
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSave
Caption = "..."
Height = 255
Left = 9270
TabIndex = 6
Top = 885
Width = 420
Begin VB.TextBox txtSaveReport
Height = 285
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 5
Top = 915
Width = 7950
Begin MSComctlLib.ProgressBar prgBar
Height = 240
Left = 15
TabIndex = 11
Top = 4845
Width = 9735
_ExtentX = 17171
_ExtentY = 423
_Version = 393216
Appearance = 1
Begin VB.TextBox txtLog
Height = 3120
Left = 0
MultiLine = -1 'True
ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
TabIndex = 10
Top = 1650
Width = 9720
Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar stbProgress
Align = 2 'Align Bottom
Height = 240
Left = 0
TabIndex = 9
Top = 5115
Width = 9810
_ExtentX = 17304
_ExtentY = 423
Style = 1
_Version = 393216
BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
NumPanels = 1
BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlg
Left = 7515
Top = 5100
_ExtentX = 847
_ExtentY = 847
_Version = 393216
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse
Caption = "..."
Height = 255
Left = 9285
TabIndex = 2
Top = 120
Width = 420
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClose
Caption = "&Close"
Height = 375
Left = 8835
TabIndex = 8
Top = 1230
Width = 855
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdGo
Caption = "&OK"
Height = 375
Left = 7980
TabIndex = 7
Top = 1230
Width = 855
Begin VB.TextBox txtCabFile
Height = 285
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 1
Top = 135
Width = 7935
Begin VB.Label Label4
Caption = "Report:"
Height = 330
Left = 105
TabIndex = 14
Top = 435
Width = 1125
Begin VB.Label lblMaxRows
Caption = "Max Rows per Spreadsheet:"
Height = 420
Left = 5700
TabIndex = 13
Top = 450
Width = 1125
Begin VB.Label Label2
Caption = "Report File:"
Height = 255
Left = 75
TabIndex = 12
Top = 945
Width = 975
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "Input CAB:"
Height = 255
Left = 120
TabIndex = 0
Top = 120
Width = 975
Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Utility Stuff, all this could go to a COM Object and be distributed
' like this.
Private m_WsShell As IWshShell ' Used to Shell and Wait for Sub-Processes
Private m_fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' For filesystem operations
Private m_fh As Scripting.TextStream
Private m_ProcessingState As ProcessingState
Enum ProcessingState
End Enum
Enum ReportList
End Enum
Private Sub cmbReports_Click()
If (cmbReports.ListIndex = REP_ALLKW_ALLENTRIES) Then
cmbMaxRows.Visible = True
lblMaxRows.Visible = True
cmbMaxRows.Visible = False
lblMaxRows.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Initialize()
Set m_WsShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set m_fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Caption = App.EXEName & ": Production Tool Reporting Utility"
WriteLog Me.Caption, False
WriteLog String$(60, "="), False
' we load the possible Spreadsheet size values for reports that
' exceed Excels capacity.
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "500"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "1000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "2000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "4000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "6000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "8000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "10000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "15000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "20000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "25000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "30000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "40000"
cmbMaxRows.AddItem "50000"
cmbMaxRows.ListIndex = 7
' we load the list of possible reports
cmbReports.AddItem "All Keywords on All topics -- long"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries that have no Keywords"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries with Same URI but different Title"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries with Same URI but different Content Type"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries with Same Title but different URI"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries with Same Title but different Content Type"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries with broken links"
cmbReports.AddItem "Taxonomy Entries that are duplicates"
cmbReports.ListIndex = 1
cmdGo.Default = True
cmdClose.Cancel = True
' If (Len(Trim$(Command$)) > 0) Then
' Me.txtCabFile = Command$
' Me.Show Modal:=False
' cmdGo_Click
' cmdClose_Click
' End If
End Sub
Function Cab2Folder(ByVal strCabFile As String)
Cab2Folder = ""
' We grab a Temporary Filename and create a folder out of it
Dim strFolder As String
strFolder = m_fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) + "\" + m_fso.GetTempName
m_fso.CreateFolder strFolder
' We uncab CAB contents into the Source CAB Contents dir.
Dim strCmd As String
strCmd = "cabarc X " + strCabFile + " " + strFolder + "\"
m_WsShell.Run strCmd, True, True
Cab2Folder = strFolder
End Function
Sub WriteLog(strMsg As String, Optional ByVal bWriteToStatusBar As Boolean = True)
With Me
.txtLog = .txtLog & vbCrLf & strMsg
If (bWriteToStatusBar) Then
.stbProgress.SimpleText = strMsg
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function p_getTemplateName(ByVal strFolder As String) As String
Dim strExt As String: strExt = ".csv"
Dim strCandidateFileName As String
strCandidateFileName = strFolder + "\" + cmbReports.Text + strExt
Dim lx As Long: lx = 2
Do While (m_fso.FileExists(strCandidateFileName))
strCandidateFileName = strFolder & "\" & cmbReports.Text & "_" & lx & strExt
lx = lx + 1
p_getTemplateName = m_fso.GetFileName(strCandidateFileName)
End Function
' ============ END UTILITY STUFF ========================
' ============ BoilerPlate Form Code
Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtCabFile = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Text Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
dlg.FileName = p_getTemplateName(m_fso.GetParentFolderName(dlg.FileName))
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtSaveReport = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
If (m_ProcessingState = PROC_PROCESSING) Then
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
With Me
.txtCabFile.Text = Trim$(Me.txtCabFile.Text)
If (Len(.txtCabFile.Text) = 0 Or _
LCase$(m_fso.GetExtensionName(.txtCabFile.Text)) <> "cab") Then
MsgBox "You must specify a valid CAB File created by the HSC Production" + _
" tool in order to create a report"
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
.txtSaveReport.Text = Trim$(Me.txtSaveReport.Text)
If (Len(.txtSaveReport.Text) = 0) Then
MsgBox "You must Specify an output report file"
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
SetRunningState True
FixCab .txtCabFile.Text, .txtSaveReport.Text
SetRunningState False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub SetRunningState(ByVal bRunning As Boolean)
With Me
.cmdGo.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmdBrowse.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmdSave.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmbMaxRows.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmbMaxRows.Enabled = Not bRunning
.txtCabFile.Enabled = Not bRunning
.txtSaveReport.Enabled = Not bRunning
If (bRunning) Then
.cmdClose.Caption = "&Stop"
.cmdClose.Caption = "&Close"
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub FixCab(ByVal strCabFile As String, ByVal strSaveCab As String)
Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = ""
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strCabFile)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find " & strCabFile
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Dim strCabFolder As String
prgBar.Visible = True
WriteLog "Uncabbing " & strCabFile
strCabFolder = Cab2Folder(strCabFile)
WriteLog "Running Report "
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
Select Case cmbReports.ListIndex
bSuccess = RepAllKwEntries(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepTaxoEntriesNoKw(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepSameUriDifferentContentTypes(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepTaxoEntriesSameTitleDifferentUri(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepSameTitleDifferentContentTypes(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepBrokenLinks(strCabFolder)
bSuccess = RepDuplicates(strCabFolder)
End Select
If (bSuccess) Then
WriteLog "Finished Report on " & strCabFile
WriteLog "Error, Report Failed"
End If
' Now we delete the Temporary Folders
WriteLog "Deleting Temporary Files"
m_fso.DeleteFolder strCabFolder, force:=True
WriteLog "Done" + IIf(Len(strErrMsg) > 0, " - " + strErrMsg, "")
prgBar.Visible = False
End Sub
' ========================================================
' Utility functions to get at different places in the
' package_description.xml and HHT files
' ========================================================
Private Function GetPackage(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As DOMDocument
Set GetPackage = Nothing
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = New DOMDocument
Dim strPkgFile As String: strPkgFile = strCabFolder + "\package_description.xml"
oDomPkg.async = False
oDomPkg.Load strPkgFile
If (oDomPkg.parseError <> 0) Then
p_DisplayParseError oDomPkg.parseError
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Set GetPackage = oDomPkg
End Function
Private Function p_GetHht( _
ByRef oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal strCabFolder As String, _
Optional ByRef strHhtFile As String = "" _
Set p_GetHht = Nothing
If (oDomHhtNode Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
strHhtFile = oDomHhtNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("FILE").Text
' Let's load the HHT
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument: Set oDomHht = New DOMDocument
oDomHht.async = False
oDomHht.Load strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile
If (oDomHht.parseError <> 0) Then
p_DisplayParseError oDomHht.parseError
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Set p_GetHht = oDomHht
End Function
Private Function p_GetAttribute(ByRef oNode As IXMLDOMNode, ByRef strAttrib As String) As String
p_GetAttribute = ""
Dim oAttrib As IXMLDOMAttribute
Set oAttrib = oNode.Attributes.getNamedItem(strAttrib)
If (Not oAttrib Is Nothing) Then
p_GetAttribute = oAttrib.Value
End If
End Function
' ========================================================
' ============= End BoilerPlate Form Code ================
' ========================================================
Function RepAllKwEntries(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepAllKwEntries = False
' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement ' Used for all element Creation
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
" [ " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
" ]"
Dim lTaxoInEntries As Long: lTaxoInEntries = 0
Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
Dim strHhtFile As String
strHhtFile = oDomHhtNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("FILE").Text
' Let's load the HHT
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument: Set oDomHht = New DOMDocument
oDomHht.async = False
oDomHht.Load strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile
If (oDomHht.parseError <> 0) Then
p_DisplayParseError oDomHht.parseError
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
p_CreateReport oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES")
RepAllKwEntries = True
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub p_CreateReport(ByRef oDOMNode As IXMLDOMNode)
Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode, oKwList As IXMLDOMNodeList, oKwEntry As IXMLDOMNode
Dim lEntry As Long: lEntry = 0
m_ProcessingState = PROC_PROCESSING
prgBar.Max = oDOMNode.childNodes.length
prgBar.Value = 0
Dim strTitle As String, strCategory As String, strURI As String
Dim strChunk As String, strOutputFile As String
Dim lFileIndex As Long: lFileIndex = 1
Dim lMaxRows As Long: lMaxRows = CLng(Me.cmbMaxRows.Text)
WriteLog "Rows per Spreadsheet: " & lMaxRows
strOutputFile = Me.txtSaveReport
Dim lNumRows As Long: lNumRows = oDOMNode.selectNodes("//KEYWORD").length
WriteLog "Total Number of Keyword Entries (1 Keyword = 1 Spreadsheet row): " & lNumRows
WriteLog "Number of Spreadsheets to be created: " & (lNumRows \ lMaxRows) + 1, False
lNumRows = 0
WriteLog "Creating output file: " & strOutputFile
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + """Keyword""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + _
Dim oAttrib As IXMLDOMAttribute
For Each oTaxoEntry In oDOMNode.childNodes
If (m_ProcessingState = PROC_STOP_PROCESSING_NOW) Then GoTo Common_Exit
lEntry = lEntry + 1
prgBar.Value = lEntry
stbProgress.SimpleText = "Processing Taxonomy Entry: " & lEntry
strTitle = oTaxoEntry.Attributes.getNamedItem("TITLE").Text
strCategory = oTaxoEntry.Attributes.getNamedItem("CATEGORY").Text
Set oAttrib = oTaxoEntry.Attributes.getNamedItem("URI")
If (Not oAttrib Is Nothing) Then
strURI = oAttrib.Text
strURI = ""
End If
strChunk = vbTab + """" + strURI + """" + vbTab + """" + strCategory + """"
Set oKwList = oTaxoEntry.selectNodes("./KEYWORD")
If (Not oKwList Is Nothing) Then
For Each oKwEntry In oKwList
' WriteLog vbTab & oKwEntry.Text, False
lNumRows = lNumRows + 1
m_fh.WriteLine """" + strTitle + """" + vbTab + """" + oKwEntry.Text + """" + _
End If
If (lNumRows > lMaxRows) Then
lFileIndex = lFileIndex + 1
strOutputFile = m_fso.GetParentFolderName(Me.txtSaveReport) & "\" & _
m_fso.GetBaseName(Me.txtSaveReport) & "_" & lFileIndex & "." & _
WriteLog "Creating output file: " & strOutputFile
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + """Keyword""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + _
lNumRows = 0
End If
m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
End Sub
Function RepTaxoEntriesNoKw(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepTaxoEntriesNoKw = False
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
" [ " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
" ]"
Dim lTotalTaxoEntriesNoKw As Long: lTotalTaxoEntriesNoKw = 0
' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
' We create the output report File
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(Me.txtSaveReport, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + """Category""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + """HHT File"""
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument
Dim strHhtFile As String
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
' Let's load the HHT
Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
Dim oNodeNoKwList As IXMLDOMNodeList
oDomHht.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
Set oNodeNoKwList = oDomHht.selectNodes("/METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES//TAXONOMY_ENTRY[ not( KEYWORD ) and string-length( @URI ) > 0 ]")
Dim lTaxoEntriesNoKw As Long: lTaxoEntriesNoKw = oNodeNoKwList.length
WriteLog strHhtFile & ": There are " & lTaxoEntriesNoKw & " taxonomy Entries with NO Keywords"
lTotalTaxoEntriesNoKw = lTotalTaxoEntriesNoKw + lTaxoEntriesNoKw
prgBar.Max = lTaxoEntriesNoKw + 1
prgBar.Value = 1
Dim oTaxoEntryNoKw As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oTaxoEntryNoKw In oNodeNoKwList
Dim strTitle As String, strCategory As String, strURI As String
Dim oAttrib As IXMLDOMAttribute
strTitle = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntryNoKw, "TITLE")
strCategory = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntryNoKw, "CATEGORY")
strURI = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntryNoKw, "URI")
m_fh.WriteLine """" + strTitle + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strCategory + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strURI + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strHhtFile + """"
prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
WriteLog "Total : There are " & lTotalTaxoEntriesNoKw & " taxonomy Entries with NO Keywords"
RepTaxoEntriesNoKw = True
If (Not m_fh Is Nothing) Then m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Function RepBrokenLinks(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepBrokenLinks = False
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
" [ " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
" ]"
Dim lTotalBrokenLinks As Long: lTotalBrokenLinks = 0
' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
' We create the output report File
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(Me.txtSaveReport, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + """Category""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + """HHT File"""
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument
Dim oDomTaxonomyEntries As IXMLDOMNode
Dim strHhtFile As String
Dim strSKU As String
Dim strBrokenLinkDir As String
strSKU = p_GetAttribute(oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU"), "VALUE")
Select Case strSKU
Case "Personal_32"
strBrokenLinkDir = "\\vbaliga4\public\helpdirs\per\"
Case "Professional_32"
strBrokenLinkDir = "\\vbaliga4\public\helpdirs\pro\"
Case "Professional_64"
strBrokenLinkDir = "\\vbaliga4\public\helpdirs\pro64\"
End Select
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
' Let's load the HHT
Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
Set oDomTaxonomyEntries = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES")
Dim lBrokenLinks As Long: lBrokenLinks = 0
prgBar.Max = oDomTaxonomyEntries.childNodes.length + 1
prgBar.Value = 1
Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oTaxoEntry In oDomTaxonomyEntries.childNodes
Dim strTitle As String, strCategory As String, strURI As String, strNewURI As String
Dim oAttrib As IXMLDOMAttribute
strTitle = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TITLE")
strCategory = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "CATEGORY")
strURI = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "URI")
If (Not LinkValid(strBrokenLinkDir, "", strURI, strNewURI)) Then
m_fh.WriteLine """" + strTitle + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strCategory + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strURI + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strHhtFile + """"
lBrokenLinks = lBrokenLinks + 1
End If
prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
lTotalBrokenLinks = lTotalBrokenLinks + lBrokenLinks
WriteLog strHhtFile & ": There are " & lBrokenLinks & " broken links"
WriteLog "Total : There are " & lTotalBrokenLinks & " taxonomy Entries with Broken links"
RepBrokenLinks = True
If (Not m_fh Is Nothing) Then m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Function RepDuplicates(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepDuplicates = False
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
" [ " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
" ]"
Dim lTotalDuplicates As Long: lTotalDuplicates = 0
' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
' We create the output report File
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(Me.txtSaveReport, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + """Category""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + """Entry""" + vbTab + """HHT File"""
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument
Dim oDomTaxonomyEntries As IXMLDOMNode
Dim strHhtFile As String
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
' Let's load the HHT
Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
Set oDomTaxonomyEntries = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES")
Dim lDuplicates As Long: lDuplicates = 0
prgBar.Max = oDomTaxonomyEntries.childNodes.length + 1
prgBar.Value = 1
Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oTaxoEntry In oDomTaxonomyEntries.childNodes
Dim strTitle As String, strCategory As String, strURI As String, strNewURI As String
Dim strKey As String, strEntry As String
Dim oAttrib As IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim vntValue As Variant
strTitle = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TITLE")
strCategory = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "CATEGORY")
strURI = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "URI")
strEntry = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "ENTRY")
If (strEntry = "") Then
' This is a Topic
strKey = LCase$(strCategory & vbTab & strURI)
' This is a Node
strKey = LCase$(strCategory & vbTab & strEntry)
End If
If (dict.Exists(strKey)) Then
vntValue = dict(strKey)
If (Not vntValue(0)) Then
vntValue = Array(True, vntValue(1), vntValue(2), vntValue(3), vntValue(4), vntValue(5))
dict.Remove strKey
dict.Add strKey, vntValue
m_fh.WriteLine """" + vntValue(1) + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + vntValue(2) + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + vntValue(3) + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + vntValue(4) + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + vntValue(5) + """"
End If
m_fh.WriteLine """" + strTitle + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strCategory + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strURI + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strEntry + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + strHhtFile + """"
lDuplicates = lDuplicates + 1
vntValue = Array(False, strTitle, strCategory, strURI, strEntry, strHhtFile)
dict.Add strKey, vntValue
End If
prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
lTotalDuplicates = lTotalDuplicates + lDuplicates
WriteLog strHhtFile & ": There are " & lDuplicates & " duplicates"
WriteLog "Total : There are " & lTotalDuplicates & " duplicate taxonomy Entries"
RepDuplicates = True
If (Not m_fh Is Nothing) Then m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Function RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle = _
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries(strCabFolder, TAXO_URI, TAXO_TITLE, TextCompare, BinaryCompare)
End Function
Function RepSameUriDifferentContentTypes(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepSameUriDifferentContentTypes = _
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries(strCabFolder, TAXO_URI, TAXO_TYPE, TextCompare, BinaryCompare)
End Function
Function RepTaxoEntriesSameTitleDifferentUri(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepTaxoEntriesSameTitleDifferentUri = _
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries(strCabFolder, TAXO_TITLE, TAXO_URI)
End Function
Function RepSameTitleDifferentContentTypes(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
RepSameTitleDifferentContentTypes = _
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries(strCabFolder, TAXO_TITLE, TAXO_TYPE, TextCompare, BinaryCompare)
End Function
Function RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries( _
ByVal strCabFolder As String, _
ByVal lxPrimary As TaxoItem, _
ByVal lxSecondary As TaxoItem, _
Optional ByVal PrimaryCompareMethod As CompareMethod = TextCompare, _
Optional ByVal SecondaryCompareMethod As CompareMethod = TextCompare _
) As Boolean
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries = False
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
" [ " + _
oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
" ]"
Dim lTotalTaxoEntries As Long: lTotalTaxoEntries = 0
' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument
Dim strHhtFile As String
' First we count how many entries we have. We do this, because ther may be
' more than one HHT in the File.
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
' Let's load the HHT
Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
Dim oTaxoEntriesList As IXMLDOMNodeList
' Let's make these queries Super-HHT ready.
oDomHht.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
Set oTaxoEntriesList = oDomHht.selectNodes("/METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES//TAXONOMY_ENTRY[ string-length( @URI ) > 0 ]")
Dim lTaxoEntries As Long: lTaxoEntries = oTaxoEntriesList.length
WriteLog strHhtFile & ": There are " & lTaxoEntries & " Taxonomy Entries to process"
lTotalTaxoEntries = lTotalTaxoEntries + lTaxoEntries
prgBar.Max = lTaxoEntries + 1
prgBar.Value = 1
Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oAssocList As Scripting.Dictionary: Set oAssocList = New Scripting.Dictionary
oAssocList.CompareMode = PrimaryCompareMethod
For Each oTaxoEntry In oTaxoEntriesList
Dim oTaxoRecord As TaxoRecord: Set oTaxoRecord = New TaxoRecord
With oTaxoRecord
.strTitle = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TITLE")
.strCategory = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "CATEGORY")
.lContentType = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TYPE")
.strURI = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "URI")
.strHhtFile = strHhtFile
p_AddToList oAssocList, _
.Item(lxPrimary), .Item(lxSecondary), oTaxoRecord, SecondaryCompareMethod
End With
prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
WriteLog "Total : There are " & lTotalTaxoEntries & " taxonomy Entries processed", False
WriteLog "Analyzing " & (oAssocList.Count + 1) & " Unique Entries", False
prgBar.Max = oAssocList.Count + 1
prgBar.Value = 1
' We create the output report File
Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(Me.txtSaveReport, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + _
"""Content Type""" + vbTab + _
"""Category""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + """HHT File"""
Dim lPrimaryCount As Long: lPrimaryCount = 0
Dim lSecondaryCount As Long: lSecondaryCount = 0
Dim oSameItemList As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim strKey As Variant
For Each strKey In oAssocList.Keys
Set oSameItemList = oAssocList.Item(strKey)
If (oSameItemList.Count > 1) Then
lPrimaryCount = lPrimaryCount + 1
Dim str2ndKey As Variant
For Each str2ndKey In oSameItemList.Keys
lSecondaryCount = lSecondaryCount + 1
Set oTaxoRecord = oSameItemList.Item(str2ndKey)
With oTaxoRecord
m_fh.WriteLine """" + .strTitle + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + CStr(.lContentType) + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + .strCategory + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + .strURI + """" + vbTab + _
"""" + .strHhtFile + """"
End With
End If
prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
WriteLog "A total of " & lPrimaryCount & " Unique Entries make the report " & _
"creating " & lSecondaryCount & " Excel Rows", False
RepSamePrimaryDifferentSecondaries = True
If (Not m_fh Is Nothing) Then m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub p_AddToList( _
ByRef oAssocList As Scripting.Dictionary, _
ByRef i_oItemKey As String, _
ByRef i_oItemSecondaryKey As String, _
ByRef i_oItemdata As Variant, _
Optional ByVal SecondaryCompareMethod As CompareMethod = TextCompare _
Dim oSameItemList As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim bFoundEqual As Boolean: bFoundEqual = False
' If this Item does not exist on the main associative array then we first
' need to create an entry using the primary key
If (Not oAssocList.Exists(i_oItemKey)) Then
Set oSameItemList = New Scripting.Dictionary
oSameItemList.CompareMode = SecondaryCompareMethod
oAssocList.Add i_oItemKey, oSameItemList
End If
' Now we fetch the Secondary Associative Array pointed by the Key
Set oSameItemList = oAssocList.Item(i_oItemKey)
' Now we look inside the inner associative array to check whether
' this Items Secondary Key already exists.
Dim strKey As Variant
For Each strKey In oSameItemList.Keys
' If (m_ProcessingState = PROC_STOP_PROCESSING) Then
' GoTo Common_Exit
' End If
stbProgress.SimpleText = _
"Comparing " & strKey & " to " & i_oItemSecondaryKey
If (StrComp(strKey, i_oItemSecondaryKey, SecondaryCompareMethod) = 0) Then
bFoundEqual = True
Exit For
End If
' If we did not find the Secondary Key in the Secondary associative array
' then we need to add it.
If (Not bFoundEqual) Then
oSameItemList.Add i_oItemSecondaryKey, i_oItemdata
End If
End Sub
Private Sub p_DisplayParseError( _
ByRef i_ParseError As IXMLDOMParseError _
Dim strError As String
strError = "Error: " & i_ParseError.reason & _
"Line: " & i_ParseError.Line & vbCrLf & _
"Linepos: " & i_ParseError.linepos & vbCrLf & _
"srcText: " & i_ParseError.srcText
MsgBox strError, vbOKOnly, "Error while parsing"
End Sub
'Function RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
' RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle = False
' Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = GetPackage(strCabFolder)
' WriteLog "Processing Report for: " + _
' oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("VALUE").Text + _
' " [ " + _
' oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SKU").Attributes.getNamedItem("DISPLAYNAME").Text + _
' " ]"
' Dim lTotalTaxoEntries As Long: lTotalTaxoEntries = 0
' ' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
' Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode
' Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
' Dim oDOMNode As IXMLDOMNode
' Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
' Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument
' Dim strHhtFile As String
' Dim oDictURI As Scripting.Dictionary: Set oDictURI = New Scripting.Dictionary
' oDictURI.CompareMode = TextCompare
' ' First we count how many entries we have. We do this, because ther may be
' ' more than one HHT in the File.
' For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
' ' Let's load the HHT
' Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
' Dim oTaxoEntriesList As IXMLDOMNodeList
' ' Let's make these queries Super-HHT ready.
' oDomHht.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
' Set oTaxoEntriesList = oDomHht.selectNodes("/METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES//TAXONOMY_ENTRY[ string-length( @URI ) > 0 ]")
' Dim lTaxoEntries As Long: lTaxoEntries = oTaxoEntriesList.length
' WriteLog strHhtFile & ": There are " & lTaxoEntries & " Taxonomy Entries to process"
' lTotalTaxoEntries = lTotalTaxoEntries + lTaxoEntries
' prgBar.Max = lTaxoEntries + 1
' prgBar.Value = 1
' Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode
' Dim oAssocList As Scripting.Dictionary: Set oAssocList = New Scripting.Dictionary
' For Each oTaxoEntry In oTaxoEntriesList
' Dim oTaxoRecord As TaxoRecord: Set oTaxoRecord = New TaxoRecord
' With oTaxoRecord
' .strTitle = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TITLE")
' .strCategory = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "CATEGORY")
' .lContentType = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "TYPE")
' .strUri = p_GetAttribute(oTaxoEntry, "URI")
' .strHhtFile = strHhtFile
' p_AddToList oAssocList, .strUri, .strTitle, oTaxoRecord
' End With
' prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
' Next
' Next
' WriteLog "Total : There are " & lTotalTaxoEntries & " taxonomy Entries processed", False
' WriteLog "Listing all URIs with Different Titles", False
' prgBar.Max = oAssocList.Count + 1
' prgBar.Value = 1
' ' We create the output report File
' Set m_fh = m_fso.CreateTextFile(Me.txtSaveReport, overwrite:=True, Unicode:=True)
' m_fh.WriteLine """Title""" + vbTab + _
' """Content Type""" + vbTab + _
' """Category""" + vbTab + """URI""" + vbTab + """HHT File"""
' Dim oSameItemList As Scripting.Dictionary
' Dim strKey As Variant
' For Each strKey In oAssocList.Keys
' Set oSameItemList = oAssocList.Item(strKey)
' If (oSameItemList.Count > 1) Then
' Dim str2ndKey As Variant
' For Each str2ndKey In oSameItemList.Keys
' Set oTaxoRecord = oSameItemList.Item(str2ndKey)
' With oTaxoRecord
' m_fh.WriteLine """" + .strTitle + """" + vbTab + _
' """" + CStr(.lContentType) + """" + vbTab + _
' """" + .strCategory + """" + vbTab + _
' """" + .strUri + """" + vbTab + _
' """" + .strHhtFile + """"
' End With
' Next
' End If
' prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1
' Next
' RepTaxoEntriesSameUriDifferentTitle = True
' If (Not m_fh Is Nothing) Then m_fh.Close: Set m_fh = Nothing
' Exit Function
'End Function