Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<OBJECT width=0 height=0 ID=pchealth classid=CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7></OBJECT>
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
Set fsoObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shellObject = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim strOpenedTime
Dim strClosedTime
Dim incidentItemObject
Dim channelObject
Dim incidentObject
Const pchAllIncidents = 1
Const pchOpenIncidents = 2
Const pchClosedIncidents = 3
Const pchIncidentOpen = 1
Const pchIncidentClosed = 2
Const WindowsFolder = 0
Const SystemFolder = 1
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
strVendorID = "CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US"
strProductID = "Microsoft Millennium Beta"
strWindowsFolder = fsoObject.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder)
strSystemFolder = fsoObject.GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder)
strTemporaryFolder = fsoObject.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
intUniqueNumber = getUniqueNumber()
strNewIncidentURL = "http://" & intUniqueNumber
strNewIncidentDisplay = "This is an IDW Test incident " & strURL
strSetFirstNewDisplayString = "New First IDW Display String " & intUniqueNumber
strSetFirstNewURL = "http://IDW_FIRST_URL_CHANGE_TEST/" & intUniqueNumber
strSetSecondNewDisplayString = "New Second IDW Display String " & intUniqueNumber
strSetSecondNewURL = "http://IDW_SECOND_URL_CHANGE_TEST/" & intUniqueNumber
intIncidentIndexNumber = 0
strIncidentObjectUserName = "Incident Object User Name"
strIncidentObjectProductID = "Incident Object Product ID #1234567890"
strIncidentObjectProductName = "Incident Object Product Name"
strIncidentObjectProblemDescription = "Incident Object Problem Description, 1234567890"
strIncidentObjectFileName = strTemporaryFolder & "\incidentObjectTestFile.txt"
Set channelObject = pchealth.CreateObject_channel(strVendorID, strProductID)
Set incidentObject = pchealth.CreateObject_Incident()
document.write "Inital Incident Count: <BR>"
document.write "No Result Is Expected <BR>"
intOriginalGetAllIncidentsCount = GetAllIncidentsCount()
intOriginalGetOpenIncidentsCount = GetOpenIncidentsCount()
intOriginalGetClosedIncidentsCount = GetClosedIncidentsCount()
document.write "<HR>"
'Record a new incident here
strReturnedNewIncidentURL = RecordNewIncident(strNewIncidentURL, strNewIncidentDisplay)
Public Sub incidentObjectBinFileLoad()
incidentObject.Load strIncidentObjectFileName
strReturnedIncidentObjectUserName = incidentObject.UserName
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductID = incidentObject.ProductID
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductName = incidentObject.ProductName
strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescription = incidentObject.ProblemDescription
document.write "Load Incident Object Information From Bin File<BR>"
document.write "Returned User Name: " & strReturnedIncidentObjectUserName & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned Product ID: " & strReturnedIncidentObjectProductID & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned Product Name: " & strReturnedIncidentObjectProductName & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned Problem Description: " & strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescription & "<BR>"
If strReturnedIncidentObjectUserName = strIncidentObjectUserName Then
strReturnedIncidentObjectUserNameResult = "<li>User Name Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strReturnedIncidentObjectUserNameResult = "<li>User Name Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strReturnedIncidentObjectProductID = strIncidentObjectProductID Then
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductIDResult = "<li>Product ID Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductIDResult = "<li>Product ID Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strReturnedIncidentObjectProductName = strIncidentObjectProductName Then
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductNameResult = "<li>Product Name Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strReturnedIncidentObjectProductNameResult = "<li>Product Name Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescription = strIncidentObjectProblemDescription Then
strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescriptionResult = "<li>Problem Description Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescriptionResult = "<li>Problem Description Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strReturnedIncidentObjectUserNameResult
document.write strReturnedIncidentObjectProductIDResult
document.write strReturnedIncidentObjectProductNameResult
document.write strReturnedIncidentObjectProblemDescriptionResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub incidentObjectBinFileSave()
document.write "Save Incident Object Information to Bin File<BR>"
document.write "User Name: " & strIncidentObjectUserName & "<BR>"
document.write "Product ID: " & strIncidentObjectProductID & "<BR>"
document.write "Product Name: " & strIncidentObjectProductName & "<BR>"
document.write "Problem Description: " & strIncidentObjectProblemDescription & "<BR>"
If fsoObject.FileExists(strIncidentObjectFileName) Then
End If
incidentObject.UserName = strIncidentObjectUserName
incidentObject.ProductID = strIncidentObjectProductID
incidentObject.ProductName = strIncidentObjectProductName
incidentObject.ProblemDescription = strIncidentObjectProblemDescription
incidentObject.Save strIncidentObjectFileName
document.write "File Name: " & strIncidentObjectFileName & "<BR>"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckIncidentStatus(intStatusShouldBe)
On Error Resume Next
intReturnedStatus = incidentItemObject.Status
document.write "Current Status Test<BR>"
document.write "Status Should Be: " & intStatusShouldBe & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned status: " & intReturnedStatus & "<BR>"
If intReturnedStatus = intStatusShouldBe Then
strStatusTestResult = "<li>Status Returned Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strStatusTestResult = "<li>Status Returned Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strStatusTestResult
If Err.number <> 0 Then
document.write Err.number & " : " & Err.description & "<BR>"
End If
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckClosedTime(strClosedTime)
On Error Resume Next
strReturnedClosedTime = incidentItemObject.ClosedTime
document.write "Closed Time Test<BR>"
document.write "Closed Time: " & strClosedTime & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned Closed Time: " & strReturnedClosedTime & "<BR>"
If strReturnedClosedTime = strOpenedTime Then
strClosedTimeTestResult = "<li>ClosedTime Returned Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strClosedTimeTestResult = "<li>ClosedTime Returned Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strClosedTimeTestResult
document.write Err.number & " : " & Err.description & "<BR>"
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckCreationTime(strOpenedTime)
strReturnedCreationTime = incidentItemObject.CreationTime
document.write "Creation Time Test<BR>"
document.write "Opened Time: " & strOpenedTime & "<BR>"
document.write "Returned Creation Time: " & strReturnedCreationTime & "<BR>"
If strReturnedCreationTime = strOpenedTime Then
strCreationTimeTestResult = "<li>Creation Time Returned Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strCreationTimeTestResult = "<li>Creation Time Returned Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strCreationTimeTestResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Function getUniqueNumber()
strUniqueNumber = Second(Now) & Minute(Now) & Hour(Now) & Int((Second(Now) & Minute(Now) & Hour(Now)) * Rnd)
getUniqueNumber = strUniqueNumber
End Function
Public Sub SetNewURL(strSetNewURL)
document.write "Set New URL Test<BR>"
strOriginalURL = incidentItemObject.URL
incidentItemObject.URL = strSetNewURL
strNewReturnedURL = incidentItemObject.URL
document.write "Original Returned String: " & strOriginalURL & "<BR>"
document.write "New String: " & strNewReturnedURL & "<BR>"
checkURLChangeResults strOriginalURL, strNewReturnedURL, strSetNewURL
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckURLChangeResults(strOriginalURL, strNewReturnedURL, strSetNewURL)
strMethodToVerify = "URL"
If strOriginalURL = strNewReturnedURL Then
strURLDifferentResult = "<li>URL Returned Different Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strURLDifferentResult = "<li>URL Returned Different Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strNewReturnedURL = strSetNewURL Then
strURLMatchResult = "<li>URL Returned Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strURLMatchResult = "<li>URL Returned Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strNewReturnedURL = VerifyChangeWithOtherObject(strMethodToVerify) Then
strOtherObjectURLMatchResult = "<li>URL Other Object Check Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strOtherObjectURLMatchResult = "<li>URL Other Object Check Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strURLDifferentResult
document.write strURLMatchResult
document.write strOtherObjectURLMatchResult
End Sub
Public Sub CloseAllIncidents()
set channelIncidents = channelObject.Incidents(pchOpenIncidents)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If channelIncidents.Count > 0 Then
i = 0
For Each oItem in channelIncidents
Set incidentItemObject = channelIncidents.Item(i)
strURL = incidentItemObject.URL
document.write "<BR>"
document.write strURL & "<BR>"
channelObject.CloseIncident strURL
strClosedURL = incidentItemObject.URL
document.write strClosedURL
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function VerifyChangeWithOtherObject(strMethodToVerify)
Set tempChannelObject = pchealth.CreateObject_channel(strVendorID, strProductID)
set tempChannelIncidents = tempChannelObject.Incidents(pchAllIncidents)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If tempChannelIncidents.Count > 0 Then
' This is where we start to sort
Dim arrayCount
Dim sortTemp
ReDim sortTemp(tempChannelIncidents.Count)
arrayCount = 0
For Each oItem in tempChannelIncidents
set sortTemp(arrayCount) = oItem
arrayCount = arrayCount + 1
'Sort Here
For arrayCount = o to tempChannelIncidents.Count - 2
For arraySortCount = arrayCount + 1 to tempChannelIncidents.Count - 1
If sortTemp(arrayCount).CreationTime < sortTemp(arraySortCount).CreationTime Then
Dim additionalSortTemp
Set additionalSortTemp = sortTemp(arrayCount)
Set sortTemp(arrayCount) = sortTemp(arraySortCount)
Set sortTemp(arraySortCount) = additionalSortTemp
End If
End If
End If
Set tempIncidentItemObject = tempChannelIncidents.Item(intIncidentIndexNumber)
If strMethodToVerify = "DisplayString" Then
strResult = tempIncidentItemObject.DisplayString
document.write "Other Object Return Check: " & strResult & "<BR>"
VerifyChangeWithOtherObject = strResult
ElseIf strMethodToVerify = "URL" Then
strResult = tempIncidentItemObject.URL
document.write "Other Object Return Check: " & strResult & "<BR>"
VerifyChangeWithOtherObject = strResult
ElseIf strMethodToVerify = "Status" Then
strResult = tempIncidentItemObject.Status
document.write "Other Object Return Check: " & strResult & "<BR>"
VerifyChangeWithOtherObject = strResult
document.write "<FONT color=red><STRONG>Error checking other object</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
End Function
Public Sub SetNewDisplayString(strSetNewDisplayString)
document.write "Set New Display String Test<BR>"
strOriginalDisplayString = incidentItemObject.DisplayString
incidentItemObject.DisplayString = strSetNewDisplayString
strNewReturnedDisplayString = incidentItemObject.DisplayString
document.write "Original Returned String: " & strOriginalDisplayString & "<BR>"
document.write "New String: " & strNewReturnedDisplayString & "<BR>"
CheckDisplayStringResults strOriginalDisplayString, strNewReturnedDisplayString, strSetNewDisplayString
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckDisplayStringResults(strOriginalDisplayString, strNewReturnedDisplayString, strSetNewDisplayString)
strMethodToVerify = "DisplayString"
If strOriginalDisplayString = strNewReturnedDisplayString Then
strDisplayStringDifferentResult = "<li>Display Returned String Different Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strDisplayStringDifferentResult = "<li>Display Returned String Different Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strNewReturnedDisplayString = strSetNewDisplayString Then
strDisplayStringMatchResult = "<li>Display Returned String Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strDisplayStringMatchResult = "<li>Display Returned String Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
If strNewReturnedDisplayString = VerifyChangeWithOtherObject(strMethodToVerify) Then
strOtherObjectDisplayStringMatchResult = "<li>Display Other Object Check String Match Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strOtherObjectDisplayStringMatchResult = "<li>Display Other Object Check String Match Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strDisplayStringDifferentResult
document.write strDisplayStringMatchResult
document.write strOtherObjectDisplayStringMatchResult
End Sub
Public Sub sortAllIncidents()
set channelIncidents = channelObject.Incidents(pchAllIncidents)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If channelIncidents.Count > 0 Then
' This is where we start to sort
Dim arrayCount
Dim sortTemp
ReDim sortTemp(channelIncidents.Count)
arrayCount = 0
For Each oItem in channelIncidents
set sortTemp(arrayCount) = oItem
arrayCount = arrayCount + 1
'Sort Here
For arrayCount = o to channelIncidents.Count - 2
For arraySortCount = arrayCount + 1 to channelIncidents.Count - 1
If sortTemp(arrayCount).CreationTime < sortTemp(arraySortCount).CreationTime Then
Dim additionalSortTemp
Set additionalSortTemp = sortTemp(arrayCount)
Set sortTemp(arrayCount) = sortTemp(arraySortCount)
Set sortTemp(arraySortCount) = additionalSortTemp
End If
End If
End If
Set incidentItemObject = channelIncidents.Item(intIncidentIndexNumber)
End Sub
Public Sub CloseNewIncident(strReturnedNewIncidentURL)
document.write "Close New Incident Test<BR>"
channelObject.CloseIncident strReturnedNewIncidentURL
strClosedTime = Now
intNewOpenIncidentCount = GetOpenIncidentsCount()
intNewClosedIncidentCount = GetClosedIncidentsCount()
intNewAllIncidentCount = GetAllIncidentsCount()
If intNewOpenIncidentCount = (intOriginalGetOpenIncidentsCount) Then
strOpenIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Open Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strOpenIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Open Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strOpenIncidentCountResult
If intNewClosedIncidentCount = (intOriginalGetClosedIncidentsCount + 1) Then
strClosedIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Closed Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strClosedIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Closed Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strClosedIncidentCountResult
If intNewAllIncidentCount = (intNewClosedIncidentCount + intNewOpenIncidentCount) Then
strAllIncidentCountResult = "<li>New All Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strAllIncidentCountResult = "<li>New All Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strAllIncidentCountResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Function RecordNewIncident(strNewIncidentURL, strNewIncidentDisplay)
document.write "Record New Incident Test<BR>"
channelObject.RecordIncident strNewIncidentDisplay, strNewIncidentURL
strOpenedTime = Now
intNewOpenIncidentCount = GetOpenIncidentsCount()
intNewClosedIncidentCount = GetClosedIncidentsCount()
intNewAllIncidentCount = GetAllIncidentsCount()
If intNewOpenIncidentCount = (intOriginalGetOpenIncidentsCount + 1) Then
strOpenIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Open Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strOpenIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Open Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strOpenIncidentCountResult
If intNewClosedIncidentCount = (intOriginalGetClosedIncidentsCount + 1) Then
strClosedIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Closed Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strClosedIncidentCountResult = "<li>New Closed Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strClosedIncidentCountResult
If intNewAllIncidentCount = (intOriginalGetAllIncidentsCount + 1) Then
strAllIncidentCountResult = "<li>New All Incident Count Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strAllIncidentCountResult = "<li>New All Incident Count Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strAllIncidentCountResult
RecordNewIncident = strNewIncidentURL
document.write "<HR>"
End Function
Public Function GetClosedIncidentsCount()
set channelIncidents = channelObject.Incidents(pchClosedIncidents)
intClosedIncidentsCount = channelIncidents.Count
document.write "Closed Incidents Count: " & intClosedIncidentsCount & "<BR>"
GetClosedIncidentsCount = intClosedIncidentsCount
End Function
Public Function GetOpenIncidentsCount()
set channelIncidents = channelObject.Incidents(pchOpenIncidents)
intOpenIncidentsCount = channelIncidents.Count
document.write "Open Incidents Count: " & intOpenIncidentsCount & "<BR>"
GetOpenIncidentsCount = intOpenIncidentsCount
End Function
Public Function GetAllIncidentsCount()
set channelIncidents = channelObject.Incidents(pchAllIncidents)
intAllIncidentsCount = channelIncidents.Count
document.write "All Incidents Count: " & intAllIncidentsCount & "<BR>"
GetAllIncidentsCount = intAllIncidentsCount
End Function
Public Sub GetProductName()
document.write "Get Product Name Test <BR>"
strProductNameOut = channelObject.ProductName
strRegProductName = shellObject.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\HelpCenter\SAF\Channel\" & strVendorID & "\" & strProductID & "\Description")
document.write "From Channel.ProductName: " & strProductNameOut & "<BR>"
document.write "From Registry: " & strRegProductName & "<BR>"
If strProductNameOut = strRegProductName Then
strGetProductNameResult = "<li>GetProductName Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strGetProductNameResult = "<li>GetProductName Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strGetProductNameResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub GetVendorName()
document.write "Get Vendor Name Test <BR>"
strVendorNameOut = channelObject.VendorName
strRegVendorName = shellObject.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\HelpCenter\SAF\Channel\" & strVendorID & "\CompanyName")
document.write "From Channel.VendorName: " & strVendorNameOut & "<BR>"
document.write "From Registry: " & strRegVendorName & "<BR>"
If strVendorNameOut = strRegVendorName Then
strGetVendorNameResult = "<li>GetVendorName Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strGetVendorNameResult = "<li>GetVendorName Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strGetVendorNameResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub GetProductID()
document.write "Get Product ID Test <BR>"
strProductIDOut = channelObject.ProductID
Document.Write "From Channel.ProductID: " & strProductIDOut & "<BR>"
Document.Write "From Registry: " & strProductID & "<BR>"
If strProductIDOut = strProductID Then
strGetProductIDResult = "<li>GetProductID Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strGetProductIDResult = "<li>GetProductID Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
document.write strGetProductIDResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub
Public Sub GetVendorID()
document.write "Get Vendor ID Test <BR>"
strVendorIdOut = channelObject.VendorID
Document.Write "From Channel.VendorID: " & strVendorIdOut & "<BR>"
Document.Write "Vendor ID: " & strVendorID & "<BR>"
If strVendorIdOut = strVendorID Then
strGetVendorIDResult = "<li>VendorID Test Result: <FONT color=green><STRONG>Pass</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
strGetVendorIDResult = "<li>VendorID Test Result: <FONT color=red><STRONG>Fail</STRONG></FONT> <BR>"
End If
Document.write strGetVendorIDResult
document.write "<HR>"
End Sub