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410 lines
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410 lines
15 KiB
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "SiteCtrl"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Private wsoServices As DIWbemServices
Private wsoServices As ISWbemServices
'Private wcoContext As DWbemContext
Private wcoContext As New SWbemNamedValueSet
Private sSessionHandle As String
Private lInterpoll As Long
Private iTicker As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
frmMain.lstModules.AddItem "Site Control File"
frmMain.lstModules.Selected(frmMain.lstModules.ListCount - 1) = False
End Sub
Public Function GetModuleInfo() As String
GetModuleInfo = "As of 5/4, this module is unstable, at best."
End Function
Public Sub RegisterNodes()
frmTest.AddNode "root", "scfRoot", "Site Control File"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfConnect", "Connect"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfGetSessionHandle", "Get SessionHandle"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfContext", "Build Context Object"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfReadInterPoll", "Read Inter-Poll Delay Time"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfModifyInterPoll", "Modify Inter-Poll Delay Time"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfWaitBug", "Verify Changes"
frmTest.AddNode "scfRoot", "scfReleaseSessionHandle", "Release SessionHandle"
End Sub
Public Sub RegisterTests()
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfConnect"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfGetSessionHandle"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfContext"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfReadInterPoll"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfModifyInterPoll"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfWait"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfWaitBug"
Tests.Add "Site Control File", "scfReleaseSessionHandle"
End Sub
Public Function Execute(mynode As Node) As Integer
Execute = 0
Select Case mynode.key
Case "scfConnect"
Execute = scfConnect(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfGetSessionHandle"
Execute = scfGetSessionHandle(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfContext"
Execute = scfContext(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfReadInterPoll"
Execute = scfReadInterPoll(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfModifyInterPoll"
Execute = scfModifyInterPoll(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfWait"
Execute = scfWait(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfWaitBug"
Execute = scfWaitBug(mynode)
Exit Function
Case "scfReleaseSessionHandle"
Execute = scfReleaseSessionHandle(mynode)
Exit Function
Case Else
Execute = 3
Exit Function
End Select
Execute = 3
End Function
Private Function scfConnect(n As Node) As Integer
'Dim wlo As New DWbemLocator
Dim wlo As New SWbemLocator
Dim u As String
Dim p As String
Dim a As String
If frmMain.chkUserid.Value Then
u = vbNullString
u = frmMain.txtUserid.text
End If
If frmMain.chkPassword.Value Then
p = vbNullString
p = frmMain.txtPassword.text
End If
If frmMain.chkAuthority.Value Then
a = vbNullString
a = frmMain.txtAuthority.text
End If
On Error Resume Next
'wlo.ConnectServer "\\" & frmMain.txtServer.text & "\root\sms\site_" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text, u, p, vbNullString, 0, a, Nothing, wsoServices
Set wsoServices = wlo.ConnectServer(frmMain.txtServer.text, "root\sms\site_" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text, u, p)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Connecting to \\" & frmMain.txtServer.text & "\root\sms\site_" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text) Then Exit Function
scfConnect = 1
End Function
Private Function scfGetSessionHandle(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfConnect") Then
scfGetSessionHandle = 2
Exit Function
End If
'Dim out As DWbemClassObject
Dim out As ISWbemObject
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "sms_sitecontrolfile", "GetSessionHandle", 0, Nothing, Nothing, out, Nothing
Set out = wsoServices.ExecMethod("sms_sitecontrolfile", "getsessionhandle")
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "ExecMethod SMS_SiteControlFile.GetSessionHandle") Then Exit Function
'out.Get "SessionHandle", 0, v, 0, 0
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get SessionHandle from Outparam") Then Exit Function
sSessionHandle = CStr(out.SessionHandle)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get SessionHandle from Outparam") Then Exit Function
n.text = n.text & " " & sSessionHandle
scfGetSessionHandle = 1
End Function
Private Function scfReleaseSessionHandle(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfGetSessionHandle") Then
scfReleaseSessionHandle = 2
Exit Function
End If
'Dim c As DWbemClassObject 'inparam
Dim c As ISWbemObject
'wsoServices.GetObject "__PARAMETERS", 0, Nothing, c, Nothing
Set c = wsoServices.Get("__PARAMETERS")
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "GetObject __PARAMETERS") Then Exit Function
'c.Put "SessionHandle", 0, CVar(sSessionHandle), CIM_STRING
c.Properties_.Add "SessionHandle", CIM_STRING
c.SessionHandle = CVar(sSessionHandle)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get SessionHandle from Outparam") Then Exit Function
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile", "ReleaseSessionHandle", 0, Nothing, c, Nothing, Nothing
wsoServices.ExecMethod "sms_sitecontrolfile", "releasesessionhandle", c
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "ExecMethod SMS_SiteControlFile.ReleaseSessionHandle") Then Exit Function
scfReleaseSessionHandle = 1
End Function
Private Function scfContext(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfConnect", "scfGetSessionHandle") Then
scfContext = 2
Exit Function
End If
'Dim context As New DWbemContext
'Dim context As New SWbemContext
'context.SetValue "SessionHandle", 0, CVar(sSessionHandle)
MsgBox "This Module GPF's at this point about 75% of the time" & vbCrLf & _
"Therefore we don't recommend running this module!" & vbCrLf & _
"If it GPF's just restart the sdkbvt and don't select this module"
wcoContext.Add "SessionHandle", CVar(sSessionHandle)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Context SetValue") Then Exit Function
'Set wcoContext = context
scfContext = 1
End Function
Private Function scfReadInterPoll(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfContext") Then
scfReadInterPoll = 2
Exit Function
End If
'Dim c As DWbemClassObject
Dim c As ISWbemObject
Dim bigpath As String
bigpath = "SMS_SCI_Component.FileType=2,ItemName=""SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER|" & UCase(frmMain.txtServer.text) & """,ItemType=""Component"",SiteCode=""" & UCase(frmMain.txtSitecode.text) & """"
'wsoServices.GetObject bigpath, 0, wcoContext, c, Nothing
Set c = wsoServices.Get(bigpath, , wcoContext)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "GetObject " & bigpath) Then Exit Function
Dim s As String
'c.GetObjectText 0, s
s = c.GetObjectText_
n.Tag = n.Tag & ObjText2Text(s)
Dim vary As Variant
'c.Get "Props", 0, vary, 0, 0 'give up the props, home-boy!
vary = c.Properties_("Props").Value
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get Props") Then Exit Function
Dim i As Integer
Dim v As Variant
For i = LBound(vary) To LBound(vary)
'vary(i).Get "PropertyName", 0, v, 0, 0
'If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get PropertyName") Then Exit Function
'If CStr(v) = "Inter-Poll Delay Time" Then
If CStr(vary(i).PropertyName) = "Inter-Poll Delay Time" Then
'vary(i).Get "Value", 0, v, 0, 0
'If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get Value") Then Exit Function
lInterpoll = CLng(vary(i).Value)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get Value") Then Exit Function
scfReadInterPoll = 1
Exit Function
End If
Next i
n.Tag = n.Tag & "Inter-Poll Delay Time property could not be found."
scfReadInterPoll = 2
End Function
Private Function scfModifyInterPoll(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfReadInterPoll") Then
scfModifyInterPoll = 2
Exit Function
End If
'Dim c As DWbemClassObject
Dim c As ISWbemObject
Dim bigpath As String
bigpath = "SMS_SCI_Component.FileType=2,ItemName=""SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER|" & UCase(frmMain.txtServer.text) & """,ItemType=""Component"",SiteCode=""" & UCase(frmMain.txtSitecode.text) & """"
'wsoServices.GetObject bigpath, 0, wcoContext, c, Nothing
Set c = wsoServices.Get(bigpath, , wcoContext)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "GetObject " & bigpath) Then Exit Function
Dim vary As Variant
'c.Get "Props", 0, vary, 0, 0 'give up the props, home-boy!
vary = c.Properties_("Props").Value
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get Props") Then Exit Function
Dim i As Integer
Dim v As Variant
For i = LBound(vary) To LBound(vary)
'vary(i).Get "PropertyName", 0, v, 0, 0
'If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get PropertyName") Then Exit Function
If CStr(vary(i).PropertyName) = "Inter-Poll Delay Time" Then
'vary(i).Put "Value", 0, CVar(lInterpoll + 1), 0
vary(i).Value = CVar(lInterpoll + 1)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Put Value") Then Exit Function
'c.Put "Props", 0, vary, 0
c.Props = vary
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Put Props") Then Exit Function
'wsoServices.PutInstance c, 0, wcoContext, Nothing
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "SCI PutInstance") Then Exit Function
'this is a temp fix, till the bug is fixed.
Dim m As Integer
m = MsgBox("As of build 1024, the objectpath for the SMS_SiteControlFile:Commit Method is case sensitive. {Bug 23049}" & vbCrLf & _
"If you want to test to see if this bug has been fixed, Click 'Yes'. Otherwise click 'No'. " & vbCrLf, vbYesNo, "Select Case")
Select Case m
Case vbYes
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Commit", 0, wcoContext, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Commit", , , wcoContext
n.text = n.text & " {Lower Case}"
Case vbNo
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & UCase(frmMain.txtSitecode.text) & """", "Commit", 0, wcoContext, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & UCase(frmMain.txtSitecode.text) & """", "Commit", , , wcoContext
n.text = n.text & " {Upper Case - Workaround}"
End Select
''rem'd this out till bug above gets fixed
''wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Commit", 0, wcoContext, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=2,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Commit",,,wcocontext
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "ExecMethod Commit") Then Exit Function
scfModifyInterPoll = 1
Exit Function
End If
Next i
n.Tag = n.Tag & "Inter-Poll Delay Time property could not be found."
scfModifyInterPoll = 2
End Function
Private Function scfWait(n As Node) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Not frmTest.AllOfThesePassed("scfModifyInterPoll") Then
scfWait = 2
Exit Function
End If
Dim try As Integer
try = 1
'Dim c As DWbemClassObject
Dim c As ISWbemObject
Dim bigpath As String
Dim vary As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim v As Variant
Dim t As Single
bigpath = "SMS_SCI_Component.FileType=1,ItemName=""SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER|" & UCase(frmMain.txtServer.text) & """,ItemType=""Component"",SiteCode=""" & UCase(frmMain.txtSitecode.text) & """"
Do While try < 18
Set c = Nothing
n.text = "Verify Changes: Attempt " & Trim(Str(try))
'wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=1,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Refresh", 0, wcoContext, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
wsoServices.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=1,Sitecode=""" & frmMain.txtSitecode.text & """", "Refresh", , , wcoContext
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "ExecMethod Refresh") Then Exit Function
'wsoServices.GetObject bigpath, 0, wcoContext, c, Nothing
Set c = wsoServices.Get(bigpath, , wcoContext)
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Getobject " & bigpath) Then Exit Function
'c.Get "Props", 0, vary, 0, 0 'give up the props, home-boy!
vary = c.Properties_("Props").Value
If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get Props") Then Exit Function
For i = LBound(vary) To LBound(vary)
'vary(i).Get "PropertyName", 0, v, 0, 0
'If CheckError(Err.Number, n, "Get PropertyName") Then Exit Function
If CStr(vary(i).PropertyName) = "Inter-Poll Delay Time" Then
'vary(i).Get "Value", 0, v, 0, 0
If CLng(vary(i).Value) = lInterpoll + 1 Then
scfWait = 1
n.text = n.text & " passed."
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
t = Timer
n.text = "Verify Changes: Attempt " & Trim(Str(try)) & " failed. Pausing..."
Do While Timer < t + 2
try = try + 1
n.text = "Verify Changes: Timed out. All attempts failed."
scfWait = 0
End Function
Private Function scfWaitBug(n As Node) As Integer
Dim m As Integer
m = MsgBox("As of build 1004, changes to the master site control file cannot be verified programmatically. (bug 21658)" & vbCrLf & _
"Please check the Sms\inboxes\\sitectrl.ct0 file to verify that the value for the ""Inter-Poll"" delay time" & vbCrLf & _
"has been set to " & Trim(Str(lInterpoll + 1)) & ". It may take several minutes for sms to digest the changes" & vbCrLf & _
"and modify the master site control file. Press Yes if the changes were successful. Press No if the changes" & vbCrLf & _
"were not made. Press Cancel to skip.", vbYesNoCancel, "Verify Changes")
Select Case m
Case vbYes
scfWaitBug = 1
Case vbNo
scfWaitBug = 0
Case vbCancel
scfWaitBug = 2
Case Else
scfWaitBug = 3
End Select
End Function