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<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<TITLE>WMI Scripting Sample - Security Descriptor Viewer</TITLE>
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="sdstyle.css">
<OBJECT id=locator CLASSID="CLSID:BF37162F-9E73-48ed-B009-92E2F732252F"></OBJECT>
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
dim sd
dim saclAceArray ()
dim daclAceArray ()
Sub window_onload
' Test code to fake up an SD - remove this with a real SD when
' it's all working
set sacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList")
set dacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList")
set sd = CreateObject("SecurityDescriptor")
sd.SystemAcl = sacl
sd.DiscretionaryAcl = dacl
End Sub
Sub DisplaySD (sd)
on error resume next
sdRevision.innerText = sd.Revision
sdOwner.innerText = sd.Owner
sdOwnerDefaulted.innerText = sd.OwnerDefaulted
sdGroup.innerText = sd.Group
sdGroupDefaulted.innerText = sd.GroupDefaulted
sdDaclDefaulted.innerText = sd.DaclDefaulted
sdSaclDefaulted.innerText = sd.SaclDefaulted
DisplayAcl sd.DiscretionaryAcl, true
DisplayAcl sd.SystemAcl, false
End Sub
Sub DisplayAcl (acl, bIsDacl)
on error resume next
if bIsDacl then
daclAclRevision.innerText = acl.AclRevision
daclAceCount.innerText = acl.AceCount
DisplayAces acl, daclAces, bIsDacl
saclAclRevision.innerText = acl.AclRevision
saclAceCount.innerText = acl.AceCount
DisplayAces acl, saclAces, bIsDacl
end if
End Sub
Sub DisplayAces (acl, aclAceTable, bIsDacl)
on error resume next
ClearAceInfo aclAceTable, bIsDacl
for each ace in acl
DisplayAce ace, aclAceTable, bIsDacl
End Sub
Sub DisplayAce (ace, aclAceTable, bIsDacl)
on error resume next
set newRow = aclAceTable.insertRow (-1)
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = Hex(ace.AccessMask)
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.AceType
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.AceFlags
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.Flags
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.ObjectType
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.InheritedObjectType
newRow.insertCell (-1).innerText = ace.Trustee
' Add a delete button
set newCell = newRow.insertCell (-1)
if bIsDacl then
newCell.innerHTML = _
"<SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover=""this.style.cursor='hand'"" onmouseout=""this.style.cursor='auto'"" onclick='DeleteAce(this.parentElement.parentElement, true)'>Delete</SPAN>"
newCell.innerHTML = _
"<SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover=""this.style.cursor='hand'"" onmouseout=""this.style.cursor='auto'"" onclick='DeleteAce(this.parentElement.parentElement, false)'>Delete</SPAN>"
end if
' Add a modify button
set newCell = newRow.insertCell (-1)
if bIsDacl then
newCell.innerHTML = _
"<SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover=""this.style.cursor='hand'"" onmouseout=""this.style.cursor='auto'"" onclick='ModifyAce(this.parentElement.parentElement, true)'>Modify</SPAN>"
newCell.innerHTML = _
"<SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover=""this.style.cursor='hand'"" onmouseout=""this.style.cursor='auto'"" onclick='ModifyAce(this.parentElement.parentElement, false)'>Modify</SPAN>"
end if
' Remember our ACE in case we need to delete or modify it
if bIsDacl then
if IsNull(daclAceArray) then
daclAceArray = Array (0)
set daclAceArray(0) = ace
bound = aclAceTable.rows.length - 1
Redim Preserve daclAceArray (bound)
set daclAceArray (bound) = ace
end if
if IsNull(saclAceArray) then
saclAceArray = Array (0)
set saclAceArray(0) = ace
bound = aclAceTable.rows.length - 1
Redim Preserve saclAceArray (bound)
set saclAceArray (bound) = ace
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub RefreshAce (row, ace)
row.cells(0).innerText = Hex(ace.AccessMask)
row.cells(1).innerText = ace.AceType
row.cells(2).innerText = ace.AceFlags
row.cells(3).innerText = ace.Flags
row.cells(4).innerText = ace.ObjectType
row.cells(5).innerText = ace.InheritedObjectType
row.cells(6).innerText = ace.Trustee
End Sub
Sub DeleteAce (row, bIsDacl)
if bIsDacl then
set ace = daclAceArray (row.rowIndex - 1)
set ace = saclAceArray (row.rowIndex - 1)
end if
row.removeNode true
if err <> 0 then
alert "Error!"
if bIsDacl then
sd.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAce (ace)
sd.SystemAcl.RemoveAce (ace)
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ClearSDInfo
on error resume next
sdRevision.innerText = ""
sdOwner.innerText = ""
sdOwnerDefaulted.innerText = ""
sdGroup.innerText = ""
sdGroupDefaulted.innerText = ""
sdDaclDefaulted.innerText = ""
sdSaclDefaulted.innerText = ""
ClearAclInfo true
ClearAclInfo false
End Sub
Sub ClearAclInfo (bIsDacl)
on error resume next
if bIsDacl then
daclAclRevision.innerText = ""
daclAceCount.innerText = ""
ClearAceInfo daclAces, bIsDacl
saclAclRevision.innerText = ""
saclAceCount.innerText = ""
ClearAceInfo saclAces, bIsDacl
end if
End Sub
Sub ClearAceInfo (aceTable, bIsDacl)
on error resume next
numRows = aceTable.rows.length
if numRows > 0 then
for i = 0 to (numRows-1)
aceTable.deleteRow i
end if
if bIsDacl then
if Not(IsNull(daclAceArray)) then set daclAceArray = null
if Not(IsNull(saclAceArray)) then set saclAceArray = null
end if
End Sub
' Handles the onclick event for the Security Descriptor hot text
Sub getSD_onclick
on error resume next
' Show that we're busy
getSD.style.cursor = "wait"
window.defaultStatus = "Retrieving value..."
' Attempt to open the required object
' set obj = locator.Open (objectPath.value, user.value, password.value)
' Temporary hack
set ldap = locator.Open (objectPath.value, user.value, password.value)
if err then
window.alert ("Error opening ldap: 0x" & Hex(err.Number) & " : " & err.Description)
end if
Set c = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
c.Add "INCLUDE_OWNER", true
c.Add "INCLUDE_GROUP", true
c.Add "INCLUDE_DACL", true
c.Add "INCLUDE_SACL", true
set obj = ldap.Get (".CN=Users", &H40000, c)
if err <> 0 then
window.alert ("Error retrieving object: 0x" & Hex(err.Number) & " : " & err.Description)
' Try and get the specified Security Descriptor property
set sd = obj.GetSecurityDescriptor_
if err <> 0 then
window.alert ("Could not get Security Descriptor: 0x" & Hex(err.Number) & " : " & err.Description)
DisplaySD sd
end if
end if
getSD.style.cursor = "auto"
End sub
Sub objectPathDiv_onmouseover
window.status = "Path to the object whose Security Descriptor is to be displayed"
End Sub
Sub objectPathDiv_onmouseout
window.status = ""
End Sub
Sub nameDiv_onmouseover
window.status = "Name of the Security Descriptor property to retrieve, or the default (__SD) if not specified"
End Sub
Sub nameDiv_onmouseout
window.status = ""
End Sub
Sub userPasswordDiv_onmouseover
window.status = "Explicit user credentials (if required)"
End Sub
Sub userPasswordDiv_onmouseout
window.status = ""
End Sub
Sub getDiv_onmouseover
window.status = "Retrieve and display the specified security descriptor"
getSD.style.color = "Green"
getSD.style.fontWeight = "bolder"
getSD.style.cursor = "hand"
End Sub
Sub getDiv_onmouseout
window.status = ""
getSD.style.color = "SaddleBrown"
getSD.style.fontWeight = "lighter"
getSD.style.cursor = "auto"
End Sub
Sub AddAce (bIsDacl)
on error resume next
set ace = window.showModalDialog ("sdaddace.htm",, _
if IsObject(ace) then
if bIsDacl then
sd.DiscretionaryAcl.AddAce ace
sd.SystemAcl.AddAce ace
end if
if err <> 0 then
alert Err.Description & ": 0x" & Hex(Err.number)
if bIsDacl then
DisplayAce ace, daclAces, true
DisplayAce ace, saclAces, false
end if
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ModifyAce (row, bIsDacl)
if bIsDacl then
set ace = daclAceArray (row.rowIndex - 1)
set ace = saclAceArray (row.rowIndex - 1)
end if
if window.showModalDialog ("sdaddace.htm", ace, _
"help:no;resizable:yes;status:no;dialogWidth:18cm;dialogHeight:15cm") then
RefreshAce row, ace
end if
End Sub
Sub saclAddAce_onmouseover
saclAddAce.style.color = "Green"
saclAddAce.style.fontWeight = "bolder"
saclAddAce.style.cursor = "hand"
End Sub
Sub saclAddAce_onmouseout
saclAddAce.style.color = "SaddleBrown"
saclAddAce.style.fontWeight = "lighter"
saclAddAce.style.cursor = "auto"
End Sub
Sub daclAddAce_onmouseover
daclAddAce.style.color = "Green"
daclAddAce.style.fontWeight = "bolder"
daclAddAce.style.cursor = "hand"
End Sub
Sub daclAddAce_onmouseout
daclAddAce.style.color = "SaddleBrown"
daclAddAce.style.fontWeight = "lighter"
daclAddAce.style.cursor = "auto"
End Sub
<H1>WMI Scripting Sample - Security Descriptor Viewer</H1>
<SPAN id=objectPathDiv>
<P class=ObjectPath>Object Path: <INPUT id=objectPath style="WIDTH: 548px; HEIGHT: 22px" size=78
name=text1 value=umi://nw01t1/ldap>&nbsp;</P>
<SPAN id=userPasswordDiv>
<P class=ObjectPath>User:&nbsp;<INPUT id=user value=nw01t1domnb\administrator>
&nbsp; Password: <INPUT type=password id=password value=nw01t1domnb>&nbsp;
<SPAN id=nameDiv></P></SPAN>
<SPAN id=getDiv><P class=HotText id=getSD align=center>Get the Security Descriptor</P></SPAN>
<H2>Security Descriptor information</H2>
<TABLE CLASS=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%" >
<TD id=sdRevision></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdControl></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdOwner></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdOwnerDefaulted></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdGroup></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdGroupDefaulted></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdDaclDefaulted></TD></TR>
<TD id=sdSaclDefaulted></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<H2>System ACL information</H2>
<TABLE CLASS=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%">
<TD id=saclAclRevision></TD></TR>
<TD id=saclAceCount></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<TABLE CLASS=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="85%" border=1 style="WIDTH: 85%">
<TH><SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover="me.style.cursor='hand'"
onmouseout="me.style.cursor='auto'" onclick="AddAce(false)">Add</SPAN></TH></TR>
<TBODY id=saclAces></TBODY>
<H2>Discretionary ACL Information</H2>
<TABLE CLASS=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%">
<TD id=daclAclRevision></TD></TR>
<TD id=daclAceCount></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<TABLE CLASS=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="85%" border=1 style="WIDTH: 85%">
<TH><SPAN CLASS=HotText2 onmouseover="me.style.cursor='hand'"
onmouseout="me.style.cursor='auto'" onclick="AddAce(true)">Add</SPAN></TH></TR>
<TBODY id=daclAces></TBODY>