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// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// TaskAnalyzeCluster.h
// Description:
// CTaskTracking declaration
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 16-AUG-2001
#pragma once
class CTaskTracking
typedef struct _TaskTrackingEntry
IDoTask * pidt;
OBJECTCOOKIE ocCompletion;
} TaskTrackingEntry;
ULONG m_idxTaskNext; // Count and next available index of the tasks to cancel.
TaskTrackingEntry * m_prgTasks;
// Private copy constructor to prevent copying.
CTaskTracking( const CTaskTracking & nodeSrc );
// Private assignment operator to prevent copying.
const CTaskTracking & operator = ( const CTaskTracking & nodeSrc );
CTaskTracking( void );
virtual ~CTaskTracking( void );
HRESULT HrAddTaskToTrackingList( IUnknown * punkIn, OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn );
HRESULT HrRemoveTaskFromTrackingList( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn );
HRESULT HrNotifyAllTasksToStop( void );
ULONG CTasks( void ) { return m_idxTaskNext; }
}; //*** class CTaskTracking