Leaked source code of windows server 2003

385 lines
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TITLE LDAPPL - AppLoader Interface
IFNDEF NO_APPLOADER ;* entire file for AppLoader
include kernel.inc
include newexe.inc
include tdb.inc
include appl.inc
include protect.inc
externW pGlobalHeap
sBegin CODE
externNP SetOwner
externFP set_discarded_sel_owner
externFP MyOpenFile
externFP FarLoadSegment
externFP FarMyAlloc
externNP Int21Handler
IF KDEBUG ;See comment below where this function is used
externFP AppLoaderEntProcAddress
externFP FarEntProcAddress
externFP GlobalHandle
externFP Far_get_temp_sel
externFP Far_free_temp_sel
assumes DS,NOTHING
assumes ES,NOTHING
externNP MapDSToDATA
; BootAppl ;
; ;
; Boots (i.e. starts) an AppLoader application ;
; Loads (and relocates) first segment (must be CODE/FIXED/PRELOAD) ;
; Validates the APPL magic word ;
; Calls APPL boot procedure ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; parmW hexe (handle to exe header) ;
; parmW fh (file handle) ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX != 0 => ok ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; AX == 0 => error ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; various ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Thu Oct 01, 1987 11:10:06a -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Changed the return values to NOT return ZF. ;
; ;
; Thu Jul 30, 1987 11:56:34a -by- Scott A. Randell [scottra] ;
; Created it. ;
cProc BootAppl,<NEAR,PUBLIC>,<si>
parmW hexe
parmW fh
cBegin BootAppl
mov es,hexe
mov si,es:[ne_segtab] ;* es:si => segtab
mov ax,es:[si].ns_flags ;* first segment
test ax,NSMOVE
jnz @f ;* PMode loader will set the
jmp bal_error ;* moveable flag for us
jz bal_error ;* must be preload
;* * load in first segment (turn off Alloced/Loaded, and DS requirement)
mov es:[si].ns_flags,ax ;* update flags
mov ax,1 ;* first segment
cCall FarLoadSegment,<es,ax,fh,fh>
jcxz bal_fail ;* not enough memory
;* * now validate APPL header
mov es,ax
push es
cCall Far_get_temp_sel
xor bx,bx ;* es:bx => first segment
cmp es:[bx].magicAppl,magicApplCur ;* current version ?
;* (no backward compatibility)
jne bal_error_popes
;* * fill in global information
mov word ptr es:[bx].lppsMob,dataOffset pGlobalHeap
mov ax,codeBase ;* segment address of FIXED KERNEL
push ds
call MapDStoData
mov word ptr es:[bx].lppsMob+2,ds ;* segment address of krnl data
pop ds
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnKernelAlloc,codeOffset FarMyAlloc
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnKernelAlloc+2,ax
; In DEBUG, we really want RIPs to be able to happen when we don't
; find ordinals. This saves an enormous amount of debugging
; time!! The entry point AppLoaderEntProcAddress only exists
; in debug and allows RIPs to happen (unlike FarEntProcAddress
; which is the same entry point used for GetProcAddress which
; should not RIP).
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnEntProcAddress,codeOffset AppLoaderEntProcAddress
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnEntProcAddress,codeOffset FarEntProcAddress
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnEntProcAddress+2,ax
;* * extra entry for Protect Mode only
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnSetOwner,codeOffset MySetOwner
mov word ptr es:[bx].pfnSetOwner+2,ax
mov ax,es
pop es
cCall Far_free_temp_sel,<ax>
;* * call the start procedure
cCall es:[pfnBootAppl], <hexe, fh> ;* returns BOOL
bal_end: ;* ax
cEnd BootAppl
bal_error_popes: ;* an error occured (pop es if in PMODE)
mov ax,es
pop es
cCall Far_free_temp_sel,<ax>
bal_error: ;* an error occured
int 3
bal_fail: ;* Boot failed (not enough memory)
xor ax,ax
jmps bal_end
; ExitAppl ;
; ;
; Exit last instance of an APPLOADER application ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; parmW hexe (handle to exe header) ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; N/A ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Sat Sep 19, 1987 15:55:19 -by- Scott A. Randell [scottra] ;
; Created it ;
cProc ExitAppl,<NEAR,PUBLIC>
parmW hexe
cBegin ExitAppl
; The apps with loaders don't do anything in their exit code except try
; to close a bogus file handle, so we just will not make this call
; anymore. This call runs on the kernel PSP, so if the app picked a valid
; kernel file handle, that file got closed. 0 seems to be a popular
; handle to inadvertently close. Newer apps do/will not have their own
; loaders.
ifdef DEAD_CODE ;--------------------------------------------------------
mov es,hexe
mov bx,es:[ne_segtab] ;* es:si => segtab
;* * first segment is the AppLoader
mov ax,es:[bx].ns_handle ;* handle
or ax, ax ; Out of memory, couldn't load segment?
jz exa_error
HtoS ax ;* back to ring 1
push bx
lar bx, ax
test bh, DSC_PRESENT ; Fix a WinWord bug
pop bx
jz exa_error
mov es,ax
;* * test to make sure that an APPL is there
cmp es:[magicAppl],magicApplCur
jne exa_error
; The following hack sets up SS to have a 64k limit before calling the
; app's exit procedure. Added 12/18/90 to work around a bug in the
; Excel & WinWord app loader that references a bogus offset from SS. In
; the past the stack segment at this point already had a large limit, but
; when the data segment was moved out of the kernel's code segment and
; the limit decreased to the actual DS size, the Excel/WinWord offset
; is now beyond the segment limit.
push ss ;save current SS
push es ;seg 1 handle
smov es,ss ;get temp selector takes
cCall far_get_temp_sel ; and returns selector in ES
smov ss,es ;SS now has max limit
pop es ;seg 1 handle
cCall es:[pfnExitAppl], <hexe>
mov ax,ss ;return to original SS and
pop ss ; free temp selector
cCall far_free_temp_sel,<ax>
endif ;DEAD_CODE -------------------------------------------------
cEnd ExitAppl
sBegin CODE
assumes CS,CODE
; LoadApplSegment ;
; ;
; Load an APPL segment ;
; open file if not already open ;
; tests to make sure 1st segment is an APPL loader ;
; call the Apploader requesting segment be loaded ;
; NOTE : never call for first segment ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; parmW hexe (handle to exe header) ;
; parmW fh (file handle (may be -1)) ;
; parmW segno (segment #) ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; NZ, AX != 0 => ok, AX = segment where loaded, DX = handle of seg;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; Z, AX == 0 => error ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; various ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Thu Jul 30, 1987 11:56:34a -by- Scott A. Randell [scottra] ;
; Created it ;
cProc LoadApplSegment,<NEAR,PUBLIC>,<si>
parmW hexe
parmW fh
parmW segno
localW myfh ;* private file handle
;* (if one shot open/close)
cBegin LoadApplSegment
mov es,hexe
mov myfh,-1 ;* try with what is open first
mov ax,fh
las_retry: ;* ax = file handle
mov si,es:[ne_segtab] ;* es:si => segtab
;* * first segment is the AppLoader
mov si,es:[si].ns_handle ;* handle
HtoS si ;* back to ring 1
mov es,si
;* * test to make sure that an APPL is there
cmp es:[magicAppl],magicApplCur ;* current version ?
;* (no backward compatibility)
jne las_error
;* * Try to reload with the handle Windows has (may be -1)
cCall es:[pfnReloadAppl], <hexe, ax, segno>
;* returns AX = segment
or ax,ax
jnz las_end ;* return AX != 0
;* * if the file handle was -1, open the file and try again
cmp myfh,-1
jne las_error ;* could not load with a file
;* * file is not open, open up temporary file (put handle in myfh)
mov es,hexe
mov dx,es:[ne_pfileinfo]
regptr esdx,es,dx
push dx
Save <es>
cCall MyOpenFile,<esdx,esdx,bx>
pop dx
mov myfh,ax
cmp ax,-1
jne las_retry
las_error: ;* an error occured
;* * close file (if myfh != -1), then return error
debug_out "LoadApplSegment failed - better find out why!"
xor ax,ax
las_end: ;* ax = return value
mov bx,myfh
inc bx
jz las_no_temp_file
dec bx
push ax
mov ah,3Eh ;* close file handle
pop ax
las_no_temp_file: ;* ax = return code
or ax,ax
cEnd LoadApplSegment
; MySetOwner ;
; ;
; Private version of SetOwner for present/non-present selectors ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; selector = selector (present or non-present) ;
; owner = new owner field ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon 04-Dec-1989 10:03:25 -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Made it call set_discarded_sel_owner instead of set_sel_limit. ;
; ;
; Mon Jul 03 20:37:22 1989 created -by- Scott A. Randell [scottra] ;
cProc MySetOwner,<PUBLIC,FAR>, <SI, DI>
parmW selector
parmW owner
cCall GlobalHandle,<selector>
or dx,dx ;* 0 => not present
jz set_owner_NP
;* * set owner for present selectors
cCall SetOwner,<selector, owner>
jmp short end_set_owner
;* NP selectors store the owner in the segment limit
mov bx,selector
mov es,owner
call set_discarded_sel_owner
endif ;!NO_APPLOADER (entire file)