Leaked source code of windows server 2003

93 lines
2.3 KiB

@echo off
rem This batch file was written by the Hammer to enable OLE's
rem 16bit to/from 32bit interop support.
set windir=C:\WINDOWS
if %1n==n goto Usage
set windir=%1
goto Start
echo ³ Usage: OLE1632 win95dir
echo ³ Example: OLE1632 C:\WINDOWS
goto Done
if exist ole1632.bat goto ThunkToggle
echo Must run from the SDK\Samples\Ole\Interop directory.
goto Done
@echo This batch file will enable or disable OLE2 16:32 interop.
CHOICE.COM /C:EDC "Enable, Disable or Cancel"
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto Done
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto ThunkOff
@del %windir%\system\compobj.dll
if exist %windir%\system\compobj.dll goto Reboot
del %windir%\system\storage.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2prox.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2disp.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2nls.dll
del %windir%\system\stdole.tlb
del %windir%\system\typelib.dll
copy compobj.dll %windir%\system
copy storage.dll %windir%\system
copy ole2.dll %windir%\system
copy ole2prox.dll %windir%\system
copy ole2disp.dll %windir%\system
copy ole2nls.dll %windir%\system
copy stdole.tlb %windir%\system
copy typelib.dll %windir%\system
@echo OLE 16:32 interop has been enabled.
goto Done
@del %windir%\system\compobj.dll
if exist %windir%\system\compobj.dll goto Reboot
del %windir%\system\storage.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2prox.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2disp.dll
del %windir%\system\ole2nls.dll
del %windir%\system\stdole.tlb
del %windir%\system\typelib.dll
copy compobj.w16 %windir%\system\compobj.dll
copy storage.w16 %windir%\system\storage.dll
copy ole2.w16 %windir%\system\ole2.dll
copy ole2disp.w16 %windir%\system\ole2disp.dll
copy ole2prox.w16 %windir%\system\ole2prox.dll
copy ole2nls.w16 %windir%\system\ole2nls.dll
copy stdole.w16 %windir%\system\stdole.tlb
copy typelib.w16 %windir%\system\typelib.dll
start /w regedit /s interop.reg
echo OLE 16/32 interop has been disabled.
goto Done
echo The 16bit OLE DLL's are busy, please reboot and run OLE1632 again.