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682 lines
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682 lines
12 KiB
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: dbgint.cxx
// Notes: This file is automatically generated
// Do not modify by hand
// History: Fri May 27 10:39:02 1994 Generated
#if DBG == 1
char *apszIUnknownNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
char *apszIClassFactoryNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "CreateInstance"
, "LockServer"
char *apszIMarshalNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetUnmarshalClass"
, "GetMarshalSizeMax"
, "MarshalInterface"
, "UnmarshalInterface"
, "ReleaseMarshalData"
, "DisconnectObject"
char *apszIStdMarshalInfoNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassForHandler"
char *apszIMessageFilterNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "HandleInComingCall"
, "RetryRejectedCall"
, "MessagePending"
char *apszIExternalConnectionNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "AddConnection"
, "ReleaseConnection"
char *apszIEnumStringNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIEnumUnknownNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIEnumSTATSTGNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszILockBytesNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "ReadAt"
, "WriteAt"
, "Flush"
, "SetSize"
, "LockRegion"
, "UnlockRegion"
, "Stat"
char *apszIStreamNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Read"
, "Write"
, "Seek"
, "SetSize"
, "CopyTo"
, "Commit"
, "Revert"
, "LockRegion"
, "UnlockRegion"
, "Stat"
, "Clone"
char *apszIStorageNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "CreateStream"
, "OpenStream"
, "CreateStorage"
, "OpenStorage"
, "CopyTo"
, "MoveElementTo"
, "Commit"
, "Revert"
, "EnumElements"
, "DestroyElement"
, "RenameElement"
, "SetElementTimes"
, "SetClass"
, "SetStateBits"
, "Stat"
char *apszIRootStorageNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "SwitchToFile"
char *apszIEnumFORMATETCNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIEnumSTATDATANames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIDataObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetData"
, "GetDataHere"
, "QueryGetData"
, "GetCanonicalFormatEtc"
, "SetData"
, "EnumFormatEtc"
, "DAdvise"
, "DUnadvise"
, "EnumDAdvise"
char *apszIViewObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Draw"
, "GetColorSet"
, "Freeze"
, "Unfreeze"
, "SetAdvise"
, "GetAdvise"
char *apszIViewObject2Names[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Draw"
, "GetColorSet"
, "Freeze"
, "Unfreeze"
, "SetAdvise"
, "GetAdvise"
, "GetExtent"
char *apszIAdviseSinkNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "OnDataChange"
, "OnViewChange"
, "OnRename"
, "OnSave"
, "OnClose"
char *apszIAdviseSink2Names[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "OnDataChange"
, "OnViewChange"
, "OnRename"
, "OnSave"
, "OnClose"
, "OnLinkSrcChange"
char *apszIDataAdviseHolderNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Advise"
, "Unadvise"
, "EnumAdvise"
, "SendOnDataChange"
char *apszIOleCacheNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Cache"
, "Uncache"
, "EnumCache"
, "InitCache"
, "SetData"
char *apszIOleCache2Names[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Cache"
, "Uncache"
, "EnumCache"
, "InitCache"
, "SetData"
, "UpdateCache"
, "DiscardCache"
char *apszIOleCacheControlNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "OnRun"
, "OnStop"
char *apszIDropTargetNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "DragEnter"
, "DragOver"
, "DragLeave"
, "Drop"
char *apszIDropSourceNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "QueryContinueDrag"
, "GiveFeedback"
char *apszIPersistNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassID"
char *apszIPersistStorageNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassID"
, "IsDirty"
, "InitNew"
, "Load"
, "Save"
, "SaveCompleted"
, "HandsOffStorage"
char *apszIPersistStreamNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassID"
, "IsDirty"
, "Load"
, "Save"
, "GetSizeMax"
char *apszIPersistFileNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassID"
, "IsDirty"
, "Load"
, "Save"
, "SaveCompleted"
, "GetCurFile"
char *apszIBindCtxNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "RegisterObjectBound"
, "RevokeObjectBound"
, "ReleaseBoundObjects"
, "SetBindOptions"
, "GetBindOptions"
, "GetRunningObjectTable"
, "RegisterObjectParam"
, "GetObjectParam"
, "EnumObjectParam"
, "RevokeObjectParam"
char *apszIMonikerNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetClassID"
, "IsDirty"
, "Load"
, "Save"
, "GetSizeMax"
, "BindToObject"
, "BindToStorage"
, "Reduce"
, "ComposeWith"
, "Enum"
, "IsEqual"
, "Hash"
, "IsRunning"
, "GetTimeOfLastChange"
, "Inverse"
, "CommonPrefixWith"
, "RelativePathTo"
, "GetDisplayName"
, "ParseDisplayName"
, "IsSystemMoniker"
char *apszIRunningObjectTableNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Register"
, "Revoke"
, "IsRunning"
, "GetObject"
, "NoteChangeTime"
, "GetTimeOfLastChange"
, "EnumRunning"
char *apszIEnumMonikerNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIEnumOLEVERBNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Next"
, "Skip"
, "Reset"
, "Clone"
char *apszIOleObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "SetClientSite"
, "GetClientSite"
, "SetHostNames"
, "Close"
, "SetMoniker"
, "GetMoniker"
, "InitFromData"
, "GetClipboardData"
, "DoVerb"
, "EnumVerbs"
, "Update"
, "IsUpToDate"
, "GetUserClassID"
, "GetUserType"
, "SetExtent"
, "GetExtent"
, "Advise"
, "Unadvise"
, "EnumAdvise"
, "GetMiscStatus"
, "SetColorScheme"
char *apszIOleClientSiteNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "SaveObject"
, "GetMoniker"
, "GetContainer"
, "ShowObject"
, "OnShowWindow"
, "RequestNewObjectLayout"
char *apszIRunnableObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetRunningClass"
, "Run"
, "IsRunning"
, "LockRunning"
, "SetContainedObject"
char *apszIParseDisplayNameNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "ParseDisplayName"
char *apszIOleContainerNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "ParseDisplayName"
, "EnumObjects"
, "LockContainer"
char *apszIOleItemContainerNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "ParseDisplayName"
, "EnumObjects"
, "LockContainer"
, "GetObject"
, "GetObjectStorage"
, "IsRunning"
char *apszIOleAdviseHolderNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Advise"
, "Unadvise"
, "EnumAdvise"
, "SendOnRename"
, "SendOnSave"
, "SendOnClose"
char *apszIOleLinkNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "SetUpdateOptions"
, "GetUpdateOptions"
, "SetSourceMoniker"
, "GetSourceMoniker"
, "SetSourceDisplayName"
, "GetSourceDisplayName"
, "BindToSource"
, "BindIfRunning"
, "GetBoundSource"
, "UnbindSource"
, "Update"
char *apszIOleWindowNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
char *apszIOleInPlaceObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
, "InPlaceDeactivate"
, "UIDeactivate"
, "SetObjectRects"
, "ReactivateAndUndo"
char *apszIOleInPlaceActiveObjectNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
, "TranslateAccelerator"
, "OnFrameWindowActivate"
, "OnDocWindowActivate"
, "ResizeBorder"
, "EnableModeless"
char *apszIOleInPlaceUIWindowNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
, "GetBorder"
, "RequestBorderSpace"
, "SetBorderSpace"
, "SetActiveObject"
char *apszIOleInPlaceFrameNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
, "GetBorder"
, "RequestBorderSpace"
, "SetBorderSpace"
, "SetActiveObject"
, "InsertMenus"
, "SetMenu"
, "RemoveMenus"
, "SetStatusText"
, "EnableModeless"
, "TranslateAccelerator"
char *apszIOleInPlaceSiteNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetWindow"
, "ContextSensitiveHelp"
, "CanInPlaceActivate"
, "OnInPlaceActivate"
, "OnUIActivate"
, "GetWindowContext"
, "Scroll"
, "OnUIDeactivate"
, "OnInPlaceDeactivate"
, "DiscardUndoState"
, "DeactivateAndUndo"
, "OnPosRectChange"
char *apszIRpcChannelBufferNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetBuffer"
, "SendReceive"
, "FreeBuffer"
, "GetDestCtx"
, "IsConnected"
char *apszIRpcProxyBufferNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Connect"
, "Disconnect"
char *apszIRpcStubBufferNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Connect"
, "Disconnect"
, "Invoke"
, "IsIIDSupported"
, "CountRefs"
, "DebugServerQueryInterface"
, "DebugServerRelease"
char *apszIPSFactoryBufferNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "CreateProxy"
, "CreateStub"
char *apszIRpcChannelNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "GetStream"
, "Call"
, "GetDestCtx"
, "IsConnected"
char *apszIRpcProxyNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Connect"
, "Disconnect"
char *apszIRpcStubNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "Connect"
, "Disconnect"
, "Invoke"
, "IsIIDSupported"
, "CountRefs"
char *apszIPSFactoryNames[] =
, "AddRef"
, "Release"
, "CreateProxy"
, "CreateStub"
#endif // DBG