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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992
// File: dfbasis.hxx
// Contents: DocFile basis block class
// Classes: CDFBasis
// History: 26-Feb-92 DrewB Created
#ifndef __DFBASIS_HXX__
#define __DFBASIS_HXX__
#include <dfmsp.hxx>
#include <msf.hxx>
#include <context.hxx>
#include <freelist.hxx>
interface ILockBytes;
class CPubDocFile;
class CDocFile;
SAFE_DFBASED_PTR(CBasedPubDocFilePtr, CPubDocFile);
// Class: CDFBasis (dfb)
// Purpose: Defines base variables for sharing between exposed
// DocFiles
// History: 26-Feb-92 DrewB Created
// 18-May-93 AlexT Added CMallocBased
typedef enum
class CDFBasis : public CMallocBased
inline CDFBasis(IMalloc * const pMalloc, DFLAGS df,
DWORD dwLockFlags, CGlobalContext *pgc);
inline ~CDFBasis(void);
void vRelease(void);
inline void vAddRef(void);
inline void SetAccess(CPerContext *ppc);
inline void ClearAccess(void);
inline ULONG CountContexts(void);
inline ILockBytes **GetPBase(void);
inline ILockBytes *GetBase(void);
inline CFileStream **GetPDirty(void);
inline CFileStream *GetDirty(void);
inline ILockBytes *GetOriginal(void);
inline void SetBase(ILockBytes *plkb);
inline void SetDirty(CFileStream *pfst);
inline void SetOriginal(ILockBytes *plkb);
inline void SetContext(CPerContext *ppc);
inline DWORD GetOrigLockFlags(void);
inline ULONG GetNewTemp(void);
inline DFSIGNATURE GetNewSig(void);
inline CMStream *GetScratch(void);
inline void SetScratch(CMStream *pms);
inline CMStream *GetBaseMultiStream(void);
inline void SetBaseMultiStream(CMStream *pms);
inline CPubDocFile *GetCopyBase(void);
inline void SetCopyBase(CPubDocFile *pdf);
inline CFreeList *GetFreeList(CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype);
inline SCODE Reserve(UINT cItems, CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype);
inline void CDFBasis::Unreserve(UINT cItems, CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype);
inline DFLAGS GetOpenFlags(void);
inline IMalloc *GetMalloc(void);
HRESULT WaitForWriteAccess (DWORD dwTimeout, CGlobalContext *pgc);
HRESULT ReleaseWriteAccess ();
inline BOOL DirectWriterMode ();
inline BOOL HaveWriteAccess ();
CBasedMStreamPtr _pms;
CBasedMStreamPtr _pmsScratch;
DFLAGS const _dfOpen;
ILockBytes *_plkbBase;
CFileStream *_pfstDirty;
ILockBytes *_plkbOriginal;
LONG _cReferences;
ULONG _cTemps;
CBasedPubDocFilePtr _pdfCopyBase;
CBasedGlobalContextPtr _pgcGlobalContext;
DWORD _dwOrigLocks;
static size_t _aReserveSize[CDFB_CLASSCOUNT];
HRESULT TryReadLocks (CGlobalContext *pgc, ULONG ulMask);
BOOL _fDirectWriterMode;
BOOL _fWriteLocked;
IMalloc * const _pMalloc;
// Member: CDFBasis::CDFBasis, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CDFBasis::CDFBasis(IMalloc * const pMalloc, DFLAGS df,
DWORD dwLockFlags, CGlobalContext *pgc)
: _pMalloc(pMalloc), _dfOpen(df)
_cReferences = 1;
_cTemps = 0;
_cSigs = 0;
_pdfCopyBase = NULL;
_plkbBase = NULL;
_pfstDirty = NULL;
_plkbOriginal = NULL;
_dwOrigLocks = dwLockFlags;
_pms = NULL;
_pmsScratch = NULL;
_fDirectWriterMode = P_READWRITE(df) && !P_TRANSACTED(df) &&
_fWriteLocked = FALSE;
_pgcGlobalContext = pgc;
// Member: CDFBasis::~CDFBasis, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CDFBasis::~CDFBasis(void)
delete BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsScratch);
msfAssert(_cReferences == 0);
// Member: CDFBasis::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Increase reference count
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::vAddRef(void)
// Member: CDFBasis::SetAccess, public
// Synopsis: Takes semaphore and sets pointers
// Arguments: [ppc] - Context
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetAccess(CPerContext *ppc)
// Member: CDFBasis::ClearAccess, public
// Synopsis: Releases semaphore and resets pointers
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::ClearAccess(void)
#if DBG == 1
_plkbBase = NULL;
_pfstDirty = NULL;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetPBase, public
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to _plstBase
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline ILockBytes **CDFBasis::GetPBase(void)
return &_plkbBase;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetPDirty, public
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to _plstDirty
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CFileStream **CDFBasis::GetPDirty(void)
return &_pfstDirty;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetBase, public
// Synopsis: Returns _plstBase
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline ILockBytes *CDFBasis::GetBase(void)
return _plkbBase;
// Member: CDFBasis::SetBase, public
// Synopsis: Sets the base
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetBase(ILockBytes *plkb)
_plkbBase = plkb;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Returns _plstDirty
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CFileStream *CDFBasis::GetDirty(void)
return _pfstDirty;
// Member: CDFBasis::SetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Sets the Dirty
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetDirty(CFileStream *pfst)
_pfstDirty = pfst;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetOriginal, public
// Synopsis: Returns _plstOriginal
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline ILockBytes *CDFBasis::GetOriginal(void)
return _plkbOriginal;
// Member: CDFBasis::SetOriginal, public
// Synopsis: Sets the Original
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetOriginal(ILockBytes *plkb)
_plkbOriginal = plkb;
// Member: CDFBasis::SetContext, public
// Synopsis: Sets the context
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetContext(CPerContext *ppc)
_plkbBase = ppc->GetBase();
_pfstDirty = ppc->GetDirty();
_plkbOriginal = ppc->GetOriginal();
// Member: CDFBasis::GetContextCount, public
// Synopsis: Returns the number of contexts. This can be compared against
// The number of locks on the file to determine if there are any
// seperate opens.
// History: 17-Mar-97 BChapman Created
inline ULONG CDFBasis::CountContexts(void)
return _pgcGlobalContext->CountContexts();
// Member: CDFBasis::GetNewTemp, public
// Synopsis: Return _cTemps++
// History: 03-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline ULONG CDFBasis::GetNewTemp(void)
return _cTemps++;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetNewSig, public
// Synopsis: Return _cSigs++
// History: 03-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline DFSIGNATURE CDFBasis::GetNewSig(void)
return _cSigs++;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetCopyBase, public
// Synopsis: Returns _pdfCopyBase
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CPubDocFile *CDFBasis::GetCopyBase(void)
return BP_TO_P(CPubDocFile *, _pdfCopyBase);
// Member: CDFBasis::SetCopyBase, public
// Synopsis: Sets _pdfCopyBase
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetCopyBase(CPubDocFile *pdf)
_pdfCopyBase = P_TO_BP(CBasedPubDocFilePtr, pdf);
// Member: CDFBasis::GetScratch, public
// Synopsis: Returns handle to scratch multistream
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline CMStream * CDFBasis::GetScratch(void)
return BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pmsScratch);
// Member: CDFBasis::SetScratch, public
// Synopsis: Sets scratch MS
// History: 02-Mar-92 DrewB Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetScratch(CMStream *pms)
_pmsScratch = P_TO_BP(CBasedMStreamPtr, pms);
// Member: CDFBasis::GetBaseMultiStream, public
// Synopsis: Returns pointer to base multistream
// History: 25-Feb-95 PhilipLa Created
inline CMStream * CDFBasis::GetBaseMultiStream(void)
return BP_TO_P(CMStream *, _pms);
// Member: CDFBasis::SetBaseMultiStream, public
// Synopsis: Sets base MS
// History: 25-Feb-95 PhilipLa Created
inline void CDFBasis::SetBaseMultiStream(CMStream *pms)
_pms = P_TO_BP(CBasedMStreamPtr, pms);
// Member: CDFBasis::GetOrigLockFlags, public
// Synopsis: Returns the original's lock flags
// History: 11-Sep-92 DrewB Created
inline DWORD CDFBasis::GetOrigLockFlags(void)
return _dwOrigLocks;
// Member: CDFBasis::GetOpenFlags
// Synopsis: Returns access/share flags
// History: 21-Dec-92 AlexT Created
inline DFLAGS CDFBasis::GetOpenFlags(void)
// Member: CDFBasis::GetFreeList, public
// Synopsis: Gets the free list for the indicated reserved type
// History: 05-Nov-92 DrewB Created
// 18-May-93 AlexT Switch to array
inline CFreeList *CDFBasis::GetFreeList(CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype)
msfAssert(classtype >= 0 && classtype <= CDFB_CLASSCOUNT);
return &_afrl[classtype];
// Member: CDFBasis::Reserve, public
// Synopsis: Reserve memory for instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items to reserve
// [classtype] -- class of items to reserve
// History: 21-May-93 AlexT Created
inline SCODE CDFBasis::Reserve(UINT cItems, CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype)
msfAssert(classtype >= 0 && classtype <= CDFB_CLASSCOUNT);
return _afrl[classtype].Reserve(_pMalloc,
// Member: CDFBasis::Unreserve, public
// Synopsis: Unreserve memory for instances
// Arguments: [cItems] -- count of items to unreserve
// [classtype] -- class of items to unreserve
// History: 21-May-93 AlexT Created
inline void CDFBasis::Unreserve(UINT cItems, CDFB_CLASSTYPE classtype)
msfAssert(classtype >= 0 && classtype <= CDFB_CLASSCOUNT);
// Member: CDFBasis::GetMalloc, public
// Synopsis: Return allocator associated with basis
// History: 21-May-93 AlexT Created
inline IMalloc *CDFBasis::GetMalloc(void)
//We can't return the _pMalloc pointer here, since it's only valid
// in the creating process. What we really want to return in the
// pointer to the current allocator, which is always &g_smAllocator.
//return (IMalloc *)_pMalloc;
return (IMalloc *)&g_smAllocator;
return (IMalloc *)_pMalloc;
// Member: CDFBasis::DirectWriterMode, public
// Synopsis: indicates if this is readwrite deny write
// History: 11-Aug-1996 HenryLee created
inline BOOL CDFBasis::DirectWriterMode ()
return _fDirectWriterMode;
// Member: CDFBasis::HaveWriteLock, public
// Synopsis: indicates if this if someone is holding the exclusive writelock
// History: 11-Aug-1996 HenryLee created
inline BOOL CDFBasis::HaveWriteAccess ()
return _fWriteLocked;