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// File name: IOO.CPP
// Implementation file for the COleObject Class
// Functions:
// See ioo.h for a list of member functions.
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "pre.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "ioo.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "doc.h"
#define VERB_OPEN 1
// COleObject::QueryInterface
// Purpose:
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - Interface being queried for.
// LPVOID FAR *ppvObj - Out pointer for the interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK - Success
// E_NOINTERFACE - Failure
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::QueryInterface\r\n");
return m_lpObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
// COleObject::AddRef
// Purpose:
// Increments the reference count on COleObject and the "object"
// object.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The Reference count on the Object.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OuputDebugString Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::AddRef OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::AddRef\r\n");
return m_lpObj->AddRef();
// COleObject::Release
// Purpose:
// Decrements the reference count of COleObject and the
// "object" object.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The new reference count
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::Release OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleObject::Release ()
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::Release\r\n");
return m_lpObj->Release();
// COleObject::SetClientSite
// Purpose:
// Called to notify the object of it's client site.
// Parameters:
// LPOLECLIENTSITE pClientSite - ptr to new client site
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IOleClientSite::Release Container
// IOleClientSite::AddRef Container
// Comments:
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::SetClientSite\r\n");
// if we already have a client site, release it.
if (m_lpObj->m_lpOleClientSite)
m_lpObj->m_lpOleClientSite = NULL;
// store copy of the client site.
m_lpObj->m_lpOleClientSite = pClientSite;
// AddRef it so it doesn't go away.
if (m_lpObj->m_lpOleClientSite)
return ResultFromScode(S_OK);
// COleObject::Advise
// Purpose:
// Called to set up an advise on the OLE object.
// Parameters:
// LPADVISESINK pAdvSink - ptr to the Advise Sink for notification
// DWORD FAR* pdwConnection - place to return the connection ID.
// Return Value:
// Passed back from IOleAdviseHolder::Advise.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CreateOleAdviseHolder OLE API
// IOleAdviseHolder::Advise OLE
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Advise ( LPADVISESINK pAdvSink, DWORD FAR* pdwConnection)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::Advise\r\n");
// if we haven't made an OleAdviseHolder yet, make one.
if (!m_lpObj->m_lpOleAdviseHolder)
// pass this call onto the OleAdviseHolder.
return m_lpObj->m_lpOleAdviseHolder->Advise(pAdvSink, pdwConnection);
// COleObject::SetHostNames
// Purpose:
// Called to pass strings for Window titles.
// Parameters:
// LPCSTR szContainerApp - ptr to string describing Container App
// LPCSTR szContainerObj - ptr to string describing Object
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// This routine is called so that the server application can
// set the window title appropriately.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetHostNames ( LPCSTR szContainerApp, LPCSTR szContainerObj)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::SetHostNames\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( S_OK);
// COleObject::DoVerb
// Purpose:
// Called by the container application to invoke a verb.
// Parameters:
// LONG iVerb - The value of the verb to be
// invoked.
// LPMSG lpmsg - The message that caused the
// verb to be invoked.
// LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite - Ptr to the active client site.
// LONG lindex - Used in extended layout
// HWND hwndParent - This should be the window handle of
// the window in which we are contained.
// This value could be used to "fake"
// inplace activation in a manner similar
// to Video for Windows in OLE 1.0.
// LPCRECT lprcPosRect - The rectangle that contains the object
// within hwndParent. Also used to
// "fake" inplace activation.
// Return Value:
// OLE_E_NOTINPLACEACTIVE - Returned if attempted to undo while not
// inplace active.
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// ShowWindow Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceActivate OBJ.CPP
// CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceHide OBJ.CPP
// COleObject::OpenEdit IOO.CPP
// CSimpSvrDoc::GethDocWnd DOC.H
// COleInPlaceObj::InPlaceDeactivate IOIPO.CPP
// Comments:
// Be sure to look at TECHNOTES.WRI included with the OLE
// SDK for a description of handling the inplace verbs
// properly.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::DoVerb ( LONG iVerb,
LPMSG lpmsg,
LONG lindex,
HWND hwndParent,
LPCRECT lprcPosRect)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::DoVerb\r\n");
switch (iVerb)
if (m_fOpen)
else if (m_lpObj->DoInPlaceActivate(iVerb) == FALSE)
if (m_fOpen)
return ResultFromScode (E_FAIL);
// inplace activate
if (!m_lpObj->DoInPlaceActivate(iVerb))
return ResultFromScode (E_FAIL);
// don't have to worry about this situation as we don't
// support an undo state.
if (!m_lpObj->m_fInPlaceActive)
return ResultFromScode(OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE);
// if inplace active, do an "inplace" hide, otherwise
// just hide the app window.
if (m_lpObj->m_fInPlaceActive)
// if inplace active, deactivate
if (m_lpObj->m_fInPlaceActive)
// open into another window.
if (iVerb < 0)
return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
return ResultFromScode( S_OK);
// COleObject::GetExtent
// Purpose:
// Returns the extent of the object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwDrawAspect - The aspect in which to get the size.
// LPSIZEL lpsizel - Out ptr to return the size.
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// XformWidthInPixelsToHimetric OLE2UI
// XformHeightInPixelsToHimetric OLE2UI
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetExtent ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LPSIZEL lpsizel)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetExtent\r\n");
// Only DVASPECT_CONTENT is supported....
if (dwDrawAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT)
sc = S_OK;
// return the correct size in HIMETRIC...
lpsizel->cx = XformWidthInPixelsToHimetric(NULL, m_lpObj->m_size.x);
lpsizel->cy = XformHeightInPixelsToHimetric(NULL, m_lpObj->m_size.y);
return ResultFromScode( sc );
// COleObject::Update
// Purpose:
// Called to get the most up to date data
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IDataAdviseHolder::SendOnDataChange OLE
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Update()
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::Update\r\n");
// force an update
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::Close
// Purpose:
// Called when the OLE object needs to be closed
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwSaveOption - Flags to instruct the server how to prompt
// the user.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CSimpSvrDoc::Close DOC.CPP
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Close ( DWORD dwSaveOption)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::Close\r\n");
// delegate to the document object.
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::Unadvise
// Purpose:
// Breaks down an OLE advise that has been set up on this object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwConnection - Connection that needs to be broken down
// Return Value:
// Passed back from IOleAdviseHolder::Unadvise
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IOleAdviseHolder::Unadvise OLE
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Unadvise ( DWORD dwConnection)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::Unadvise\r\n");
// pass on to OleAdviseHolder.
return m_lpObj->m_lpOleAdviseHolder->Unadvise(dwConnection);
// COleObject::EnumVerbs
// Purpose:
// Enumerates the verbs associated with this object.
// Parameters:
// LPENUMOLEVERB FAR* ppenumOleVerb - Out ptr in which to return
// the enumerator
// Return Value:
// OLE_S_USEREG - Instructs OLE to use the verbs found in the
// REG DB for this server.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// In a .DLL, an application cannot return OLE_S_USEREG. This is
// due to the fact that the default object handler is not being
// used, and the container is really making direct function calls
// into the server .DLL.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::EnumVerbs ( LPENUMOLEVERB FAR* ppenumOleVerb)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::EnumVerbs\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( OLE_S_USEREG );
// COleObject::GetClientSite
// Purpose:
// Called to get the current client site of the object.
// Parameters:
// LPOLECLIENTSITE FAR* ppClientSite - Out ptr in which to return the
// client site.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetClientSite\r\n");
*ppClientSite = m_lpObj->m_lpOleClientSite;
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::SetMoniker
// Purpose:
// Used to set the objects moniker
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwWhichMoniker - Type of moniker being set
// LPMONIKER pmk - Pointer to the moniker
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetMoniker ( DWORD dwWhichMoniker, LPMONIKER pmk)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::SetMoniker\r\n");
if (! m_lpObj->GetOleClientSite())
return ResultFromScode (E_FAIL);
if (m_lpObj->GetOleClientSite()->GetMoniker (OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE, OLEWHICHMK_OBJFULL, &lpmk) != NOERROR)
return ResultFromScode (E_FAIL);
if (m_lpObj->GetOleAdviseHolder())
if (GetRunningObjectTable(0, &lpRot) == NOERROR)
if (m_lpObj->m_dwRegister)
lpRot->Register(0, m_lpObj, lpmk, &m_lpObj->m_dwRegister);
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::GetMoniker
// Purpose:
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwAssign - Assignment for the moniker
// DWORD dwWhichMoniker - Which moniker to return
// LPMONIKER FAR* ppmk - An out ptr to return the moniker
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetMoniker ( DWORD dwAssign, DWORD dwWhichMoniker,
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetMoniker\r\n");
// need to NULL the out parameter
*ppmk = NULL;
return m_lpObj->GetOleClientSite()->GetMoniker (OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE, OLEWHICHMK_OBJFULL, ppmk);
// COleObject::InitFromData
// Purpose:
// Initialize the object from the passed pDataObject.
// Parameters:
// LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject - Pointer to data transfer object
// to be used in the initialization
// BOOL fCreation - TRUE if the object is currently being
// created.
// DWORD dwReserved - Reserved
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// We don't support this functionality, so we will always return
// error.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::InitFromData ( LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject,
BOOL fCreation,
DWORD dwReserved)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::InitFromData\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
// COleObject::GetClipboardData
// Purpose:
// Returns an IDataObject that is the same as doing an OleSetClipboard
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwReserved - Reserved
// LPDATAOBJECT FAR* ppDataObject - Out ptr for the Data Object.
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// Support of this method is optional.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetClipboardData ( DWORD dwReserved,
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetClipboardData\r\n");
// NULL the out ptr
*ppDataObject = NULL;
return ResultFromScode( E_NOTIMPL );
// COleObject::IsUpToDate
// Purpose:
// Determines if an object is up to date
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// Our embedded object is always up to date. This function is
// particularly useful in linking situations.
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::IsUpToDate\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::GetUserClassID
// Purpose:
// Returns the applications CLSID
// Parameters:
// CLSID FAR* pClsid - Out ptr to return the CLSID
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CPersistStorage::GetClassID IPS.CPP
// Comments:
// This function is just delegated to IPS::GetClassID.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetUserClassID ( CLSID FAR* pClsid)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetUserClassID\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::GetUserType
// Purpose:
// Used to get a user presentable id for this object
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwFormOfType - The ID requested
// LPSTR FAR* pszUserType - Out ptr to return the string
// Return Value:
// OLE_S_USEREG - Use the reg db to get these entries.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetUserType ( DWORD dwFormOfType, LPSTR FAR* pszUserType)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetUserType\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( OLE_S_USEREG );
// COleObject::SetExtent
// Purpose:
// Called to set the extent of the object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwDrawAspect - Aspect to have its size set
// LPSIZEL lpsizel - New size of the object.
// Return Value:
// E_NOTIMPL - This function is not curently implemented.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetExtent ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LPSIZEL lpsizel)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::SetExtent\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( E_NOTIMPL);
// COleObject::EnumAdvise
// Purpose:
// Returns an enumerate which enumerates the outstanding advises
// associated with this OLE object.
// Parameters:
// LPENUMSTATDATA FAR* ppenumAdvise - Out ptr in which to return
// the enumerator.
// Return Value:
// Passed on from IOleAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IOleAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise OLE
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::EnumAdvise ( LPENUMSTATDATA FAR* ppenumAdvise)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::EnumAdvise\r\n");
// need to NULL the out parameter
*ppenumAdvise = NULL;
// pass on to the OLE Advise holder.
return m_lpObj->m_lpOleAdviseHolder->EnumAdvise(ppenumAdvise);
// COleObject::GetMiscStatus
// Purpose:
// Return status information about the object
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwAspect - Aspect interested in.
// DWORD FAR* pdwStatus - Out ptr in which to return the bits.
// Return Value:
// CO_E_READREGDB - Tell the library to use the reg DB.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetMiscStatus ( DWORD dwAspect, DWORD FAR* pdwStatus)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::GetMiscStatus\r\n");
// need to NULL the out parameter
*pdwStatus = NULL;
return ResultFromScode( OLE_S_USEREG );
// COleObject::SetColorScheme
// Purpose:
// Used to set the palette for the object to use.
// Parameters:
// LPLOGPALETTE lpLogpal - Pointer to the LOGPALETTE to be used.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// This server ignores this method.
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetColorScheme ( LPLOGPALETTE lpLogpal)
TestDebugOut("In COleObject::SetColorScheme\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// COleObject::OpenEdit
// Purpose:
// Used to Open the object into a seperate window.
// Parameters:
// LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite - Pointer to the Active clientsite.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// IOleClientSite::OnShowWindow Container
// ShowWindow Windows API
// UpdateWindow Windows API
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CSimpSvrDoc::GethAppWnd DOC.H
// CSimpSvrDoc::GethHatchWnd DOC.H
// Comments:
void COleObject::OpenEdit(LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite)
if (m_lpObj->GetOleClientSite())
m_fOpen = TRUE;
// tell the site we are opening so the object can be hatched out.
if (m_lpObj->GetOleClientSite())
// Show app window.