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Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides class definitions for the stream class.
The stream class simulates either a memory buffer stream or a
file stream, but provides the caller with a consistent interface.
VibhasC Jun-11-1993 Created.
#ifndef __STREAM_HXX__
#define __STREAM_HXX__
* include files
#include "nulldefs.h"
extern "C"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common.hxx"
* local data
* externs
* definitions
// definitions related to streams.
typedef unsigned char STREAM_TYPE;
#define STREAM_FILE 1
#define STREAM_NULL 2
typedef unsigned char STREAM_MODE;
#define STREAM_TEXT 0
// the requested kind of file protection
// the result of the above protection
#define FILE_STATUS_OK 0 // the file was opened ok
#define FILE_STATUS_TEMP 1 // a temp file was opened instead
#define FILE_STATUS_NO_WRITE 2 // no file at all
// The stream class itself.
class STREAM
// this field identifies the stream to be either a file stream or a
// memory stream. The memory stream is the default stream.
unsigned char StreamType;
unsigned char StreamMode;
unsigned char fEnd;
unsigned char fError;
unsigned char fIgnore;
unsigned char fConsoleStream;
unsigned char StreamOpenStatus;
char * pSpecialCommentString; // set if not // or /* */
FILE * pHandle;
} F;
int InitialSize;
int Increment;
char * pCurrent;
char * pMem;
char * pEnd;
} M;
} S;
// construct a class either as a file stream class or a memory buffer class
STREAM( char * pFileName, unsigned char SProt = FILE_STREAM_OVERWRITE );
// The user could encapulate an existing file into the stream and use it
// from then on.
STREAM( FILE * pFile );
// construct a memory stream. By default the memory stream is constructed
// as a buffer of 1024 bytes, incremented by 1024 bytes, unless specified
// by the creator.
// The user could specify an initial size and increment factor. If either
// are 0, then the user leaves that decision to the constructor, which
// chooses the default values.
STREAM( int, int );
// The destructor. If it is a file stream, close it. If it is a memory
// stream, release the memory.
// queries.
int SetInitialSize( int InitSize );
int GetInitialSize();
int SetInitialIncr( int Incr );
int GetInitialIncr();
char * Expand();
char * ExpandBy( short Amt );
char * SetCurrentPtr( char * pCur );
char * GetCurrentPtr();
long GetCurrentPosition();
void SetCurrentPosition( long Position );
char * SetStart( char * pCur );
char * GetStart();
char * SetMemStreamEnd( char * p )
return (S.M.pEnd = p);
void SetConsoleStream()
fConsoleStream = 1;
void ResetConsoleStream()
fConsoleStream = 0;
BOOL IsConsoleStream()
return (fConsoleStream != 0 );
STREAM_TYPE GetStreamType()
return StreamType;
char * NewCopy();
void SetStreamType( STREAM_TYPE S )
StreamType = S;
STREAM_MODE GetStreamMode()
return StreamMode;
void SetStreamMode( STREAM_MODE mode );
BOOL IsEnd()
return (BOOL) (fEnd != 0);
void SetEnd()
fEnd = 1;
void ResetEnd()
fEnd = 0;
BOOL IsError()
return (BOOL) ( fError != 0 );
void ResetError()
fError = 0;
void SetError()
fError = 1;
void SetIgnore()
fIgnore = 1;
BOOL IsIgnore()
return fIgnore;
void ResetIgnore()
fIgnore = 0;
BOOL IsTempStream()
return (BOOL) ( StreamOpenStatus == FILE_STATUS_TEMP );
BOOL IsBlockedStream()
return (BOOL) ( StreamOpenStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_WRITE );
// Write into the stream. There are character or string based writes or
// writes from other streams.
// Write a character into the stream.
void Write( char C )
if ( ( GetStreamType() == STREAM_NULL ) || IsError() || IsIgnore() )
if( (GetStreamType() == STREAM_FILE ) )
putc( C, S.F.pHandle );
if( S.M.pCurrent >= S.M.pEnd )
*(S.M.pCurrent)++ = C;
// write a memory buffer into the stream.
void Write( const void * const p, int length );
// write a string into the stream.
void Write( const char * const pC );
// write a number into the stream, with a printf-style format.
void WriteNumber( const char * pFmt, const unsigned long ul );
void WriteFormat( const char * pFmt, ... );
// flush the stream. This is ignored by memory buffer streams.
void Flush();
// close the stream.
void Close();
char * SetSpecialCommentString( char * P )
return (pSpecialCommentString = P);
char * GetSpecialCommentString()
return pSpecialCommentString;
void EmitSpecialCommentString()
if ( pSpecialCommentString )
Write( pSpecialCommentString );
// The indentation aware stream
// The need for this class stems mainly from the need of the output routines
// of the midl20 code generator. We could have used an intendation manager class
// but that would mean dealing with 2 classes instead of just one and hence
// the choice to implement an indentation stream.
// We will however support ONLY the file based stream here. This is ensured
// by implementing only those constructors that have signatures suitable for
// file streams.
class ISTREAM : public STREAM
short CurrentIndent;
short PreferredIndent;
// The constructors. Suitable ONLY for file streams.
ISTREAM( char * pFileName,
short PrefIndent, unsigned char SProt = FILE_STREAM_OVERWRITE )
: STREAM( pFileName, SProt )
CurrentIndent = 0;
PreferredIndent = PrefIndent;
ISTREAM() : STREAM(1024,1024)
// Get and set functions.
short SetIndent( short I )
return (CurrentIndent = I);
short GetIndent()
return CurrentIndent;
short SetPreferredIndent( short P )
return (PreferredIndent = P);
short GetPreferredIndent()
return PreferredIndent;
short IndentInc()
return CurrentIndent = (short) (CurrentIndent + PreferredIndent);
short IndentDec()
if((CurrentIndent - PreferredIndent) < 0 )
return SetIndent(0);
return SetIndent( ( short ) ( CurrentIndent - PreferredIndent ) );
// This writes a newline and readies the stream for the next string to
// go to the current indent.
void NewLine();
void NewLine( unsigned short count );
// This method writes a given number of spaces.
void Spaces( unsigned short NoOfSpaces );
// This method writes the string after printing a new line.
void WriteOnNewLine( const char * pS )
Write( pS );
void WriteOnNewLine( char ch )
Write( ch );
// write a series of memory buffers into the stream.
// the last string should be NULL (not "" )
void WriteBlock( const char * const * pC )
while ( *pC )
Write( *pC );
// a handy type for the WriteBlock above
typedef const char * const STRING_BLOCK[];
#endif // __STREAM_HXX__