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905 lines
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; Module Name: str.asm
; Contains the x86 'Asm' versions of some inner-loop routines for the
; partially hardware accelerated StretchBlt.
; Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corporation
.model small,c
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
include ;calling convention cmacros
include i386\
include i386\
; stack based params and local variables
; Feel free to add any local variables here:
sp_TempXFrac dd ?
sp_YCarry dd ?
sp_LeftCase dd ?
sp_RightCase dd ?
sp_pjSrcScan dd ?
sp_SrcIntStep dd ?
sp_DstStride dd ?
sp_XCntHW dd ?
sp_XCount dd ?
sp_xyOFfset dd ?
sp_yDst dd ?
sp_pdev dd ?
; Don't add any fields below here without modifying PROC_MEM_SIZE!
sp_ebp dd ?
sp_esi dd ?
sp_edi dd ?
sp_ebx dd ?
sp_RetAddr dd ?
sp_pSTR_BLT dd ? ; If adding parameters, adjust 'ret' value!
PROC_MEM_SIZE equ 6 * 4
; Make sure this STR_BLT matches that declared in driver.h!
STR_BLT struc
str_ppdev dd ?
str_pjSrcScan dd ?
str_lDeltaSrc dd ?
str_XSrcStart dd ?
str_pjDstScan dd ?
str_lDeltaDst dd ?
str_XDstStart dd ?
str_XDstEnd dd ?
str_YDstStart dd ?
str_YDstCount dd ?
str_ulXDstToSrcIntCeil dd ?
str_ulXDstToSrcFracCeil dd ?
str_ulYDstToSrcIntCeil dd ?
str_ulYDstToSrcFracCeil dd ?
str_ulXFracAccumulator dd ?
str_ulYFracAccumulator dd ?
STR_BLT ends
; VOID vDirectStretch8(pStrBlt)
; NOTE: This routine doesn't handle cases where the blt stretch starts
; and ends in the same destination dword! vDirectStretchNarrow
; is expected to have been called for that case.
; Stretch blt 8 -> 8
public vDirectStretch8@4
vDirectStretch8@4 proc near
; use ebp as general register, use esp for parameter and local access
; save ebp,ebx,esi,edi
push ebx
push edi
push esi
push ebp
sub esp,(size STACK_STRUC) - PROC_MEM_SIZE ; make room for local variables
mov ebp,[esp].sp_pSTR_BLT ; load pSTR_BLT into ebp
; load up some stack-based parameters to be used by our scan
; duplicator when doing vertical stretches
mov eax,[ebp].str_ppdev
mov ecx,[ebp].str_YDstStart ; get start y coordinate
mov [esp].sp_pdev,eax ; save ppdev pointer
mov ebx,[eax].pdev_xyOffset
mov [esp].sp_xyOffset,ebx ; save xyOffset
mov [esp].sp_yDst,ecx ; save current y coordinate
; calc starting addressing parameters
mov esi,[ebp].str_pjSrcScan ; load src DIB pointer
add esi,[ebp].str_XSrcStart ; add starting Src Pixel
mov edi,[ebp].str_pjDstScan ; load dst DIB pointer
add edi,[ebp].str_XDstStart ; add strarting Dst Pixel
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save scan line start pointer
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcIntCeil ; number of src scan lines to step
mul [ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; calc scan line int lines to step
mov [esp].sp_SrcIntStep,eax ; save int portion of Y src step
mov edx,4 ; calc left bytes = (4 - LeftCase) & 0x03
sub edx,edi
and edx,3 ; left edge bytes
mov [esp].sp_LeftCase,edx ; save left edge case pixels (4-LeftCase)&0x03
mov eax,[ebp].str_pjDstScan ; make copy
mov ecx,[ebp].str_XDstEnd ; load x end
add eax,ecx ; ending dst addr
and eax,3 ; calc right edge case
mov [esp].sp_RightCase,eax ; save right edge case
sub ecx,[ebp].str_XDstStart ; calc x count
dec ecx
mov [esp].sp_XCntHW,ecx ; x width for accelerator
inc ecx
mov ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst ; dst scan line stride
sub ebx,ecx ; distance from end of one line to start of next
mov [esp].sp_DstStride,ebx ; save dst scan line stride
sub ecx,eax ; sub right edge from XCount
sub ecx,edx ; sub left edge from XCount
shr ecx,2 ; convert from byte to DWORD count
mov [esp].sp_XCount,ecx ; save DWORD count
mov ebx,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcFracCeil ; get x frac
mov [esp].sp_TempXFrac,ebx ; save x frac to a esp based location
; Wait until the accelerator is done with current blt
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
mov al,31h ;status reg
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh ;data register
@@: in al,dx
test al,1
jnz short @b
; esi and edi are assumed to be correctly loaded
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcIntCeil ; get src integer step for step in dst
mov ebx,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcFracCeil ; get src frac step for step in dst
mov edx,[ebp].str_ulXFracAccumulator ; put it in edx as tmp
mov ebp,edi ; get dst pointer to ebp
; Can't directly access pSTR_BLT variables through ebp
mov edi,edx ; get accumulator where we want it
mov ecx,[esp].sp_LeftCase
; eax = integer step in source
; ebx = fractional step in source
; ecx = left edge case
; edx = free for pixel data
; esi = pointer to source pixel
; edi = fractional accumulator
; ebp = pointer to dest pixel
; first do the left side to align dwords
test ecx,ecx
jz DwordAligned
mov dl,[esi] ; fetch pixel
mov [ebp],dl ; write it out
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add in integer and possible carry
inc ebp ; step 1 in dest
dec ecx ; dec left count
jne @B ; repeat until done
mov ecx,[esp].sp_XCount ; get run length
mov dl,[esi] ; get a source pixel edx = ???0
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
mov dh,[esi] ; get source pixel edx = ??10
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
shl edx,16 ; edx = 10??
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
mov dl,[esi] ; get a source pixel edx = 10?2
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
mov dh,[esi] ; get source pixel edx = 0132
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
ror edx,16 ; edx = 3210
mov [ebp],edx ; write everything to dest
add ebp,4 ; increment dest pointer by 1 dword
dec ecx ; decrement count
jnz @b ; do more pixels
; now do the right side trailing bytes
mov ecx,[esp].sp_RightCase
test ecx,ecx
jz EndScanLine
mov dl,[esi] ; fetch pixel
mov [ebp],dl ; write it out
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add in integer and possible carry
inc ebp ; step 1 in dest
dec ecx ; dec right count
jnz @b ; repeat until done
mov edi,ebp ; get dst pointer back
mov ebp,[esp].sp_pSTR_BLT ; load pSTR_BLT into ebp
mov esi,[esp].sp_pjSrcScan ; load src scan start addr
mov ebx,esi ; save a copy
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator ; get .32 part of Y pointer
add eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcFracCeil ; add in fractional step
jnc @f
add esi,[ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; step one extra in src
@@: mov [ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator,eax ; save Y accumulator
add esi,[esp].sp_SrcIntStep ; step int part
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save starting scan addr
add edi,[esp].sp_DstStride ; step to next scan in dst
dec [ebp].str_YDstCount ; decrement scan count
jz Done ; no more scans
inc [esp].sp_yDst ; one scan further down in dst
cmp esi,ebx ; is src scan same as before?
jne NextScan ; if so, fall through to dupe scan
; The source scan is the same one used for the previous destination
; scan, so we can simply use the hardware to copy the previous
; destination scan.
; Since on the S3 we can set up a 'rolling blt' to copy one scan
; line to several scans in a single command, we will count up how
; many times this scan should be duplicated. If your hardware
; cannot do a rolling blt, simply issue a new blt command for
; every time the scan should be duplicated.
; eax = ulYFracAccumulator
; ebx = original pjSrcScan
; esi = current pjSrcScan
; ebp = pSTR_BLT
mov ecx,-1 ; number of times scan is to be
; duplicated, less one
inc ecx ; one scan further down
dec [ebp].str_YDstCount ; decrement scan count
jz OutputDuplicates ; no more scans
add eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcFracCeil ; add in fractional step
jnc @f
add esi,[ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; step one extra in src
@@: add esi,[esp].sp_SrcIntStep ; step int part
add edi,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst ; step entire dest scan
cmp esi,ebx ; is src scan same as before?
je AnotherDuplicate
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save starting scan address
mov [ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator,eax ; save Y accumulator
; Now output the command to do the 'rolling blt'
;; mov edx,[esp].sp_pjBase
; Wait until the accelerator is done with current blt
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
mov al,31h ;status reg
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh ;data register
@@: in al,dx
test al,1
jnz short @b
mov ebx,[esp].sp_XCntHW
mov eax,[esp].sp_yDst
; eax = yDst -- Destination scan line (source scan line is yDst - 1)
; ebx = XCntHW -- Number of bytes across (width) - 1
; ecx = cy -- Number of times scan is to be duplicated - 1
; ebp = pSTR_BLT -- Stretch blt info
; Do the copy:
if 0
CP_XCNT(ppdev, pjBase, (WidthXBytes - 1));
CP_YCNT(ppdev, pjBase, (cyDuplicate - 1));
CP_SRC_ADDR(ppdev, pjBase, (xyOffset + ((yDst - 1) * lDelta) + xDstBytes));
SET_DEST_ADDR(ppdev, ((yDst * lDelta) + xDstBytes));
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_wXCnt],bx
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_wYCnt],cx
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
; set XCNT=bx and YCNT=cx
push eax
mov al,21h ;BLT_WIDTH_HIGH
mov ah,bh ;x count high byte
out dx,ax
mov al,20h ;BLT_WIDTH_LOW
mov ah,bl ;x count low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,23h ;BLT_HEIGHT_HIGH
mov ah,ch ;y count high byte
out dx,ax
mov al,22h ;BLT_HEIGHT_LOW
mov ah,cl ;y count low byte
out dx,ax
pop eax
; Calculate src address
mov ebx,eax ; ebx <- yDst
dec ebx
imul ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst
add ebx,[esp].sp_xyOffset
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_ulSrcAddr],ebx
push eax
mov al,2ch ;SRC_ADDR_LOW
mov ah,bl ;src addr low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,2dh ;SRC_ADDR_MID
mov ah,bh ;src addr mid byte
out dx,ax
shr ebx,16
mov al,2eh ;SRC_ADDR_HIGH
mov ah,bl ;src addr high byte
out dx,ax
pop eax
; Calculate dst address
inc eax ; account for 'ecx' being
; one less than scan count
mov ebx,eax ; ebx <- yDst
dec ebx
imul ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst
add ebx,[esp].sp_xyOffset
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_ulDstAddr],ebx
push eax
mov al,28h ;DST_ADDR_LOW
mov ah,bl ;dst addr low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,29h ;DST_ADDR_MID
mov ah,bh ;dst addr mid byte
out dx,ax
shr ebx,16
mov al,2ah ;DST_ADDR_HIGH
mov ah,bl ;dst addr high byte
out dx,ax
; Start blt
mov ah,2 ;BLT_START
out dx,ax
pop eax
add eax,ecx ; add num scans just done
mov [esp].sp_yDst,eax
cmp [ebp].str_YDstCount,0 ; we might be all done
jne NextScan
add esp,(size STACK_STRUC) - PROC_MEM_SIZE
pop ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 4
vDirectStretch8@4 endp
; VOID vDirectStretch16(pStrBlt)
; Stretch blt 16 -> 16
public vDirectStretch16@4
vDirectStretch16@4 proc near
; use ebp as general register, use esp for parameter and local access
; save ebp,ebx,esi,edi
push ebx
push edi
push esi
push ebp
sub esp,(size STACK_STRUC) - PROC_MEM_SIZE ; make room for local variables
mov ebp,[esp].sp_pSTR_BLT ; load pSTR_BLT into ebp
; load up some stack-based parameters to be used by our scan
; duplicator when doing vertical stretches
mov eax,[ebp].str_ppdev
mov ecx,[ebp].str_YDstStart ; get start y coordinate
mov [esp].sp_pdev,eax ; save ppdev pointer
mov ebx,[eax].pdev_xyOffset
mov [esp].sp_xyOffset,ebx ; save xyOffset
mov [esp].sp_yDst,ecx ; save current y coordinate
; calc starting addressing parameters
mov esi,[ebp].str_pjSrcScan ; load src DIB pointer
mov eax,[ebp].str_XSrcStart
mov edi,[ebp].str_pjDstScan ; load dst DIB pointer
mov ebx,[ebp].str_XDstStart
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
add esi,eax ; add starting Src Pixel
add edi,ebx ; add starting Dst Pixel
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save scan line start pointer
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcIntCeil ; number of src scan lines to step
mul [ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; calc scan line int lines to step
mov [esp].sp_SrcIntStep,eax ; save int portion of Y src step
mov edx,edi ; make copy of pjDst
and edx,2 ; calc left edge case
shr edx,1 ; left edge pixels
mov [esp].sp_LeftCase,edx ; save left edge case pixels
mov eax,[ebp].str_pjDstScan ; make copy
mov ecx,[ebp].str_XDstEnd ; load x end
add eax,ecx
add eax,ecx ; ending dst addr
and eax,2 ; calc right edge case
shr eax,1 ; right edge pixels
mov [esp].sp_RightCase,eax ; save right edge case
sub ecx,[ebp].str_XDstStart ; calc x count
shl ecx,1
dec ecx
mov [esp].sp_XCntHW,ecx ; x width for accelerator
inc ecx
shr ecx,1
mov ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst ; dst scan line stride
sub ebx,ecx
sub ebx,ecx ; distance from end of one line to start of next
mov [esp].sp_DstStride,ebx ; save dst scan line stride
sub ecx,eax ; sub right edge from XCount
sub ecx,edx ; sub left edge from XCount
shr ecx,1 ; convert from pixels to DWORD count
mov [esp].sp_XCount,ecx ; save DWORD count
mov ebx,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcFracCeil ; get x frac
mov [esp].sp_TempXFrac,ebx ; save x frac to a esp based location
; Wait until the accelerator is done with current blt
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
mov al,31h ;status reg
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh ;data register
@@: in al,dx
test al,1
jnz short @b
; esi and edi are assumed to be correctly loaded
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcIntCeil ; get src integer step for step in dst
mov ebx,[ebp].str_ulXDstToSrcFracCeil ; get src frac step for step in dst
mov edx,[ebp].str_ulXFracAccumulator ; put it in edx as tmp
mov ebp,edi ; get dst pointer to ebp
; Can't directly access pSTR_BLT variables through ebp
mov edi,edx ; get accumulator where we want it
mov ecx,[esp].sp_LeftCase
; eax = integer step in source
; ebx = fractional step in source
; ecx = left edge case
; edx = free for pixel data
; esi = pointer to source pixel
; edi = fractional accumulator
; ebp = pointer to dest pixel
; divide 'esi' by 2 so that we can always dereference it by
; [2*esi] -- this allows us to still use an 'add with carry'
; to jump to the next pixel
shr esi,1
; first do the left side to align dwords
test ecx,ecx
jz DwordAligned
mov dx,[2*esi] ; fetch pixel
mov [ebp],dx ; write it out
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add in integer and possible carry
add ebp,2 ; step 1 in dest
mov ecx,[esp].sp_XCount ; get run length
test ecx,ecx
jz TrailingBytes ; watch for zero dword case
mov dx,[2*esi] ; get a source pixel
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
shl edx,16
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
mov dx,[2*esi] ; get source pixel
adc esi,eax ; add integer and carry
ror edx,16
mov [ebp],edx ; write everything to dest
add ebp,4 ; increment dest pointer by 1 dword
dec ecx ; decrement count
jnz @b ; do more pixels
; now do the right side trailing bytes
mov ecx,[esp].sp_RightCase
test ecx,ecx
jz EndScanLine
mov dx,[2*esi] ; fetch pixel
mov [ebp],dx ; write it out
add edi,ebx ; step fraction
adc esi,eax ; add in integer and possible carry
add ebp,2 ; step 1 in dest
mov edi,ebp ; get dst pointer back
mov ebp,[esp].sp_pSTR_BLT ; load pSTR_BLT into ebp
mov esi,[esp].sp_pjSrcScan ; load src scan start addr
mov ebx,esi ; save a copy
mov eax,[ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator ; get .32 part of Y pointer
add eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcFracCeil ; add in fractional step
jnc @f
add esi,[ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; step one extra in src
@@: mov [ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator,eax ; save Y accumulator
add esi,[esp].sp_SrcIntStep ; step int part
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save starting scan addr
add edi,[esp].sp_DstStride ; step to next scan in dst
dec [ebp].str_YDstCount ; decrement scan count
jz Done ; no more scans
inc [esp].sp_yDst ; one scan further down in dst
cmp esi,ebx ; is src scan same as before?
jne NextScan ; if so, fall through to dupe scan
; The source scan is the same one used for the previous destination
; scan, so we can simply use the hardware to copy the previous
; destination scan.
; Since on the S3 we can set up a 'rolling blt' to copy one scan
; line to several scans in a single command, we will count up how
; many times this scan should be duplicated. If your hardware
; cannot do a rolling blt, simply issue a new blt command for
; every time the scan should be duplicated.
; eax = ulYFracAccumulator
; ebx = original pjSrcScan
; esi = current pjSrcScan
; ebp = pSTR_BLT
mov ecx,-1 ; number of times scan is to be
; duplicated, less one
inc ecx ; one scan further down
dec [ebp].str_YDstCount ; decrement scan count
jz OutputDuplicates ; no more scans
add eax,[ebp].str_ulYDstToSrcFracCeil ; add in fractional step
jnc @f
add esi,[ebp].str_lDeltaSrc ; step one extra in src
@@: add esi,[esp].sp_SrcIntStep ; step int part
add edi,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst ; step entire dest scan
cmp esi,ebx ; is src scan same as before?
je AnotherDuplicate
mov [esp].sp_pjSrcScan,esi ; save starting scan address
mov [ebp].str_ulYFracAccumulator,eax ; save Y accumulator
; Now output the command to do the 'rolling blt'
;; mov edx,[esp].sp_pjBase
; Wait until the accelerator is done with current blt
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
mov al,31h ;status reg
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh ;data register
@@: in al,dx
test al,1
jnz short @b
mov ebx,[esp].sp_XCntHW
mov eax,[esp].sp_yDst
; eax = yDst -- Destination scan line (source scan line is yDst - 1)
; ebx = XCntHW -- Number of bytes across (width) - 1
; ecx = cy -- Number of times scan is to be duplicated - 1
; edx = pjBase -- Pointer to memory mapped accelerator registers
; ebp = pSTR_BLT -- Stretch blt info
; Do the copy:
if 0
CP_XCNT(ppdev, pjBase, (WidthXBytes - 1));
CP_YCNT(ppdev, pjBase, (cyDuplicate - 1));
CP_SRC_ADDR(ppdev, pjBase, (xyOffset + ((yDst - 1) * lDelta) + xDstBytes));
SET_DEST_ADDR(ppdev, ((yDst * lDelta) + xDstBytes));
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_wXCnt],bx
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_wYCnt],cx
mov dx,3ceh ;index register
; set XCNT=bx and YCNT=cx
push eax
mov al,21h ;BLT_WIDTH_HIGH
mov ah,bh ;x count high byte
out dx,ax
mov al,20h ;BLT_WIDTH_LOW
mov ah,bl ;x count low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,23h ;BLT_HEIGHT_HIGH
mov ah,ch ;y count high byte
out dx,ax
mov al,22h ;BLT_HEIGHT_LOW
mov ah,cl ;y count low byte
out dx,ax
pop eax
; Calculate src address
mov ebx,eax ; ebx <- yDst
dec ebx
imul ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst
add ebx,[esp].sp_xyOffset
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_ulSrcAddr],ebx
push eax
mov al,2ch ;SRC_ADDR_LOW
mov ah,bl ;src addr low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,2dh ;SRC_ADDR_MID
mov ah,bh ;src addr mid byte
out dx,ax
shr ebx,16
mov al,2eh ;SRC_ADDR_HIGH
mov ah,bl ;src addr high byte
out dx,ax
pop eax
; Calculate dst address
inc eax ; account for 'ecx' being
; one less than scan count
mov ebx,eax ; ebx <- yDst
dec ebx
imul ebx,[ebp].str_lDeltaDst
add ebx,[esp].sp_xyOffset
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
add ebx,[ebp].str_xDstStart
;; mov [edx+OFFSET_ulDstAddr],ebx
push eax
mov al,28h ;DST_ADDR_LOW
mov ah,bl ;dst addr low byte
out dx,ax
mov al,29h ;DST_ADDR_MID
mov ah,bh ;dst addr mid byte
out dx,ax
shr ebx,16
mov al,2ah ;DST_ADDR_HIGH
mov ah,bl ;dst addr high byte
out dx,ax
; Start blt
mov ah,2 ;BLT_START
out dx,ax
pop eax
add eax,ecx ; add num scans just done
mov [esp].sp_yDst,eax
cmp [ebp].str_YDstCount,0 ; we might be all done
jne NextScan
add esp,(size STACK_STRUC) - PROC_MEM_SIZE
pop ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 4
vDirectStretch16@4 endp