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/** Microsoft Passport **/
/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001 **/
Define class for fetching nexus files -- e.g. partner.xml
// RegistryConfig.h: interface for the CRegistryConfig class.
#if !defined(AFX_REGISTRYCONFIG_H__74EB2515_E239_11D2_95E9_00C04F8E7A70__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_REGISTRYCONFIG_H__74EB2515_E239_11D2_95E9_00C04F8E7A70__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "BstrHash.h"
#include "CoCrypt.h"
#include "ptstl.h"
#include "dsysdbg.h"
// logging declarations
extern BOOL g_fLoggingOn;
void PassportLog(CHAR* Format, ...);
void InitLogging();
void CloseLogging();
typedef PtStlMap<int,CCoCrypt*> INT2CRYPT;
typedef PtStlMap<int,time_t> INT2TIME;
class CRegistryConfig
CRegistryConfig(LPSTR szSiteName = NULL);
virtual ~CRegistryConfig();
BOOL isValid() { return m_valid; }
CCoCrypt* getCrypt(int keyNum, time_t* validUntil);
CCoCrypt* getCurrentCrypt() { return getCrypt(m_currentKey,NULL); }
int getCurrentCryptVersion() { return m_currentKey; }
int getSiteId() { return m_siteId; }
// Return a description of the failure
BSTR getFailureString();
// Shout out to all my LISP homies
BOOL forceLoginP() { return m_forceLogin; }
BOOL setCookiesP() { return m_setCookies; }
BOOL bInDA() { return m_bInDA; }
LPSTR getHostName() { return m_hostName; }
LPSTR getHostIP() { return m_hostIP; }
LPSTR getTicketDomain() { return m_ticketDomain; }
LPSTR getProfileDomain() { return m_profileDomain; }
LPSTR getSecureDomain() { return m_secureDomain; }
LPSTR getTicketPath() { return m_ticketPath; }
LPSTR getProfilePath() { return m_profilePath; }
LPSTR getSecurePath() { return m_securePath; }
ULONG getDefaultTicketAge() { return m_ticketAge; }
USHORT getDefaultLCID() { return m_lcid; }
LPWSTR getDefaultCoBrand() { return m_coBrand; }
LPWSTR getDefaultRU() { return m_ru; }
BOOL DisasterModeP() { return m_disasterMode; }
LPWSTR getDisasterUrl() { return m_disasterUrl; }
int getSecureLevel(){ return m_secureLevel;};
int getNotUseHTTPOnly(){ return m_notUseHTTPOnly;};
int getKPP(){ return m_KPP;};
LPWSTR getNameSpace(){ return m_NameSpace;};
LPWSTR getExtraParams(){ return m_ExtraParams;};
CRegistryConfig* AddRef();
void Release();
HRESULT GetCurrentConfig(LPCWSTR name, VARIANT* pVal);
static long GetHostName(LPSTR szSiteName,
LPSTR szHostNameBuf,
LPDWORD lpdwHostNameBufLen);
void setReason(LPWSTR reason);
BOOL readCryptoKeys(HKEY hkPassport);
BOOL m_disasterMode;
char* m_hostName;
char* m_hostIP;
WCHAR* m_disasterUrl;
char* m_ticketDomain;
char* m_profileDomain;
char* m_secureDomain;
char* m_ticketPath;
char* m_profilePath;
char* m_securePath;
WCHAR* m_coBrand;
WCHAR* m_ru;
BOOL m_setCookies;
ULONG m_ticketAge;
BOOL m_forceLogin;
USHORT m_lcid;
int m_KPP;
WCHAR* m_NameSpace;
WCHAR* m_ExtraParams;
INT2CRYPT *m_pcrypts;
INT2TIME *m_pcryptValidTimes;
int m_currentKey;
int m_siteId;
BOOL m_valid;
BSTR m_szReason;
long m_refs;
int m_secureLevel;
int m_notUseHTTPOnly;
HKEY m_hkPassport;
#endif // !defined(AFX_REGISTRYCONFIG_H__74EB2515_E239_11D2_95E9_00C04F8E7A70__INCLUDED_)