Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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/* *************************************************************************
** INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
** This listing is supplied under the terms of a license
** agreement with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied
** nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of
** that agreement.
** Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation.
** All Rights Reserved.
** *************************************************************************
// $Header: S:\h26x\src\dec\dxap.cpv 1.4 20 Oct 1996 13:22:12 AGUPTA2 $
// $Log: S:\h26x\src\dec\dxap.cpv $
// Rev 1.4 20 Oct 1996 13:22:12 AGUPTA2
// Changed DBOUT into DbgLog. ASSERT is not changed to DbgAssert.
// Rev 1.3 27 Aug 1996 11:20:06 KLILLEVO
// changed GlobalAlloc/GLobalLock to HeapAlloc
// Rev 1.2 27 Dec 1995 14:36:10 RMCKENZX
// Added copyright notice
// Rev 1.1 10 Nov 1995 14:45:02 CZHU
// Rev 1.0 10 Nov 1995 13:54:28 CZHU
// Initial revision.
#include "precomp.h"
char gsz1[32];
char gsz2[32];
char gsz3[32];
char gsz4[32];
char gsz5[32];
U8 gUTable[256] =
U8 gVTable[256]=
* ComputeDymanicClut() computes the clut tables on the fly, based on the *
* current palette[]; *
* called from InitColorConvertor, when CLUTAP is selected *
LRESULT ComputeDynamicClutNew(U8 *pAPTable,
U8 *pActivePalette,
int iPalSize)
* The dynamic clut consists of 4 entries which MUST be
* contiguous in memory:
* ClutTable: 65536 1-byte entries
* Each entry is the closest pPalette entry, as
* indexed by a 14 bit value: uvuvuvuv0yyyyyyy,
* dithered
* TableU: 256 4-byte entries
* Each entry is u0u0u0u0:u0u0u0u0:u0u0u0u0:u0u0u0u0,
* each uuuu is a 4 bit dithered u value for the
* index, which is a u value in the range 8-120
* TableV: 256 4-byte entries
* Same as TableU, except the values are arranged
* 0v0v0v0v:0v0v0v0v:0v0v0v0v:0v0v0v0v.
Color *pPalette;
U8 *pTmpPtr;
U8 pYSlice[YSIZ][256], *pYYPtr;
I32 *pYCnt;
U32 *pDiff, *dptr, *delta, *deptr;
I32 i,j,yseg,y,u,v,mini,yo,uo,vo,ycount,yi;
U32 addr1,addr2,ind;
U32 d,min; // since 3*128^2 = 49K
PALETTEENTRY *lpPal, *palptr;
Color *colptr;
I32 Y, U, V;
I32 U_0, U_1, U_2, U_3;
I32 V_0, V_1, V_2, V_3;
I32 Umag, Vmag;
/* dist max is 128*128*3 = 49152 */
U32 dist;
U32 close_dist[MAG_NUM_NEAREST];
I32 palindex;
I32 R, G, B;
I32 k, p, tmp, iu, iv;
/* Ubias and Vbias max is (128 * 4 * BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES) = 65536 */
/* even the worst palette (all black except the reserved colors) */
/* would not achieve this. */
I32 Ubias, Vbias;
U32 Udither, Vdither;
U32 *TableUptr, *TableVptr;
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_DECODE_DETAILS, ("%s: ComputeDynamic CLUT8 index tables\r\n", _fx_));
/* allocate some memory */
pPalette = (Color *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(Color)*256);
// Track memory allocation
wsprintf(gsz1, "DXAP: %7ld Ln %5ld\0", sizeof(Color)*256, __LINE__);
AddName((unsigned int)pPalette, gsz1);
pYCnt = (I32 *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(I32) *YSIZ);
// Track memory allocation
wsprintf(gsz2, "DXAP: %7ld Ln %5ld\0", sizeof(I32) *YSIZ, __LINE__);
AddName((unsigned int)pYCnt, gsz2);
pDiff = (U32 *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(U32) *256);
// Track memory allocation
wsprintf(gsz3, "DXAP: %7ld Ln %5ld\0", sizeof(U32) *256, __LINE__);
AddName((unsigned int)pDiff, gsz3);
delta = (U32 *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(U32) *256);
// Track memory allocation
wsprintf(gsz4, "DXAP: %7ld Ln %5ld\0", sizeof(U32) *256, __LINE__);
AddName((unsigned int)delta, gsz4);
lpPal = (PALETTEENTRY *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)*256);
// Track memory allocation
wsprintf(gsz5, "DXAP: %7ld Ln %5ld\0", sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)*256, __LINE__);
AddName((unsigned int)lpPal, gsz5);
if (!pPalette || !pYCnt || !pDiff || !delta || !lpPal)
return (ICERR_MEMORY);
for (i=-256; i<256; i++)
squares[256+i] = i*i;
memcpy((U8 *)lpPal, pActivePalette, iPalSize);
palptr = lpPal;
colptr = pPalette;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
/* In BGR (RGBQuad) order. */
B = palptr->peRed;
G = palptr->peGreen;
R = palptr->peBlue;
colptr->y = YFROM(R, G, B);
colptr->u = UFROM(R, G, B);
colptr->v = VFROM(R, G, B);
for (i=0; i<YSIZ; i++)
pYCnt[i] = 0;
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
yseg = pPalette[i].y >> 4;
pYSlice[yseg][ pYCnt[yseg]++ ] = (U8) i;
// Do exhaustive search on all U,V points and a coarse grid in Y
for (u=0; u<256; u+=UVSTEP)
for (v=0; v<256; v+=UVSTEP)
ind = TBLIDX(0,u,v);
pTmpPtr = pAPTable+ind;
for (y=0; y<256; y+=YSTEP)
colptr = pPalette;
min = 0x0FFFFFFF;
for (i=0; i<NCOL; i++, colptr++)
d = (3*squares[256+y - colptr->y])>>1;
if (d > min)
d += squares[256+u - colptr->u];
if (d > min)
d += squares[256+v - colptr->v];
if (d < min)
min = d;
mini = i;
*pTmpPtr = (U8) mini;
pTmpPtr += YSTEP;
#if defined USE_STAT_BOARD
dwStopTime = ReadElapsed()>>2;
dwStopTime = bentime();
#endif /* USE_STAT_BOARD */
dwElapsedTime = dwStopTime - dwStartTime2 - dwOverheadTime;
DPF("CoarseSearch() time = %lu microseconds",dwElapsedTime);
// Go thru points not yet done, and search
// (1) The closest point to the prev and next Y in coarse grid
// (2) All the points in this Y slice
// Also, take advantage of the fact that we can do distance computation
// incrementally. Keep all N errors in an array, and update each
// time we change Y.
for (u=0; u<256; u+=UVSTEP)
for (v=0; v<256; v+=UVSTEP)
for (y=YGAP; y<256; y+=YSTEP)
yseg = y >> 4;
ycount = pYCnt[yseg] + 2; // +2 is 'cause we add 2 Y endpoints
pYYPtr = (U8 *)pYSlice[yseg];
addr1 = TBLIDX(yseg*16,u,v);
pYYPtr[ycount-2] = *(U8 *)(pAPTable +addr1);
addr2 = TBLIDX((yseg+(yseg < (YSIZ -1)))*16,u,v);
pYYPtr[ycount-1] = *(U8 *)(pAPTable +addr2);
dptr = pDiff;
deptr = delta;
for (i=0; i<ycount; i++, pYYPtr++, dptr++, deptr++)
j = *pYYPtr; /* pYSlice[yseg][i]; */
colptr = pPalette+j;
yo = colptr->y;
uo = colptr->u;
vo = colptr->v;
*dptr = ( 3*squares[256+y-yo] + 2*(squares[256+u-uo] + squares[256+v-vo]));
*deptr =( 3*(((y-yo)<<1) + 1));
ind = TBLIDX(y,u,v);
pTmpPtr = pAPTable+ind;
for (yi=0; yi<YSTEP-1; yi += YGAP)
min = 0x0FFFFFFF;
pYYPtr = (U8 *)pYSlice[yseg];
dptr = pDiff;
deptr = delta;
for (i=0; i<ycount; i++, pYYPtr++, dptr++, deptr++)
if (*dptr < min)
min = *dptr;
mini = *pYYPtr; /* pYSlice[yseg][i]; */
*dptr += *deptr;
*deptr += 6;
*pTmpPtr = (U8) mini;
/* now do U and V dither tables and shift lookup table*/
/* NOTE: All Y, U, V values are 7 bits */
Umag = Vmag = 0;
Ubias = Vbias = 0;
/* use srand(0) and rand() to generate a repeatable series of */
/* pseudo-random numbers */
for (p = 0; p < MAG_PAL_SAMPLES; ++p) // 32
for (i = 0; i < MAG_NUM_NEAREST; ++i) // 6
close_dist[i] = 0x7FFFL;
palindex = RANDOM(235) + 10; /* random palette index, unreserved colors */
colptr = &pPalette[palindex];
Y = colptr->y;
U = colptr->u;
V = colptr->v;
colptr = pPalette;
for (i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
if (i != palindex)
dist = squares[256+(Y - colptr->y)] +
squares[256+(U - colptr->u)] +
squares[256+(V - colptr->v)];
/* keep a sorted list of the nearest MAG_NUM_NEAREST entries */
for (j = 0; j < MAG_NUM_NEAREST; ++j) //6
if (dist < close_dist[j])
/* insert new entry; shift others down */
for (k = (MAG_NUM_NEAREST-1); k > j; k--)
close_dist[k] = close_dist[k-1];
close_dist[j] = dist;
break; /* out of for j loop */
} /* for j */
} /* if i */
} /* for i */
/* now calculate Umag as the average of (U - U[1-6]) */
/* calculate Vmag in the same way */
for (i = 0; i < MAG_NUM_NEAREST; ++i)
/* there are (MAG_PAL_SAMPLES * MAG_NUM_NEAREST) sqrt() */
/* calls in this method */
Umag += (I32)sqrt((double)close_dist[i]);
} /* for p */
Vmag = Umag;
for (p = 0; p < BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES; ++p) //132
/* now calculate the average bias (use random RGB points) */
R = RANDOM(255);
G = RANDOM(255);
B = RANDOM(255);
Y = YFROM(R, G, B);
U = UFROM(R, G, B);
V = VFROM(R, G, B);
for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
U_0 = U + (dither[d].Udither*Umag)/3;
V_0 = V + (dither[d].Vdither*Vmag)/3;
/* Clamp values */
if (U_0 > 255) U_0 = 255;
if (V_0 > 255) V_0 = 255;
/* (Y, U_0, V_0) is the dithered YUV for the RGB point */
/* colptr points to the closest palette entry to the dithered */
/* RGB */
/* colptr = &pPalette[pAPTable[TBLIDX(Y, U_0+(UVSTEP>>1), V_0+(UVSTEP>>1))]]; */
pTmpPtr= (U8 *)(pAPTable + (U32)TBLIDX(Y, U_0, V_0)) ;
colptr = &pPalette[palindex];
Ubias += (U - colptr->u);
Vbias += (V - colptr->v);
} /* for p */
Ubias =(I32) (Ubias+BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES*2)/(I32)(BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES * 4);
Vbias =(I32) (Vbias+BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES*2)/(I32)(BIAS_PAL_SAMPLES * 4);
U_0 = (2*(I32)Umag/3); V_0 = (1*(I32)Vmag/3);
U_1 = (1*(I32)Umag/3); V_1 = (2*(I32)Vmag/3);
U_2 = (0*(I32)Umag/3); V_2 = (3*(I32)Vmag/3);
U_3 = (3*(I32)Umag/3); V_3 = (0*(I32)Vmag/3);
TableUptr = (U32 *)(pAPTable+ (U32)65536L);
TableVptr = TableUptr + 256;
iu = Ubias /* + (UVSTEP>>1) */;
iv = Vbias /* + (UVSTEP>>1) */;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++, iu++, iv++)
/* dither: u0u0u0u0, 0v0v0v0v */
tmp = iu + U_0;
Udither = gUTable[CLAMP8(tmp)];
Udither <<= 8;
tmp = iu + U_1;
Udither |= gUTable[CLAMP8(tmp)]; Udither <<= 8; tmp = iu ;
Udither |= gUTable[CLAMP8(tmp)]; Udither <<= 8; tmp = iu + U_3;
Udither |= gUTable[CLAMP8(tmp)];
*TableUptr++ = Udither ;
tmp = iv + V_0;
Vdither = gVTable[CLAMP8(tmp)];
Vdither <<= 8;
tmp = iv + V_1; Vdither |= gVTable[CLAMP8(tmp)]; Vdither <<= 8;
tmp = iv + V_2; Vdither |= gVTable[CLAMP8(tmp)]; Vdither <<= 8;
tmp = iv ; Vdither |= gVTable[CLAMP8(tmp)]; /* V_3 == 0 */
*TableVptr++ = Vdither;
//adjust color for 0--8 and 120-128 for luma
// 0--16, 241-255 plus dither for chroma
TableUptr = (U32 *)(pAPTable+ (U32)65536L);
TableVptr = TableUptr + 256;
for (i=0; i<16;i++)
TableUptr[i]= TableUptr[16];
TableVptr[i]= TableVptr[16];
for (i=241;i<256;i++)
TableUptr[i]= TableUptr[240];
TableVptr[i]= TableVptr[240];
for (u = 0; u < 256; u += UVSTEP) {
for (v = 0; v < 256; v += UVSTEP) {
pTmpPtr= (U8 *)(pAPTable + (U32)TBLIDX(16, u, v)) ;
mini = *pTmpPtr;
for (y = Y_DITHER_MIN; y < 16; y += 2)
*pTmpPtr = (U8)mini;
pTmpPtr= (U8 *)(pAPTable + (U32)TBLIDX(240, u, v)) ;
mini = *pTmpPtr;
for (y = 241; y < 256+Y_DITHER_MAX; y +=2)
*pTmpPtr = (U8)mini;
} /* for v... */
} /* for u... */
/* free memory allocated */
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, pPalette);
// Track memory allocation
RemoveName((unsigned int)pPalette);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, pYCnt);
// Track memory allocation
RemoveName((unsigned int)pYCnt);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, pDiff);
// Track memory allocation
RemoveName((unsigned int)pDiff);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, delta);
// Track memory allocation
RemoveName((unsigned int)delta);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, lpPal);
// Track memory allocation
RemoveName((unsigned int)lpPal);
return (ICERR_OK);