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;/* *************************************************************************
;** INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
;** This listing is supplied under the terms of a license
;** agreement with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied
;** nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of
;** that agreement.
;** Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation.
;** All Rights Reserved.
;** *************************************************************************
; $Header: S:\h26x\src\dec\d35bimot.asv 1.5 08 Mar 1996 16:46:04 AGUPTA2 $
; $Log: S:\h26x\src\dec\d35bimot.asv $
;// Rev 1.5 08 Mar 1996 16:46:04 AGUPTA2
;// Added segment declaration to place the rtn in the right segment.
;// Rev 1.4 19 Jan 1996 17:51:16 RMCKENZX
;// changed local variables to live on the stack
;// Rev 1.3 19 Jan 1996 13:30:34 RMCKENZX
;// Added rounding to int-half bidirectional prediction
;// Rev 1.2 05 Jan 1996 15:58:36 RMCKENZX
;// Eliminated separate chroma entry point, using a
;// block number check instead
;// Rev 1.1 27 Dec 1995 14:35:50 RMCKENZX
;// Added copyright notice
; D35BiMot.asm
; Description:
; This module does bi-directional motion compensated prediction for
; B frames. It is called after forward prediction has been computed
; and will average in the backward prediction for those pels where
; the backward motion vector points inside of the referenced P frame.
; Routines: prototypes in:
; H263BiMotionComp none
; Data
; This routine assumes that the PITCH is 384.
; $Header: S:\h26x\src\dec\d35bimot.asv 1.5 08 Mar 1996 16:46:04 AGUPTA2 $
; $Log$
;// Rev 1.0 22 Nov 1995 13:33:52 RMCKENZX
;// Initial revision.
uDst EQU [esp+44]
uRef EQU [esp+48]
mvx EQU [esp+52]
mvy EQU [esp+56]
iNum EQU [esp+60]
uColStart EQU [esp+04]
uColEnd EQU [esp+08]
uRowStart EQU [esp+12]
uRowEnd EQU [esp+16]
iColCount EQU [esp+20]
PITCH = 384
PUBLIC _H263BiMotionComp
; Name:
; H263BiMotionComp(U32, U32, I32, I32, I32)
; Inputs -- C calling convention:
; uDst flat pointer to block's forward predicted values.
; uRef flat pointer to backward predicted values.
; mvx x component of backward motion vector for this block.
; mvy y component of backward motion vector for this block.
; iNum block number.
; Returns:
; updates the values pointed to by uDst.
; Version: 2.0
; Date: 9 November 1995
; Author: R. McKenzie
; set up
push edi
push ebx
push esi
push ebp
sub esp, 24
mov ebx, mvy
mov edx, iNum
cmp edx, 4 ; check block number
jge Chroma ; do things differently for chroma
; compute adjusted_mvx and adjusted_mvy
mov ecx, edx
and edx, 2
and ecx, 1
mov eax, mvx
sal ecx, 4
lea ebx, [ebx+8*edx] ; avoid the shift with lea
add eax, ecx ; adjusted_mvx
mov edi, uDst
; check bounds
cmp eax, -14
jl hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp eax, 30
jg hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp ebx, -14
jl hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp ebx, 30
jg hasta_la_vista_baby
; compute row and column start & end positions
; 17 cycles
mov esi, 1
mov edi, 30
sub esi, eax ; 1 - adjusted_mvx
sub edi, eax ; 30 - adjusted_mvx
sar edi, 1 ; End = (30 - adjusted_mvx) >> 1
mov eax, 1 ; DELAY SLOT, preload 1
sar esi, 1 ; Start = (1 - adjusted_mvx) >> 1
sub edi, 7 ; End-7
mov ecx, esi ; Start
mov edx, edi ; End-7
sar esi, 31 ; start_mask = 0ffffffffh if Start < 0
mov ebp, 30 ; DELAY SLOT, preload 30
sar edi, 31 ; end_mask = 0fffffffh if End < 7
xor esi, -1 ; toggle start_mask
and esi, ecx ; max(0, Start)
and edi, edx ; min(0, End-7)
mov uColStart, esi ; save Start
add edi, 7 ; min(7, End)
sub eax, ebx ; 1 - adjusted_mvy
sub ebp, ebx ; 30 - adjusted_mvy
sar ebp, 1 ; End = (30 - adjusted_mvy) >> 1
mov uColEnd, edi ; DELAY SLOT, save End
sar eax, 1 ; Start = (1 - adjusted_mvy) >> 1
sub ebp, 7 ; End-7
mov ecx, eax ; Start
mov edx, ebp ; End-7
sar eax, 31 ; start_mask = 0ffffffffh if Start < 0
mov esi, uRef ; DELAY SLOT, preload ref. pointer
sar ebp, 31 ; end_mask = 0fffffffh if End < 7
xor eax, -1 ; toggle start mask
and ecx, eax ; max(0, Start)
and ebp, edx ; min(0, End-7)
mov uRowStart, ecx ; save Start
add ebp, 7 ; min(7, End)
; Compute pBackRef for BBlockAdjust
mov eax, mvx
mov ebx, mvy
sar eax, 1
and ebx, -2
shl ebx, 6 ; (mvy>>1) << 7 = (mvy&(-2)) << 6
add esi, eax ; pBackRef += mvx>>1
add esi, ebx ; pBackRef += 128*(mvy>>1)
mov uRowEnd, ebp
shl ebx, 1
mov eax, mvx
add esi, ebx ; pBackRef += 256*(mvy>>1)
mov ebx, mvy
mov edi, uDst
jmp H263BBlockAdjust ; Off to do the actual adjustment
mov eax, mvx
mov ebx, mvy
; check bounds
cmp eax, -14
jl hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp eax, 14
jg hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp ebx, -14
jl hasta_la_vista_baby
cmp ebx, 14
jg hasta_la_vista_baby
; compute row and column start & end positions
; 17 cycles
; note that mvy slides through the following code in register ebx!
mov esi, 1
mov edi, 14
sub esi, eax ; 1 - mvx
sub edi, eax ; 14 - mvx
sar edi, 1 ; End = (14 - mvx) >> 1
mov eax, 1 ; DELAY SLOT, preload 1
sar esi, 1 ; Start = (1 - mvx) >> 1
sub edi, 7 ; End-7
mov ecx, esi ; Start
mov edx, edi ; End-7
sar esi, 31 ; start_mask = 0ffffffffh if Start < 0
mov ebp, 14 ; DELAY SLOT, preload 14
sar edi, 31 ; end_mask = 0fffffffh if End < 7
xor esi, -1 ; toggle start_mask
and esi, ecx ; max(0, Start)
and edi, edx ; min(0, End-7)
mov uColStart, esi ; save Start
add edi, 7 ; min(7, End)
sub eax, ebx ; 1 - mvy
sub ebp, ebx ; 14 - mvy
sar ebp, 1 ; End = (14 - mvy) >> 1
mov uColEnd, edi ; DELAY SLOT, save End
sar eax, 1 ; Start = (1 - mvy) >> 1
sub ebp, 7 ; End-7
mov ecx, eax ; Start
mov edx, ebp ; End-7
sar eax, 31 ; start_mask = 0ffffffffh if Start < 0
mov esi, uRef ; DELAY SLOT, preload ref. pointer
sar ebp, 31 ; end_mask = 0fffffffh if End < 7
xor eax, -1 ; toggle start mask
and ecx, eax ; max(0, Start)
and ebp, edx ; min(0, End-7)
mov uRowStart, ecx ; save Start
add ebp, 7 ; min(7, End)
; Compute pBackRef for BBlockAdjust
mov eax, mvx
mov edi, uDst ; DELAY SLOT, preload dest. pointer
sar eax, 1
and ebx, -2
shl ebx, 6 ; (mvy>>1) << 7 = (mvy&(-2)) << 6
add esi, eax ; pBackRef += mvx>>1
add esi, ebx ; pBackRef += 128*(mvy>>1)
mov uRowEnd, ebp ; DELAY SLOT, save End
shl ebx, 1
mov eax, mvx ; DELAY SLOT, restore mvx
add esi, ebx ; pBackRef += 256*(mvy>>1)
mov ebx, mvy ; DELAY SLOT, restore mvy
; Name:
; H263BBlockAdjust
; Inputs:
; pBiRef edi flat pointer to block's forward predicted values
; pBackRef esi flat pointer to block's bacward predicted values as
; adjusted by the motion vectors
; mvx eax x component of backward motion vector,
; used for parity only
; mvy ebx y component of backward motion vector,
; used for parity only
; uColStart starting index for columns
; uColEnd ending index for columns
; uRowStart starting index for rows
; uRowEnd ending index for rows
; Returns:
; Updated values pointed to by pBiRef.
; Notes:
; 1. This routine is jumped into from either H263BiMotionCompLuma or
; H263BiMotionCompChroma and effects the returns for those routines.
; 2. The values of the starting and ending indicies MUST satisfy:
; 0 <= Start <= End <= 7
; 3. Only the last (least significant) bits of mvx and mvy are used
; to determine whether we need to use half-pel or full-pel
; prediction.
; 4. The address in pBackRef must have been adjusted by the motion
; vectors to point to the target pels.
; Version: 1.1
; Date: 10 November 1995
; Author: R. McKenzie
; common set up for all loops ;
mov ecx, uRowStart ; row = uRowStart
mov edx, uColEnd
shl ecx, 7 ; 128*row
mov ebp, uColStart
sub ebp, edx ; uColStart - uColEnd
add edx, ecx ; uColEnd += 128*row
shl ecx, 1 ; 256*row
mov iColCount, ebp ; inner loop starting position
add edx, ecx ; uColEnd += 256*row
xor ecx, ecx ; clear ecx
add esi, edx ; pBackRef += PITCH*row+uColEnd
add edi, edx ; pBiRef += PITCH*row+uColEnd
and eax, 1
je even_mvx
and ebx, 1
je odd_even
; mvx is odd (horizontal half pel motion)
; mvy is odd (vertical half pel motion)
mov ebx, uRowStart
mov eax, uRowEnd
xor edx, edx
sub eax, ebx
push eax ; save outer count
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
mov bl, [esi+ebp+1] ; I unpaired instruction
add eax, ebx ; I
mov bl, [esi+ebp+PITCH] ; I
add eax, ebx ; I
mov cl, [esi+ebp+PITCH+1] ; I
add ecx, eax ; I
inc ebp ; I
mov eax, 0 ; I
jg loopoo_postamble
add ecx, 2 ; II
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
shr ecx, 2 ; II
mov bl, [esi+ebp+1] ; I
mov dl, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add eax, ebx ; I
add edx, ecx ; II
mov bl, [esi+ebp+PITCH] ; I
shr edx, 1 ; II
add eax, ebx ; I
mov [edi+ebp-1], dl ; II
mov cl, [esi+ebp+PITCH+1] ; I
add ecx, eax ; I
inc ebp
mov eax, 0 ; I
jle loopoo_inner
add ecx, 2 ; II
add esi, PITCH
shr ecx, 2 ; II
mov dl, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add edx, ecx ; II
add edi, PITCH
shr edx, 1 ; II
pop eax ; fetch outer count
mov [edi+ebp-1-PITCH], dl ; II
mov ebp, iColCount
dec eax
jge loopoo_preamble
add esp, 24
jmp bye_bye
; mvx is odd (horizontal half pel motion)
; mvy is even (vertical full pel motion)
mov dl, BYTE PTR uRowStart
mov cl, BYTE PTR uRowEnd
sub dl, cl ; outer loop control
sub edi, PITCH ; adjust destination pointer
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
mov bl, [esi+ebp+1] ; I Probable (75%) Bank Conflict
add edi, PITCH
inc ebp
lea ecx, [eax+ebx+1] ; I
jg loopoe_postamble
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov al, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add ecx, eax ; II
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov bl, [esi+ebp+1] ; I
mov [edi+ebp-1], cl ; II
inc ebp
lea ecx, [eax+ebx+1] ; I
jle loopoe_inner
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov al, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add ecx, eax ; II
add esi, PITCH
shr ecx, 1 ; II
inc dl
mov [edi+ebp-1], cl ; II
mov ebp, iColCount
jle loopoe_preamble ; unpaired
add esp, 24
jmp bye_bye
; mvx is even -- test mvy ;
and ebx, 1
je even_even
; mvx is even (horizontal full pel motion)
; mvy is odd (vertical half pel motion)
mov dl, BYTE PTR uRowStart
mov cl, BYTE PTR uRowEnd
sub dl, cl ; outer loop control
sub edi, PITCH ; adjust destination pointer
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
mov bl, [esi+ebp+PITCH] ; I Probable (75%) Bank Conflict
add edi, PITCH
inc ebp
lea ecx, [eax+ebx+1] ; I
jg loopeo_postamble
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov al, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add ecx, eax ; II
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov bl, [esi+ebp+PITCH] ; I
mov [edi+ebp-1], cl ; II
inc ebp
lea ecx, [eax+ebx+1] ; I
jle loopeo_inner
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov al, [edi+ebp-1] ; II
add ecx, eax ; II
add esi, PITCH
shr ecx, 1 ; II
inc dl
mov [edi+ebp-1], cl ; II
mov ebp, iColCount
jle loopeo_preamble ; unpaired
add esp, 24
jmp bye_bye
; mvx is even (horizontal full pel motion)
; mvy is even (vertical full pel motion)
mov dl, BYTE PTR uRowStart
mov cl, BYTE PTR uRowEnd
sub dl, cl
mov al, [esi+ebp] ; I
mov bl, [edi+ebp] ; I possbile bank conflict
test ebp, ebp
je loopee_postamble
lea ecx, [eax+ebx] ; II
mov al, [esi+ebp+1] ; I
shr ecx, 1 ; II
mov bl, [edi+ebp+1] ; I
mov [edi+ebp], cl ; II
inc ebp
jl loopee_inner ; unpaired
add eax, ebx ; II
add edi, PITCH
shr eax, 1 ; II
add esi, PITCH
mov [edi+ebp-PITCH], al ; II
mov ebp, iColCount
inc dl
jle loopee_preamble
; "Remember when I promised to kill you last?"
add esp, 24
pop ebp
pop esi
pop ebx
pop edi
; biMotionCompLuma ENDP
; 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777
// bimot.asm page 9 1:41 PM, 11/21/95 //