Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright(C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: basedefs.h
// Project: Chameleon
// Description: Common classes and definitions
// Log:
// When Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 12/03/98 TLP Initial Version
#ifndef __INC_BASE_DEFS_H_
#define __INC_BASE_DEFS_H_
#include <comdef.h>
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// 1) Object Management Classes
// Master Pointer Tasks
// 1) Object instance counting
// 2) Object construction and destruction
// 3) Object lifetime control through reference counting
template <class T>
class CMasterPtr
: m_pT(new T), m_dwRefCount(0)
{ m_dwInstances++; }
CMasterPtr(T* pT) // Take ownership of an existing object of type T
: m_pT(pT), m_dwRefCount(0)
{ m_dwInstances++; }
{ _ASSERT( 0 == m_dwRefCount ); delete m_pT; }
CMasterPtr<T>& operator = (const CMasterPtr<T>& mp)
// Check for assignment to self
if ( this != &mp )
// Delete object pointed at and create a new one
// User of the master pointer is responsible for catching
// any exception thrown as a result of creating a object
delete m_pT;
m_pT = new T(*(mp.m_pT));
return *this;
T* operator->()
{ _ASSERT( NULL != m_pT ); return m_pT; }
void Hold(void)
void Release(void)
// Handle case where someone calls Release when ref count is 0.
if ( m_dwRefCount > 0 )
if ( 0 >= m_dwRefCount )
delete this; // ~CSdoMasterPtr() deletes m_pT
DWORD GetInstanceCount(void);
// T must have a copy constructor or must work with the default C++
// copy constructor. This is not the case here...
CMasterPtr(const CMasterPtr<T>& mp)
: m_pT(new T(*(mp.m_pT))), m_dwRefCount(0)
{ m_dwInstances++; }
T* m_pT; // Actual object
DWORD m_dwRefCount; // Ref count
static DWORD m_dwInstances; // Number of instances
// Handle Tasks
// 1) Master Pointer Object creation
// 2) Hide use of reference counting from programmer
template <class T>
class CHandle
: m_mp(NULL) { }
CHandle(CMasterPtr<T>* mp)
: m_mp(mp)
_ASSERT( NULL != m_mp );
CHandle(const CHandle<T>& h)
: m_mp(h.m_mp)
if ( NULL != m_mp )
if ( NULL != m_mp )
CHandle<T>& operator = (const CHandle<T>& h)
// Check for reference to self and instance where
// h points to the same mp we do.
if ( this != &h && m_mp != h.m_mp )
if ( NULL != m_mp )
m_mp = h.m_mp;
if ( NULL != m_mp )
return *this;
CMasterPtr<T>& operator->()
_ASSERT( NULL != m_mp );
return *m_mp;
bool IsValid()
return (NULL != m_mp ? true : false);
CMasterPtr<T>* m_mp;
// 3) Scanner for string of tokens seperated by specified delimiter
class CScanIt
CScanIt() { }
CScanIt(WCHAR Delimiter, LPCWSTR pszString)
m_Delimiter = Delimiter;
m_String = pszString;
m_pOffset = m_String.c_str();
~CScanIt() { }
void Reset(void)
m_pOffset = m_String.c_str();
bool NextToken(DWORD dwSize, LPWSTR pszToken)
if ( '\0' != *m_pOffset )
// Eat delimiters...
while ( m_Delimiter == *m_pOffset )
// Check for EOL
if ( '\0' != *m_pOffset )
// Token is at least 1 character in length...
ULONG ulCount = 1;
while ( m_Delimiter != *(m_pOffset + ulCount) && '\0' != *(m_pOffset + ulCount) )
_ASSERT( dwSize > ulCount );
if ( dwSize > ulCount )
// Return the token to the caller
wcsncpy( pszToken, m_pOffset, ulCount );
*(pszToken + ulCount) = '\0';
m_pOffset += ulCount;
return true;
return false;
CScanIt(const CScanIt& rhs);
CScanIt& operator = (CScanIt& rhs);
wchar_t m_Delimiter;
wstring m_String;
LPCWSTR m_pOffset;
// 4) TRY - CATCH Macros
// Return the error code from a failed COM invocation. Useful if you don't
// have to do any special clean-up.
#define RETURN_ERROR(expr) \
{ HRESULT __hr__ = (expr); if (FAILED(__hr__)) return __hr__; }
// Try and catch macros
#define TRY_IT try {
#define CATCH_AND_SET_HR } \
catch(const std::bad_alloc&) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } \
catch(const _com_error ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } \
catch(...) { hr = E_FAIL; }
// Safely release an object.
#define DEREF_COMPONENT(obj) \
if (obj) { (obj)->Release(); (obj) = NULL; }
#endif //__INC_BASE_DEFS_H_