Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

430 lines
12 KiB

// inc_global.js: Resuable JavaScript functions
// used accross all the pages
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Date Description
// 25/07/2000 Created date
// Function to clear the error messages (if any on screen) whenever required
function ClearErr()
// checking for the browser type
if (IsIE())
var oDiv = document.all("divErrMsg");
if ( oDiv ) oDiv.innerHTML = "";
// removing the event handling
document.frmTask.onkeypress = null ;
// Function: To check if given input is INTEGER or not
// input: Text value, text length
// returns: True if the field is integer else false
function isInteger(strText)
var blnResult = true;
var strChar;
// checking for null string
if (strText.length==0)
for(var i=0;i < strText.length;i++)
if(strChar < "0" || strChar > "9")
blnResult = false;
return blnResult;
// Function: getRadioButtonValue
// Description: Get's the selected radioButton value
// input: Object -Radio Object
// returns: String -value of the selected radio Button
function getRadioButtonValue(objRadio)
var strValue;
for(var i =0; i < objRadio.length; i++)
//checking for If selected
strValue = objRadio[i].value ;
return strValue;
// Function: To count the number of occurences of given character in the text
// input: strText-sourceString
// : charToCount-character to be checked
// returns: The count of no of character
function countChars(strText,charToCount)
var intStartingPosition = 0;
var intFoundPosition =0;
var intCount = 0;
// checking for the null character
if (charToCount=="")
return intCount;
while((intFoundPosition=strText.indexOf(charToCount,intStartingPosition)) >= 0)
intStartingPosition = intFoundPosition + 1;
return intCount ;
// Function: Check to see if all characters in string are spaces
// input: strText-sourceString
// returns:
// 0 - not all spaces
// 1 - all spaces
function IsAllSpaces(strText)
var bIsAllSpaces;
if (countChars(strText," ") == strText.length)
bIsAllSpaces = 1;
bIsAllSpaces = 0;
return bIsAllSpaces ;
// Function name: selectFocus
// Description: select and focus on the Textbox object
// input: The object on which focus must be set
function selectFocus(objControl)
// Function : removeListBoxItems
// Description: To remove the selected options from the given list
// the selected items in the list object is removed from
// the list on click of Remove button and sets focus on IP
// address text object or the Remove button object depending
// on conditions
// Input: objList -Listbox
// : btnRemove -Button object for disable/enable
// Returns:
// Support functions used :
// ClearErr
function removeListBoxItems(objList,btnRemove)
// Clear any previous error messages
var i=0;
// number of elements in the list object
var intListLength = objList.length ;
var intDeletedItemPosition
while(i < intListLength)
if ( objList.options[i].selected )
intDeletedItemPosition = i
if (intDeletedItemPosition >=objList.length)
intDeletedItemPosition = intDeletedItemPosition -1
if(objList.length == 0)
btnRemove.disabled = true;
btnRemove.value = btnRemove.value;
objList.options[intDeletedItemPosition].selected = true;
// focus on the Remove button
// Function: addToListBox
// Description: moves the passed textbox value to ListBox
// input: objList-List Object
// : ButtonObject- Remove button
// : strText-Text of the option item
// : strValue-value of the option item
// output: btnRemove-Button
function addToListBox(objList,btnRemove,strText,strValue)
var blnResult=true;
// checking for the text value null
// If the value passed is null make it as text
if (strValue=="")
if (strText!="" )
// check for duplicates not required as duplicates accepted
if (!chkDuplicate(objList,strText))
// create a new option in the list box
objList.options[objList.length] = new Option(strText,strValue);
objList.options[objList.length-1].selected = true;
// enable the Remove button
btnRemove.disabled = false ;
blnResult= false;
blnResult= false;
return blnResult;
// Function: chkDuplicate
// Description: checks for the duplicate text in the list box
// input: Object -Radio Object
// : strchkName -value of the Name to be checked
//returns: blnDuplicate-Returns true/false on success/failure
function chkDuplicate(objList,strchkName)
var i;
var blnDuplicate=false;
for(var i=0;i < objList.length;i++)
if (objList.options[i].text == strchkName)
blnDuplicate = true;
return blnDuplicate;
// Function: isValidIP
// Description: to validate the IP address
// input: IP address text object
// returns:0 if it is valid
// 1 Empty
// 2 Invalid Format, number of dots is not 3
// 3 non-integers present in the value
// 4 start ip > 223
// 5 Should not start with 127
// 6 out of bound
// 7 All zeros
// 8 Should not be 0
// support functions:
// IsAllSpaces
// countChars
// isInteger
function isValidIP(objIP)
var strIPtext = objIP.value;
if ((strIPtext.length == 0) || IsAllSpaces(strIPtext))
// IP Empty
return 1;
if ( countChars(strIPtext,".") != 3)
// Invalid Format, number of dots is not 3
return 2;
var arrIP = strIPtext.split(".");
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ( (arrIP[i].length < 1 ) || (arrIP[i].length > 3 ) )
// Invalid Format, continuous dots or more than 3 digits given between dots
return 2;
if ( !isInteger(arrIP[i]) )
// non-integers present in the value
return 3;
arrIP[i] = parseInt(arrIP[i]);
if(i == 0)
// start IP value
if(arrIP[i] == 0)
// start IP value must not be 0
return 8;
if(arrIP[i] > 223)
// start IP must not be > 223
return 4;
if(arrIP[i] == 127)
// start IP must not be 127 - Loopback ip
return 5;
// the 2nd, 3rd and 4th IP values between the dots
// these must not be more than 255
if (arrIP[i] > 255)
// IP out of bound
return 6;
objIP.value = arrIP.join(".");
if(objIP.value == "")
// IP all zeros
return 7;
return 0;
} // end of isValidIP
// Function :checkkeyforIPAddress
// Description :function to allow only dots and numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforIPAddress(obj)
// Clear any previous error messages
if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57 || window.event.keyCode == 46))
window.event.keyCode = 0;
// Function :checkkeyforNumbers
// Description :function to allow only numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforNumbers(obj)
// Clear any previous error messages
if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57))
window.event.keyCode = 0;
// Function :disableAddButton
// Description :Function to make the add button disable
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// :Object-Addbutton
// returns :none
// Function to make the add button disable
function disableAddButton(objText,objButton)
objButton.value = objButton.value;
// Function :isvalidchar
// Description :Function to check whether the input is valid or not
// input :Invalid char list
// The input string
// returns :true if it doesnt contain the invalid chars; else false
// Checks For Invalid Key Entry
function isvalidchar(strInvalidChars,strInput)
var rc = true;
var exp = new RegExp(strInvalidChars);
var result = exp.test(strInput);
if ( result == true )
rc = false;
rc = true;
if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() )
alert("Unexpected exception encountered in function: isvalidchar\n\n"
+ "Number: " + oException.number + "\n"
+ "Description: " + oException.description);
return rc;