Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<% '==================================================
' Module: ots_sort.asp
' Synopsis: Sorting routines for Object Task Selector
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
'================================================== %>
Const vbCompareText = 1
Const vbCompareLT = -1
Const vbCompareEQ = 0
Const vbCompareGT = 1
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Function: OTS_SortTable
' Synopsis: Sort the tables rows data. The quick sort needs to use
' StrComp so a text (rather than binary) compare is
' performed.
' Arguments: [in] The table
' Returns: The sorted Table object
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OTS_SortTable(ByRef Table, ByVal keyCol, ByVal sortSequence, bUseCompareCallback)
Dim min
Dim max
Dim rc
Dim rows
' Validate arguments
If ( Len(bUseCompareCallback) <= 0 ) Then
bUseCompareCallback = FALSE
End If
If ( (bUseCompareCallback <> TRUE) AND (bUseCompareCallback <> FALSE) ) Then
bUseCompareCallback = FALSE
End If
If ( (sortSequence <> "A") AND (sortSequence <> "D") ) Then
sortSequence = "A"
End If
rc = OTS_GetTableRows(Table, rows)
if ( rc = gc_ERR_SUCCESS ) Then
min = 0
max = UBound(rows)-1
Dim maxCols
maxCols = UBound(rows(0))+1
Call OTS_SetTableSortCriteria(Table, keyCol, sortSequence)
Call SAQuickSortEx(rows, min, max, maxCols, keyCol, sortSequence, bUseCompareCallback)
rc = OTS_SetTableRows(Table, Rows)
End If
OTS_SortTable = rc
End Function