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// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// MODULE: fldbar.h
// PURPOSE: Defines the CFolderBar class
#ifndef __FLDBAR_H__
#define __FLDBAR_H__
#include "browser.h"
#include "treeview.h"
#include "conman.h"
// Mouse Over Mode enum for DoMouseOver()
#ifndef WIN16
typedef enum MOMODE
MO_NORMAL = 0, // DoMouseOver called in response to WM_MOUSEMOVE
MO_DRAGOVER, // in response to IDropTarget::DragEnter/DragOver
MO_DRAGLEAVE, // in response to IDropTarget::DragLeave
MO_DRAGDROP // in response to IDropTarget::Drop
class CFlyOutScope;
class CFolderBar : public IDockingWindow,
public IObjectWithSite,
public IDropTarget,
public IConnectionNotify
// Construction and initialization
HRESULT HrInit(IAthenaBrowser *pBrowser);
// IUnknown methods
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// IDockingWindow methods
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetWindow(HWND * lphwnd);
virtual STDMETHODIMP ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode);
virtual STDMETHODIMP ShowDW(BOOL fShow);
virtual STDMETHODIMP CloseDW(DWORD dwReserved);
virtual STDMETHODIMP ResizeBorderDW(LPCRECT prcBorder,
IUnknown* punkToolbarSite,
BOOL fReserved);
// IObjectWithSite methods
virtual STDMETHODIMP SetSite(IUnknown* punkSite);
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetSite(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvSite);
// IDropTarget methods
virtual STDMETHODIMP DragEnter(IDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DragLeave(void);
virtual STDMETHODIMP Drop(IDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect);
// CFolderBar members
HRESULT SetCurrentFolder(FOLDERID idFolder);
void ScopePaneDied(void);
void KillScopeCloseTimer(void);
void Update(BOOL fDisplayNameChanged, BOOL fShowDropDownIndicator);
void KillScopeDropDown(void);
void SetScopeCloseTimer(void);
void SetFolderText(LPCTSTR pszText);
virtual STDMETHODIMP OnConnectionNotify(CONNNOTIFY nCode, LPVOID pvData, CConnectionManager *pConMan);
// Drawing
void InvalidateFolderName(void);
void SetFolderName(LPCTSTR pszFolderName);
void Recalc(HDC hDC, LPCRECT prcAvailableSpace, BOOL fSizeChange);
BOOL FEnsureIcon(void);
void GetFolderNameRect(LPRECT prc);
BOOL FDropDownEnabled(void);
HFONT GetFont(UINT idsFont, int nWeight = FW_NORMAL);
HFONT GetFont(LPTSTR pszFace, LONG lSize, int nWeight = FW_NORMAL);
int GetXChildIndicator(void);
int GetYChildIndicator(void);
void DoMouseOver(LPPOINT ppt, MOMODE moMode);
void KillHoverTimer(void);
void DoMouseClick(POINT pt, DWORD grfKeyState);
HRESULT HrShowScopeFlyOut(void);
// Window methods
static LRESULT CALLBACK FolderWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
static LRESULT CALLBACK FrameWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
void OnPaint(HWND hwnd);
void OnMouseMove(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags);
void OnLButtonDown(HWND hwnd, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags);
void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT id);
// Misc Data
ULONG m_cRef; // Reference count
FOLDERID m_idFolder; // Current Folder Id
// Flags
BOOL m_fShow; // TRUE if we're visible
BOOL m_fRecalc; // TRUE if we should call Recalc() before painting
BOOL m_fSmallFolderBar; // TRUE if we're smaller than big
BOOL m_fHighlightIndicator; // TRUE if the mouse is over out button
BOOL m_fHoverTimer; // TRUE if the hover timer is active
BOOL m_fDropDownIndicator; // TRUE if the 'v' is beside the folder name
// Interfaces we groove with
IDockingWindowSite *m_pSite; // Site pointer
IAthenaBrowser *m_pBrowser; // Browser that owns us
// Handy handles
HWND m_hwnd; // Our window
HWND m_hwndFrame; // Our frame window
HWND m_hwndParent; // Our parent's window
HWND m_hwndScopeDropDown; // Handle of the drop down scope pane
// Crayons, markers, paper, etc.
HFONT m_hfFolderName; // Folder name font
HFONT m_hfViewText; // View text font
HICON m_hIconSmall; // Small Icon
// Sizes etc. for drawing, sizing, and fun!
int m_cyControl,
RECT m_rcFolderName,
UINT m_nFormatFolderName,
// The text we display
LPTSTR m_pszFolderName; // Folder Name
int m_cchFolderName; // Size of m_pszFolderName
LPTSTR m_pszViewText; // View text
int m_cchViewText; // Size of m_pszViewText
// Drag & Drop stuff
IDataObject *m_pDataObject; // Pointer to the IDataObject being dragged over us
IDropTarget *m_pDTCur;
DWORD m_dwEffectCur;
DWORD m_grfKeyState;
inline void CFolderBar::ScopePaneDied()
{ m_hwndScopeDropDown = NULL; InvalidateFolderName(); }
class CFlyOutScope
friend CFolderBar;
ULONG AddRef(void);
ULONG Release(void);
HRESULT HrDisplay(IAthenaBrowser *pBrowser, CFolderBar *pFolderBar, HWND hwndParent, HWND *phwndScope);
void Destroy(void);
static LRESULT CALLBACK FlyWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL OnNotify(HWND hwnd, int idFrom, LPNMHDR pnmhdr);
void OnNcDestroy(HWND hwnd);
void OnPaint(HWND hwnd);
void OnSize(HWND hwnd, UINT state, int cx, int cy);
void OnDestroy(HWND hwnd);
ULONG m_cRef;
IAthenaBrowser *m_pBrowser;
CFolderBar *m_pFolderBar;
BOOL m_fResetParent;
CTreeView *m_pTreeView;
HWND m_hwnd;
HWND m_hwndParent;
HWND m_hwndTree;
HWND m_hwndFolderBar;
HWND m_hwndFocus;
HWND m_hwndTreeParent;