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448 lines
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448 lines
24 KiB
#ifndef _EXPORTS_H
#define _EXPORTS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#include "ieaksie.h"
// IEM_xxx stands for Ieak Engine Mode
#define IEM_NEUTRAL 0x00000000 // agnostic
#define IEM_ICP 0x00000000 // wizard - icp mode
#define IEM_ISP 0x00000000 // wizard - isp mode
#define IEM_CORP 0x00000001 // wizard - corp
#define IEM_PROFMGR 0x00000002 // profmgr
#define IEM_GP 0x00000004 // gp (snapin)
#define IEM_ADMIN 0x00000007
// prototype declarations
// desktop.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportADTInfoA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszDeskWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszDeskInf, BOOL fImportADT);
BOOL WINAPI ImportADTInfoW(LPCWSTR pcszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcszDeskWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcszDeskInf, BOOL fImportADT);
// toolbar.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportToolbarInfoA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszToolbarWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszToolbarInf, BOOL fImportToolbars);
BOOL WINAPI ImportToolbarInfoW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszToolbarWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszToolbarInf, BOOL fImportToolbars);
// mccphtt.cpp
BOOL WINAPI CopyHttFileA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszHttWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszHttFile, LPCSTR pcszHttKey);
BOOL WINAPI CopyHttFileW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszHttWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszHttFile, LPCWSTR pcwszHttKey);
// seccerts.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportSiteCertA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszSCWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszSCInf, BOOL fImportSC);
BOOL WINAPI ImportSiteCertW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszSCWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszSCInf, BOOL fImportSC);
BOOL WINAPI ModifySiteCert(HWND hDlg);
BOOL WINAPI ImportAuthCodeA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszAuthWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszAuthInf, BOOL fImportAuth);
BOOL WINAPI ImportAuthCodeW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszAuthWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszAuthInf, BOOL fImportAuth);
BOOL WINAPI ModifyAuthCode(HWND hDlg);
// seczones.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportZonesA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszZonesWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszZonesInf, BOOL fImportZones);
BOOL WINAPI ImportZonesW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszZonesWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszZonesInf, BOOL fImportZones);
BOOL WINAPI ModifyZones(HWND hDlg);
BOOL WINAPI ImportRatingsA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszRatingsWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszRatingsInf, BOOL fImportRatings);
BOOL WINAPI ImportRatingsW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszRatingsWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszRatingsInf, BOOL fImportRatings);
BOOL WINAPI ModifyRatings(HWND hDlg);
// oe.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportLDAPBitmapA(LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
BOOL WINAPI ImportLDAPBitmapW(LPCWSTR pcwszIns, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
BOOL WINAPI ImportOEInfoA(LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
BOOL WINAPI ImportOEInfoW(LPCWSTR pcwszIns, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
BOOL WINAPI EncodeSignatureA(LPCSTR pcszFrom, LPSTR pszTo, BOOL fEncode);
BOOL WINAPI EncodeSignatureW(LPCWSTR pcwszFrom, LPWSTR pwszTo, BOOL fEncode);
// utils.cpp
#define FC_NONNULL 0x00000001
#define FC_URL 0x00000002
#define FC_NOSPACE 0x00000004
#define FC_NOCOLON 0x00000008
#define FC_PATH 0x00000010
#define FC_NOEXCHAR 0x00000020
#define FC_EXISTS 0x00000040
#define FC_FILE (FC_PATH | 0x00000100)
#define FC_DIR (FC_PATH | 0x00000200)
#define FC_NUMBER 0x00000080
BOOL WINAPI CheckField(HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, DWORD dwFlags, LPARAM lParam = 0);
#define BMP_SMALLER 0x00000001 // bitmap file must have dimensions smaller than cx and cy
#define BMP_EXACT 0x00000002 // bitmap must be exact size specified
BOOL IsAnimBitmapFileValidA(HWND hDlg, UINT nID, LPSTR pszBuffer, PUINT pcch, UINT nIDTooBig,
UINT nIDTooSmall, long lBmpMinWidth, long lBmpMaxWidth);
BOOL IsAnimBitmapFileValidW(HWND hDlg, UINT nID, LPWSTR pszBuffer, PUINT pcch, UINT nIDTooBig,
UINT nIDTooSmall, long lBmpMinWidth, long lBmpMaxWidth);
BOOL WINAPI IsBitmapFileValidA(HWND hDlg, UINT nID, LPSTR pszBuffer, PUINT pcch, int cx,
int cy, UINT nIDTooBig, UINT nIDTooSmall, DWORD dwFlags = 0);
BOOL WINAPI IsBitmapFileValidW(HWND hDlg, UINT nID, LPWSTR pwszBuffer, PUINT pcch, int cx,
int cy, UINT nIDTooBig, UINT nIDTooSmall, DWORD dwFlags = 0);
BOOL WINAPI BrowseForFileA(HWND hDlg, LPSTR pszFileName, DWORD cchSize, DWORD dwFilterMasks,
LPCSTR pcszTitle = NULL);
BOOL WINAPI BrowseForFileW(HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pwszFileName, DWORD cchSize, DWORD dwFilterMasks,
LPCWSTR pcwszTitle = NULL);
BOOL WINAPI BrowseForFolderA(HWND hDlg, LPSTR pszFileName, LPCSTR pcszDesc = NULL);
BOOL WINAPI BrowseForFolderW(HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pwszFileName, LPCWSTR pcwszDesc = NULL);
void WINAPI ErrorMessageBox(HWND hWnd, UINT idErrorStr, DWORD dwFlags = 0);
void WINAPI ExportRegTree2InfA(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCSTR pcszRootKey, LPCSTR pcszSubKey,
HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI ExportRegTree2InfW(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCWSTR pcwszRootKey, LPCWSTR pcwszSubKey,
HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI ExportRegKey2InfA(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCSTR pcszRootKey, LPCSTR pcszSubKey,
HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI ExportRegKey2InfW(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCWSTR pcwszRootKey, LPCWSTR pcwszSubKey,
HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI ExportRegValue2InfA(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCSTR pcszValue, LPCSTR pcszRootKey,
LPCSTR pcszSubKey, HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI ExportRegValue2InfW(HKEY hkSubKey, LPCWSTR pcwszValue, LPCWSTR pcwszRootKey,
LPCWSTR pcwszSubKey, HANDLE hInf, BOOL fUseLdids = FALSE);
void WINAPI SignFileA(LPCSTR pcszFilename, LPCSTR pcszDir, LPCSTR pcszIns,
LPSTR pszUnsignedFiles = NULL, LPCSTR pcszCustInf = NULL, BOOL fTest = FALSE);
void WINAPI SignFileW(LPCWSTR pcwszFilename, LPCWSTR pcwszDir, LPCWSTR pcwszIns,
LPWSTR pwszUnsignedFiles = NULL, LPCWSTR pcwszCustInf = NULL, BOOL fTest = FALSE);
void WINAPI DoReboot(HWND hwndUI);
void WINAPI ShowInetcpl(HWND hDlg, DWORD dwPages, DWORD dwMode = IEM_ADMIN);
void WINAPI SetLBWidth(HWND hLb);
// dlgprocs.cpp
void WINAPI TestURLA(LPCSTR pcszUrl);
void WINAPI TestURLW(LPCWSTR pcwszUrl);
void WINAPI SetProxyDlgA(HWND hDlg, LPCSTR pcszProxy, DWORD dwIdName, DWORD dwIdPort,
BOOL fDef80);
void WINAPI SetProxyDlgW(HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pcwszProxy, DWORD dwIdName, DWORD dwIdPort,
BOOL fDef80);
void WINAPI GetProxyDlgA(HWND hDlg, LPSTR pszProxy, DWORD dwIdName, DWORD dwIdPort);
void WINAPI GetProxyDlgW(HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pwszProxy, DWORD dwIdName, DWORD dwIdPort);
HPALETTE WINAPI BuildPalette(HDC hdc);
void WINAPI ShowBitmapA(HWND hControl, LPCSTR pcszFileName, int nBitmapId, PHANDLE pBitmap);
void WINAPI ShowBitmapW(HWND hControl, LPCWSTR pcwszFileName, int nBitmapId, PHANDLE pBitmap);
BOOL WINAPI CopyAnimBmpA(HWND hDlg, LPSTR pszBmp, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszNameStr,
LPCSTR pcszPathStr, LPCSTR pcszInsFile);
BOOL WINAPI CopyAnimBmpW(HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pwszBmp, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszNameStr,
LPCWSTR pcwszPathStr, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile);
BOOL WINAPI CopyLogoBmpA(HWND hDlg, LPSTR pszBmp, LPCSTR pcszLogoStr,
LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszInsFile);
BOOL WINAPI CopyLogoBmpW(HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pwszBmp, LPCWSTR pcwszLogoStr,
LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile);
BOOL WINAPI CopyWallPaperA(HWND hDlg, LPCSTR pcszWallPaper, UINT nBitmapId,
LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszInsFile, BOOL fCopy);
BOOL WINAPI CopyWallPaperW(HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pcwszWallPaper, UINT nBitmapId,
LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, BOOL fCopy);
// urls.cpp
void WINAPI InitializeStartSearchA(HWND hDlg, LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszServerFile);
void WINAPI InitializeStartSearchW(HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszServerFile);
BOOL WINAPI SaveStartSearchA(HWND hDlg, LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszServerFile,
BOOL *pfInsDirty = NULL, BOOL fCheckDirtyOnly = FALSE);
BOOL WINAPI SaveStartSearchW(HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszServerFile,
BOOL *pfInsDirty = NULL, BOOL fCheckDirtyOnly = FALSE);
// btoolbar.cpp
DWORD WINAPI BToolbar_InitA(HWND hwndList, LPCSTR pcszCustIns, LPCSTR pcszAltDir, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir);
DWORD WINAPI BToolbar_InitW(HWND hwndList, LPCWSTR pcwszCustIns, LPCWSTR pcwszAltDir, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir);
void WINAPI BToolbar_Remove(HWND hwndList);
void WINAPI BToolbar_Edit(HWND hwndList, BOOL fAdd);
void WINAPI BToolbar_SaveA(HWND hwndList, LPCSTR pcszCustIns, LPCSTR pcszBToolbarDir, DWORD dwMode = IEM_NEUTRAL);
void WINAPI BToolbar_SaveW(HWND hwndList, LPCWSTR pcwszCustIns, LPCWSTR pcwszBToolbarDir, DWORD dwMode = IEM_NEUTRAL);
// connset.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportConnectSetA(LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszTargetPath, LPCSTR pcszCleanupPath,
BOOL fImport, DWORD dwMode, LPCSTR pcszPbkFile = NULL, HKEY hkRoot = NULL);
BOOL WINAPI ImportConnectSetW(LPCWSTR pcwszIns, LPCWSTR pcwszTargetPath, LPCWSTR pcwszCleanupPath,
BOOL fImport, DWORD dwMode, LPCWSTR pcwszPbkFile = NULL, HKEY hkRoot = NULL);
// programs.cpp
BOOL WINAPI ImportProgramsA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
BOOL WINAPI ImportProgramsW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, BOOL fImport);
// favsproc.cpp
BOOL WINAPI MigrateFavoritesA(LPCSTR pcszIns);
BOOL WINAPI MigrateFavoritesW(LPCWSTR pcwszIns);
void WINAPI MigrateToOldFavoritesA(LPCSTR pcszIns);
void WINAPI MigrateToOldFavoritesW(LPCWSTR pcwszIns);
int WINAPI ImportFavoritesA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszDefInf, LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszFixPath,
LPCSTR pcszNewPath, BOOL fIgnoreOffline);
int WINAPI ImportFavoritesW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszDefInf, LPCWSTR pcwszIns,
LPCWSTR pcwszFixPath, LPCWSTR pcwszNewPath, BOOL fIgnoreOffline);
int WINAPI ImportQuickLinksA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszDefInf, LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszFixPath,
LPCSTR pcszNewPath, BOOL fIgnoreOffline);
int WINAPI ImportQuickLinksW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszDefInf, LPCWSTR pcwszIns,
LPCWSTR pcwszFixPath, LPCWSTR pcwszNewPath, BOOL fIgnoreOffline);
BOOL WINAPI NewUrlA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath, DWORD dwPlatformID, DWORD dwMode);
BOOL WINAPI NewUrlW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath, DWORD dwPlatformID, DWORD dwMode);
BOOL WINAPI NewFolder(HWND htv);
BOOL WINAPI ModifyFavoriteA(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath, LPCSTR pcszPrevExtractPath, DWORD dwPlatformID, DWORD dwMode);
BOOL WINAPI ModifyFavoriteW(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath, LPCWSTR pcwszPrevExtractPath, DWORD dwPlatformID, DWORD dwMode);
BOOL WINAPI DeleteFavoriteA(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath);
BOOL WINAPI DeleteFavoriteW(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath);
BOOL WINAPI MoveUpFavorite (HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti);
BOOL WINAPI MoveDownFavorite(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti);
BOOL WINAPI IsFavoriteItem (HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti);
UINT WINAPI GetFavoritesNumber (HWND htv, BOOL fQL = FALSE);
UINT WINAPI GetFavoritesMaxNumber(BOOL fQL = FALSE);
int WINAPI ImportFavoritesCmdA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath);
int WINAPI ImportFavoritesCmdW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath);
void WINAPI ExportFavoritesA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath, BOOL fFixUpPath);
void WINAPI ExportFavoritesW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszIns, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath, BOOL fFixUpPath);
void WINAPI ExportQuickLinksA(HWND htv, LPCSTR pcszIns, LPCSTR pcszExtractPath, BOOL fFixUpPath);
void WINAPI ExportQuickLinksW(HWND htv, LPCWSTR pcwszIns, LPCWSTR pcwszExtractPath, BOOL fFixUpPath);
void WINAPI GetFavoritesInfoTipA(LPNMTVGETINFOTIPA pGetInfoTipA);
void WINAPI GetFavoritesInfoTipW(LPNMTVGETINFOTIPW pGetInfoTipW);
BOOL WINAPI GetFavoriteUrlA(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPSTR pszUrl, DWORD cchSize);
BOOL WINAPI GetFavoriteUrlW(HWND htv, HTREEITEM hti, LPWSTR pwszUrl, DWORD cchSize);
void WINAPI ProcessFavSelChange(HWND hDlg, HWND hTv, LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv);
// adm.cpp
void WINAPI CreateADMWindow(HWND hOwner, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int nXPos, int nYPos,
int nWidth, int nHeight);
void WINAPI ShowADMWindow(HWND hOwner, BOOL fShow);
void WINAPI MoveADMWindow(HWND hOwner, int nXPos, int nYPos, int nWidth, int nHeight);
void WINAPI SetADMWindowTextA(HWND hOwner, LPCSTR pcszTitle, LPCSTR pcszText,
BOOL fUpdateWindowState = TRUE);
void WINAPI SetADMWindowTextW(HWND hOwner, LPCWSTR pcwszTitle, LPCWSTR pcwszText,
BOOL fUpdateWindowState = TRUE);
void WINAPI DestroyADMWindow(HWND hOwner);
BOOL WINAPI IsADMFileVisibleA(LPCSTR pcszFileName, int nRole, DWORD dwPlatformId);
BOOL WINAPI IsADMFileVisibleW(LPCWSTR pcwszFileName, int nRole, DWORD dwPlatformId);
BOOL WINAPI LoadADMFilesA(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hPolicyRootItem, LPCSTR pcszADMFilePath,
LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, DWORD dwPlatformId, int nRole,
int nIconADMClose, int nIconADMCategory);
BOOL WINAPI LoadADMFilesW(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hPolicyRootItem, LPCWSTR pcwszADMFilePath,
LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, DWORD dwPlatformId, int nRole,
int nIconADMClose, int nIconADMCategory);
void WINAPI DeleteADMItemA(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hParentItem, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir,
LPCSTR pcszInsFile, BOOL bDeleteFile, BOOL bSave);
void WINAPI DeleteADMItemW(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hParentItem, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir,
LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, BOOL bDeleteFile, BOOL bSave);
void WINAPI DeleteADMItemsA(HWND hTreeView, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszInsFile,
BOOL bSave);
void WINAPI DeleteADMItemsW(HWND hTreeView, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile,
BOOL bSave);
void WINAPI DisplayADMItem(HWND hWnd, HWND hTreeView, LPTVITEM lpSelectedItem,
BOOL fShowDisabled);
void WINAPI SelectADMItem(HWND hMainWnd, HWND hTreeView, LPTVITEM lpTVItem,
BOOL bSelect, BOOL fShowDisabled);
void WINAPI ImportADMFileA(HWND hMainWnd, HWND hTreeView, LPCSTR pcszADMFilePath,
LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, int nRole, LPCSTR pcszInsFile);
void WINAPI ImportADMFileW(HWND hMainWnd, HWND hTreeView, LPCWSTR pcwszADMFilePath,
LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, int nRole, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile);
void WINAPI CheckForDupKeys(HWND hMainWnd, HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hItem,
BOOL bDispSuccessMsg);
void WINAPI ResetAdmFilesA(HWND hTreeView, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, BOOL bReset);
void WINAPI ResetAdmFilesW(HWND hTreeView, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, BOOL bReset);
void WINAPI SaveAdmFilesA(HWND hTreeView, LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszInsFile);
void WINAPI SaveAdmFilesW(HWND hTreeView, LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile);
HWND WINAPI GetAdmWindowHandle(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hItem);
void WINAPI ClearAdmDirtyFlag();
// these #defines is also used in insedit.dll
#define ITEM_SAVE 0x00000001
#define ITEM_DESTROY 0x00000002
#define ITEM_CHECKDIRTY 0x00000004
void WINAPI SaveADMItem(HWND hTreeView, LPTVITEM lpTVItem, DWORD dwFlags);
BOOL WINAPI GetAdmFileListA(LPRESULTITEMA* pResultItemsArrayA, int* pnResultItems, int nRole);
BOOL WINAPI GetAdmFileListW(LPRESULTITEMW* pResultItemsArrayW, int* pnResultItems, int nRole);
LPCSTR pcszWorkDir, int nRole, BSTR bstrRSOPNamespace);
LPCWSTR pcwszWorkDir, int nRole, BSTR bstrRSOPNamespace);
// version.cpp
int WINAPI CheckVerA(LPCSTR pcszPrevVer, LPCSTR pcszNewVer);
int WINAPI CheckVerW(LPCWSTR pcwszPrevVer, LPCWSTR pcwszNewVer);
void WINAPI GenerateNewVersionStrA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPSTR pszNewVersionStr);
void WINAPI GenerateNewVersionStrW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPWSTR pwszNewVersionStr);
void WINAPI SetOrClearVersionInfoA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, DWORD dwCabType, LPCSTR pcszCabName,
LPCSTR pcszCabsURLPath, LPSTR pszNewVersionStr, BOOL fSet);
void WINAPI SetOrClearVersionInfoW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, DWORD dwCabType, LPCWSTR pcwszCabName,
LPCWSTR pcwszCabsURLPath, LPWSTR pwszNewVersionStr, BOOL fSet);
void WINAPI GetBaseFileNameA(LPCSTR pcszFile, LPSTR pszBaseFileName, INT cchSize);
void WINAPI GetBaseFileNameW(LPCWSTR pcwszFile, LPWSTR pwszBaseFileName, INT cchSize);
// TCHAR mappings for functions
#define ImportADTInfo ImportADTInfoW // desktop.cpp
#define ImportToolbarInfo ImportToolbarInfoW // toolbar.cpp
#define CopyHttFile CopyHttFileW // mccphtt.cpp
#define ImportSiteCert ImportSiteCertW // seccerts.cpp
#define ImportAuthCode ImportAuthCodeW
#define ImportZones ImportZonesW // seczones.cpp
#define ImportRatings ImportRatingsW
#define ImportLDAPBitmap ImportLDAPBitmapW // oe.cpp
#define ImportOEInfo ImportOEInfoW
#define EncodeSignature EncodeSignatureW
#define BrowseForFile BrowseForFileW // utils.cpp
#define BrowseForFolder BrowseForFolderW
#define ExportRegTree2Inf ExportRegTree2InfW
#define ExportRegKey2Inf ExportRegKey2InfW
#define ExportRegValue2Inf ExportRegValue2InfW
#define IsAnimBitmapFileValid IsAnimBitmapFileValidW
#define IsBitmapFileValid IsBitmapFileValidW
#define SignFile SignFileW
#define TestURL TestURLW // dlgprocs.cpp
#define SetProxyDlg SetProxyDlgW
#define GetProxyDlg GetProxyDlgW
#define ShowBitmap ShowBitmapW
#define CopyAnimBmp CopyAnimBmpW
#define CopyLogoBmp CopyLogoBmpW
#define CopyWallPaper CopyWallPaperW
#define InitializeStartSearch InitializeStartSearchW // urls.cpp
#define SaveStartSearch SaveStartSearchW
#define BToolbar_Init BToolbar_InitW // btoolbar.cpp
#define BToolbar_Save BToolbar_SaveW
#define ImportConnectSet ImportConnectSetW // connset.cpp
#define ImportPrograms ImportProgramsW // programs.cpp
#define MigrateFavorites MigrateFavoritesW // favsproc.cpp
#define MigrateToOldFavorites MigrateToOldFavoritesW
#define ImportFavorites ImportFavoritesW
#define ImportQuickLinks ImportQuickLinksW
#define NewUrl NewUrlW
#define ModifyFavorite ModifyFavoriteW
#define DeleteFavorite DeleteFavoriteW
#define ImportFavoritesCmd ImportFavoritesCmdW
#define ExportFavorites ExportFavoritesW
#define ExportQuickLinks ExportQuickLinksW
#define GetFavoritesInfoTip GetFavoritesInfoTipW
#define GetFavoriteUrl GetFavoriteUrlW
#define SetADMWindowText SetADMWindowTextW // adm.cpp
#define IsADMFileVisible IsADMFileVisibleW
#define LoadADMFiles LoadADMFilesW
#define DeleteADMItem DeleteADMItemW
#define DeleteADMItems DeleteADMItemsW
#define ImportADMFile ImportADMFileW
#define ResetAdmFiles ResetAdmFilesW
#define SaveAdmFiles SaveAdmFilesW
#define GetAdmFileList GetAdmFileListW
#define AddADMItem AddADMItemW
#define CheckVer CheckVerW // version.cpp
#define GenerateNewVersionStr GenerateNewVersionStrW
#define SetOrClearVersionInfo SetOrClearVersionInfoW
#define GetBaseFileName GetBaseFileNameW
#else //---------------------------------------------------- !UNICODE
#define ImportADTInfo ImportADTInfoA // desktop.cpp
#define ImportToolbarInfo ImportToolbarInfoA // toolbar.cpp
#define CopyHttFile CopyHttFileA // mccphtt.cpp
#define ImportSiteCert ImportSiteCertA // seccerts.cpp
#define ImportAuthCode ImportAuthCodeA
#define ImportZones ImportZonesA // seczones.cpp
#define ImportRatings ImportRatingsA
#define ImportLDAPBitmap ImportLDAPBitmapA // oe.cpp
#define ImportOEInfo ImportOEInfoA
#define EncodeSignature EncodeSignatureA
#define BrowseForFile BrowseForFileA // utils.cpp
#define BrowseForFolder BrowseForFolderA
#define ExportRegTree2Inf ExportRegTree2InfA
#define ExportRegKey2Inf ExportRegKey2InfA
#define ExportRegValue2Inf ExportRegValue2InfA
#define IsAnimBitmapFileValid IsAnimBitmapFileValidA
#define IsBitmapFileValid IsBitmapFileValidA
#define SignFile SignFileA
#define TestURL TestURLA // dlgprocs.cpp
#define SetProxyDlg SetProxyDlgA
#define GetProxyDlg GetProxyDlgA
#define ShowBitmap ShowBitmapA
#define CopyAnimBmp CopyAnimBmpA
#define CopyLogoBmp CopyLogoBmpA
#define CopyWallPaper CopyWallPaperA
#define InitializeStartSearch InitializeStartSearchA // urls.cpp
#define SaveStartSearch SaveStartSearchA
#define BToolbar_Init BToolbar_InitA // btoolbar.cpp
#define BToolbar_Save BToolbar_SaveA
#define ImportConnectSet ImportConnectSetA // connset.cpp
#define ImportPrograms ImportProgramsA // programs.cpp
#define MigrateFavorites MigrateFavoritesA // favsproc.cpp
#define MigrateToOldFavorites MigrateToOldFavoritesA
#define ImportFavorites ImportFavoritesA
#define ImportQuickLinks ImportQuickLinksA
#define NewUrl NewUrlA
#define ModifyFavorite ModifyFavoriteA
#define DeleteFavorite DeleteFavoriteA
#define ImportFavoritesCmd ImportFavoritesCmdA
#define ExportFavorites ExportFavoritesA
#define ExportQuickLinks ExportQuickLinksA
#define GetFavoritesInfoTip GetFavoritesInfoTipA
#define GetFavoriteUrl GetFavoriteUrlA
#define SetADMWindowText SetADMWindowTextA // adm.cpp
#define IsADMFileVisible IsADMFileVisibleA
#define LoadADMFiles LoadADMFilesA
#define DeleteADMItem DeleteADMItemA
#define DeleteADMItems DeleteADMItemsA
#define ImportADMFile ImportADMFileA
#define ResetAdmFiles ResetAdmFilesA
#define SaveAdmFiles SaveAdmFilesA
#define GetAdmFileList GetAdmFileListA
#define AddADMItem AddADMItemA
#define CheckVer CheckVerA // version.cpp
#define GenerateNewVersionStr GenerateNewVersionStrA
#define SetOrClearVersionInfo SetOrClearVersionInfoA
#define GetBaseFileName GetBaseFileNameA
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _EXPORTS_H */