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= How to Migrate UDDI Service Web Component to UDDI.Microsoft.Com
NOTE: Tools for some of this can be found in the latest build
= PreReqs
- Install UDDI Web Component onto server.
- Install SMTP Services
- Install a SSL Certificate into the Default Site for IIS
- For all operator nodes, you must make sure that their root authority has
client authentication enabled.
= Configure IIS
- Overlay the web package into <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\webroot
- found in builds at <build>\raw\\webroot
- Point Root of defualt site to %SystemDrive%\inetpub\uddi\webroot
- Set the Default Site to run under the MSUDDIAppPool.
- Open the properties to the site
- Go to 'Home Directory' Tab
- Set the Applicatin Pool to MSUDDIAppPool and click OK
- Set the Default Site to only Use Anonymous Authentication.
- Open the properties to the site
- Go to 'Directory Security' Tab
- Click the 'Edit...' button in the 'Anonymous access and authentication
control' section
- Uncheck all authentication types except Anonymous.
- Click Ok all the way out
- Delete uddi and uddipublic vdirs
- Delete %SystemDrive%\inetpub\uddi\webroot\admin folder. These features
will be implemented in the operator site.
- Install ASP.NET Client Scripts into Site
- Run %windir%\\framework\<version>\aspnet_regiis.exe -c
- Create VisualStudio VDIR
- Right click the site, and select new...virtual directory
- name it 'visualstudio'
- give it <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\webroot\addwebreference
- Once created, open the properties of this VDIR,
- go to the home directory tab
- click the 'Remove' button
- click ok
= Configure Passport
- Install your Passport Partner Key
(this is obtained via and is not part of
this document)
- run partner<siteid>_1.exe /addkey
- run partner<siteid>_1.exe /makecurrent
- Set your Site ID and Return URL
- This can now be done by opening %systemroot%\system32\ppcnfg.exe( works in
build 3636 or greater )
- Set your SiteID and Return URL.
- Set Environment
- Live if deployed on internet.
- Prep if deployed in house(you may need to update this url)
- Save your changes and exit
- or -
- Edit the following registry keys
- [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Passport\SiteId]
- [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Passport\ReturnURL]
- [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Passport\Nexus\Partner\CCDRemoteFile]
- Refresh your Partner2.xml file
- run refreshpp.js from the internet version install point
= Configure UDDI to use Passport
- Create a folder named <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\ppconfig
- Grant write privlages to the <COMPUTERNAME>\IIS_WPG to this folder
- update the follwing config values
- Registry( config.exe -s <name> <value> -l )
Proxy itgproxy:80 ( if the machine is inside the firewall )
Passport.SiteID <your site id>
Passport.ReturnURL <your return url>
Passport.ClientXmlFile <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\ppconfig\client.xml
- Database( config.exe -s <name> <value> -g )
Security.AuthenticationMode 8
Security.AutoRegister 0
Security.HTTPS 1
Publisher.DefaultTier 1
= Configure IIS for Replication
- Configure SSL Requirements
- Open IIS MMC and browse to the default site
- find 'operator.asmx' in the RHS, right click it and select properties
- select the 'File Security' tab
- click the bottom 'edit' button
- Select the option for 'Require SSL' and the option for 'Require Client
- click ok out
- If this web server is the active replication server:
- Copy monitor.exe and replicate.exe to the <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\bin
- found in builds at <build>\raw\\dbrepl
= Install UDDI Filter
- Copy the uddi.filter.dll to <systemdrive>\inetpub\uddi\bin
- Create the UDDI Registry Keys required ( config.exe -s <name> <value> -l )
Filter.InquireURL /inquire.asmx
Filter.PublishURL /publish.asmx
Filter.DiscoveryURL /discovery.ashx
Filter.ReplicationURL /operator.asmx
Filter.InquireListenerURL /inquire
Filter.PublishListenerURL /publish
Filter.DiscoveryListenerURL /discovery
Filter.ReplicationListenerURL /replication
- Add the filter to the Default Site
- Right click on the default site and select properties
- select the ISAPI Filter Tab.
- Click add and point it to uddi.filter.dll
- Open IIS Security Wizard and ensure that the UDDI Filter is enabled.