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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UDDI;
using UDDI.API;
using UDDI.API.Binding;
using UDDI.API.Business;
using UDDI.API.Service;
using UDDI.API.ServiceType;
using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.Replication
public abstract class ChangeRecordBase
public abstract UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType { get; }
public abstract void Process( long LSN );
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecord", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecord
// Attribute: acknowledgementRequested
[ XmlAttribute( "acknowledgementRequested" ) ]
public bool AcknowledgementRequested = false;
// Element: changeID
private ChangeRecordVector changeID;
[ XmlElement( "changeID" ) ]
public ChangeRecordVector ChangeID
if( null == changeID )
changeID = new ChangeRecordVector();
return changeID;
set { changeID = value; }
// Element: changeRecordAcknowledgement |
// changeRecordCorrection |
// changeRecordCustodyTransfer |
// changeRecordDelete |
// changeRecordDeleteAssertion |
// changeRecordHide |
// changeRecordNewData |
// changeRecordNull |
// changeRecordPublisherAssertion |
// changeRecordSetAssertions
private ChangeRecordBase payload;
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordAcknowledgement", typeof( ChangeRecordAcknowledgement ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordCorrection", typeof( ChangeRecordCorrection ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordCustodyTransfer", typeof( ChangeRecordCustodyTransfer ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordDelete", typeof( ChangeRecordDelete ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordDeleteAssertion", typeof( ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordHide", typeof( ChangeRecordHide ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordNewData", typeof( ChangeRecordNewData ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordNull", typeof( ChangeRecordNull ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordPublisherAssertion", typeof( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion ) ) ]
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordSetAssertions", typeof( ChangeRecordSetAssertions ) ) ]
public ChangeRecordBase Payload
get { return payload; }
set { payload = value; }
public ChangeRecord()
ChangeID.NodeID = null;
ChangeID.OriginatingUSN = 0;
Payload = null;
public ChangeRecord( ChangeRecordBase payload )
ChangeID.NodeID = null;
ChangeID.OriginatingUSN = 0;
Payload = payload;
public ChangeRecord( ChangeRecordVector changeID, ChangeRecordBase payload )
ChangeID = changeID;
Payload = payload;
/// ****************************************************************
/// public Process
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public void Process()
// Add the change record to our change log as a foreign change.
long LSN = Log();
// Process the change record payload.
Payload.Process( LSN );
// If an acknowledgement was requested, generate a
// acknowledgement change record.
if( AcknowledgementRequested )
// Save the log entry as our local system account, not the
// current user.
string puid = Context.User.ID;
Context.User.ID = null;
ChangeRecord changeRecord = new ChangeRecord();
changeRecord.Payload = new ChangeRecordAcknowledgement( ChangeID );
Context.User.ID = puid;
public long Log()
string changeData;
// Serialize the change data.
Type type = Payload.GetType();
//XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( type );
XmlSerializer serializer = XmlSerializerManager.GetSerializer( type );
XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
UTF8EncodedStringWriter stringWriter = new UTF8EncodedStringWriter();
namespaces.Add( "", "urn:uddi-org:repl" );
serializer.Serialize( stringWriter, Payload, namespaces );
changeData = stringWriter.ToString();
// Store the record in the change log.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_changeRecord_save" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@USN", SqlDbType.BigInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@delegatePUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@operatorKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@entityKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@entityTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@changeTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@contextTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@lastChange", SqlDbType.BigInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@changeData", SqlDbType.NText );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@seqNo", SqlDbType.BigInt, ParameterDirection.Output );
if( Utility.StringEmpty( ChangeID.NodeID ) ||
0 == String.Compare( Config.GetString( "OperatorKey" ), ChangeID.NodeID, true ) )
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@USN" );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@delegatePUID", Context.User.ImpersonatorID );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@operatorKey" );
sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@USN", changeID.OriginatingUSN );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@PUID" );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@delegatePUID" );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@operatorKey", changeID.NodeID );
sp.Parameters.SetGuid( "@contextID", Context.ContextID );
sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@flag", AcknowledgementRequested ? 0x1 : 0x0 );
sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@lastChange", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks );
sp.Parameters.SetShort( "@contextTypeID", (short)Context.ContextType );
sp.Parameters.SetShort( "@changeTypeID", (short)Payload.ChangeRecordPayloadType );
if( Payload is ChangeRecordNewData )
ChangeRecordNewData payload = (ChangeRecordNewData)Payload;
sp.Parameters.SetShort( "@entityTypeID", (short)payload.EntityType );
if( EntityType.TModel == payload.EntityType )
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@entityKey", payload.Entity.EntityKey );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@entityKey", payload.Entity.EntityKey );
else if( Payload is ChangeRecordDelete )
ChangeRecordDelete payload = (ChangeRecordDelete)Payload;
sp.Parameters.SetShort( "@entityTypeID", (short)payload.EntityType );
if( EntityType.TModel == payload.EntityType )
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@entityKey", payload.EntityKey );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@entityKey", payload.EntityKey );
else if( Payload is ChangeRecordHide )
sp.Parameters.SetShort( "@entityTypeID", (short)EntityType.TModel );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@entityKey", ((ChangeRecordHide)Payload).TModelKey );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@entityTypeID" );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@entityKey" );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@changeData", changeData );
return sp.Parameters.GetLong( "@seqNo" );
public override string ToString()
// XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( GetType() );
XmlSerializer serializer = XmlSerializerManager.GetSerializer( GetType() );
UTF8EncodedStringWriter stringWriter = new UTF8EncodedStringWriter ();
serializer.Serialize( stringWriter, this );
return stringWriter.ToString();
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordAcknowledgement", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordAcknowledgement : ChangeRecordBase
// Element: acknowledgedChange
[ XmlElement( "acknowledgedChange" ) ]
public ChangeRecordVector AcknowledgedChange;
public ChangeRecordAcknowledgement()
public ChangeRecordAcknowledgement( ChangeRecordVector acknowledgedChange )
this.AcknowledgedChange = acknowledgedChange;
public override void Process( long LSN )
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordAcknowledgement; }
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordCorrection", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordCorrection : ChangeRecordBase
// Element: changeRecord
[ XmlElement( "changeRecord" ) ]
public ChangeRecord ChangeRecord;
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Annotate the change record in our database with this
// correction's LSN. The correction's payload will be
// used as the updated data on future get_changeRecords
// requests.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_changeRecord_update";
sp.Parameters.Add( "@seqNo", SqlDbType.BigInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@USN", SqlDbType.BigInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@operatorKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@newSeqNo", SqlDbType.BigInt );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int );
if( true == ChangeRecord.ChangeID.NodeID.ToLower().Equals( Config.GetString( "OperatorKey" ).ToLower() ) )
// We are correcting a local change
sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@seqNo", ChangeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@USN" );
// We are correcting a foreign change
sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@USN", ChangeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN );
sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@seqNo" );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@operatorKey", ChangeRecord.ChangeID.NodeID );
sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@newSeqNo", LSN );
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordCorrection; }
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordCustodyTransfer", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordCustodyTransfer : ChangeRecordBase
public override void Process( long LSN )
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordCustodyTransfer; }
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordDelete", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordDelete : ChangeRecordBase
private string entityKey;
private EntityBase entity;
// Element: businessKey
[ XmlElement( "businessKey", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public string BusinessKey
if( entity is BusinessEntity )
return entityKey;
return null;
Debug.Verify( Utility.StringEmpty( entityKey ), "UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_DELETE_MULTIPLEKEYS" );
entity = new BusinessEntity( value );
entityKey = value;
// Element: serviceKey
[ XmlElement( "serviceKey", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public string ServiceKey
if( entity is BusinessService )
return entityKey;
return null;
Debug.Verify( Utility.StringEmpty( entityKey ), "UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_DELETE_MULTIPLEKEYS" );
entity = new BusinessService( value );
entityKey = value;
// Element: bindingKey
[ XmlElement( "bindingKey", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public string BindingKey
if( entity is BindingTemplate )
return entityKey;
return null;
Debug.Verify( Utility.StringEmpty( entityKey ), "UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_DELETE_MULTIPLEKEYS" );
entity = new BindingTemplate( value );
entityKey = value;
// Element: tModelKey
[ XmlElement( "tModelKey", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public string TModelKey
if( entity is TModel )
return entityKey;
return null;
Debug.Verify( Utility.StringEmpty( entityKey ), "UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_DELETE_MULTIPLEKEYS" );
// TODO: since tModels should normally not be deleted (they
// should be hidden), put a warning in the event log.
entity = new TModel( value );
entityKey = value;
[ XmlIgnore ]
public UDDI.EntityType EntityType
get { return entity.EntityType; }
[ XmlIgnore ]
public string EntityKey
get { return entityKey; }
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordDelete; }
public ChangeRecordDelete()
public ChangeRecordDelete( EntityType entityType, string entityKey )
this.entityKey = entityKey;
switch( entityType )
case EntityType.BusinessEntity:
this.entity = new BusinessEntity( entityKey );
case EntityType.BusinessService:
this.entity = new BusinessService( entityKey );
case EntityType.BindingTemplate:
this.entity = new BindingTemplate( entityKey );
case EntityType.TModel:
this.entity = new TModel( entityKey );
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Process a change record delete by deleting the entity.
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordDeleteAssertion", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion : ChangeRecordBase
[ XmlElement( "publisherAssertion", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public PublisherAssertion Assertion;
[ XmlElement( "fromBusinessCheck" ) ]
public bool FromBusinessCheck;
[ XmlElement( "toBusinessCheck" ) ]
public bool ToBusinessCheck;
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Process a change record delete assertion by deleting the assertion.
if( !FromBusinessCheck && !ToBusinessCheck )
Debug.OperatorMessage( SeverityType.Warning,
"FromBusinessCheck and ToBusinessCheck cannot both be false in a ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion message" );
CompletionStatusType status;
status = (CompletionStatusType)
( ( FromBusinessCheck ? 0x02 : 0x00 ) |
( ToBusinessCheck ? 0x01 : 0x00 ) );
Assertion.Delete( status );
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion; }
public ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion()
public ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion( PublisherAssertion assertion, CompletionStatusType completion )
Assertion = assertion;
FromBusinessCheck = ( 0x02 == ( (int)completion & 0x02 ) );
ToBusinessCheck = ( 0x01 == ( (int)completion & 0x01 ) );
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordHide", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordHide : ChangeRecordBase
[ XmlElement( "tModelKey", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public string TModelKey;
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Process change record hide by deleting the specified tModel.
TModel tModel = new TModel( TModelKey );
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordHide; }
public ChangeRecordHide()
public ChangeRecordHide( string tModelKey )
TModelKey = tModelKey;
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordNewData", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
[ XmlInclude( typeof( BusinessEntity ) ) ]
[ XmlInclude( typeof( BusinessService ) ) ]
[ XmlInclude( typeof( BindingTemplate ) ) ]
[ XmlInclude( typeof( TModel ) ) ]
public class ChangeRecordNewData : ChangeRecordBase
// Element: businessEntity |
// businessService |
// bindingTemplate |
// tModel
[ XmlElement( "businessEntity", typeof( BusinessEntity ), Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
[ XmlElement( "businessService", typeof( BusinessService ), Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
[ XmlElement( "bindingTemplate", typeof( BindingTemplate ), Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
[ XmlElement( "tModel", typeof( TModel ), Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public EntityBase Entity;
public ChangeRecordNewData()
public ChangeRecordNewData( EntityBase entity )
this.Entity = entity;
[ XmlIgnore ]
public UDDI.EntityType EntityType
get { return Entity.EntityType; }
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordNewData; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public Process
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public override void Process( long LSN )
// We process a new data change record by saving the entity to
// the registry.
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordNull", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordNull : ChangeRecordBase
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Nothing to do for a null change record.
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordNull; }
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordPublisherAssertion", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion : ChangeRecordBase
[ XmlElement( "publisherAssertion", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace ) ]
public PublisherAssertion Assertion;
[ XmlElement( "fromBusinessCheck" ) ]
public bool FromBusinessCheck;
[ XmlElement( "toBusinessCheck" ) ]
public bool ToBusinessCheck;
public override void Process( long LSN )
// Process a change record assertion by saving the assertion.
if( !FromBusinessCheck && !ToBusinessCheck )
Debug.OperatorMessage( SeverityType.Warning,
"FromBusinessCheck and ToBusinessCheck cannot both be false in a ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion message" );
CompletionStatusType status;
status = (CompletionStatusType)
( ( FromBusinessCheck ? 0x02 : 0x00 ) |
( ToBusinessCheck ? 0x01 : 0x00 ) );
Assertion.Save( status );
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion; }
public ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion()
public ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion( PublisherAssertion assertion, CompletionStatusType status )
Assertion = assertion;
FromBusinessCheck = ( 0x02 == ( (int)status & 0x02 ) );
ToBusinessCheck = ( 0x01 == ( (int)status & 0x01 ) );
[ XmlRoot( "changeRecordSetAssertions", Namespace="urn:uddi-org:repl" ) ]
public class ChangeRecordSetAssertions : ChangeRecordBase
[ XmlElement( "changeRecordPublisherAssertion" ) ]
public ChangeRecordPublisherAssertionCollection Assertions;
public override void Process( long LSN )
foreach( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion assertion in Assertions )
assertion.Process( LSN );
[ XmlIgnore ]
public override UDDI.API.ChangeRecordPayloadType ChangeRecordPayloadType
get { return ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordSetAssertions; }
public class ChangeRecordCollection : CollectionBase
public ChangeRecord this[ int index ]
get{ return (ChangeRecord)List[ index ]; }
set{ List[ index ] = value; }
public int Add( ChangeRecord changeRecord )
return List.Add( changeRecord );
public int Add()
return List.Add( new ChangeRecord() );
public void Insert( int index, ChangeRecord changeRecord )
List.Insert( index, changeRecord );
public int IndexOf( ChangeRecord changeRecord )
return List.IndexOf( changeRecord );
public bool Contains( ChangeRecord changeRecord )
return List.Contains( changeRecord );
public void Remove( ChangeRecord changeRecord )
List.Remove( changeRecord );
public void CopyTo( ChangeRecord[ ] array, int index )
InnerList.CopyTo( array, index );
// TODO: Consider renaming this class, the ChangeRecord... convention has become a bit confusing.
// Are things prefixed with "ChangeRecord" change records or is this just a prefix for
// association of these classes into a collective group.
// Consider the use of a <ChangeRecord> namespace, maybe turning the semantic into
// ChangeRecord.Correction
// ChangeRecord.NewData
// and maybe event ChangeRecord.Vector, which is a little better than current.
// The spec uses the terms HighWaterMark and HightWaterMarkVector
// I think these might be better choices.
public class ChangeRecordVector
// Element: nodeID
[ XmlElement( "nodeID" ) ]
public string NodeID;
// Element: originatingUSN
[ XmlElement( "originatingUSN" ) ]
public long OriginatingUSN;
public ChangeRecordVector()
public ChangeRecordVector( string nodeID, long originatingUSN )
this.NodeID = nodeID;
this.OriginatingUSN = originatingUSN;
public class ChangeRecordVectorCollection : CollectionBase
public ChangeRecordVector this[ int index ]
get{ return (ChangeRecordVector)List[ index ]; }
set{ List[ index ] = value; }
public int Add()
return List.Add( new ChangeRecordVector() );
public int Add( ChangeRecordVector vector )
return List.Add( vector );
public int Add( string nodeID, long originatingUSN )
return List.Add( new ChangeRecordVector( nodeID, originatingUSN ) );
public void Insert( int index, ChangeRecordVector vector )
List.Insert( index, vector );
public int IndexOf( ChangeRecordVector vector )
return List.IndexOf( vector );
public bool Contains( ChangeRecordVector vector )
return List.Contains( vector );
public void Remove( ChangeRecordVector vector )
List.Remove( vector );
public void CopyTo( ChangeRecordVector[ ] array, int index )
InnerList.CopyTo( array, index );
public bool IsProcessed( ChangeRecordVector changeID )
// TODO: Consider. If you find Node id and OriginatingUSNs are not equal return false
// avoiding checking the rest of the list
foreach( ChangeRecordVector vector in this )
if( 0 == String.Compare( changeID.NodeID, vector.NodeID, true ) &&
changeID.OriginatingUSN <= vector.OriginatingUSN )
return true;
return false;
public void MarkAsProcessed( ChangeRecordVector changeID )
foreach( ChangeRecordVector vector in this )
if( 0 == String.Compare( changeID.NodeID, vector.NodeID, true ) )
vector.OriginatingUSN = changeID.OriginatingUSN;
this.Add( changeID );
public class ChangeRecordPublisherAssertionCollection : CollectionBase
public ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion this[ int index ]
get{ return (ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion)List[ index ]; }
set{ List[ index ] = value; }
public int Add()
return List.Add( new ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion() );
public int Add( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion changeRecord )
return List.Add( changeRecord );
public void Insert( int index, ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion changeRecord )
List.Insert( index, changeRecord );
public int IndexOf( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion changeRecord )
return List.IndexOf( changeRecord );
public bool Contains( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion changeRecord )
return List.Contains( changeRecord );
public void Remove( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion changeRecord )
List.Remove( changeRecord );
public void CopyTo( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion[ ] array, int index )
InnerList.CopyTo( array, index );