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// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// rrutil.hpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Utilities
#ifndef _RRUTIL_HPP
#define _RRUTIL_HPP
#include <math.h>
#ifndef FASTCALL
#ifdef _X86_
#define FASTCALL __fastcall
#define FASTCALL
#ifndef CDECL
#ifdef _X86_
#define CDECL __cdecl
#define CDECL
// //
// Globals //
// //
// memory allocation callbacks
extern LPVOID (__cdecl *g_pfnMemAlloc)( size_t size );
extern void (__cdecl *g_pfnMemFree)( LPVOID lptr );
extern LPVOID (__cdecl *g_pfnMemReAlloc)( LPVOID ptr, size_t size );
// debug print controls
extern int g_iDPFLevel;
extern unsigned long g_uDPFMask;
// //
// Typedefs //
// //
#ifndef DllExport
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
// width-specific typedefs for basic types
#ifndef _BASETSD_H_
typedef signed char INT8, *PINT8;
typedef short int INT16, *PINT16;
typedef int INT32, *PINT32;
typedef __int64 INT64, *PINT64;
typedef unsigned char UINT8, *PUINT8;
typedef unsigned short int UINT16, *PUINT16;
typedef unsigned int UINT32, *PUINT32;
typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64, *PUINT64;
typedef float FLOAT, *PFLOAT;
typedef double DOUBLE, *PDOUBLE;
typedef int BOOL;
typedef struct _RRVECTOR4
// Private FVF flags for texgen.
#define D3DFVFP_EYENORMAL ((UINT64)1<<32)
#define D3DFVFP_EYEXYZ ((UINT64)1<<33)
// //
// Macros //
// //
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? (-(a)) : (a))
// Check the return value and return if something wrong.
// Assume hr has been declared
#define HR_RET(exp) \
{ \
hr = (exp); \
if (hr != D3D_OK) \
{ \
return hr; \
} \
// macros for accessing floating point data as 32 bit integers and vice versa
// This is used primarily to do floating point to fixed point conversion with
// the unbiased nearest-even rounding that IEEE floating point does internally
// between operations. Adding a big number slides the mantissa down to where
// the fixed point equivalent is aligned to the LSB. IEEE applies a nearest-
// even round to the bits it lops off before storing. The mantissa can then
// be grabbed by the AS_INT* operations. Note that the sign and exponent are
// still there, so the easiest thing is to do it with doubles and grab the low
// 32 bits.
// The snap values (i.e. the "big number") is the sum of 2**n and 2**(n-1),
// which makes the trick return signed numbers (at least within the mantissa).
#if 0
// NOTE: vc5 optimizing compiler bug breaks this pointer casting technique
#define AS_FLOAT(i) ( *(FLOAT*)&(i) )
#define AS_INT32(f) ( *(INT32*)&(f) )
#define AS_INT16(f) ( *(INT16*)&(f) )
#define AS_UINT32(f) ( *(UINT32*)&(f) )
// workaround using union
typedef union { float f; UINT32 u; INT32 i; } VAL32;
typedef union { double d; UINT64 u; INT64 i; } VAL64;
inline FLOAT AS_FLOAT( long int iVal ) { VAL32 v; v.i = iVal; return v.f; }
inline FLOAT AS_FLOAT( unsigned long int uVal ) { VAL32 v; v.u = uVal; return v.f; }
inline INT32 AS_INT32( FLOAT fVal ) { VAL32 v; v.f = fVal; return v.i; }
inline INT32 AS_INT32( DOUBLE dVal ) { VAL64 v; v.d = dVal; return (INT32)(v.u & 0xffffffff); }
inline INT16 AS_INT16( FLOAT fVal ) { VAL32 v; v.f = fVal; return (INT16)(v.u & 0xffff); }
inline INT16 AS_INT16( DOUBLE dVal ) { VAL64 v; v.d = dVal; return (INT16)(v.u & 0xffff); }
inline INT32 AS_UINT32( FLOAT fVal ) { VAL32 v; v.f = fVal; return v.u; }
// Some common FP values as constants
// point values
#define g_fZero (0.0f)
#define g_fOne (1.0f)
// Integer representation of 1.0f.
#define INT32_FLOAT_ONE 0x3f800000
// these are handy to form 'magic' constants to snap real values to fixed
// point values
#define C2POW0 1
#define C2POW1 2
#define C2POW2 4
#define C2POW3 8
#define C2POW4 16
#define C2POW5 32
#define C2POW6 64
#define C2POW7 128
#define C2POW8 256
#define C2POW9 512
#define C2POW10 1024
#define C2POW11 2048
#define C2POW12 4096
#define C2POW13 8192
#define C2POW14 16384
#define C2POW15 32768
#define C2POW16 65536
#define C2POW17 131072
#define C2POW18 262144
#define C2POW19 524288
#define C2POW20 1048576
#define C2POW21 2097152
#define C2POW22 4194304
#define C2POW23 8388608
#define C2POW24 16777216
#define C2POW25 33554432
#define C2POW26 67108864
#define C2POW27 134217728
#define C2POW28 268435456
#define C2POW29 536870912
#define C2POW30 1073741824
#define C2POW31 2147483648
#define C2POW32 4294967296
#define C2POW33 8589934592
#define C2POW34 17179869184
#define C2POW35 34359738368
#define C2POW36 68719476736
#define C2POW37 137438953472
#define C2POW38 274877906944
#define C2POW39 549755813888
#define C2POW40 1099511627776
#define C2POW41 2199023255552
#define C2POW42 4398046511104
#define C2POW43 8796093022208
#define C2POW44 17592186044416
#define C2POW45 35184372088832
#define C2POW46 70368744177664
#define C2POW47 140737488355328
#define C2POW48 281474976710656
#define C2POW49 562949953421312
#define C2POW50 1125899906842624
#define C2POW51 2251799813685248
#define C2POW52 4503599627370496
#define FLOAT_0_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW23+C2POW22)
#define FLOAT_4_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW19+C2POW18)
#define FLOAT_5_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW18+C2POW17)
#define FLOAT_8_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW15+C2POW14)
#define FLOAT_17_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW6 +C2POW5 )
#define FLOAT_18_SNAP (FLOAT)(C2POW5 +C2POW4 )
#define DOUBLE_17_SNAP (DOUBLE)(C2POW35+C2POW34)
#define DOUBLE_18_SNAP (DOUBLE)(C2POW34+C2POW33)
// Floating point related macros
#define COSF(fV) ((FLOAT)cos((double)(fV)))
#define SINF(fV) ((FLOAT)sin((double)(fV)))
#define SQRTF(fV) ((FLOAT)sqrt((double)(fV)))
#define POWF(fV, fE) ((FLOAT)pow((double)(fV), (double)(fE)))
#ifdef _X86_
#define FLOAT_CMP_POS(fa, op, fb) (AS_INT32(fa) op AS_INT32(fb))
#define FLOAT_CMP_PONE(flt, op) (AS_INT32(flt) op INT32_FLOAT_ONE)
__inline int FLOAT_GTZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return fi.i > 0;
__inline int FLOAT_LTZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return fi.u > 0x80000000;
__inline int FLOAT_GEZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return fi.u <= 0x80000000;
__inline int FLOAT_LEZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return fi.i <= 0;
__inline int FLOAT_EQZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return (fi.u & 0x7fffffff) == 0;
__inline int FLOAT_NEZ(FLOAT f)
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
return (fi.u & 0x7fffffff) != 0;
// Strip sign bit in integer.
__inline FLOAT
VAL32 fi;
fi.f = f;
fi.u &= 0x7fffffff;
return fi.f;
// Requires chop rounding.
__inline INT
fld f
fistp i
return i.LowPart;
#define FLOAT_GTZ(flt) ((flt) > g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_LTZ(flt) ((flt) < g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_GEZ(flt) ((flt) >= g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_LEZ(flt) ((flt) <= g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_EQZ(flt) ((flt) == g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_NEZ(flt) ((flt) != g_fZero)
#define FLOAT_CMP_POS(fa, op, fb) ((fa) op (fb))
#define FLOAT_CMP_PONE(flt, op) ((flt) op g_fOne)
#define ABSF(f) ((FLOAT)fabs((double)(f)))
#define FTOI(f) ((INT)(f))
#endif // _X86_
// macro wrappers for memory allocation - wrapped around global function ptrs
// set by RefRastSetMemif
#define MEMALLOC(_size) ((*g_pfnMemAlloc)(_size))
#define MEMFREE(_ptr) { if (NULL != (_ptr)) { ((*g_pfnMemFree)(_ptr)); } }
#define MEMREALLOC(_ptr,_size) ((*g_pfnMemReAlloc)((_ptr),(_size)))
// //
// Utility Functions //
// //
// debug printf support
void RRDebugPrintfL( int iLevel, const char* pszFormat, ... );
void RRDebugPrintf( const char* pszFormat, ... );
#define _DPF_IF 0x0001
#define _DPF_INPUT 0x0002
#define _DPF_SETUP 0x0004
#define _DPF_RAST 0x0008
#define _DPF_TEX 0x0010
#define _DPF_PIX 0x0020
#define _DPF_FRAG 0x0040
#define _DPF_STATS 0x0080
#define _DPF_DRV 0x0100
#define _DPF_TNL 0x0200
#define _DPF_ANY 0xffff
#define _DPF_TEMP 0x8000
#ifdef DBG
#define DPFRR RRDebugPrintfL
#define DPFM( _level, _mask, _message) \
if ((g_iDPFLevel >= (_level)) && (g_uDPFMask & (_DPF_##_mask))) { \
RRDebugPrintf ## _message; \
#pragma warning(disable:4002)
#define DPFRR()
#define DPFM( _level, _mask, _message)
// assert macros and reporting functions
// ASSERT with simple string
#undef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT( value, string ) \
if ( !(value) ) { \
RRAssertReport( string, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
// ASSERT with formatted string - note extra parenthesis on report
// usage: _ASSERTf(foo,("foo is %d",foo))
#undef _ASSERTf
#define _ASSERTf(value,report) \
if (!(value)) { \
char __sz__FILE__[] = __FILE__; \
RRAssertReportPrefix(__sz__FILE__,__LINE__); \
RRAssertReportMessage ## report; \
// ASSERT with action field
#undef _ASSERTa
#define _ASSERTa(value,string,action) \
if (!(value)) { \
RRAssertReport(string,__FILE__,__LINE__); \
action \
// ASSERTf with action field
#undef _ASSERTfa
#define _ASSERTfa(value,report,action) \
if (!(value)) { \
RRAssertReportPrefix(__FILE__,__LINE__); \
RRAssertReportMessage ## report; \
action \
extern void RRAssertReport( const char* pszString, const char* pszFile, int iLine );
extern void RRAssertReportPrefix( const char* pszFile, int iLine );
extern void RRAssertReportMessage( const char* pszFormat, ... );
// bit twiddling utilities
extern INT32 CountSetBits( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits );
extern INT32 FindFirstSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits );
extern INT32 FindMostSignificantSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits );
extern INT32 FindLastSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits );
// TRUE if integer is a power of 2
inline BOOL IsPowerOf2( INT32 i )
if ( i <= 0 ) return 0;
return ( 0x0 == ( i & (i-1) ) );
// multiply/add routines & macros for unsigned 8 bit values, signed 16 bit values
// These are not currently used, but the Mult8x8Scl is an interesting routine
// for hardware designers to look at. This does a 8x8 multiply combined with
// a 256/255 scale which accurately solves the "0xff * value = value" issue.
// There are refinements on this (involving half-adders) which are not easily
// representable in C. Credits to Steve Gabriel and Jim Blinn.
// straight 8x8 unsigned multiply returning 8 bits, tossing fractional
// bits (no rounding)
inline UINT8 Mult8x8( const UINT8 uA, const UINT8 uB )
UINT16 uA16 = (UINT16)uA;
UINT16 uB16 = (UINT16)uB;
UINT16 uRes16 = uA16*uB16;
UINT8 uRes8 = (UINT8)(uRes16>>8);
return uRes8;
// 8x8 unsigned multiply with ff*val = val scale adjustment (scale by (256/255))
inline UINT8 Mult8x8Scl( const UINT8 uA, const UINT8 uB )
UINT16 uA16 = (UINT16)uA;
UINT16 uB16 = (UINT16)uB;
UINT16 uRes16 = uA16*uB16;
uRes16 += 0x0080;
uRes16 += (uRes16>>8);
UINT8 uRes8 = (UINT8)(uRes16>>8);
return uRes8;
// 8x8 saturated addition - result > 0xff returns 0xff
inline UINT8 SatAdd8x8( const UINT8 uA, const UINT8 uB )
UINT16 uA16 = (UINT16)uA;
UINT16 uB16 = (UINT16)uB;
UINT16 uRes16 = uA16+uB16;
UINT8 uRes8 = (uRes16 > 0xff) ? (0xff) : ((UINT8)uRes16);
return uRes8;
// IntLog2
// Do a quick, integer log2 for exact powers of 2.
IntLog2(UINT32 x)
UINT32 y = 0;
x >>= 1;
while(x != 0)
x >>= 1;
return y;
// FVF related macros
// State Override Macros
#define STATESET_MASK(set, state) \
(set).bits[((state) - 1) >> RRSTATEOVERRIDE_DWORD_SHIFT]
#define STATESET_BIT(state) (1 << (((state) - 1) & (RRSTATEOVERRIDE_DWORD_BITS - 1)))
#define STATESET_ISSET(set, state) \
STATESET_MASK(set, state) & STATESET_BIT(state)
#define STATESET_SET(set, state) \
STATESET_MASK(set, state) |= STATESET_BIT(state)
#define STATESET_CLEAR(set, state) \
STATESET_MASK(set, state) &= ~STATESET_BIT(state)
#define STATESET_INIT(set) memset(&(set), 0, sizeof(set))
// GetFVFVertexSize:
// Computes total vertex size in bytes for given fvf
// including the texture coordinates
__inline DWORD
GetFVFVertexSize( UINT64 qwFVF )
// Texture formats size 00 01 10 11
static DWORD dwTextureSize[4] = {2*4, 3*4, 4*4, 4};
DWORD dwSize = 3 << 2;
case D3DFVF_XYZRHW: dwSize += 4; break;
case D3DFVF_XYZB1: dwSize += 1*4; break;
case D3DFVF_XYZB2: dwSize += 2*4; break;
case D3DFVF_XYZB3: dwSize += 3*4; break;
case D3DFVF_XYZB4: dwSize += 4*4; break;
case D3DFVF_XYZB5: dwSize += 5*4; break;
dwSize += 3*4;
dwSize += 4;
dwSize += 4;
dwSize += 4;
// Texture coordinates
DWORD dwTextureFormats = (DWORD)qwFVF >> 16;
if (dwTextureFormats == 0)
dwSize += dwNumTexCoord * 2 * 4;
for (DWORD i=0; i < dwNumTexCoord; i++)
dwSize += dwTextureSize[dwTextureFormats & 3];
dwTextureFormats >>= 2;
if (qwFVF & D3DFVF_S)
dwSize += 4;
dwSize += 3*4;
dwSize += 3*4;
return dwSize;
RRFVFCheckAndStride( DWORD dwFVF, DWORD* pdwStride );
// Matrix and Vector routines
inline void
ReverseVector(const D3DVECTOR &in, D3DVECTOR &out)
out.x = -in.x;
out.y = -in.y;
out.z = -in.z;
inline void
AddVector(const D3DVECTOR &v1, const D3DVECTOR &v2, D3DVECTOR &out)
out.x = v1.x + v2.x;
out.y = v1.y + v2.y;
out.z = v1.z + v2.z;
inline void
SubtractVector(const D3DVECTOR &v1, const D3DVECTOR &v2, D3DVECTOR &out)
out.x = v1.x - v2.x;
out.y = v1.y - v2.y;
out.z = v1.z - v2.z;
inline void
SetIdentity(D3DMATRIX &m)
m._11 = m._22 = m._33 = m._44 = 1.0f;
m._12 = m._13 = m._14 = 0.0f;
m._21 = m._23 = m._24 = 0.0f;
m._31 = m._32 = m._34 = 0.0f;
m._41 = m._42 = m._43 = 0.0f;
inline void
SetNull(D3DMATRIX &m)
m._11 = m._22 = m._33 = m._44 = 0.0f;
m._12 = m._13 = m._14 = 0.0f;
m._21 = m._23 = m._24 = 0.0f;
m._31 = m._32 = m._34 = 0.0f;
m._41 = m._42 = m._43 = 0.0f;
inline void
CopyMatrix(D3DMATRIX &s, D3DMATRIX &d)
d._11 = s._11;
d._12 = s._12;
d._13 = s._13;
d._14 = s._14;
d._21 = s._21;
d._22 = s._22;
d._23 = s._23;
d._24 = s._24;
d._31 = s._31;
d._32 = s._32;
d._33 = s._33;
d._34 = s._34;
d._41 = s._41;
d._42 = s._42;
d._43 = s._43;
d._44 = s._44;
inline D3DVALUE
SquareMagnitude (const D3DVECTOR& v)
return v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z;
inline D3DVALUE
Magnitude (const D3DVECTOR& v)
return (D3DVALUE) sqrt(SquareMagnitude(v));
inline D3DVECTOR
Normalize (const D3DVECTOR& v)
D3DVECTOR nv = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
D3DVALUE mag = Magnitude(v);
nv.x = v.x/mag;
nv.y = v.y/mag;
nv.z = v.z/mag;
return nv;
inline void
Normalize (D3DVECTOR& v)
D3DVALUE mag = Magnitude(v);
v.x = v.x/mag;
v.y = v.y/mag;
v.z = v.z/mag;
inline D3DVECTOR
CrossProduct (const D3DVECTOR& v1, const D3DVECTOR& v2)
D3DVECTOR result;
result.x = v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y;
result.y = v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z;
result.z = v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x;
return result;
inline D3DVALUE
DotProduct (const D3DVECTOR& v1, const D3DVECTOR& v2)
return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
// Multiplies vector (x,y,z,w) by a 4x4 matrix transposed,
// producing a homogeneous vector
// res and v should not be the same
inline void
XformPlaneBy4x4Transposed(RRVECTOR4 *v, D3DMATRIX *m, RRVECTOR4 *res)
res->x = v->x*m->_11 + v->y*m->_12 + v->z*m->_13 + v->w*m->_14;
res->y = v->x*m->_21 + v->y*m->_22 + v->z*m->_23 + v->w*m->_24;
res->z = v->x*m->_31 + v->y*m->_32 + v->z*m->_33 + v->w*m->_34;
res->w = v->x*m->_41 + v->y*m->_42 + v->z*m->_43 + v->w*m->_44;
// Multiplies vector (x,y,z,w) by 4x4 matrix, producing a homogeneous vector
// res and v should not be the same
inline void
XformPlaneBy4x4(RRVECTOR4 *v, D3DMATRIX *m, RRVECTOR4 *res)
res->x = v->x*m->_11 + v->y*m->_21 + v->z*m->_31 + v->w*m->_41;
res->y = v->x*m->_12 + v->y*m->_22 + v->z*m->_32 + v->w*m->_42;
res->z = v->x*m->_13 + v->y*m->_23 + v->z*m->_33 + v->w*m->_43;
res->w = v->x*m->_14 + v->y*m->_24 + v->z*m->_34 + v->w*m->_44;
// Multiplies vector (x,y,z,1) by 4x4 matrix, producing a homogeneous vector
// res and v should not be the same
inline void
XformBy4x4(D3DVECTOR *v, D3DMATRIX *m, RRVECTOR4 *res)
res->x = v->x*m->_11 + v->y*m->_21 + v->z*m->_31 + m->_41;
res->y = v->x*m->_12 + v->y*m->_22 + v->z*m->_32 + m->_42;
res->z = v->x*m->_13 + v->y*m->_23 + v->z*m->_33 + m->_43;
res->w = v->x*m->_14 + v->y*m->_24 + v->z*m->_34 + m->_44;
// Multiplies vector (x,y,z,1) by 4x3 matrix
// res and v should not be the same
inline void
XformBy4x3(D3DVECTOR *v, D3DMATRIX *m, D3DVECTOR *res)
res->x = v->x*m->_11 + v->y*m->_21 + v->z*m->_31 + m->_41;
res->y = v->x*m->_12 + v->y*m->_22 + v->z*m->_32 + m->_42;
res->z = v->x*m->_13 + v->y*m->_23 + v->z*m->_33 + m->_43;
// Multiplies vector (x,y,z) by 3x3 matrix
// res and v should not be the same
inline void
Xform3VecBy3x3(D3DVECTOR *v, D3DMATRIX *m, D3DVECTOR *res)
res->x = v->x*m->_11 + v->y*m->_21 + v->z*m->_31;
res->y = v->x*m->_12 + v->y*m->_22 + v->z*m->_32;
res->z = v->x*m->_13 + v->y*m->_23 + v->z*m->_33;
// This function uses Cramer's Rule to calculate the matrix inverse.
// See nt\private\windows\opengl\serever\soft\so_math.c
// Returns:
// 0 - if success
// -1 - if input matrix is singular
int Inverse4x4(D3DMATRIX *src, D3DMATRIX *inverse);
// Macros used to access DDRAW surface info.
#define DDSurf_Width(lpLcl) ( (lpLcl)->lpGbl->wWidth )
#define DDSurf_Pitch(lpLcl) ( (lpLcl)->lpGbl->lPitch )
#define DDSurf_Height(lpLcl) ( (lpLcl)->lpGbl->wHeight )
#define DDSurf_BitDepth(lpLcl) \
(lpLcl->lpGbl->ddpfSurface.dwRGBBitCount) : \
(lpLcl->lpGbl->lpDD->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwRGBBitCount) \
#define DDSurf_PixFmt(lpLcl) \
( ((lpLcl)->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASPIXELFORMAT) ? \
((lpLcl)->lpGbl->ddpfSurface) : \
((lpLcl)->lpGbl->lpDD->vmiData.ddpfDisplay) \
#define VIDEO_MEMORY(pDDSLcl) \
((pDDSLcl)->lpGbl->dwUsageCount > 0)
#define SURFACE_MEMORY(surfLcl) \
// DDraw extern functions
DDInternalLock( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL this_lcl, LPVOID* lpBits );
DDInternalUnlock( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL this_lcl );
extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI DDGetAttachedSurfaceLcl(
GetDDSurfaceLocal( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL this_lcl, DWORD handle, BOOL* isnew );
#endif // _RRUTIL_HPP