Leaked source code of windows server 2003

722 lines
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#include <stdlib.h> /* for _MAX_PATH */
#include <dirapi.h>
//------------------------ system parameters ---------------------------
extern long lMaxSessions;
extern long lMaxOpenTables;
extern long lMaxVerPages;
extern long lMaxCursors;
extern long lMaxBuffers;
extern long lLogBuffers;
extern long lLogFileSectors;
extern long lLogFlushThreshold;
extern long lLGCheckPointPeriod;
extern long lWaitLogFlush;
extern long lLogFlushPeriod;
extern long lLGWaitingUserMax;
//------ log.c --------------------------------------------------------------
/* flags controlling logging behavior
extern BOOL fLogDisabled; /* to turn off logging by environment variable */
extern BOOL fFreezeCheckpoint; /* freeze checkpoint when backup occurs. */
extern BOOL fFreezeNewGeneration; /* freeze log gen when backup occurs. */
extern BOOL fNewLogRecordAdded;
extern BOOL fBackupActive;
extern BOOL fLGNoMoreLogWrite;
extern INT cLGUsers;
extern PIB *ppibLGFlushQHead;
extern PIB *ppibLGFlushQTail;
extern INT csecLGThreshold;
extern INT csecLGCheckpointCount;
extern INT csecLGCheckpointPeriod;
extern INT cmsLGFlushPeriod;
extern INT cmsLGFlushStep;
extern BYTE szComputerName[];
/* flags controlling recovery behavior
extern BOOL fHardRestore;
#ifdef DEBUG
extern BOOL fDBGTraceLog;
extern BOOL fDBGTraceLogWrite;
extern BOOL fDBGFreezeCheckpoint;
extern BOOL fDBGTraceRedo;
extern LONG cXactPerFlush;
#ifdef PERFCNT
extern BOOL fPERFEnabled;
extern ULONG rgcCommitByUser[10];
extern ULONG rgcCommitByLG[10];
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
BYTE szSysDbPath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
BYTE szLogFilePath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
ULONG ulMaxSessions;
ULONG ulMaxOpenTables;
ULONG ulMaxVerPages;
ULONG ulMaxCursors;
ULONG ulLogBuffers;
ULONG ulMaxBuffers; /* not used, for ref only */
VOID LGStoreDBEnv( DBENV *pdbenv );
VOID LGSetDBEnv( DBENV *pdbenv );
VOID LGLogFailEvent( BYTE *szLine );
* NOTE: Whenever a new log record type is added or changed, the following
* NOTE: should be udpated too: mplrtypsz in logapi.c, new print function for
* NOTE: the new lrtyp in logapi.c, and mplrtypcb and CbLGSizeOfRec in
* NOTE: redut.c.
typedef BYTE LRTYP;
#define lrtypNOP ((LRTYP) 0 ) /* NOP null operation */
#define lrtypStart ((LRTYP) 1 )
#define lrtypQuit ((LRTYP) 2 )
#define lrtypMS ((LRTYP) 3 ) /* mutilsec flush */
#define lrtypFill ((LRTYP) 4 ) /* no op */
#define lrtypBegin ((LRTYP) 5 )
#define lrtypCommit ((LRTYP) 6 )
#define lrtypAbort ((LRTYP) 7 )
#define lrtypCreateDB ((LRTYP) 8 )
#define lrtypAttachDB ((LRTYP) 9 )
#define lrtypDetachDB ((LRTYP) 10 )
#define lrtypInitFDPPage ((LRTYP) 11 )
#define lrtypSplit ((LRTYP) 12 )
#define lrtypEmptyPage ((LRTYP) 13 )
#define lrtypMerge ((LRTYP) 14 )
#define lrtypInsertNode ((LRTYP) 15 )
#define lrtypInsertItemList ((LRTYP) 16 )
#define lrtypReplace ((LRTYP) 17 )
#define lrtypReplaceC ((LRTYP) 18 )
#define lrtypFlagDelete ((LRTYP) 19 )
#define lrtypLockRec ((LRTYP) 20 )
#define lrtypUpdateHeader ((LRTYP) 21 )
#define lrtypInsertItem ((LRTYP) 22 )
#define lrtypInsertItems ((LRTYP) 23 )
#define lrtypFlagDeleteItem ((LRTYP) 24 )
#define lrtypFlagInsertItem ((LRTYP) 25 )
#define lrtypDeleteItem ((LRTYP) 26 )
#define lrtypSplitItemListNode ((LRTYP) 27 )
#define lrtypDelta ((LRTYP) 28 )
#define lrtypDelete ((LRTYP) 29 )
#define lrtypELC ((LRTYP) 30 )
#define lrtypFreeSpace ((LRTYP) 31 )
#define lrtypUndo ((LRTYP) 32 )
#define lrtypRecoveryUndo1 ((LRTYP) 33 )
#define lrtypRecoveryQuit1 ((LRTYP) 34 )
#define lrtypRecoveryUndo2 ((LRTYP) 35 )
#define lrtypRecoveryQuit2 ((LRTYP) 36 )
#define lrtypFullBackup ((LRTYP) 37 )
#define lrtypIncBackup ((LRTYP) 38 )
/* debug only
#define lrtypCheckPage ((LRTYP) 39 )
#define lrtypMax ((LRTYP) 40 )
/* log record structure ( fixed size portion of log entry )
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
} LR;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of DB operations */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* dbid + pgno */
BYTE itagSon; /* itag of node, used only for verification */
// UNDONE: review with Cheen Liao
// SHORT itagFather; /* itag of father node */
BYTE itagFather; /* itag of father node */
BYTE ibSon; /* position to insert in father son table */
BYTE bHeader; /* node header */
ULONG fDIRFlags; /* fDIRVersion for insert item list */
// UNDONE: review with Cheen Liao
// USHORT cbKey; /* key size */
BYTE cbKey; /* key size */
USHORT cbData; /* data size */
CHAR szKey[0]; /* key and data follow */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag; /* wherereplace occurs */
SRID bm; /* bookmark of this replace node */
ULONG fDIRFlags; /* flags used in original DIR call */
USHORT cb; /* data size/diff info */
BYTE fOld:1; /* fTrue if before image is in szData */
USHORT cbOldData:15; /* before image data size, may be 0 */
USHORT cbNewData; /* after image data size, == cb if not replaceC */
CHAR szData[0]; /* made line data for new (and old) record follow */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag;
SRID bm;
USHORT cbOldData;
CHAR szData[0]; /* for before image */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag;
SRID bm; /* bookmark of this delete node */
ULONG fDIRFlags; /* flags used in original DIR call */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
DBID dbid;
SRID bm;
BYTE level;
SHORT cbDelta;
SRID bmTarget; /* page being updated during undo operation */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
DBID dbid;
SRID bm;
BYTE level;
UINT oper;
SRID item;
SRID bmTarget; /* the page being updated during undo operation */
/* expunge link commit log record
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag;
SRID sridSrc;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag;
SRID bm; /* bookmark of this udpated node */
BYTE bHeader;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of DB operations */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* dbid + pgno */
WORD isrid; /* in case do version only */
BYTE itag; /* of item list node */
SRID srid; /* item to insert */
SRID sridItemList; /* bookmark of first item list node */
ULONG fDIRFlags; /* so far only one bit is used - fDIRVersion */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of DB operations */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* dbid + pgno */
BYTE itag; /* item list */
WORD citem; /* number of items to append */
SRID rgitem[0];
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag; /* of item list node */
SHORT isrid;
SRID srid; /* item to insert */
SRID sridItemList; /* bookmark of first item list node */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of DB operations */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* dbid + pgno */
WORD cItem;
BYTE itagToSplit; /* used only for verification! */
// UNDONE: review with Cheen Liao
// SHORT itagFather; /* father's identity */
BYTE itagFather; /* itag of father */
BYTE ibSon; /* Position to insert in father's son table */
ULONG fFlags; /* flag to indicate if it is append item */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of DB operations */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* dbid + pgno */
SHORT isrid;
SRID srid; /* item to insert */
BYTE itag; /* item list */
SRID sridItemList; /* bookmark of first item list node */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
BYTE itag; /* wherereplace occurs */
SRID bm; /* bookmark of this replace node */
LONG lDelta;
ULONG fDIRFlags; /* flags used in original DIR call */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* current flush counter of page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn;
SHORT cbFreeTotal;
SHORT itagNext;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
LEVEL levelStart; /* starting transaction levels */
LEVEL level; /* transaction levels */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
LEVEL level; /* transaction levels */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
LEVEL levelAborted; /* transaction level */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record, unused in V15 */
DBID dbid;
BOOL fLogOn;
JET_GRBIT grbit;
USHORT cb; /* data size */
CHAR szPath[0]; /* path name follows */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record, unused in V15 */
DBID dbid;
BYTE fLogOn;
USHORT cb; /* data size */
CHAR szPath[0]; /* path name follows */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record, unused in V15 */
DBID dbid;
BOOL fLogOn;
CHAR szPath[0]; /* path name follows */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* flush counter of page being split */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
BYTE splitt; /* split type */
BYTE fLeaf; /* split on leaf node */
PN pn; /* page (focus) being split, includes dbid */
PGNO pgnoNew; /* newly-allocated page no */
PGNO pgnoNew2; /* newly-allocated page no */
PGNO pgnoNew3; /* newly-allocated page no */
PGNO pgnoSibling; /* newly-allocated page no */
BYTE itagSplit; /* node at which page is being split */
SHORT ibSonSplit; /* ibSon at which node is being split */
BYTE pgtyp; /* page type of new page */
PGNO pgnoFather; /* pgno of father node */
SHORT itagFather; /* itag of father node, could be itagNil (3 bytes) */
SHORT itagGrandFather;/* itag of Grand father node, could be itagNil (3 bytes) */
BYTE ibSonFather;
BYTE cbklnk; /* number of back links */
// UNDONE: review with Cheen Liao
// SHORT cbKey;
// SHORT cbKeyMac;
BYTE cbKey;
BYTE cbKeyMac;
BYTE rgb[0];
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* flush counter of page being split */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* page pointer of empty page */
PGNO pgnoFather;
SHORT itag; /* itag of page pointer */
// UNDONE: review with Cheen Liao
// SHORT itagFather; /* father of page pointer */
BYTE itagFather; /* itag of father of page pointer */
SHORT ibSon;
PGNO pgnoLeft;
PGNO pgnoRight;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
PROCID procid;
PN pn; /* page pointer of merged page */
PGNO pgnoRight; /* page appended to */
BYTE cbklnk;
BYTE rgb[0];
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
ULONG ulDBTime; /* flush counter of father FDP page */
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PN pn; /* FDP page */
PGNO pgnoFDPParent; /* parent FDP */
USHORT cpgGot; /* returned number of pages */
USHORT cpgWish; /* request pages */
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
USHORT ibForwardLink;
USHORT isecForwardLink;
USHORT ibBackLink;
USHORT isecBackLink;
ULONG ulCheckSum;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
DBENV dbenv;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
LGPOS lgpos; /* point back to last beginning of undo */
LGPOS lgposRedoFrom;
BYTE fHard;
typedef struct
LRTYP lrtyp;
USHORT cbPath; /* backup path/restore path */
BYTE szData[0];
typedef struct
PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
PGNO pn; /* Parent FDP, includes dbid */
ULONG flags; /* flags for index */
ULONG density; /* initial load density for index */
ULONG timepage; /* flush counter of father FDP page */
USHORT cbname; /* index name length */
USHORT cbkey; /* index info length */
/* Index name and index info follow */
//typedef struct
// {
// PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
// PGNO pgno; /* first page of new extent */
// ULONG cpages; /* number of pages in the extent */
// PGNO pgnoFDP; /* FDP being extended */
// PN pnparent; /* Parent FDP controlling the space, includes dbid */
// ULONG timepage; /* flush counter of FDP page */
//typedef struct
// {
// PROCID procid; /* user id of this log record */
// PGNO pgno; /* first page of freed extent */
// ULONG cpages; /* number of pages in the extent */
// PGNO pgnoFDP; /* FDP being shrunk */
// ULONG timepage; /* flush counter of parent FDP page */
// PN pnparent; /* Parent FDP regaining the space, includes dbid*/
#pragma pack()
#ifdef NOLOG
#define LGDepend( pbf, lgpos )
#define ErrLGInsert( pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData ) 0
#define ErrLGInsertItemList( pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData ) 0
#define ErrLGReplace( pfucb, pline, fFlags, cbData ) 0
#define ErrLGFlagDelete( pfucb, fFlags ) 0
#deinfe ErrLGUpdateHeader( pfucb, bHeader ) 0
#define ErrLGInsertItem( pfucb, fDIRFlags ) 0
#define ErrLGInsertItems( pfucb, rgitem, citem ) 0
#define ErrLGFlagDeleteItem( pfucb ) 0
#define ErrLGSplitItemListNode( pfucb, cItem, itagFather, ibSon, itagToSplit, fFlags) 0
#define ErrLGDeleteItem( pfucb ) 0
#define ErrLGDelta( pfucb, lDelta, fDIRFlags ) 0
#define ErrLGLockRecord( pfucb, cbData ) 0
#define ErrLGBeginTransaction( ppib, levelBeginFrom ) 0
#define ErrLGCommitTransaction( ppib, levelCommitTo ) 0
#define ErrLGAbort( ppib,levelsAborted ) 0
#define ErrLGUndo( prce ) 0
#define ErrLGFreeSpace( prce, cbDelta ) 0
#define ErrLGCreateDB( ppib, dbid, fLogOn, grbit, sz, cch ) 0
#define ErrLGAttachDB( ppib, dbid, fLogOn, sz, cch ) 0
#define ErrLGDetachDB( ppib, dbid, fLogOn, sz, cch ) 0
#define ErrLGMerge( pfucb, psplit ) 0
#define ErrLGSplit( splitt, pfucb, pcsrPagePointer, psplit, pgtypNew ) 0
#define ErrLGEmptyPage( pfucbFather, prmpage ) 0
#define ErrLGInitFDPPage( pfucb, pgnoFDPParent, pnFDP, cpgGot, cpgWish) 0
#define ErrLGFlagInsertItem(pfucb) 0
#define ErrLGStart() 0
#define ErrLGQuit( plgposRecoveryUndo ) 0
#define ErrLGRecoveryQuit1( plgposRecoveryUndo ) 0
#define ErrLGRecoveryUndo1( szRestorePath ) 0
#define ErrLGRecoveryQuit2( plgposRecoveryUndo ) 0
#define ErrLGRecoveryUndo2( szRestorePath ) 0
#define ErrLGFullBackup(szRestorePath ) 0
#define ErrLGIncBackup(szRestorePath ) 0
#define ErrLGCheckPage( pfucb, cbFreeTotal, itagNext ) 0
#else /* !NOLOG */
#define ErrLGInsert( pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData) \
ErrLGInsertNode( lrtypInsertNode, pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData, 0)
#define ErrLGInsertItemList( pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData, fFlags) \
ErrLGInsertNode( lrtypInsertItemList, pfucb, fHeader, pkey, plineData, fFlags)
ERR ErrLGInsertNode( LRTYP lrtyp,
FUCB *pfucb, INT fHeader, KEY *pkey, LINE *plineData, INT fFlags);
ERR ErrLGReplace( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, int fl, int cbData );
ERR ErrLGFlagDelete( FUCB *pfucb, INT fFlags);
ERR ErrLGUpdateHeader( FUCB *pfucb, INT bHeader );
ERR ErrLGInsertItem( FUCB *pfucb, INT fDIRFlags );
ERR ErrLGInsertItems( FUCB *pfucb, SRID *rgitem, INT citem );
ERR ErrLGFlagDeleteItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrLGSplitItemListNode( FUCB *pfucb, INT cItem, INT itagFather,
INT ibSon, INT itagToSplit, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrLGDelta( FUCB *pfucb, LONG lDelta, INT fDIRFlags );
ERR ErrLGLockRecord( FUCB *pfucb, INT cbData );
ERR ErrLGBeginTransaction( PIB *ppib, INT levelBeginFrom );
ERR ErrLGCommitTransaction( PIB *ppib, INT levelCommitTo );
ERR ErrLGAbort( PIB *ppib, INT levelsAborted );
ERR ErrLGUndo( RCE *prce );
ERR ErrLGFreeSpace( RCE *prce, INT cbDelta );
ERR ErrLGCreateDB( PIB *ppib, DBID dbid, BOOL fLogOn, JET_GRBIT grbit, CHAR *sz, INT cch );
ERR ErrLGAttachDB( PIB *ppib, DBID dbid, BOOL fLogOn, CHAR *sz, INT cch );
ERR ErrLGDetachDB( PIB *ppib, DBID dbid, BOOL fLogOn, CHAR *sz, INT cch );
ERR ErrLGMerge( FUCB *pfucb, struct _split *psplit );
ERR ErrLGSplit( SPLITT splitt, FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrPagePointer,
struct _split *psplit, PGTYP pgtypNew );
ERR ErrLGEmptyPage( FUCB *pfucbFather, RMPAGE *prmpage );
ERR ErrLGInitFDPPage( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgnoFDPParent,
PN pnFDP, INT cpgGot, INT cpgWish);
#define ErrLGFlagDeleteItem(pfucb) ErrLGFlagItem(pfucb, lrtypFlagDeleteItem)
#define ErrLGFlagInsertItem(pfucb) ErrLGFlagItem(pfucb, lrtypFlagInsertItem)
ERR ErrLGFlagItem(FUCB *pfucb, LRTYP lrtyp);
ERR ErrLGDeleteItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrLGDelete( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrLGExpungeLinkCommit( FUCB *pfucb, SSIB *pssibSrc, SRID sridSrc );
ERR ErrLGStart();
#define ErrLGRecoveryQuit1( plgposRecoveryUndo, plgposRedoFrom, fHard ) \
ErrLGQuitRec( lrtypRecoveryQuit1, plgposRecoveryUndo, \
plgposRedoFrom, fHard )
#define ErrLGRecoveryQuit2( plgposRecoveryUndo, plgposRedoFrom, fHard ) \
ErrLGQuitRec( lrtypRecoveryQuit2, plgposRecoveryUndo, \
plgposRedoFrom, fHard )
#define ErrLGQuit( plgposStart ) \
ErrLGQuitRec( lrtypQuit, plgposStart, pNil, 0 )
ERR ErrLGQuitRec( LRTYP lrtyp, LGPOS *plgposQuit, LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom, BOOL fHard);
#define ErrLGRecoveryUndo1(szRestorePath) \
ErrLGLogRestore(lrtypRecoveryUndo1, szRestorePath )
#define ErrLGRecoveryUndo2(szRestorePath) \
ErrLGLogRestore(lrtypRecoveryUndo2, szRestorePath )
#define ErrLGFullBackup(szRestorePath) \
ErrLGLogRestore(lrtypFullBackup, szRestorePath )
#define ErrLGIncBackup(szRestorePath) \
ErrLGLogRestore(lrtypIncBackup, szRestorePath )
ERR ErrLGLogRestore( LRTYP lrtyp, CHAR * szLogRestorePath );
ERR ErrLGCheckPage( FUCB *pfucb, SHORT cbFreeTotal, SHORT itagNext );
#endif /* logging enabled */
ERR ISAMAPI ErrIsamRestore( CHAR *szRestoreFromPath,
INT crstmap, JET_RSTMAP *rgrstmap, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn );
ERR ErrLGSoftStart( BOOL fAllowNoJetLog );
ERR ErrLGInit( VOID );
ERR ErrLGTerm( VOID );
ERR ErrLGLogRec( LINE *rgline, INT cline, PIB *ppib );
ERR ErrLGEndAllSessions( BOOL fSysDbOnly, BOOL fEndOfLog, LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom );
ERR ErrLGInitLogBuffers( LONG lIntendLogBuffers );
INT CmpLgpos(LGPOS *plgpos1, LGPOS *plgpos2);
ULONG UlLGMSCheckSum( CHAR *pbLrmsNew );
#define FLGOn() (!fLogDisabled)
#define FLGOff() (fLogDisabled)
BOOL FIsNullLgpos( LGPOS *plgpos );
VOID LGMakeLogName( CHAR *szLogName, CHAR *szFName );