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// Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// vox.c - vox file format (OKI ADPCM) functions
#include "winlocal.h"
#include "vox.h"
#include "wav.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "mmio.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "trace.h"
// private definitions
// step size type
typedef __int16 ss_type;
// vox engine control structure
typedef struct VOX
DWORD dwVersion;
HTASK hTask;
DWORD dwFlags;
ss_type ssDecoder; // decoder step size
ss_type ssEncoder; // encoder step size
PCM16 iVoxDecode; // previous decoded sample
// macros to convert vox 12 bit samples to/from other size samples
#define _Vox12To16(intx) ((PCM16) ((PCM16) (intx) << 4))
#define _Vox12To8(intx) ((BYTE) (((PCM16) (intx) >> 4) + 128))
#define _Vox8To12(bytex) (((PCM16) (bytex) - 128) << 4)
#define _Vox16To12(intx) ((PCM16) (intx) >> 4)
// helper functions
static LPVOX VoxGetPtr(HVOX hVox);
static HVOX VoxGetHandle(LPVOX lpVox);
static void ReverseIndexTableInit(void);
static PCM16 DecodeSample(BYTE bVoxEncode, ss_type FAR *lpss, PCM16 iVoxDecodePrev);
static BYTE EncodeSample(__int16 iDelta, ss_type FAR *lpss);
static LRESULT VoxIOOpen(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LPTSTR lpszFileName);
static LRESULT VoxIOClose(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, UINT uFlags);
static LRESULT VoxIORead(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, HPSTR pch, LONG cch);
static LRESULT VoxIOWrite(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, const HPSTR pch, LONG cch, BOOL fFlush);
static LRESULT VoxIOSeek(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LONG lOffset, int iOrigin);
static LRESULT VoxIORename(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszNewFileName);
static LRESULT VoxIOGetInfo(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, int iInfo);
static LRESULT VoxIOChSize(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long lSize);
// public functions
// VoxInit - initialize vox engine
// <dwVersion> (i) must be VOX_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <dwFlags> (i) reserved; must be 0
// return handle (NULL if error)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
if (dwVersion != VOX_VERSION)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (hInst == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpVox = (LPVOX) MemAlloc(NULL, sizeof(VOX), 0)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// initialize engine structure
lpVox->dwVersion = dwVersion;
lpVox->hInst = hInst;
lpVox->hTask = GetCurrentTask();
lpVox->dwFlags = dwFlags;
if (VoxReset(VoxGetHandle(lpVox)) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (!fSuccess)
lpVox = NULL;
return fSuccess ? VoxGetHandle(lpVox) : NULL;
// VoxTerm - shut down vox engine
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// return 0 if success
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpVox = MemFree(NULL, lpVox)) != NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxReset - reset vox engine
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// return 0 if success
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
lpVox->ssDecoder = 16;
lpVox->ssEncoder = 16;
lpVox->iVoxDecode = 0;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxDecode_16BitMono - decode vox samples
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// <lpabVox> (i) array of encoded samples
// <lpaiPcm> (o) array of decoded samples
// <uSamples> (i) number of samples to decode
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: each BYTE in <lpabVox> contains 2 12-bit encoded samples
// in OKI ADPCM Vox format, as described by Dialogic
// Each PCM16 in <lpaiPcm> contains 1 16-bit decoded sample
// in standard PCM format.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI VoxDecode_16BitMono(HVOX hVox, LPBYTE lpabVox, LPPCM16 lpaiPcm, UINT uSamples)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpaiPcm == NULL || lpabVox == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// since there are two samples per Vox data byte,
// we will decode two samples each time through the loop
else while (uSamples > 1)
BYTE bData;
bData = *lpabVox++;
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample((BYTE)
(0xFF & ((BYTE) (bData >> 4) & (BYTE) 0x0F)),
&lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpaiPcm++ = _Vox12To16(lpVox->iVoxDecode);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample((BYTE)
(0xFF & (bData & (BYTE) 0x0F)),
&lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpaiPcm++ = _Vox12To16(lpVox->iVoxDecode);
uSamples -= 2;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxEncode_16BitMono - encode vox samples
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// <lpaiPcm> (i) array of decoded samples
// <lpabVox> (o) array of encoded samples
// <uSamples> (i) number of samples to encode
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: each BYTE in <lpabVox> contains 2 12-bit encoded samples
// in OKI ADPCM Vox format, as described by Dialogic
// Each PCM16 in <lpaiPcm> contains 1 16-bit decoded sample
// in standard PCM format.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI VoxEncode_16BitMono(HVOX hVox, LPPCM16 lpaiPcm, LPBYTE lpabVox, UINT uSamples)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpaiPcm == NULL || lpabVox == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// since there are two samples per Vox data byte,
// we will encode two samples each time through the loop
else while (uSamples > 1)
__int16 iDelta;
PCM16 iVoxDecode;
BYTE bVoxEncode1;
BYTE bVoxEncode2;
iVoxDecode = _Vox16To12(*lpaiPcm++);
iDelta = iVoxDecode - lpVox->iVoxDecode;
bVoxEncode1 = EncodeSample(iDelta, &lpVox->ssEncoder);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample(bVoxEncode1, &lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
iVoxDecode = _Vox16To12(*lpaiPcm++);
iDelta = iVoxDecode - lpVox->iVoxDecode;
bVoxEncode2 = EncodeSample(iDelta, &lpVox->ssEncoder);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample(bVoxEncode2, &lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpabVox++ = (BYTE) (((BYTE) (bVoxEncode1 << 4) & (BYTE) 0xF0) | bVoxEncode2);
uSamples -= 2;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxDecode_8BitMono - decode vox samples
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// <lpabVox> (i) array of encoded samples
// <lpabPcm> (o) array of decoded samples
// <uSamples> (i) number of samples to decode
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: each BYTE in <lpabVox> contains 2 12-bit encoded samples
// in OKI ADPCM Vox format, as described by Dialogic
// Each PCM8 in <lpabPcm> contains 1 8-bit decoded sample
// in standard PCM format.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI VoxDecode_8BitMono(HVOX hVox, LPBYTE lpabVox, LPPCM8 lpabPcm, UINT uSamples)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpabPcm == NULL || lpabVox == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// since there are two samples per Vox data byte,
// we will decode two samples each time through the loop
else while (uSamples > 1)
BYTE bData;
bData = *lpabVox++;
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample((BYTE)
(0xFF & ((BYTE) (bData >> 4) & (BYTE) 0x0F)),
&lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpabPcm++ = _Vox12To8(lpVox->iVoxDecode);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample((BYTE)
(0xFF & (bData & (BYTE) 0x0F)),
&lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpabPcm++ = _Vox12To8(lpVox->iVoxDecode);
uSamples -= 2;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxEncode_8BitMono - encode vox samples
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// <lpabPcm> (i) array of decoded samples
// <lpabVox> (o) array of encoded samples
// <uSamples> (i) number of samples to encode
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: each BYTE in <lpabVox> contains 2 12-bit encoded samples
// in OKI ADPCM Vox format, as described by Dialogic
// Each PCM8 in <lpabPcm> contains 1 8-bit decoded sample
// in standard PCM format.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI VoxEncode_8BitMono(HVOX hVox, LPPCM8 lpabPcm, LPBYTE lpabVox, UINT uSamples)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = VoxGetPtr(hVox)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpabPcm == NULL || lpabVox == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// since there are two samples per Vox data byte,
// we will encode two samples each time through the loop
else while (uSamples > 1)
__int16 iDelta;
PCM16 iVoxDecode;
BYTE bVoxEncode1;
BYTE bVoxEncode2;
iVoxDecode = _Vox8To12(*lpabPcm++);
iDelta = iVoxDecode - lpVox->iVoxDecode;
bVoxEncode1 = EncodeSample(iDelta, &lpVox->ssEncoder);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample(bVoxEncode1, &lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
iVoxDecode = _Vox8To12(*lpabPcm++);
iDelta = iVoxDecode - lpVox->iVoxDecode;
bVoxEncode2 = EncodeSample(iDelta, &lpVox->ssEncoder);
lpVox->iVoxDecode = DecodeSample(bVoxEncode2, &lpVox->ssDecoder, lpVox->iVoxDecode);
*lpabVox++ = (BYTE) (((BYTE) (bVoxEncode1 << 4) & (BYTE) 0xF0) | bVoxEncode2);
uSamples -= 2;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1;
// VoxIOProc - i/o procedure for vox format file data
// <lpmmioinfo> (i/o) information about open file
// <uMessage> (i) message indicating the requested I/O operation
// <lParam1> (i) message specific parameter
// <lParam2> (i) message specific parameter
// returns 0 if message not recognized, otherwise message specific value
// NOTE: the address of this function should be passed to the WavOpen()
// or mmioInstallIOProc() functions for accessing vox format file data.
UINT uMessage, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LRESULT lResult = 0;
if (lpmmioinfo == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else switch (uMessage)
lResult = VoxIOOpen((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(LPTSTR) lParam1);
lResult = VoxIOClose((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(UINT) lParam1);
lResult = VoxIORead((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(HPSTR) lParam1, (LONG) lParam2);
lResult = VoxIOWrite((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(const HPSTR) lParam1, (LONG) lParam2, FALSE);
lResult = VoxIOWrite((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(const HPSTR) lParam1, (LONG) lParam2, TRUE);
lResult = VoxIOSeek((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(LONG) lParam1, (int) lParam2);
lResult = VoxIORename((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(LPCTSTR) lParam1, (LPCTSTR) lParam2);
lResult = VoxIOGetInfo((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(int) lParam1);
lResult = VoxIOChSize((LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioinfo,
(long) lParam1);
lResult = 0;
return lResult;
// private functions
// VoxGetPtr - verify that vox handle is valid,
// <hVox> (i) handle returned from VoxInit
// return corresponding vox pointer (NULL if error)
static LPVOX VoxGetPtr(HVOX hVox)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
LPVOX lpVox;
if ((lpVox = (LPVOX) hVox) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (IsBadWritePtr(lpVox, sizeof(VOX)))
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure current task owns the vox engine handle
else if (lpVox->hTask != GetCurrentTask())
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lpVox : NULL;
// VoxGetHandle - verify that vox pointer is valid,
// <lpVox> (i) pointer to VOX structure
// return corresponding vox handle (NULL if error)
static HVOX VoxGetHandle(LPVOX lpVox)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HVOX hVox;
if ((hVox = (HVOX) lpVox) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? hVox : NULL;
// low-level ADPCM stuff
static ss_type const ss_table[] =
16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37,
41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97,
107, 118, 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253,
279, 307, 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658,
724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552
static __int16 delta_index_table[] =
-1, -1, -1, -1, +2, +4, +6, +8, -1, -1, -1, -1, +2, +4, +6, +8
// The reverse index table is designed so that given a step size, we
// can get back out the index that generated it.
static BYTE reverse_index_table[1553];
// initialize reverse index table
static void ReverseIndexTableInit(void)
__int16 i;
for (i = 0; i < 49; ++i)
reverse_index_table[ss_table[i]] = (BYTE) i;
#if 0
static ss_type new_ss(ss_type ss, BYTE bVoxEncode);
static ss_type new_ss(ss_type ss, BYTE bVoxEncode)
__int16 index;
// find out what our old index into the step size table was
index = reverse_index_table[ss];
// modify our index based on the present value of the ADPCM nibble
index += delta_index_table[bVoxEncode];
// limit ourselves to the maximum size of the table in case of overflow
index = max(0, min(48, index));
// and return our new step size out of the table
return ss_table[index];
#define new_ss(ss, bVoxEncode) ss_table[max(0, min(48, \
reverse_index_table[ss] + delta_index_table[bVoxEncode]))]
// DECODE - ADPCM to linear
static PCM16 DecodeSample(BYTE bVoxEncode, ss_type FAR *lpss, PCM16 iVoxDecodePrev)
__int16 iDelta;
PCM16 iVoxDecode;
ss_type ss;
ss = *lpss;
// iDelta = (((nibble * 2) + 1) / 8 ) * ss;
iDelta = ((((bVoxEncode & 0x07) << 1) + 1) * ss ) >> 3;
if ((bVoxEncode & 0x08) == 0x08)
iDelta = -iDelta;
*lpss = new_ss(ss, bVoxEncode);
iVoxDecode = iVoxDecodePrev + iDelta;
// limit ourselves to 12 bits of resolution
if (iVoxDecode > 2047)
return 2047;
else if (iVoxDecode < -2048)
return -2048;
return iVoxDecode;
// ENCODE - linear to ADPCM
static BYTE EncodeSample(__int16 iDelta, ss_type FAR *lpss)
BYTE bVoxEncode;
ss_type ss;
__int16 iDeltaTmp;
ss = *lpss;
iDeltaTmp = iDelta;
if (iDeltaTmp < 0)
iDeltaTmp = -iDeltaTmp;
bVoxEncode = 0x08;
bVoxEncode = 0;
if (iDeltaTmp >= ss)
bVoxEncode |= 0x04;
iDeltaTmp -= ss;
if (iDeltaTmp >= (ss >> 1))
bVoxEncode |= 0x02;
iDeltaTmp -= (ss >> 1);
if (iDeltaTmp >= (ss >> 2))
bVoxEncode |= 0x01;
*lpss = new_ss(ss, bVoxEncode);
return (BYTE) (bVoxEncode & (BYTE) 0x0F);
// format of return nibble is
// S W F F
// | | | |
// | | | +--- 1/4 of delta/step
// | | +----- 1/2 of delta/step
// | +------- whole part of delta/step
// +--------- sign bit
// installable file i/o procedures
static LRESULT VoxIOOpen(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LPTSTR lpszFileName)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = NULL;
MMIOINFO mmioinfo;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIOOpen (%s)\n"),
(LPTSTR) lpszFileName);
MemSet(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo));
// interpret first value passed as pointer to next i/o procedure in chain
mmioinfo.pIOProc = (LPMMIOPROC) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
// pass along second and third values to next i/o procedure
mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1];
mmioinfo.adwInfo[1] = lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[2];
mmioinfo.adwInfo[2] = 0L;
// get instance handle of current task
if ((hInst = SysGetTaskInstance(NULL)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((hVox = VoxInit(VOX_VERSION, hInst, 0)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((hmmio = mmioOpen(lpszFileName, &mmioinfo, lpmmioinfo->dwFlags)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// save stuff for use in other i/o routines
lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0] = (DWORD) (LPVOID) hmmio;
lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1] = (DWORD) (LPVOID) hVox;
// clean up after error
if (!fSuccess && hVox != NULL && VoxTerm(hVox) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (!fSuccess && hmmio != NULL && mmioClose(hmmio, 0) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// return the same error code given by mmioOpen
return fSuccess ? lpmmioinfo->wErrorRet = mmioinfo.wErrorRet : MMIOERR_CANNOTOPEN;
static LRESULT VoxIOClose(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, UINT uFlags)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
HVOX hVox = (HVOX) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1];
TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5,
if (VoxTerm(hVox) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((uRet = mmioClose(hmmio, uFlags)) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0] = (DWORD) NULL;
lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1] = (DWORD) NULL;
return fSuccess ? 0 : uRet;
static LRESULT VoxIORead(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, HPSTR pch, LONG cch)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
HVOX hVox = (HVOX) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1];
LONG cchVox;
LONG lBytesRead;
HPSTR pchVox = NULL;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIORead (%ld)\n"),
(long) cch);
// vox format files contain 4 bit samples,
// but we must simulate access to 16 bit samples.
cchVox = cch / 4L;
if (cchVox <= 0)
lBytesRead = 0; // nothing to do
// allocate temporary buffer to hold the vox format samples
if ((pchVox = (HPSTR) MemAlloc(NULL, cchVox, 0)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// read vox format samples
else if ((lBytesRead = mmioRead(hmmio, pchVox, cchVox)) == -1)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// decode vox format samples into pcm format samples
// (there are 2 samples encoded in each vox byte)
else if (VoxDecode_16BitMono(hVox, (LPBYTE) pchVox, (LPPCM16) pch, (UINT) (lBytesRead * 2L)) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// update simulated file position
if (fSuccess)
lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset += lBytesRead * 4L;
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIO: lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset=%ld, lBytesRead=%ld\n"),
(long) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset,
(long) lBytesRead);
// clean up
if (pchVox != NULL &&
(pchVox = MemFree(NULL, pchVox)) != NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// return number of bytes read/decoded into pch
return fSuccess ? lBytesRead * 4L : -1;
static LRESULT VoxIOWrite(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, const HPSTR pch, LONG cch, BOOL fFlush)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
HVOX hVox = (HVOX) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[1];
HPSTR pchVox = NULL;
LONG cchVox;
LONG lBytesWritten;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIOWrite (%ld)\n"),
(long) cch);
// vox format files contain 4 bit samples,
// but we must simulate access to 16 bit samples.
cchVox = cch / 4L;
if (cchVox <= 0)
lBytesWritten = 0; // nothing to do
// allocate temporary buffer to hold the vox format samples
else if ((pchVox = (HPSTR) MemAlloc(NULL, cchVox, 0)) == NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// encode pcm format samples into vox format samples
// (there are 2 bytes required for each pcm sample)
else if (VoxEncode_16BitMono(hVox, (LPPCM16) pch, (LPBYTE) pchVox, (UINT) (cch / 2L)) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// write vox format samples
else if ((lBytesWritten = mmioWrite(hmmio, pchVox, cchVox)) == -1)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// update simulated file position
lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset += lBytesWritten * 4L;
// clean up
if (pchVox != NULL &&
(pchVox = MemFree(NULL, pchVox)) != NULL)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIO: lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset=%ld, lBytesWritten=%ld\n"),
(long) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset,
(long) lBytesWritten);
// return number of bytes encoded/written from pch
return fSuccess ? lBytesWritten * 4L : -1;
static LRESULT VoxIOSeek(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LONG lOffset, int iOrigin)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
LONG lPosNew;
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIOSeek (%ld, %d)\n"),
(long) lOffset,
(int) iOrigin);
// vox format files contain 4 bit samples,
// but we must simulate access to 16 bit samples.
if ((lPosNew = mmioSeek(hmmio, lOffset / 4L, iOrigin)) == -1)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// update simulated file position
lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset = lPosNew * 4L;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIO: lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset=%ld\n"),
(long) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset);
return fSuccess ? lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset : -1;
static LRESULT VoxIORename(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszNewFileName)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIORename (%s, %s)\n"),
(LPTSTR) lpszFileName,
(LPTSTR) lpszNewFileName);
if ((uRet = mmioRename(lpszFileName, lpszNewFileName, lpmmioinfo, 0)) != 0)
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : uRet;
static LRESULT VoxIOGetInfo(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, int iInfo)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
LRESULT lResult;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIOGetInfo (%d)\n"),
(int) iInfo);
lResult = mmioSendMessage(hmmio, MMIOM_GETINFO, iInfo, 0);
#if 1
if (iInfo == 1)
// vox format files contain 4 bit samples,
// but we must simulate access to 16 bit samples.
lResult *= 4;
return fSuccess ? lResult : 0;
static LRESULT VoxIOChSize(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long lSize)
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
HMMIO hmmio = (HMMIO) lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0];
LRESULT lResult;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5,
TEXT("VoxIOChSize (%ld)\n"),
(long) lSize);
lResult = mmioSendMessage(hmmio, MMIOM_CHSIZE, lSize, 0);
return fSuccess ? lResult : -1;