671 lines
27 KiB
671 lines
27 KiB
*PPD-Adobe: "4.2"
*% Adobe Systems PostScript(R) Printer Description File
*% For Scitex DFE version 1.0
*% Date: <25/June/1995>
*% Last Update: <21/November/1996>
*FormatVersion: "4.2"
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*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*LanguageVersion: English
*Product: "(Scitex Station)"
*PSVersion: "(2013.108) 7"
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*NickName: "Xerox DocuColor40 w/ SX3000 RIP"
*ShortNickName: "Xerox DocuColor40 w/ SX3000 RIP"
*PCFileName: "SX3DC40.PPD"
*% This file contains the PPD parameters for SXDC40
*% Version 1.0 - Creator : Lucia Smilovici - July 1995
*% General Information and Defaults ==================
*FreeVM: "16000000"
*LanguageLevel: "2"
*Extensions: FileSystem CMYK
*ColorDevice: True
*DefaultColorSpace: CMYK
*VariablePaperSize: False
*FileSystem: True
*Protocols: BCP
*DefaultResolution: 400dpi
*% SPONTANE Specific features ================================
*% SPONTANE Params that has to be both PostScript and Comments
*OpenGroup: InstallableOptions
*OpenUI *Option1/Paper Type: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *Option1
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*Option1 Europe: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Group PB_Europe"
*Option1 USA: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Group PB_USA"
*CloseUI: *Option1
*CloseGroup: InstallableOptions
*OpenUI *BPrintQuality/Print Quality : PickOne
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*BPrintQuality Normal: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Quality PB_Normal"
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*CPrintFAF NoTrap/No: "%SCIPPD: DFE TB_FAF TB_Faf_No"
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*EBlankPage Tray33/Tray 3: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Blank_Page PB_Tray33"
*CloseUI: *EBlankPage
*% Color Mode of the Spontane can be CMYK,CMY,B&W.
*% For other cases The application has to decide
*% if it will take it in consideration or not.
*OpenUI *FColorMode/Color Mode : PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *FColorMode
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*IFinishing Sorter: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Finishing_Device PB_Sorter"
*IFinishing Stapler: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Finishing_Device PB_Stapler"
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*KMethod Simplex: "%SCIPPD: DFE TB_Duplex PB_Duplex_No"
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*LImageLocation Center: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Location PB_Center"
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*MDestination Disk: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Destination PB_Disk"
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*OPrintPriority High: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Priority PB_High1"
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*%UIConstraints: *InputSlot Bypass *JDirection FaceDown
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*%UIConstraints: *JDirection FaceDown *InputSlot Bypass
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*UIConstraints: *DMediaType Thick *EBlankPage Tray33
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*UIConstraints: *DMediaType Transparent *IFinishing Stapler
*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Sorter *DMediaType Thick
*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Sorter *DMediaType TransFilm
*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Sorter *DMediaType Transparent
*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Stapler *DMediaType TransFilm
*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Stapler *DMediaType Transparent
*UIConstraints: *FColorMode B&W *CPrintFAF YesTrap
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*UIConstraints: *IFinishing Stapler *JDirection FaceDown
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*UIConstraints: *DMediaType TransFilm *KMethod Duplex
*UIConstraints: *DMediaType Transparent *KMethod Duplex
*UIConstraints: *KMethod Duplex *DMediaType Thick
*UIConstraints: *KMethod Duplex *DMediaType TransFilm
*UIConstraints: *KMethod Duplex *DMediaType Transparent
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*UIConstraints: *DMediaType TransFilm *JDirection FaceDown
*UIConstraints: *DMediaType Transparent *JDirection FaceDown
*UIConstraints: *JDirection FaceDown *DMediaType Thick
*UIConstraints: *JDirection FaceDown *DMediaType TransFilm
*UIConstraints: *JDirection FaceDown *DMediaType Transparent
*% Input Slots ===================
*OpenUI *InputSlot: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *InputSlot
*InputSlot Bypass/Bypass tray: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Input_Tray PB_Manual"
*InputSlot Tray1/Tray 1: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Input_Tray PB_Tray1"
*InputSlot Tray2/Tray 2: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Input_Tray PB_Tray2"
*InputSlot Tray3/Tray 3: "%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Input_Tray PB_Tray3"
*CloseUI: *InputSlot
*RequiresPageRegion All: True
*% Paper Handling ===================
*% Code in this section selects a tray and sets up a frame buffer.
*% Use these entries to set paper size most of the time, unless there is
*% specific reason to use PageRegion.
*OpenUI *PageSize: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *PageSize
*DefaultPageSize: A4Wide
*PageSize A3/A3: "
<< /PageSize[841.889 1190.551] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A3_P
*PageSize B4/B4: "
<< /PageSize[708.661 1000.629] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B4_P
*PageSize A4/A4: "
<< /PageSize[595.275 841.889] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A4_P
*PageSize A4Wide/A4 Wide: "
<< /PageSize[595.275 841.889] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A4_L
*PageSize B5/B5: "
<< /PageSize[496.941 708.661] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B5_P
*PageSize B5Wide/B5 Wide: "
<< /PageSize[496.941 708.661] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B5_L
*PageSize A5/A5: "
<< /PageSize[362.834 595.275] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A5_P
*PageSize A5Wide/A5 Wide: "
<< /PageSize[362.834 595.275] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A5_L
*PageSize A6/A6: "
<< /PageSize[297.637 419.527] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A6_P
*PageSize 10/8x10: "
<< /PageSize[575.433 720] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_10_P
*PageSize 10Wide/8x10 Wide: "
<< /PageSize[575.433 720] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_10_L
*PageSize 11/Letter: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 790.866] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_11_P
*PageSize 11Wide/Letter Wide: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 790.866] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_11_L
*PageSize 13/8.5x13: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 935.433] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_13_P
*PageSize 14/Legal: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 1009.133] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_14_P
*PageSize 12/9x12: "
<< /PageSize[649.133 864.566] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_12_P
*PageSize 17/Tabloid: "
<< /PageSize[790.866 1224.566] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_17_P
*PageSize 18/12x18: "
<< /PageSize[864.566 1295.433] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_18_P
*CloseUI: *PageSize
*% These entries will set up the frame buffer. Usually used with manual feed.
*OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *PageRegion
*DefaultPageRegion: A4Wide
*PageRegion A3: "
<< /PageSize[841.889 1190.551] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A3_P
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<< /PageSize[708.661 1000.629] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B4_P
*PageRegion A4: "
<< /PageSize[595.275 841.889] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A4_P
*PageRegion A4Wide: "
<< /PageSize[595.275 841.889] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A4_L
*PageRegion B5: "
<< /PageSize[496.941 708.661] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B5_P
*PageRegion B5Wide: "
<< /PageSize[496.941 708.661] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_B5_L
*PageRegion A5: "
<< /PageSize[362.834 595.275] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A5_P
*PageRegion A5Wide: "
<< /PageSize[362.834 595.275] /Orientation 1 >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A5_L
*PageRegion A6: "
<< /PageSize[297.637 419.527] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_A6_P
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<< /PageSize[575.433 720] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_10_P
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%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_10_L
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<< /PageSize[612.28 790.866] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_11_P
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%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_11_L
*PageRegion 13: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 935.433] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_13_P
*PageRegion 14: "
<< /PageSize[612.28 1009.133] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_14_P
*PageRegion 12: "
<< /PageSize[649.133 864.566] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_12_P
*PageRegion 17: "
<< /PageSize[790.866 1224.566] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_17_P
*PageRegion 18: "
<< /PageSize[864.566 1295.433] >> setpagedevice
%SCIPPD: DFE OM_Paper_Size PB_18_P
*CloseUI: *PageRegion
*% The following entries provide information about specific paper keywords.
*DefaultImageableArea: A4Wide
*ImageableArea A3: "0 0 841.889 1190.551"
*ImageableArea B4: "0 0 708.661 1000.629"
*ImageableArea A4: "0 0 595.275 841.889"
*ImageableArea A4Wide: "0 0 595.275 841.889"
*ImageableArea B5: "0 0 496.941 708.661"
*ImageableArea B5Wide: "0 0 496.941 708.661"
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*ImageableArea 13: "0 0 612.28 935.433"
*ImageableArea 14: "0 0 612.28 1009.133"
*ImageableArea 12: "0 0 649.133 864.566"
*ImageableArea 17: "0 0 790.866 1224.566"
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