Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
5.4 KiB

<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %>
' Microsoft Internet Printing Project
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
option explicit
<!-- #include file = "ipp_util.inc" -->
Const L_OpenPrinter_Text = "Open Printer"
Response.Expires = 0
Dim strPrinter, strComputer, objQueue, objJobs, strAction, iRes
Dim objPrinter
On Error Resume Next
strPrinter = OleCvt.DecodeUnicodeName (request ("eprinter"))
strComputer = Session(COMPUTER)
Set objQueue = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/" & strPrinter & ",PrintQueue")
Set objJobs = objQueue.PrintJobs
Set objPrinter = Server.CreateObject(PROGID_HELPER)
objPrinter.open "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strPrinter
If Err Then
Call ErrorHandler (L_OpenPrinter_Text)
End If
Function isSupported(bSupported)
Const L_Supported_Text = "Supported"
Const L_Unsupported_Text = "Not Supported"
If bSupported = 1 Then
isSupported = L_Supported_Text
isSupported = L_Unsupported_Text
End If
End Function
Dim strTitle
Const L_Title_Text = "<title>Printer Property of %1 on %2</title>"
strTitle = RepString2(L_Title_Text, strCleanString(strPrinter), session(LOCAL_SERVER))
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html lang=<%=L_Language%>>
<Meta Http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
<% =Write (strTitle) %>
Function GetString (str)
If str = "" Then
GetString = "&nbsp;"
GetString = strCleanString (str)
End If
End Function
Function GenPropertyTable (objQueue, objPrinter)
Dim strHTML
Dim strBgnCol1, strBgnCol2, strEndCol
Dim strBgnRow, strEndRow
Dim strTmp, strUnit
Dim strUrl
Dim i, arrayNameList, iUnit
Const L_PrinterModel_Text = "Printer Model:"
Const L_Status_Text = "Status:"
Const L_Location_Text = "Location:"
Const L_Comment_Text = "Comment:"
Const L_Url_Text = "Network Name:"
Const L_Jobs_Text = "Documents:"
Const L_Speed_Text = "Speed:"
Const L_BgnSpeed_Text = ""
Const L_Duplex_Text = "Print on Both Sides:"
Const L_Color_Text = "Color:"
Const L_Resolution_Text = "Max Resolution:"
strHTML = ""
strBgnCol1 = "<tr><td width=""138"" valign=""top"">" & DEF_FONT_TAG & "<b>"
strBgnCol2 = "</b>" & END_FONT & "</td><td>" & DEF_FONT_TAG
strEndCol = END_FONT & "</td></tr>"
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_PrinterModel_Text & strBgnCol2 & GetString(objQueue.model) & strEndCol
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Location_Text & strBgnCol2 & _
GetString (objQueue.Location) & strEndCol
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Comment_Text & strBgnCol2 & _
GetString (objQueue.Description) & strEndCol
If Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS") = "off" Then
strUrl = "http://"
strUrl = "https://"
End If
strUrl = GetString(strUrl & session(LOCAL_SERVER) & "/printers/" & GetFriendlyName (objQueue.Printerpath, strComputer) & "/.printer")
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Url_Text & strBgnCol2 & strUrl & strEndCol
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Jobs_Text & strBgnCol2 & objQueue.JobCount & strEndCol
On Error Resume Next
iUnit = objPrinter.PageRateUnit
If Err.Number = 0 Then
strTmp = objPrinter.PageRate
If Err.Number = 0 And strTmp <> "0" Then
Const L_PPM_Text = " PPM (Number of Pages Per Minute)"
Const L_CPS_Text = " CPS (Number of Characters Per Second)"
Const L_LPM_Text = " LPM (Number of Lines Per Minute)"
Const L_IPM_Text = " IPM (Number of Inches Per Minute)"
Select Case iUnit
Case 1
strUnit = L_PPM_Text
Case 2
strUnit = L_CPS_Text
Case 3
strUnit = L_LPM_Text
Case 4
strUnit = L_IPM_Text
End Select
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Speed_Text & L_BgnSpeed_Text & strBgnCol2 & strTmp & strUnit & strEndCol
End If
End If
strTmp = objPrinter.Color
If Err.Number = 0 Then
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Color_Text & strBgnCol2 & isSupported (strTmp) & strEndCol
End If
strTmp = objPrinter.Duplex
If Err.Number = 0 Then
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Duplex_Text & strBgnCol2 & isSupported (strTmp) & strEndCol
End If
strTmp = objPrinter.MaximumResolution
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Const L_DPI_Text = " DPI (Dots Per Inch)"
strHTML = strHTML & strBgnCol1 & L_Resolution_Text & strBgnCol2 & strTmp & L_DPI_Text & strEndCol
End If
GenPropertyTable = strHTML
End Function
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000"
topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<%=Write (GenPropertyTable (objQueue, objPrinter))%>