Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

344 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef __MRU_H_INCLUDED
#define __MRU_H_INCLUDED
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <wiacrc32.h>
#include "simstr.h"
#include "simidlst.h"
#include "destdata.h"
class CMruStringList : public CSimpleLinkedList<CSimpleString>
int m_nNumToWrite;
CMruStringList( const CMruStringList & );
CMruStringList &operator=( const CMruStringList & );
CMruStringList( int nNumToWrite=DefaultNumToWrite )
: m_nNumToWrite(nNumToWrite)
bool Read( HKEY hRoot, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName )
CSimpleReg reg( hRoot, pszKey, false, KEY_READ );
if (reg.OK())
if (REG_MULTI_SZ==reg.Type(pszValueName))
int nSize = reg.Size(pszValueName);
if (nSize)
PBYTE pData = new BYTE[nSize];
if (pData)
if (reg.QueryBin( pszValueName, pData, nSize ))
for (LPTSTR pszCurr=reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(pData);*pszCurr;pszCurr+=lstrlen(pszCurr)+1)
Append( pszCurr );
delete[] pData;
bool Write( HKEY hRoot, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName )
CSimpleReg reg( hRoot, pszKey, true, KEY_WRITE );
if (reg.OK())
int nLengthInChars = 0, nCount;
Iterator i;
for (i=Begin(),nCount=0;i != End() && nCount < m_nNumToWrite;++i,++nCount)
nLengthInChars += (*i).Length() + 1;
if (nLengthInChars)
LPTSTR pszMultiStr = new TCHAR[nLengthInChars];
if (pszMultiStr)
LPTSTR pszCurr = pszMultiStr;
for (i = Begin(), nCount=0;i != End() && nCount < m_nNumToWrite;++i,++nCount)
pszCurr += (*i).Length() + 1;
*pszCurr = TEXT('\0');
reg.SetBin( pszValueName, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(pszMultiStr), nLengthInChars*sizeof(TCHAR), REG_MULTI_SZ );
delete[] pszMultiStr;
void Add( CSimpleString str )
if (str.Length())
void PopulateComboBox( HWND hWnd )
SendMessage( hWnd, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
for (Iterator i = Begin();i != End();++i)
SendMessage( hWnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)((*i).String()));
class CMruDestinationData : public CSimpleLinkedList<CDestinationData>
int m_nNumToWrite;
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwCount;
DWORD dwCrc;
CMruDestinationData( const CMruDestinationData & );
CMruDestinationData &operator=( const CMruDestinationData & );
CMruDestinationData( int nNumToWrite=DefaultNumToWrite )
: m_nNumToWrite(nNumToWrite)
bool Read( HKEY hRoot, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName )
// Open the registry
CSimpleReg reg( hRoot, pszKey, false, KEY_READ );
if (reg.OK())
// Make sure the type is correct
if (REG_BINARY==reg.Type(pszValueName))
// Get the size and make sure it is at least as large as the signature structure
DWORD nSize = reg.Size(pszValueName);
if (nSize >= sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE))
// Allocate a block to hold the data
PBYTE pData = new BYTE[nSize];
if (pData)
// Get the data
if (reg.QueryBin( pszValueName, pData, nSize ))
// Copy the blob to a registry signature structure
REGISTRY_SIGNATURE RegistrySignature = {0};
CopyMemory( &RegistrySignature, pData, sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE) );
// Make sure the version and struct size are correct, and the count is non-zero. Just ignore it if it isn't.
if (RegistrySignature.dwSize == sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE) && RegistrySignature.dwVersion == CURRENT_REGISTRY_DATA_FORMAT_VERSION && RegistrySignature.dwCount)
// Raw data starts at the end of the structure
PBYTE pCurr = pData + sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE);
// Get the CRC for this blob and make sure it matches
DWORD dwCrc = WiaCrc32::GenerateCrc32( nSize - sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE), pCurr );
if (dwCrc == RegistrySignature.dwCrc)
// Loop through all of the entries
for (int i=0;i<static_cast<int>(RegistrySignature.dwCount);i++)
// Copy the item size
DWORD dwItemSize = 0;
CopyMemory( &dwItemSize, pCurr, sizeof(DWORD) );
// Increment the current pointer beyond the size
pCurr += sizeof(DWORD);
// Make sure the item size is non-zero
if (dwItemSize)
// Create a CDestinationData with this blob
CDestinationData DestinationData;
// Add it to the list
Append( DestinationData );
// Increment the current pointer to the end of the blob
pCurr += dwItemSize;
// Delete the registry data blob
delete[] pData;
return true;
bool Write( HKEY hRoot, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName )
CSimpleReg reg( hRoot, pszKey, true, KEY_WRITE );
if (reg.OK())
// Find the size needed for the data. Initialize to the size of the registry signature struct.
DWORD nLengthInBytes = sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE);
DWORD dwCount=0;
// Loop through each item and add up the number of bytes required to store it as a blob
Iterator ListIter=Begin();
while (ListIter != End() && dwCount < static_cast<DWORD>(m_nNumToWrite))
nLengthInBytes += (*ListIter).RegistryDataSize() + sizeof(DWORD);
// Allocate some memory to hold the blob
PBYTE pItems = new BYTE[nLengthInBytes];
if (pItems)
// Start at the end of the registry signature struct
PBYTE pCurr = pItems + sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE);
// Initialize the length remaining to the total length minus the size of the registry signature struct
DWORD nLengthRemaining = nLengthInBytes - sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE);
// Loop through the list, stopping when we get to the max number of items to write
DWORD dwCurr = 0;
while (ListIter != End() && dwCurr < dwCount)
// Get the size of this blob
DWORD dwSize = (*ListIter).RegistryDataSize();
if (dwSize)
// Copy the size to our buffer, and increment the current pointer
CopyMemory( pCurr, &dwSize, sizeof(DWORD) );
pCurr += sizeof(DWORD);
// Get the blob for this item
(*ListIter).GetRegistryData( pCurr, nLengthRemaining );
// Increment the current pointer
pCurr += (*ListIter).RegistryDataSize();
// Initialize the registry signature struct
REGISTRY_SIGNATURE RegistrySignature = {0};
RegistrySignature.dwSize = sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE);
RegistrySignature.dwCount = dwCount;
RegistrySignature.dwCrc = WiaCrc32::GenerateCrc32( nLengthInBytes - sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE), pItems + sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE) );
// Copy the registry signature struct to the buffer
CopyMemory( pItems, &RegistrySignature, sizeof(REGISTRY_SIGNATURE) );
// Save the data to the registry
reg.SetBin( pszValueName, pItems, nLengthInBytes, REG_BINARY );
// Free the temp buffer
delete[] pItems;
Iterator Add( CDestinationData item )
if (item.IsValid())
return Prepend(item);
return End();
#endif //__MRU_H_INCLUDED