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package DfsMap;
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Version: 1.00 (01/01/2001) : BPerkins
# 2.00 (10/16/2001) : SuemiaoR
# Purpose: Perform DFS commands for Windows release.
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.00';
use Logmsg;
use comlib;
my $pClass = shift;
my $pDfsRoot = shift;
my $instance;
my ($dfs_view_info, $cur_dfs_link);
my $fchild_dfs_servers;
my $tmpfile="$ENV{temp}\\tmpfile";
my ( $fullDfsView );
return 0 if ( @_ || !$pDfsRoot );
# Check current dfscmd.exe version
return 0 if ( !VerifyDfsCmdVer() );
# Remove trailing backslash (if it exists) from DFS root
$pDfsRoot =~ s/\\$//;
# Read in current DFS view
if ( system("dfscmd.exe /view $pDfsRoot /batch > $tmpfile") )
errmsg( "Failed viewing dfs root $pDfsRoot." );
return 0;
my @fullDfsView = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmpfile );
$instance = { "DFS Root" => $pDfsRoot };
# "DFS Work Root" => {}
# "DFS Servers" => (),
# "Map" => {}
##### Expected output:
##### dfscmd /map "\\<dfs_root>\<link_name>" "\\<server>\<share>" "<comment>"
my %dfs_map;
for my $dfs_view_info ( @fullDfsView )
chomp $dfs_view_info;
next if ( !$dfs_view_info );
next if ( $dfs_view_info =~ /^REM BATCH RESTORE SCRIPT/i );
$dfs_view_info = lc $dfs_view_info;
last if ( $dfs_view_info eq "the command completed successfully." );
my ($dfs_link, $share, $comment) = $dfs_view_info =~ /dfscmd \/(?:map|add) "(.*?)" "(.*?)"(?: "(.*)")?$/;
my $relative_link_name = $dfs_link;
$relative_link_name =~ s/^\Q$pDfsRoot\E\\//i;
if ( !$dfs_link || !$share || !$relative_link_name )
errmsg( "Unrecognized entry [ $dfs_view_info] " );
return 0;
##### If it is just the root, then this entry represents a hosting server
if ( lc $dfs_link eq lc $pDfsRoot )
push ( @{$instance->{"DFS Servers"}}, $share ) ;
##### Otherwise associate the link and the share
push ( @{$dfs_map{$relative_link_name}}, $share );
push ( @{$dfs_map{$share}}, $relative_link_name);
##### Expect to find at least one DFS server under the root
if ( !exists $instance->{"DFS Servers"} )
errmsg( "Did not find the root node and specified servers for $pDfsRoot." );
return 0;
#logmsg( "DFS hosting server(s) [@{$instance->{'DFS Servers'}}]." );
# FUTURE: find a nicer way around this
# In cases where more than one server is actually hosting DFS,
# we need to pick one of the hosting machines to perform
# our commands against so that we don't have to wait for
# replication (this is to help tests for just created and
# just removed directories succeed).
for ( @{$instance->{"DFS Servers"}} )
if ( -e $_ )
$instance->{"DFS Work Root"} = $_;
# Verify we could see at least one
if ( ! exists $instance->{"DFS Work Root"} )
errmsg( "Could not find an accessible DFS server." );
return 0;
#print "\n$_:\n ". (join "\n ", @{$dfs_map{$_}}) foreach ( sort keys %dfs_map );
# Store the map we just created inside of our private hash data
$instance->{"Map"} = \%dfs_map;
return bless $instance, $pClass;
my $self = shift;
my $link_or_share = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
return $dfs_map->{ lc $link_or_share } if (exists $dfs_map->{ lc $link_or_share });
return 1;
my $self = shift;
my $link_or_share = shift;
my $new_link = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
my $fshare = $link_or_share =~ /^\\\\/;
# Remove any trailing backslashes
$link_or_share =~ s/\\$//;
$new_link =~ s/\\$//;
# If mapping already exists, we are done
my $cur_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share};
for ( @$cur_mappings )
if ( lc $_ eq lc $new_link )
#logmsg( "Found link [$new_link] exists, skip mapping." );
return 1;
# Create new DFS mapping
my $cmdLine = "dfscmd.exe ". (@$cur_mappings?"/add ":"/map "). $self->{"DFS Root"}.
($fshare?"\\$new_link $link_or_share":"\\$link_or_share $new_link");
if ( system( "$cmdLine >nul 2>nul" ) )
# COMMENTED OUT: If someone else is trying to manipulate the same
# links as we are while we are doing this then
# we have a problem -- don't try to correct
# Might have gotten into a race-condition with another
# machine attempting to add a new link -- if that is
# a possibility try a map instead before giving up
$dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share} = "";
return 0;
# Update the hash with the new information
push @{$dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}}, $new_link;
push @{$dfs_map->{lc $new_link}}, $link_or_share;
return 1;
my $self = shift;
my $link_or_share = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
my $fshare = $link_or_share =~ /^\\\\/;
# Make sure DFS mapping exists before attempting to delete it
return 1 if ( !exists $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share} );
my $cur_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share};
return 1 if ( !@$cur_mappings );
if ( $fshare )
# Remove all DFS links pointing to this share
for my $next_link ( @$cur_mappings )
print "Remove[$next_link][$link_or_share]\n";
return 0 if ( !$self->RemoveShareFromLink( $next_link, $link_or_share ) );
my $cmdLine = "dfscmd.exe /unmap $self->{\"DFS Root\"}\\$link_or_share >nul 2>nul";
if ( system( $cmdLine ) )
errmsg( "Failed on [$cmdLine].");
return 0;
# Remove the hash references
delete $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_mappings); $i++)
if ( lc $cur_mappings->[$i] eq lc $link_or_share )
splice @$cur_mappings, $i, 1;
return 1;
my $self = shift;
# We don't actually want to be able to delete the entire
# DFS structure, so we will just clear our information
undef %$self;
my $self = shift;
my $link_or_share = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
return exists $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share};
my $self = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
my $force_to_first_key = keys %$dfs_map;
return scalar each %$dfs_map;
my $self = shift;
my $last_key = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
return scalar each %$dfs_map;
my $self = shift;
# Need more methods than provided by TIEHASH defaults
sub ParseShare
my $self = shift;
my $lang = shift;
my $server = shift;
my $branch = shift;
my $buildNo = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $results = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{Map};
for my $share ( sort keys %$dfs_map )
next if( $share !~ /^\\\\([^\\]+)\\(\d+)(?:\-\d+)?(.*)$/ );
my $bldno = $2;
my $cmpStr = $3;
next if( $server && lc $1 ne lc $server );
next if( $buildNo && $buildNo != $bldno );
if( $lang && $cmpStr =~ /\.$lang/i )
next if( $branch && $cmpStr !~ /$branch/i );
next if( $arch && $cmpStr !~ /$arch/i );
next if( $type && $cmpStr !~ /$type/i );
next if( $cmpStr !~ /misc/i );
push( @$results, $share );
return 1;
sub RemoveShareFromLink
my $self = shift;
my $link_root = shift;
my $share_name = shift;
my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"};
# Get current associated links
my $cur_link_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_root};
my $cur_share_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $share_name};
my $fshare_linked;
# If the share is not part of the link, return
for (@$cur_link_mappings)
if ( lc $_ eq lc $share_name )
$fshare_linked = 1;
return 1 if ( !$fshare_linked );
my $dfs_command = "dfscmd.exe /remove $self->{'DFS Root'}\\$link_root $share_name >nul 2>nul";
if ( system( $dfs_command ) )
errmsg( "failed on [$dfs_command]");
return 0;
# Remove the associated hash entries
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_link_mappings); $i++)
if ( lc $cur_link_mappings->[$i] eq lc $share_name )
splice @$cur_link_mappings, $i, 1;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_share_mappings); $i++)
if ( lc $cur_share_mappings->[$i] eq lc $link_root )
splice @$cur_share_mappings, $i, 1;
return 1;
sub Flush
my $self = shift;
# Do nothing for now, but here in preparation for batching of commands
return 1;
sub GetDfsRoot
my $self = shift;
return $self->{ "DFS Root" };
sub GetDfsHosts
my $self = shift;
return @{$self->{"DFS Servers"}};
sub VerifyDfsCmdVer
#####Verify dfscmd.exe version is newer than 5.0.2203.1
my $tmpfile="$ENV{temp}\\tmpfile";
if( system( "where dfscmd.exe > $tmpfile" ) )
errmsg( "[dfscmd.exe] not found in the %path%." );
return 0;
my @output = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmpfile );
system( "filever $output[0] > $tmpfile" );
@output = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmpfile );
@output = split( /\s+/, $output[0] );
if( $output[4] lt "5.0.2203.1" )
errmsg( "Current dfscmd.exe version is [$output[4]]." );
errmsg( "Please install the version is newer than \"5.0.2203.1\" ");
return 0;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
DfsMap.pm - collections of dfs links and shares in hash array for given dfs domain.
sub TIEHASH( $hash, $dfs_domain )
where $hash is the hash array to collect links and shares for given $dfs_domain.
where $dfs_domain is the root for the dfs.
Access all the hash information through tied functions.
=head1 AUTHOR
Brian Perkins <[email protected]>
Suemiao Rossignol <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.