Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
7.4 KiB

@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM <<template_script.cmd>>
REM <<purpose of this script>>
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use BuildName;
use Logmsg;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
Usage intltime.cmd -b:<BuildName> -t:<Timestamp> [-c] [-i]\
-b:<BuildName> The full build name to snap
-t:<Timestamp> The timestamp to sync the source tree
-i Incremental build
my ($Buildname, $Timestamp, $Clean, $Incremental);
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'b:' => \$Buildname,
't:' => \$Timestamp,
'c' => \$Clean,
'i' => \$Incremental);
if (! defined $Timestamp) {
my $Buildno = build_number("$Buildname");
my %commands = ();
%commands = (
1 => 'echo Starting INCREMENTAL intl time...',
10 => 'echo Cleanup operations...NONE',
20 => 'echo SD mapping operations...',
21 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync *',
22 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& sd sync ...',
23 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlmap.pl /q',
25 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlmap.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' /q',
# 27 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& intlsdop.cmd -d:%sdxroot% -t:' . "$Timestamp" . ' -f -o:s',
30 => 'echo SD syncing operations...',
31 => 'echo SD syncing root...',
32 => 'cd %_ntbindir%& sd sync *@'. "$Timestamp",
35 => 'echo SD syncing tools...',
36 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
37 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync *',
38 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& sd sync ...',
42 => 'echo SD syncing base...',
43 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\base& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
44 => 'echo SD syncing developer...',
45 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\developer& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
46 => 'echo SD syncing drivers...',
47 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\drivers& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
48 => 'echo SD syncing ds...',
49 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\ds& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
50 => 'echo SD syncing mergedcomponents...',
51 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\mergedcomponents& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
52 => 'echo SD syncing net...',
53 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\net& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
54 => 'echo SD syncing public...',
55 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\public& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
56 => 'echo SD syncing published...',
57 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\published& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
58 => 'echo SD syncing sdktools...',
59 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\sdktools& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
60 => 'echo SD syncing termsrv...',
61 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\termsrv& sd sync ...@'. "$Timestamp",
65 => 'echo SD syncing loc project...',
66 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\loc\bin\\' . "$ENV{Lang}" . '& sd sync ...',
67 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\loc\res\\' . "$ENV{Lang}" . '& sd sync ...',
# 69 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& intlsdop.cmd -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -f -o:s',
# 70 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& perl snapbin.pl -n:' . "$Buildno". ' -s:\\intblds10\release\usa\\' . "$Buildname" . ' -i',
80 => 'echo Compile common targets...',
81 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlbld.pl -l:intl',
85 => 'echo Compile common lang targets...',
86 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl copylang.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -i',
87 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlbld.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}",
90 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& postbuild.cmd -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -full',
99 => 'echo Finished INCREMENTAL intl time.',
if (defined $Clean)
%commands = (
1 => 'echo Starting CLEAN intl time...',
10 => 'echo Cleanup operations...',
11 => 'cd %_ntdrive%& rd /s/q %_nttree%',
12 => 'cd %_ntdrive%& rd /s/q %_ntpostbld%',
# 13 => 'cd %_ntdrive%& rd /s/q %temp%',
14 => 'cd %_ntbindir%& perl tools\scorch.pl -scorch=%_ntbindir%',
20 => 'echo SD mapping operations...',
21 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync -f *',
22 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& sd sync -f ...',
23 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlmap.pl /q',
25 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlmap.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' /q',
# 27 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& intlsdop.cmd -d:%sdxroot% -t:' . "$Timestamp" . ' -f -o:s',
30 => 'echo SD syncing operations...',
31 => 'echo SD syncing root...',
32 => 'cd %_ntbindir%& sd sync -f *@'. "$Timestamp",
35 => 'echo SD syncing tools...',
36 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
37 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& sd sync -f *',
38 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& sd sync -f ...',
42 => 'echo SD syncing base...',
43 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\base& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
44 => 'echo SD syncing developer...',
45 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\developer& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
46 => 'echo SD syncing drivers...',
47 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\drivers& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
48 => 'echo SD syncing ds...',
49 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\ds& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
50 => 'echo SD syncing mergedcomponents...',
51 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\mergedcomponents& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
52 => 'echo SD syncing net...',
53 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\net& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
54 => 'echo SD syncing public...',
55 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\public& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
56 => 'echo SD syncing published...',
57 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\published& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
58 => 'echo SD syncing sdktools...',
59 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\sdktools& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
60 => 'echo SD syncing termsrv...',
61 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\termsrv& sd sync -f ...@'. "$Timestamp",
65 => 'echo SD syncing loc project...',
66 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\loc\bin\\' . "$ENV{Lang}" . '& sd sync -f ...',
67 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\loc\res\\' . "$ENV{Lang}" . '& sd sync -f ...',
# 69 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& intlsdop.cmd -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -f -o:s',
# 70 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& perl snapbin.pl -n:' . "$Buildno". ' -s:\\\\intblds10\release\usa\\' . "$Buildname",
70 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools\postbuildscripts& perl snapbin.pl -n:' . "$Buildno",
80 => 'echo Compile common targets...',
81 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlbld.pl -l:intl -c',
85 => 'echo Compile common lang targets...',
86 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl copylang.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}",
87 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& perl intlbld.pl -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -c',
# 90 => 'cd %_ntbindir%\tools& postbuild.cmd -l:' . "$ENV{Lang}" . ' -full',
99 => 'echo Finished CLEAN intl time.',
my $step;
my $result;
foreach $step (sort keys %commands) {
print "Step: " . $step . "=>" . $commands{$step} . "\n";
$result = `$commands{$step}`;
print "Result: " . $result . "\n";