Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.6/bin/perl -w
# forker.pl
# This script is a simple demonstration of how to use fork()
# Author: David Sparks <[email protected]>
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant CLIENTS => 32;
use constant DEBUG => 1;
$|=1; #buffering a bad idea when fork()ing
my @kids=();
my $pid=$$;
my $parentpid=0;
#script starts here
if ($parentpid) {
else { #the original parent only does cleanup duty
warn "$$ exiting\n" if DEBUG;
if ($parentpid) {
#kids exit here
else {
#parent exits here
die; #wont happen
sub Forker {
my $clients=shift;
my $i=0;
while ($i++ < $clients) {
my $newpid = fork();
if (! defined $newpid) { #hosed
die "fork() error: $!\n";
elsif ($newpid == 0) { #child
$parentpid = $pid;
$pid = $$;
@kids = (); #don't inhert the kids
warn "$$ child of $parentpid\n" if DEBUG;
else { #parent (defined $newpid)
warn "$$ spawned $newpid\n" if DEBUG;
push(@kids, $newpid);
sub SharedInit {
warn "Entering SharedInit()\n" if DEBUG;
sub Work {
warn "$$ Entering Work()\n" if DEBUG;
sub Reaper {
while (my $kid = shift(@kids)) {
warn "$$ to reap $kid\n" if DEBUG;
my $reaped = waitpid($kid,0);
unless ($reaped == $kid) {
warn "waitpid $reaped: $?\n" if DEBUG;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
do {
$kid = waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
} until $kid == -1;