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# IO::Pipe.pm
# Copyright (c) 1996-8 Graham Barr <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package IO::Pipe;
require 5.005_64;
use IO::Handle;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Symbol;
$VERSION = "1.121";
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $class = ref($type) || $type || "IO::Pipe";
@_ == 0 || @_ == 2 or croak "usage: new $class [READFH, WRITEFH]";
my $me = bless gensym(), $class;
my($readfh,$writefh) = @_ ? @_ : $me->handles;
pipe($readfh, $writefh)
or return undef;
@{*$me} = ($readfh, $writefh);
sub handles {
@_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->handles()';
(IO::Pipe::End->new(), IO::Pipe::End->new());
my $do_spawn = $^O eq 'os2';
sub _doit {
my $me = shift;
my $rw = shift;
my $pid = $do_spawn ? 0 : fork();
if($pid) { # Parent
return $pid;
elsif(defined $pid) { # Child or spawn
my $fh;
my $io = $rw ? \*STDIN : \*STDOUT;
my ($mode, $save) = $rw ? "r" : "w";
if ($do_spawn) {
require Fcntl;
$save = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($io, $mode);
# Close in child:
fcntl(shift, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), 1) or croak "fcntl: $!";
$fh = $rw ? ${*$me}[0] : ${*$me}[1];
} else {
$fh = $rw ? $me->reader() : $me->writer(); # close the other end
bless $io, "IO::Handle";
$io->fdopen($fh, $mode);
if ($do_spawn) {
$pid = eval { system 1, @_ }; # 1 == P_NOWAIT
my $err = $!;
$io->fdopen($save, $mode);
$save->close or croak "Cannot close $!";
croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot spawn-NOWAIT: $err" if not $pid or $pid < 0;
return $pid;
} else {
exec @_ or
croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot exec: $!";
else {
croak "IO::Pipe: Cannot fork: $!";
# NOT Reached
sub reader {
@_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->reader( [SUB_COMMAND_ARGS] )';
my $me = shift;
return undef
unless(ref($me) || ref($me = $me->new));
my $fh = ${*$me}[0];
my $pid = $me->_doit(0, $fh, @_)
close ${*$me}[1];
bless $me, ref($fh);
*$me = *$fh; # Alias self to handle
unless defined($me->fileno);
bless $fh; # Really wan't un-bless here
${*$me}{'io_pipe_pid'} = $pid
if defined $pid;
sub writer {
@_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: $pipe->writer( [SUB_COMMAND_ARGS] )';
my $me = shift;
return undef
unless(ref($me) || ref($me = $me->new));
my $fh = ${*$me}[1];
my $pid = $me->_doit(1, $fh, @_)
close ${*$me}[0];
bless $me, ref($fh);
*$me = *$fh; # Alias self to handle
unless defined($me->fileno);
bless $fh; # Really wan't un-bless here
${*$me}{'io_pipe_pid'} = $pid
if defined $pid;
package IO::Pipe::End;
@ISA = qw(IO::Handle);
sub close {
my $fh = shift;
my $r = $fh->SUPER::close(@_);
if(defined ${*$fh}{'io_pipe_pid'});
=head1 NAME
IO::Pipe - supply object methods for pipes
use IO::Pipe;
$pipe = new IO::Pipe;
if($pid = fork()) { # Parent
while(<$pipe> {
elsif(defined $pid) { # Child
print $pipe ....
$pipe = new IO::Pipe;
$pipe->reader(qw(ls -l));
while(<$pipe>) {
C<IO::Pipe> provides an interface to creating pipes between
=over 4
=item new ( [READER, WRITER] )
Creates a C<IO::Pipe>, which is a reference to a newly created symbol
(see the C<Symbol> package). C<IO::Pipe::new> optionally takes two
arguments, which should be objects blessed into C<IO::Handle>, or a
subclass thereof. These two objects will be used for the system call
to C<pipe>. If no arguments are given then method C<handles> is called
on the new C<IO::Pipe> object.
These two handles are held in the array part of the GLOB until either
C<reader> or C<writer> is called.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item reader ([ARGS])
The object is re-blessed into a sub-class of C<IO::Handle>, and becomes a
handle at the reading end of the pipe. If C<ARGS> are given then C<fork>
is called and C<ARGS> are passed to exec.
=item writer ([ARGS])
The object is re-blessed into a sub-class of C<IO::Handle>, and becomes a
handle at the writing end of the pipe. If C<ARGS> are given then C<fork>
is called and C<ARGS> are passed to exec.
=item handles ()
This method is called during construction by C<IO::Pipe::new>
on the newly created C<IO::Pipe> object. It returns an array of two objects
blessed into C<IO::Pipe::End>, or a subclass thereof.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Graham Barr. Currently maintained by the Perl Porters. Please report all
bugs to <[email protected]>.
Copyright (c) 1996-8 Graham Barr <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.