Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM miscrel.cmd - SuemiaoR
@REM Move the build components such as symbolcd, ddk to the
@REM conglomeration servers.
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use File::Basename;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Propogate miscellaneous build components such as symbols and DDKS to conglomeration servers.
$scriptname: -l:<language> [-b:<BuildName>][-misc] [-p]
-l Language.
Default is "usa".
-b Build Name.
Default is defined in
<ReleaseShare>\\build_logs\\buildname.txt for language usa.
<ReleaseShare>\\<lang>\\build_logs\\buildname.txt for language none usa.
-misc Propagate Neutral package file only, such as mui.
-p Powerless.
Display key variables only.
-? Display Usage.
$scriptname -b:2415.x86fre.main.001222-1745
$scriptname -l:ger -p
my ( $buildName, $buildNo, $powerLess, $buildBranch, $buildArch, $buildType, $iniFile );
my ( $buildTime, %groupShareName, %groupShareRootDir, @group, $releaseDrive );
my ( $lang, $computerName, $releaseResDir);
my ( @conglomerators, @releaseServers, @releaseAccess );
my ( @hashTable, $miscOnly );
timemsg( "Start [$scriptname]" );
if( !&InitVars() ) { exit(1); }
if( !$powerLess && !&CopyMiscBuild ){ exit(1); }
timemsg( "Complete [$scriptname]" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'b:' => \$buildName, 'misc' => \$miscOnly, 'p' =>\$powerLess );
$lang = lc( $ENV{lang} );
$computerName = lc( $ENV{computername} );
sub InitVars
my( @iniRequest );
#####Set build name, buildbranch, buildArch, buildType and ini file
if( !$buildName )
my ($cmdLine ) = "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\getlatestrelease.cmd -l:$lang";
return 0 if( !chomp($buildName= `$cmdLine`) );
$buildNo = build_number($buildName);
$buildBranch = lc ( build_branch($buildName) );
$buildArch = lc ( build_arch($buildName) );
$buildType = lc ( build_type($buildName) );
$buildTime = build_date($buildName);
if( !$buildBranch || !$buildArch || !$buildType )
errmsg( "Unable to parse [$buildName]");
return 0;
$iniFile = "$buildBranch.$lang.ini";
#####Set <ReleaseShareName> & <ReleaseShareRootDir> & <ReleaseDir>
my $lookUpName = "release";
if( $ENV{_BuildBranch} =~ /idx\d{2}/i )
$lookUpName = "$ENV{_buildBranch}$lookUpName";
my $releaseShareRootDir = &comlib::ParseNetShare( $lookUpName, "Path" );
if( lc($lang) eq "usa" )
$releaseResDir = "$releaseShareRootDir\\$buildName";
$releaseResDir = "$releaseShareRootDir\\$lang\\$buildName";
if( !( -e $releaseResDir ) )
errmsg( "[$releaseResDir] not exists, exit." );
return 0;
$releaseShareRootDir =~ /^([^\:]+)\:(\\.+)$/;
my $localReleaseDrive= $1;
$releaseShareRootDir = $2;
#####Set aggregation servers
@iniRequest = ( "ConglomerationServers" );
my( $iniConglomerator ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if( !$iniConglomerator )
logmsg( "no [ConglomerationServers] defined in [$iniFile]." );
@conglomerators = split( /\s+/, $iniConglomerator );
#####Set release servers
@iniRequest = ( "ReleaseServers::$buildArch$buildType" );
my( $iniRelServers ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if( !$iniRelServers )
logmsg( "no [Release Servers] defined in $iniFile, exit." );
@releaseServers = split( /\s+/, $iniRelServers );
#####Set public share access
@iniRequest = ( "ReleaseAccess");
my $iniAccess = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
@releaseAccess = split ( /\s+/, $iniAccess );
@releaseAccess = "$ENV{userDomain}\\$ENV{UserName}" if( !@releaseAccess );
#####Array as group in miscrel.txt
if( $miscOnly ) { @group = ( "build" );} else { @group = ( "lang", "build" ); }
#####Share name and Share root dir for each group item
%groupShareRootDir = ( "lang" => "$releaseShareRootDir\\$lang\\$buildNo.$buildBranch",
"build" => "$releaseShareRootDir\\misc\\$buildNo.$buildBranch" );
%groupShareName = ( "lang" => "$buildNo.$buildBranch.$lang",
"build" => "$buildNo.$buildBranch.misc" );
logmsg( "Lauguage .................[$lang]" );
logmsg( "This computer.............[$computerName]");
logmsg( "Release Servers ..........[$iniRelServers]");
logmsg( "Conglomerate Servers......[$iniConglomerator]");
logmsg( "Build name ...............[$buildName]" );
logmsg( "Ini file .................[$iniFile]" );
logmsg( "Copying group ............[@group]" );
logmsg( "Resource Share name.......[$buildName.$lang]" );
logmsg( "Resource Share Path.......[$releaseResDir]" );
logmsg( "Local release Drive.......[$localReleaseDrive]" );
for my $key ( sort keys %groupShareName )
logmsg( "Conglomeration share name:Path [$groupShareName{$key}=$groupShareRootDir{$key}]" );
logmsg( "Share Access is ..........[@releaseAccess]" );
logmsg( "Temp Log file ............[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Temp Error file ..........[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" );
return 1;
sub CopyMiscBuild
my ( $destRootDir, $copyFlag );
for my $theConglomerator( @conglomerators )
if( grep { $theConglomerator eq $_} @releaseServers )
logmsg( "[$theConglomerator] is also a release server, skip copying.");
#####Set Remote Misc Share Drive
my $tmpReleasePath = &comlib::ParseNetShare( "\\\\$theConglomerator\\release", "Path" );
$tmpReleasePath =~ /^([^\:]+)\:(\\.+)$/;
$releaseDrive = $1;
if ( !$releaseDrive )
my( @iniRequest ) = ("ReleaseDrive::$theConglomerator");
$releaseDrive = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $buildBranch,$lang,@iniRequest );
if ( !$releaseDrive )
$ENV{_ntdrive} =~ /(.*)\:/;
$releaseDrive = $1;
for my $theGroup ( @group )
next if( !&CreateMiscShare( $theConglomerator, $releaseDrive, $groupShareName{$theGroup}, $groupShareRootDir{ $theGroup} ) );
$destRootDir = "\\\\$theConglomerator\\$releaseDrive\$$groupShareRootDir{$theGroup}";
#####Parse miscrel.txt table for copying
@hashTable = &comlib::ParseTable( $theGroup, $lang, $buildArch, $buildType );
for my $line( @hashTable )
my $from = "$releaseResDir\\$line->{SourceDir}";
my $to = "$destRootDir\\$line->{DestDir}";
my $tmpfile = &comlib::CreateExcludeFile( $line->{ExcludeDir} );
if( uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "IFS" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "HAL" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "PDK")
$copyFlag = "/yei";
$copyFlag = "/ydei";
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "xcopy $copyFlag /EXCLUDE:$tmpfile $from $to" );
#####Check error logs
if( -e $ENV{errfile} && !(-z $ENV{errfile}) )
$ENV{errfile} =~ /(.*)\.tmp$/;
logmsg("Please check error at $1");
return 0;
logmsg("miscrel Copy Successfully");
return 1;
sub CreateMiscShare
my ( $pConglomerator, $pReleaseDrive, $pShareName, $pShareRootDir ) = @_;
my ( $cmdLine );
#####Create the conglomeration root dir if it does not exist.
if( !( -e "\\\\$pConglomerator\\$releaseDrive\$$pShareRootDir" ) )
$cmdLine = "md \\\\$pConglomerator\\$releaseDrive\$$pShareRootDir";
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
#####create the public conglomeration share
#####use system for not logging the error message if the share does not exist.
if( system( "rmtshare \\\\$pConglomerator\\$pShareName >nul 2>nul") )
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$pConglomerator\\$pShareName=$pReleaseDrive:$pShareRootDir";
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ENV{USERDOMAIN}\\$ENV{USERNAME}:read";
#####Raiseall.pl should grant access to these shares in the main build lab
for my $ID ( @releaseAccess )
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ID:read";
if( $ENV{USERNAME} =~ /wmbla/i )
$cmdLine .= " /grant ntdev\\ntbuild:read";
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
return 1;