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// cuituil.h
// = UI object library - util functions =
#ifndef CUIUTIL_H
#define CUIUTIL_H
// user32 definition
#if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500)
// Window style
#define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000
// UpdateLayeredWindow()
#define LWA_COLORKEY 0x00000001
#define LWA_ALPHA 0x00000002
#define ULW_COLORKEY 0x00000001
#define ULW_ALPHA 0x00000002
#define ULW_OPAQUE 0x00000004
#endif /* _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500 */
#if (WINVER < 0x0500)
// AnimateWindow()
#define AW_HOR_POSITIVE 0x00000001
#define AW_HOR_NEGATIVE 0x00000002
#define AW_VER_POSITIVE 0x00000004
#define AW_VER_NEGATIVE 0x00000008
#define AW_CENTER 0x00000010
#define AW_HIDE 0x00010000
#define AW_ACTIVATE 0x00020000
#define AW_SLIDE 0x00040000
#define AW_BLEND 0x00080000
// minitor functions
typedef struct tagMONITORINFO
DWORD cbSize;
RECT rcMonitor;
RECT rcWork;
DWORD dwFlags;
#define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL 0x00000000
#define MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY 0x00000001
#endif /* WINVER < 0x0500 */
// user32 functions
extern BOOL CUIIsUpdateLayeredWindowAvail( void );
extern BOOL CUIUpdateLayeredWindow( HWND hWnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT *pptDst, SIZE *psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT *pptSrc, COLORREF crKey, BLENDFUNCTION *pblend, DWORD dwFlags );
extern BOOL CUIIsMonitorAPIAvail( void );
extern BOOL CUIGetMonitorInfo( HMONITOR hMonitor, LPMONITORINFO lpmi );
extern HMONITOR CUIMonitorFromWindow( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags );
extern HMONITOR CUIMonitorFromRect( LPRECT prc, DWORD dwFlags );
extern HMONITOR CUIMonitorFromPoint( POINT pt, DWORD dwFlags );
extern void CUIGetScreenRect(POINT pt, RECT *prc);
extern void CUIGetWorkAreaRect(POINT pt, RECT *prc);
extern BOOL CUIIsAnimateWindowAvail( void );
extern BOOL CUIAnimateWindow( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwFlag );
// drawing functions
extern void InitUIFUtil();
extern void DoneUIFUtil();
extern int CUIDrawText( HDC hDC, LPCWSTR pwch, int cwch, RECT *prc, UINT uFormat );
extern BOOL CUIExtTextOut( HDC hDC, int x, int y, UINT fuOptions, const RECT *prc, LPCWSTR pwch, UINT cwch, const int *lpDs );
extern BOOL CUIGetTextExtentPoint32( HDC hDC, LPCWSTR pwch, int cwch, SIZE *psize );
extern HBITMAP CreateMaskBmp(const RECT *prc, HBITMAP hbmp, HBITMAP hbmpMask, HBRUSH hbrBk, COLORREF colText, COLORREF colBk);
extern HBITMAP CreateShadowMaskBmp(RECT *prc, HBITMAP hbmp, HBITMAP hbmpMask, HBRUSH hbrBk, HBRUSH hbrShadow);
extern HBITMAP CreateDisabledBitmap(const RECT *prc, HBITMAP hbmpMask, HBRUSH hbrBk, HBRUSH hbrShadow, BOOL fShadow);
extern HBRUSH CreateDitherBrush( void );
extern void DrawMaskBmpOnDC(HDC hdc, const RECT *prc, HBITMAP hbmp, HBITMAP hbmpMask);
extern BOOL CUIDrawState(HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, DRAWSTATEPROC lpOutputFunc, LPARAM lData, WPARAM wData, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT fuFlags);
extern BOOL CUIGetIconSize( HICON hIcon, SIZE *psize );
extern BOOL CUIGetBitmapSize( HBITMAP hBmp, SIZE *psize );
extern BOOL CUIGetIconBitmaps(HICON hIcon, HBITMAP *phbmp, HBITMAP *phbmpMask, SIZE *psize);
extern DWORD CUIProcessDefaultLayout();
extern DWORD CUISetLayout(HDC hdc, DWORD dw);
extern HBITMAP CUIMirrorBitmap(HBITMAP hbmOrig, HBRUSH hbrBk);
extern HMODULE CUIGetSystemModuleHandle(LPCTSTR lpModuleName);
#endif /* CUIUTIL_H */