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225 lines
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// range.h
#ifndef RANGE_H
#define RANGE_H
#include "private.h"
#include "anchor.h"
#include "sink.h"
#include "ic.h"
class CInputContext;
class CEnumOwnedRanges;
extern const IID IID_PRIV_CRANGE;
inline TfGravity DCGToIMG(TsGravity dcg) { return dcg == TS_GR_FORWARD ? TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD : TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD; }
class CRange : public ITfRangeACP,
public ITfRangeAnchor,
public ITfSource
// work around for new #define in mem.h
#undef new
// retore mem.h trick
#ifdef DEBUG
#define new new(TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
#endif // DEBUG
Dbg_MemSetThisNameIDCounter(TEXT("CRange"), PERF_RANGE_COUNTER);
_cRef = 1;
// NB: caller must be certain that paStart <= paEnd before calling _InitWithDefaultGravity!
BOOL _InitWithDefaultGravity(CInputContext *pic, AnchorOwnership ao, IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd)
return _Init(pic, ao, paStart, paEnd, RINIT_DEF_GRAVITY);
BOOL _InitWithAnchorGravity(CInputContext *pic, AnchorOwnership ao, IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd)
return _Init(pic, ao, paStart, paEnd, RINIT_GRAVITY);
static void _InitClass();
static void _UninitClass();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj);
// ITfRange
STDMETHODIMP GetText(TfEditCookie ec, DWORD dwFlags, WCHAR *pchText, ULONG cchMax, ULONG *pcch);
STDMETHODIMP SetText(TfEditCookie ec, DWORD dwFlags, const WCHAR *pchText, LONG cch);
STDMETHODIMP GetFormattedText(TfEditCookie ec, IDataObject **ppDataObject);
STDMETHODIMP GetEmbedded(TfEditCookie ec, REFGUID rguidService, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppunk);
STDMETHODIMP InsertEmbedded(TfEditCookie ec, DWORD dwFlags, IDataObject *pDataObject);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftStart(TfEditCookie ec, LONG cchReq, LONG *pcch, const TF_HALTCOND *pHalt);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftEnd(TfEditCookie ec, LONG cchReq, LONG *pcch, const TF_HALTCOND *pHalt);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftStartToRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pRange, TfAnchor aPos);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftEndToRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pRange, TfAnchor aPos);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftStartRegion(TfEditCookie ec, TfShiftDir dir, BOOL *pfNoRegion);
STDMETHODIMP ShiftEndRegion(TfEditCookie ec, TfShiftDir dir, BOOL *pfNoRegion);
STDMETHODIMP IsEmpty(TfEditCookie ec, BOOL *pfEmpty);
STDMETHODIMP Collapse(TfEditCookie ec, TfAnchor aPos);
STDMETHODIMP IsEqualStart(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, BOOL *pfEqual);
STDMETHODIMP IsEqualEnd(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, BOOL *pfEqual);
STDMETHODIMP CompareStart(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, LONG *plResult);
STDMETHODIMP CompareEnd(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, LONG *plResult);
STDMETHODIMP AdjustForInsert(TfEditCookie ec, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL *pfInsertOk);
STDMETHODIMP GetGravity(TfGravity *pgStart, TfGravity *pgEnd);
STDMETHODIMP SetGravity(TfEditCookie ec, TfGravity gStart, TfGravity gEnd);
STDMETHODIMP Clone(ITfRange **ppClone);
STDMETHODIMP GetContext(ITfContext **ppContext);
// ITfRangeACP
STDMETHODIMP GetExtent(LONG *pacpAnchor, LONG *pcch);
STDMETHODIMP SetExtent(LONG acpAnchor, LONG cch);
// ITfRangeAnchor
STDMETHODIMP GetExtent(IAnchor **ppaStart, IAnchor **ppaEnd);
STDMETHODIMP SetExtent(IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd);
// ITfSource
STDMETHODIMP AdviseSink(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk, DWORD *pdwCookie);
STDMETHODIMP UnadviseSink(DWORD dwCookie);
CRange *_Clone()
CRange *rangeClone;
if ((rangeClone = new CRange) == NULL)
return NULL;
if (!rangeClone->_Init(_pic, COPY_ANCHORS, _paStart, _paEnd, RINIT_NO_GRAVITY))
return NULL;
rangeClone->_dwLastLockReleaseID = _dwLastLockReleaseID;
return rangeClone;
CRange *_GetNextOnChangeRangeInIcsub() { return _nextOnChangeRangeInIcsub; }
IAnchor *_GetStart() { return _paStart; }
IAnchor *_GetEnd() { return _paEnd; }
CInputContext *_GetContext() { return _pic; }
CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *_GetChangeSinks() { return _prgChangeSinks; }
void _QuickCheckCrossedAnchors()
#if 0
HRESULT _SnapToRegion(DWORD dwFlags);
BOOL _IsDirty() { return _fDirty; }
void _SetDirty() { _fDirty = TRUE; }
void _ClearDirty() { _fDirty = FALSE; }
BOOL _Init(CInputContext *pic, AnchorOwnership ao, IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd, RInit rinit);
HRESULT _SetGravity(TfGravity gStart, TfGravity gEnd, BOOL fCheckCrossedAnchors);
void _CheckCrossedAnchors();
HRESULT _PreEditCompositionCheck(TfEditCookie ec, CComposition **ppComposition, BOOL *pfNewComposition);
HRESULT _ShiftConditional(IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paLimit, LONG cchReq, LONG *pcch, const TF_HALTCOND *pHalt);
HRESULT _IsEqualX(TfEditCookie ec, TfAnchor aPosThisRange, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, BOOL *pfEqual);
HRESULT _CompareX(TfEditCookie ec, TfAnchor aPosThisRange, ITfRange *pWith, TfAnchor aPos, LONG *plResult);
BOOL _IsValidEditCookie(TfEditCookie ec, DWORD dwFlags);
void _InitLastLockReleaseId(TsGravity gStart, TsGravity gEnd)
// this range has the potential for crossed anchors, need to monitor
// since the range may have just been cloned from a crossed range, need to
// init _dwLastLockReleaseID with something that will guarantee a check
_dwLastLockReleaseID = _pic->_GetLastLockReleaseID() - 1;
// don't bother checking for crossed anchors, since it can't happen
CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *_prgChangeSinks; // ITfRangeChangeSink sinks
IAnchor *_paStart;
IAnchor *_paEnd;
CInputContext *_pic;
CRange *_nextOnChangeRangeInIcsub; // perf: could use an array in the pic to save space
DWORD _dwLastLockReleaseID;
BOOL _fDirty : 1;
long _cRef;
// this call doesn't AddRef the object!
inline CRange *GetCRange_NA(IUnknown *range)
CRange *prange;
range->QueryInterface(IID_PRIV_CRANGE, (void **)&prange);
return prange;
// returns TRUE if range is in the same context
inline BOOL VerifySameContext(CRange *pRange1, CRange *pRange2)
Assert((pRange1->_GetContext() == pRange2->_GetContext()));
return (pRange1->_GetContext() == pRange2->_GetContext());
// returns TRUE if range is in the same context
inline BOOL VerifySameContext(CInputContext *pContext, CRange *pRange)
Assert((pRange->_GetContext() == pContext));
return (pRange->_GetContext() == pContext);
// returns TRUE if range is in the same context
inline BOOL VerifySameContext(CInputContext *pContext, ITfRange *pTargetRange)
CRange *pRange = GetCRange_NA(pTargetRange);
Assert((pRange != NULL) && (pRange->_GetContext() == pContext));
return (pRange != NULL) && (pRange->_GetContext() == pContext);
#endif // RANGE_H