277 lines
18 KiB
277 lines
18 KiB
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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"Dutch 801"="Times New Roman"
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"TCH Swiss Bold 14pt"="Arial"
"TCH Swiss Bold 18pt"="Arial"
"TCH Swiss Bold 24pt"="Arial"
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"Times Roman"="Times New Roman"
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"Times Roman Italic"="Times New Roman"
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"TmsRmn"="Times New Roman"
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[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\WordPro\97.0\lwpuser.ini\Script Glossary]
"Basic - Cut, Copy and Paste"="basic.tpl"
"Intermediate - Using Bookmarks"="bookmark.tpl"
"Collection - All layouts"="collays.tpl"
"Collection - All styles"="colstyle.tpl"
"Issue a menu/icon command to Word Pro"="command.tpl"
"Display a common dialog box"="commdlg.tpl"
"Create a DataSet"="dataset.tpl"
"Basic - Find and Replace"="findrepl.tpl"
"Basic - List fonts"="fontlist.tpl"
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"Frame - modify a frame"="modframe.tpl"
"Basic - Set Page margins"="pageset.tpl"
"Create a Timer"="timer.tpl"
"Type text"="typetext.tpl"
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