Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1358 lines
52 KiB

  1. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // Microsoft Windows
  4. //
  5. // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
  6. //
  7. // File: ndmgrpriv.h (originally ndmgr.idl)
  8. //
  9. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. #include "mmcobj.h"
  11. #include <string>
  12. #include <vector>
  13. #include <iterator>
  14. #ifndef __ndmgrpriv_h__
  15. #define __ndmgrpriv_h__
  16. #define MMC_INTERFACE(Interface, x) \
  17. extern "C" const IID IID_##Interface; \
  18. struct DECLSPEC_UUID(#x) __declspec(novtable) Interface
  19. // forward class declarations
  20. class CContextMenuInfo;
  21. class CResultViewType;
  22. class tstring;
  23. class CColumnInfoList;
  24. class CConsoleView;
  25. class CXMLObject;
  26. // interfaces
  27. interface INodeType;
  28. interface INodeTypesCache;
  29. interface IEnumNodeTypes;
  30. interface IFramePrivate;
  31. interface IScopeDataPrivate;
  32. interface IResultDataPrivate;
  33. interface IImageListPrivate;
  34. interface IPropertySheetNotify;
  35. interface INodeCallback;
  36. interface IScopeTreeIter;
  37. interface IScopeTree;
  38. interface IPropertySheetProviderPrivate;
  39. interface IDumpSnapins;
  40. interface IMMCListView;
  41. interface ITaskPadHost;
  42. interface IStringTablePrivate;
  43. interface ITaskCallback;
  44. interface IComCacheCleanup;
  45. interface IHeaderCtrlPrivate;
  46. interface IMMCClipboardDataObject;
  47. interface IMMCClipboardSnapinObject;
  48. typedef IFramePrivate* LPFRAMEPRIVATE;
  49. typedef IScopeDataPrivate* LPSCOPEDATAPRIVATE;
  50. typedef IResultDataPrivate* LPRESULTDATAPRIVATE;
  51. typedef IImageListPrivate* LPIMAGELISTPRIVATE;
  52. typedef IPropertySheetNotify* LPPROPERTYSHEETNOTIFY;
  53. typedef INodeCallback* LPNODECALLBACK;
  54. typedef IScopeTreeIter* LPSCOPETREEITER;
  55. typedef IScopeTree* LPSCOPETREE;
  56. typedef INodeType* LPNODETYPE;
  57. typedef INodeTypesCache* LPNODETYPESCACHE;
  58. typedef IEnumNodeTypes* LPENUMNODETYPES;
  59. typedef IDumpSnapins* LPDUMPSNAPINS;
  60. typedef IMMCListView* LPMMCLISTVIEW;
  61. typedef ITaskCallback* LPTASKCALLBACK;
  62. typedef IComCacheCleanup* LPCOMCACHECLEANUP;
  63. typedef IMMCClipboardDataObject* LPCLIPBOARDDATAOBJECT;
  64. typedef IMMCClipboardSnapinObject* LPCLIPBOARDSNAPINOBJECT;
  65. typedef LONG_PTR HBOOKMARK;
  67. typedef LONG_PTR HPERSISTOR;
  68. typedef IPropertySheetProviderPrivate* LPPROPERTYSHEETPROVIDERPRIVATE;
  69. typedef struct _TREEITEM * HTREEITEM;
  70. // Implements the list save feature (t-dmarm)
  72. // Use to see if the MT Node is valid before referencing the saved pointer in
  73. // a property sheet.
  74. STDAPI MMCIsMTNodeValid(void* pMTNode, BOOL bReset);
  75. // Window class used to store data for property sheets
  76. #define MAINFRAME_CLASS_NAME L"MMCMainFrame"
  77. // Window class used to store data for property sheets
  78. #define DATAWINDOW_CLASS_NAME L"MMCDataWindow"
  79. #define WINDOW_DATA_SIZE (sizeof (DataWindowData *))
  80. // Slots for data stored in the data windows
  81. #define WINDOW_DATA_PTR_SLOT 0
  82. // Max length of item text in list/tree controls
  83. // (including the terminating zero)
  84. #define MAX_ITEM_TEXT_LEN 1024
  85. // MID(Menu Identifications) for context menus
  86. enum MID_LIST
  87. {
  88. MID_VIEW = 1,
  99. MID_TASK,
  102. MID_OPEN,
  103. MID_CUT,
  104. MID_COPY,
  105. MID_PASTE,
  106. MID_DELETE,
  107. MID_PRINT,
  109. MID_RENAME,
  122. MID_LAST, // this must be last
  123. };
  124. class CResultItem;
  125. typedef struct _CCLVSortParams
  126. {
  127. BOOL bAscending; // sort direction
  128. int nCol; // Which column to sort on.
  129. LPRESULTDATACOMPARE lpResultCompare; // Snap-in component interface
  130. LPRESULTDATACOMPAREEX lpResultCompareEx; // "
  131. LPARAM lpUserParam; // parameter user passes in
  132. BOOL bSetSortIcon; // Sort icon /*[not]*/ needed
  133. /*
  134. * Bug 414256: We need to save the sort data only if
  135. * it is user initiated sort. Is this user initiated?
  136. */
  137. BOOL bUserInitiatedSort;
  138. } CCLVSortParams;
  139. //
  140. // This structure is used by MMCPropertyChangeNotify to pass
  141. // information from a property sheet to the console. It has routing
  142. // information to notify the correct snap-in of a property changed notify.
  143. //
  144. const DWORD MMC_E_INVALID_FILE = 0x80FF0002;
  145. const DWORD MMC_E_SNAPIN_LOAD_FAIL = 0x80FF0003;
  146. typedef struct _PROPERTYNOTIFYINFO
  147. {
  148. LPCOMPONENTDATA pComponentData; // Valid if (fScopePane == TRUE)
  149. LPCOMPONENT pComponent; // Valid if (fScopePane == FALSE)
  150. BOOL fScopePane; // True if it is for a scope pane item.
  151. HWND hwnd; // HWND to console handling the message
  153. // Context menu types
  154. typedef enum _MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_TYPES
  155. {
  156. MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_DEFAULT = 0, // Normal context menu
  157. MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION = 1, // Action menu button
  158. MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_VIEW = 2, // View menu button
  159. MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_FAVORITES = 3, // Favorites menu button
  163. DECLARE_HANDLE (HNODE); // A scope pane handle(lParam) within a view
  164. typedef unsigned long MTNODEID;
  165. const MTNODEID ROOTNODEID = 1;
  167. // Special cookies (Note: Can't use -1)
  169. const LONG_PTR LVDATA_CUSTOMOCX = -3;
  170. const LONG_PTR LVDATA_CUSTOMWEB = -4;
  172. const LONG_PTR LVDATA_ERROR = -10;
  173. const LONG_PTR SPECIAL_LVDATA_MIN = -10;
  174. const LONG_PTR SPECIAL_LVDATA_MAX = -2;
  175. #define IS_SPECIAL_LVDATA(d) (((d) >= SPECIAL_LVDATA_MIN) && ((d) <= SPECIAL_LVDATA_MAX))
  176. typedef struct _SELECTIONINFO
  177. {
  178. BOOL m_bScope;
  179. BOOL m_bBackground;
  180. IUnknown* m_pView; // valid for scope seln (CDN_SELECT)
  181. MMC_COOKIE m_lCookie; // valid for result item (CCN_SELECT)
  183. BOOL m_bDueToFocusChange;
  184. BOOL m_bResultPaneIsOCX;
  185. BOOL m_bResultPaneIsWeb;
  187. typedef struct _HELPDOCINFO
  188. {
  189. LPCOLESTR m_pszFileName; // File name (same as .msc file)
  190. FILETIME m_ftimeCreate; // .msc file creation time
  191. FILETIME m_ftimeModify; // .msc file modification time
  193. // MMC_ILISTPAD_INFO struct: internal form has additional field for clsid
  194. typedef struct _MMC_ILISTPAD_INFO
  195. {
  196. MMC_LISTPAD_INFO info;
  197. LPOLESTR szClsid;
  199. // *****************************************
  200. // CLASS: CTaskPadData
  201. // this class represents data set representing one TaskPad
  202. // used to request taskpad information from CNode
  203. // *****************************************
  204. class CTaskPadData
  205. {
  206. public:
  207. std::wstring strName;
  208. CLSID clsidTaskPad;
  209. };
  210. typedef std::vector<CTaskPadData> CTaskPadCollection;
  211. typedef std::insert_iterator<CTaskPadCollection> CTaskPadInsertIterator;
  212. // *****************************************
  213. // CLASS:CViewExtensionData
  214. // this class represents data set representing one ViewExtension
  215. // used to request extension information from CNode
  216. // *****************************************
  217. class CViewExtensionData
  218. {
  219. public:
  220. std::wstring strURL;
  221. std::wstring strName;
  222. std::wstring strTooltip;
  223. GUID viewID; // unique identifier for the view
  224. bool bReplacesDefaultView;
  225. };
  226. typedef std::vector<CViewExtensionData> CViewExtCollection;
  227. typedef std::insert_iterator<CViewExtCollection> CViewExtInsertIterator;
  228. // The following internal flag corresponding to public view style MMC_ENSUREFOCUSVISIBLE.
  229. // The flag is placed in the upper half of a long so it won't conflict with the LVS_*
  230. // flags that are passed in the same long to our list control's SetViewStyle method.
  231. #define MMC_LVS_ENSUREFOCUSVISIBLE 0x00010000
  232. /*
  234. =============
  235. Notify(dataobject, event, arg, param);
  236. For all the MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE events,
  237. dataobject = dataobject for cookie, can be NULL when dataobject is not required
  238. event = one of the CD_NOTIFY_TYPEs
  239. arg and param depend on type, see below.
  241. arg = TRUE if gaining focus
  243. ....
  246. param = CContextMenuInfo*
  249. arg = TRUE if scope item FALSE if result item.
  250. param = If scope item is being deleted param is unused.
  251. If result item is being deleted param is the result items cookie.
  252. return = unused.
  254. arg = TRUE => expand, FALSE => contract
  256. arg = TRUE => expanded, FALSE => contracted
  258. arg = <>0 if expanding, 0 if contracting
  259. param = HSCOPEITEM of expanding/contracting item
  261. arg = TRUE if minimized
  263. arg = TRUE if due to focus change.
  264. param unused
  266. pLParam = (CResultItem*)arg;
  267. param unused
  269. lpDataObject = NULL
  270. lParam = user object
  272. arg = 1 => folder needs to be refreshed
  273. arg = 2 => result view needs to be refreshed
  274. arg = 3 => both needs to be refreshed
  276. This gets called the first time to query for rename and a
  277. second time to do the rename. For the query S_OK or S_FALSE for the
  278. return type. After the rename, we will send the new name with a LPOLESTR.
  279. MMC_COOKIE lResultItemCookie = (MMC_COOKIE)arg;
  280. pszNewName = (LPOLESTR)param; // the new name
  281. return = S_OK to allow rename and S_FALSE to disallow rename.
  283. arg = TRUE if the item is selected, FALSE otherwise.
  284. param = ptr to SELECTIONINFO.
  286. arg = <>0 if selecting, 0 if deselecting
  287. param = HSCOPEITEM of selected/deselected item
  289. param = nCol, the column that was clicked.
  291. This message is sent when a result item list with owner data wants to find
  292. an item who's name matches a string
  293. arg = ptr to RESULTFINDINFO
  294. param = ptr to returned item index
  296. This message is sent when the result item list with owner data is about to
  297. ask for display info for a range of items.
  298. arg = index of start item
  299. param = index of end item
  301. This message is sent to get the path of the combined help topics document.
  302. The node manager may update the help doc info.
  303. arg = pointer to HELPDOCINFO struct
  304. param = pointer to returned path string (LPOLESTR*)
  306. This message is sent to tell the snapin that the TaskPad ListView is ready
  307. to receive items (if attaching).
  308. arg = TRUE if attaching, FALSE if detaching
  310. send when the user right clicks on a web page.
  311. arg = unused
  312. param = unused
  314. send when console doc is saved to update help file name and file times
  315. arg = ptr to current help doc info (HELPDOCINFO*)
  316. param = ptr to new help doc info (HELPDOCINFO*)
  318. send when console doc is closed to delete the temp help collection file
  319. associated with the document
  320. arg - ptr to help doc info (HELPDOCINFO*)
  321. param - unused
  322. */
  323. typedef enum _NCLBK_NOTIFY_TYPE
  324. {
  325. NCLBK_NONE = 0x9000,
  326. NCLBK_ACTIVATE = 0x9001,
  327. NCLBK_CACHEHINT = 0x9002,
  328. NCLBK_CLICK = 0x9003,
  329. NCLBK_CONTEXTMENU = 0x9004,
  330. NCLBK_COPY = 0x9005,
  331. NCLBK_CUT = 0x9006,
  332. NCLBK_DBLCLICK = 0x9007,
  333. NCLBK_DELETE = 0x9008,
  334. NCLBK_EXPAND = 0x9009,
  335. NCLBK_EXPANDED = 0x900A,
  336. NCLBK_FINDITEM = 0x900B,
  337. NCLBK_FOLDER = 0x900C,
  338. NCLBK_MINIMIZED = 0x900D,
  339. NCLBK_MULTI_SELECT = 0x900E,
  340. NCLBK_NEW_NODE_UPDATE = 0x900F,
  341. NCLBK_PRINT = 0x9011,
  342. NCLBK_PROPERTIES = 0x9012,
  343. NCLBK_PROPERTY_CHANGE = 0x9013,
  344. NCLBK_REFRESH = 0x9015,
  345. NCLBK_RENAME = 0x9016,
  346. NCLBK_SELECT = 0x9017,
  347. NCLBK_SHOW = 0x9018,
  348. NCLBK_COLUMN_CLICKED = 0x9019,
  349. NCLBK_SNAPINHELP = 0x901D,
  350. NCLBK_CONTEXTHELP = 0x901E,
  351. NCLBK_INITOCX = 0x9020,
  352. NCLBK_FILTER_CHANGE = 0x9021,
  353. NCLBK_FILTERBTN_CLICK = 0x9022,
  354. NCLBK_TASKNOTIFY = 0x9024,
  356. NCLBK_GETHELPDOC = 0x9027,
  357. NCLBK_LISTPAD = 0x9029,
  363. NCLBK_EDIT_TASKPAD = 0x9030,
  364. NCLBK_DELETE_TASKPAD = 0x9031,
  367. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  368. // Common Console clipboard formats
  369. //
  370. // Clipboard format for the multi selected static nodes.
  371. // If there are N static nodes are selected in the result pane, the MTNodes
  372. // for these N nodes will be passed in a GloballAlloced memory. The first DWORD
  373. // contains the number of MTNodes, this will be followed by N ptrs to the MTNodes.
  374. //
  376. #define CCF_NEWNODE ( L"CCF_NEWNODE" )
  377. //const CLSID CLSID_NDMGR_SNAPIN = {0x2640211a, 0x06d0, 0x11d1, {0xa7, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd8, 0xd5, 0x65}};
  378. extern const CLSID CLSID_NDMGR_SNAPIN;
  379. //const GUID GUID_MMC_NEWNODETYPE = {0xfd17e9cc, 0x06ce, 0x11d1, {0xa7, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd8, 0xd5, 0x65}};
  380. extern const GUID GUID_MMC_NEWNODETYPE;
  381. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  382. ///
  383. // helpstring("Notify that the properties of an object changed"),
  384. MMC_INTERFACE(IPropertySheetNotify, d700dd8e-2646-11d0-a2a7-00c04fd909dd) : IUnknown
  385. {
  386. STDMETHOD(Notify)(/*[in]*/ LPPROPERTYNOTIFYINFO pNotify, /*[in]*/ LPARAM lParam) = 0;
  387. };
  388. // helpstring("IFramePrivate Interface"),
  389. MMC_INTERFACE(IFramePrivate, d71d1f2a-1ba2-11d0-a29b-00c04fd909dd): IConsole3
  390. {
  391. /*[helpstring("Sets IFrame Result pane")]*/
  392. STDMETHOD(SetResultView)(/*[in]*/ LPUNKNOWN pUnknown) = 0;
  393. /*[helpstring("Is the ListView set as result view")]*/
  394. STDMETHOD(IsResultViewSet)(BOOL* pbIsLVSet) = 0;
  395. /*[helpstring("Sets Task Pads list view")]*/
  396. STDMETHOD(SetTaskPadList)(/*[in]*/ LPUNKNOWN pUnknown) = 0;
  397. /*[helpstring("IComponent's component ID")]*/
  398. STDMETHOD(GetComponentID)(/*[out]*/ COMPONENTID* lpComponentID) = 0;
  399. /*[helpstring("IComponent's component ID")]*/
  400. STDMETHOD(SetComponentID)(/*[in]*/ COMPONENTID id) = 0;
  401. /*[helpstring("Node for the view.")]*/
  402. STDMETHOD(SetNode)(/*[in]*/ HMTNODE hMTNode, /*[in]*/ HNODE hNode) = 0;
  403. /*[helpstring("Cache the IComponent interface for the snapin.")]*/
  404. STDMETHOD(SetComponent)(/*[in]*/ LPCOMPONENT lpComponent) = 0;
  405. /*[helpstring("Console name space.")]*/
  406. STDMETHOD(QueryScopeTree)(/*[out]*/ IScopeTree** ppScopeTree) = 0;
  407. /*[helpstring("Set the console name space.")]*/
  408. STDMETHOD(SetScopeTree)(/*[in]*/ IScopeTree* pScopeTree) = 0;
  409. /*[helpstring("Creates image list for the scope pane.")]*/
  410. STDMETHOD(CreateScopeImageList)(/*[in]*/ REFCLSID refClsidSnapIn) = 0;
  411. /*[helpstring("bExtension is TRUE if this IFrame is used by an extension.")]*/
  412. STDMETHOD(SetUsedByExtension)(/*[in]*/ BOOL bExtension) = 0;
  413. /*[helpstring("Init view data.")]*/
  414. STDMETHOD(InitViewData)(/*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lViewData) = 0;
  415. /*[helpstring("Clean up view data.")]*/
  416. STDMETHOD(CleanupViewData)(/*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lViewData) = 0;
  417. /*[helpstring("Reset the sort parameters after a selection change.")]*/
  418. STDMETHOD(ResetSortParameters)() = 0;
  419. };
  420. // helpstring("IScopeDataPrivate Interface"),
  421. MMC_INTERFACE(IScopeDataPrivate, 60BD2FE0-F7C5-11cf-8AFD-00AA003CA9F6) : IConsoleNameSpace2
  422. {
  423. };
  424. // helpstring("IImageListPrivate Interface"),
  425. MMC_INTERFACE(IImageListPrivate, 7538C620-0083-11d0-8B00-00AA003CA9F6) : IImageList
  426. {
  427. /*[helpstring("Private tree control method used to map images on callbacks")]*/
  428. STDMETHOD(MapRsltImage)(COMPONENTID id, /*[in]*/ int nSnapinIndex, /*[out]*/ int* pnConsoleIndex) = 0;
  429. /*[helpstring("Private tree control method used to map images on callbacks")]*/
  430. STDMETHOD(UnmapRsltImage)(COMPONENTID id, /*[in]*/ int nConsoleIndex, /*[out]*/ int* pnSnapinIndex) = 0;
  431. };
  432. // helpstring("IResultDataPrivate Interface"),
  433. MMC_INTERFACE(IResultDataPrivate, 1EBA2300-0854-11d0-8B03-00AA003CA9F6) : IResultData2
  434. {
  435. /*[helpstring("Get the list view style.")]*/
  436. STDMETHOD(GetListStyle)(/*[out]*/ long * pStyle) = 0;
  437. /*[helpstring("Set the list view style.")]*/
  438. STDMETHOD(SetListStyle)(/*[in]*/ long Style) = 0;
  439. /*[helpstring("Set loading mode of list")]*/
  440. STDMETHOD(SetLoadMode)(/*[in]*/ BOOL bState) = 0;
  441. /*[helpstring("Arrange the icons in the result pane")]*/
  442. STDMETHOD(Arrange)(long style) = 0;
  443. /*[helpstring("Sort from the Listview header control")]*/
  444. STDMETHOD(InternalSort)(INT nCol, DWORD dwSortOptions, LPARAM lUserParam, BOOL bColumnClicked) = 0;
  445. /*[helpstring("Private tree control method used to reset the result view")]*/
  446. STDMETHOD(ResetResultData)() = 0;
  447. /*[helpstring("Private listview method to retrieve sort column")]*/
  448. STDMETHOD(GetSortColumn)(INT* pnCol) = 0;
  449. /*[helpstring("Private listview method to retrieve sort column")]*/
  450. STDMETHOD(GetSortDirection)(BOOL* pbAscending) = 0;
  451. };
  452. // helpstring("IHeaderCtrlPrivate Interface that adds to IHeaderCtrl methods"),
  453. MMC_INTERFACE(IHeaderCtrlPrivate, 0B384311-701B-4e8a-AEC2-DA6321E27AD2) : IHeaderCtrl2
  454. {
  455. /*[helpstring("Get the number of columns in list view.")]*/
  456. STDMETHOD(GetColumnCount)(/*[in]*/INT* pnCol) = 0;
  457. /*[helpstring("Get the current column settings from list view header.")]*/
  458. STDMETHOD(GetColumnInfoList)(/*[out]*/ CColumnInfoList *pColumnsList) = 0;
  459. /*[helpstring("Modify the columns in list view with given data.")]*/
  460. STDMETHOD(ModifyColumns)(/*[in]*/ const CColumnInfoList& columnsList) = 0;
  461. /*[helpstring("Get the column settings that snapin supplied originally")]*/
  462. STDMETHOD(GetDefaultColumnInfoList)(/*[out]*/ CColumnInfoList& columnsList) = 0;
  463. };
  464. // helpstring("Minimum master tree control methods required by node manager."),
  465. MMC_INTERFACE(IScopeTree, d8dbf067-5fb2-11d0-a986-00c04fd8d565) : IUnknown
  466. {
  467. /*[helpstring("Initialize scope tree with the document.")]*/
  468. STDMETHOD(Initialize)(/*[in]*/ HWND hFrameWindow, /*[in]*/ IStringTablePrivate* pStringTable) = 0;
  469. /*[helpstring("Query for an iterator to the master tree items.")]*/
  470. STDMETHOD(QueryIterator)(/*[out]*/IScopeTreeIter** lpIter) = 0;
  471. /*[helpstring("Query for an node callback interface to access HNODE items.")]*/
  472. STDMETHOD(QueryNodeCallback)(/*[out]*/ INodeCallback** ppNodeCallback) = 0;
  473. /*[helpstring("Create a node from the master tree node.")]*/
  474. STDMETHOD(CreateNode)(/*[in]*/ HMTNODE hMTNode, /*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lViewData,
  475. /*[in]*/ BOOL fRootNode, /*[out]*/ HNODE* phNode) = 0;
  476. /*[helpstring("Do cleanup needed prior to deleting/shutting down view.")]*/
  477. STDMETHOD(CloseView)(/*[in]*/ int nView) = 0;
  478. /*[helpstring("Delete all view data for the specified view id.")]*/
  479. STDMETHOD(DeleteView)(/*[in]*/ int nView) = 0;
  480. /*[helpstring("Create a node from the master tree node.")]*/
  481. STDMETHOD(DestroyNode)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode) = 0;
  482. /*[helpstring("Finds the node that matches the ID")]*/
  483. STDMETHOD(Find)(/*[in]*/ MTNODEID mID, /*[out]*/ HMTNODE* phMTNode) = 0;
  484. /*[helpstring("Create a node from the master tree node.")]*/
  485. STDMETHOD(GetImageList)(/*[out]*/ PLONG_PTR plImageList) = 0;
  486. /*[helpstring("Run snap-in manager")]*/
  487. STDMETHOD(RunSnapIn)(/*[in]*/ HWND hwndParent) = 0;
  488. /*[helpstring("Returns the version for the file rooted at the given storage.")]*/
  489. STDMETHOD(GetFileVersion)(/*[in]*/ IStorage* pstgRoot, /*[out]*/ int* pnVersion) = 0;
  490. /*[helpstring("Returns the MTNODEID for the node represented by a bookmark")]*/
  491. STDMETHOD(GetNodeIDFromBookmark)(/*[in]*/ HBOOKMARK hbm, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID* pID, /*[out]*/ bool& bExactMatchFound) = 0;
  492. /*[helpstring("Loads a bookmark from a stream and returns the MTNODEID for the node.")]*/
  493. STDMETHOD(GetNodeIDFromStream)(/*[in]*/ IStream *pStm, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID* pID) = 0;
  494. /*[helpstring("Loads a bookmark from a stream and returns the MTNODEID for the node.")]*/
  495. STDMETHOD(GetNodeFromBookmark)(/*[in]*/ HBOOKMARK hbm, /*[in]*/CConsoleView *pConsoleView, /*[out]*/ PPNODE ppNode, /*[out]*/ bool& bExactMatchFound) = 0;
  496. /*[helpstring("Returns the ID path for the given ID")]*/
  497. STDMETHOD(GetIDPath)(/*[in]*/ MTNODEID id, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID** ppIDs, /*[out]*/ long* pLength) = 0;
  498. /*[helpstring("Check to see if synchronous node expansion is required")]*/
  499. STDMETHOD(IsSynchronousExpansionRequired)() = 0;
  500. /*[helpstring("Sets whether synchronous node expansion is required")]*/
  501. STDMETHOD(RequireSynchronousExpansion)(/*[in]*/ BOOL fRequireSyncExpand) = 0;
  502. /*[helpstring("Sets the SConsoleData to use for this scope tree")]*/
  503. STDMETHOD(SetConsoleData)(/*[in]*/ LPARAM lConsoleData) = 0;
  504. /*[helpstring("Persists the tree to/from an XML document")]*/
  505. STDMETHOD(Persist)(/*[in]*/ HPERSISTOR hPersistor) = 0;
  506. /*[helpstring("Get path between two nodes as a string")]*/
  507. STDMETHOD(GetPathString)(/*[in]*/ HMTNODE hmtnRoot, /*[in]*/ HMTNODE hmtnLeaf, /*[out]*/ LPOLESTR* pPath) = 0;
  508. /*[helpstring("Get the SnapIns object")]*/
  509. STDMETHOD(QuerySnapIns)(/*[out]*/ SnapIns **ppSnapIns) = 0;
  510. /*[helpstring("Get the ScopeNamespace object")]*/
  511. STDMETHOD(QueryScopeNamespace)(/*[out]*/ ScopeNamespace **ppScopeNamespace) = 0;
  512. /*[helpstring("Create an empty Properties object")]*/
  513. STDMETHOD(CreateProperties)(/*[out]*/ Properties **ppProperties) = 0;
  514. /*[helpstring("Get scope node id for Node object")]*/
  515. STDMETHOD(GetNodeID)(/*[in]*/ PNODE pNode, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID *pID) = 0;
  516. /*[helpstring("Get HMTNODE for Node object")]*/
  517. STDMETHOD(GetHMTNode)(/*[in]*/ PNODE pNode, /*[out]*/ HMTNODE *phMTNode) = 0;
  518. /*[helpstring("Get Node object ptr for scope node")]*/
  519. STDMETHOD(GetMMCNode)(/*[in]*/ HMTNODE hMTNode, /*[out]*/ PPNODE ppNode) = 0;
  520. /*[helpstring("Get NODE object for Root Node")]*/
  521. STDMETHOD(QueryRootNode)(/*[out]*/ PPNODE ppNode) = 0;
  522. /*[helpstring("Check if snapin is used by MMC")]*/
  523. STDMETHOD(IsSnapinInUse)(/*[in]*/ REFCLSID refClsidSnapIn, /*[out]*/ PBOOL pbInUse) = 0;
  524. };
  525. // helpstring("Master tree item iterator."),
  526. MMC_INTERFACE(IScopeTreeIter, d779f8d1-6057-11d0-a986-00c04fd8d565) : IUnknown
  527. {
  528. /*[helpstring("Sets the current master tree node.")]*/
  529. STDMETHOD(SetCurrent)(/*[in]*/ HMTNODE hStartMTNode) = 0;
  530. /*[helpstring("Returns the next nRequested master node siblings.")]*/
  531. STDMETHOD(Next)(/*[in]*/ UINT nRequested, /*[out]*/ HMTNODE* rghScopeItems, /*[out]*/ UINT* pnFetched) = 0;
  532. /*[helpstring("Returns the child master node.")]*/
  533. STDMETHOD(Child)(/*[out]*/ HMTNODE* phsiChild) = 0;
  534. /*[helpstring("Returns the parent master node.")]*/
  535. STDMETHOD(Parent)(/*[out]*/ HMTNODE* phsiParent) = 0;
  536. };
  537. // helpstring("Node callback methods."),
  538. MMC_INTERFACE(INodeCallback, b241fced-5fb3-11d0-a986-00c04fd8d565) : IUnknown
  539. {
  540. /*[helpstring("Initialize with the scope tree.")]*/
  541. STDMETHOD(Initialize)(/*[in]*/ IScopeTree* pIScopeTree) = 0;
  542. /*[helpstring("Returns the images for this node.")]*/
  543. STDMETHOD(GetImages)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ int* iImage, int* iSelectedImage) = 0;
  544. /*[helpstring("Returns the display name for node.")]*/
  545. STDMETHOD(GetDisplayName)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ tstring& strName) = 0;
  546. /*[helpstring("Returns the custom window title for this node")]*/
  547. STDMETHOD(GetWindowTitle)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ tstring& strTitle) = 0;
  548. /*[helpstring("Handles callback for result items")]*/
  549. STDMETHOD(GetDispInfo)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in,out]*/ LVITEMW* plvi) = 0;
  550. /*[helpstring("Returns the UI state of master node.")]*/
  551. STDMETHOD(GetState)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ UINT* pnState) = 0;
  552. /*[helpstring("Returns the result pane for the node.")]*/
  553. STDMETHOD(GetResultPane)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in, out]*/ CResultViewType& rvt,
  554. /*[out]*/ GUID *pGuidTaskpadID) = 0;
  555. /*[helpstring("Asks the snapin to restore its result pane with given data")]*/
  556. STDMETHOD(RestoreResultView)(/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/const CResultViewType& rvt) = 0;
  557. /*[helpstring("Returns the result pane OCX control for the node.")]*/
  558. STDMETHOD(GetControl)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ CLSID clsid, /*[out]*/IUnknown **ppUnkControl) = 0;
  559. /*[helpstring("Sets the result pane OCX control for the node.")]*/
  560. STDMETHOD(SetControl)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ CLSID clsid, /*[in]*/IUnknown* pUnknown) = 0;
  561. /*[helpstring("Returns the result pane OCX control for the node.")]*/
  562. STDMETHOD(GetControl)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/LPUNKNOWN pUnkOCX, /*[out]*/IUnknown **ppUnkControl) = 0;
  563. /*[helpstring("Sets the result pane OCX control for the node.")]*/
  564. STDMETHOD(SetControl)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/LPUNKNOWN pUnkOCX, /*[in]*/IUnknown* pUnknown) = 0;
  565. /*[helpstring("Sends the MMCN_INITOCX notification to the appropriate snapin")]*/
  566. STDMETHOD(InitOCX)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ IUnknown* pUnknown) = 0;
  567. /*[helpstring("Set the Result Item ID")]*/
  568. //RENAME// STDMETHOD(SetItemID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ HRESULTITEM riID) = 0;
  569. STDMETHOD(SetResultItem)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ HRESULTITEM hri) = 0;
  570. /*[helpstring("Get the Result Item ID")]*/
  571. //RENAME// STDMETHOD(GetItemID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ HRESULTITEM* priID) = 0;
  572. STDMETHOD(GetResultItem)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ HRESULTITEM* phri) = 0;
  573. /*[helpstring("Returns the nodes unique ID")]*/
  574. //RENAME// STDMETHOD(GetID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID* pnID) = 0;
  575. STDMETHOD(GetMTNodeID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID* pnID) = 0;
  576. /*[helpstring("Determine if node is the target of another")]*/
  577. STDMETHOD(IsTargetNodeOf)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ HNODE hTestNode) = 0;
  578. /*[helpstring("Returns the nodes static parents MTNODEID and the subsequent path")]*/
  579. STDMETHOD(GetPath)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ HNODE hRootNode, /*[out]*/ BYTE* pbm_) = 0;
  580. /*[helpstring("Returns the static parent nodes unique ID")]*/
  581. STDMETHOD(GetStaticParentID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ MTNODEID* pnID) = 0;
  582. /*[helpstring("Notify")]*/
  583. STDMETHOD(Notify)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ NCLBK_NOTIFY_TYPE event,
  584. /*[in]*/ LPARAM arg, /*[in]*/ LPARAM param) = 0;
  585. /*[helpstring("Returns the parent master node.")]*/
  586. STDMETHOD(GetMTNode)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ HMTNODE* phMTNode) = 0;
  587. /*[helpstring("The HMTNODE path to the node is returned in pphMTNode")]*/
  588. STDMETHOD(GetMTNodePath)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ HMTNODE** pphMTNode,
  589. /*[out]*/ long* plLength) = 0;
  590. /*[helpstring("Get node's owner ID")]*/
  591. STDMETHOD(GetNodeOwnerID)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ COMPONENTID* pID) = 0;
  592. /*[helpstring("Get node's cookie")]*/
  593. STDMETHOD(GetNodeCookie)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ MMC_COOKIE* lpCookie) = 0;
  594. /*[helpstring("Returns S_OK if the node can possibly be expanded, and S_FALSE otherwise.")]*/
  595. STDMETHOD(IsExpandable)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode) = 0;
  596. /*[helpstring("Return the dataobject for the selected item")]*/
  597. // cookie valid if bScope & bMultiSel are both FALSE.
  598. // cookie is the index\lParam for virtual\regular LV
  599. STDMETHOD(GetDragDropDataObject)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/ BOOL bMultiSel,
  600. /*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lvData, /*[out]*/ LPDATAOBJECT* ppDataObject,
  601. /*[out]*/ bool& bCopyAllowed, /*[out]*/ bool& bMoveAllowed) = 0;
  602. /*[helpstring("Returns the task enumerator.")]*/
  603. STDMETHOD(GetTaskEnumerator)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ LPCOLESTR pszTaskGroup,
  604. /*[out]*/ IEnumTASK** ppEnumTask) = 0;
  605. /*[helpstring("UpdateWindowLayout.")]*/
  606. STDMETHOD(UpdateWindowLayout)(/*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lViewData, /*[in]*/ long lToolbarsDisplayed) = 0;
  607. /*[helpstring("AddCustomFolderImage")]*/
  608. STDMETHOD(AddCustomFolderImage)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode,
  609. /*[in]*/ IImageListPrivate* pImageList) = 0;
  610. /*[helpstring("preloads the node if necessary")]*/
  611. STDMETHOD(PreLoad)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode) = 0;
  612. /*[helpstring("Get the TaskPad ListView information")]*/
  613. STDMETHOD(GetListPadInfo)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode,
  614. /*[in]*/ IExtendTaskPad* pExtendTaskPad,
  615. /*[in,string]*/ LPCOLESTR szTaskGroup,
  616. /*[out]*/ MMC_ILISTPAD_INFO* pIListPadInfo) = 0;
  617. /*[helpstring("Sets Task Pads list view")]*/
  618. STDMETHOD(SetTaskPadList)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ LPUNKNOWN pUnknown) = 0;
  619. /*[helpstring("Sets up a specific taskpad, given the GUID identifier.")]*/
  620. STDMETHOD(SetTaskpad)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNodeSelected, /*[in]*/ GUID *pGuidTaskpad) = 0;
  621. /*[helpstring("Invokes the Customize View dialog")]*/
  622. STDMETHOD(OnCustomizeView)(/*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lViewData) = 0;
  623. /*[helpstring("Set the view settings for a particular node.")]*/
  624. STDMETHOD(SetViewSettings)(/*[in]*/ int nViewID, /*[in]*/ HBOOKMARK hbm, /*[in]*/ HVIEWSETTINGS hvs) = 0;
  625. /*[helpstring("Execute given verb for given scope item")]*/
  626. STDMETHOD(ExecuteScopeItemVerb)(/*[in]*/ MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb, /*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/LPOLESTR lpszNewName) = 0;
  627. /*[helpstring("Execute given verb for selected result item(s)")]*/
  628. STDMETHOD(ExecuteResultItemVerb)(/*[in]*/ MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb, /*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/LPARAM lvData, /*[in]*/LPOLESTR lpszNewName) = 0;
  629. /*[helpstring("Get the disp interface for given scope node object")]*/
  630. STDMETHOD(QueryCompDataDispatch)(/*[in]*/ PNODE pNode, /*[out]*/ PPDISPATCH ScopeNodeObject) = 0;
  631. /*[helpstring("Get the disp interface for selected resultpane objects")]*/
  632. STDMETHOD(QueryComponentDispatch)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/LPARAM lvData, /*[out]*/ PPDISPATCH SelectedObject) = 0;
  633. /*[helpstring("Creates a context menu for the specified node.")]*/
  634. STDMETHOD(CreateContextMenu)( PNODE pNode, HNODE hNode, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu) = 0;
  635. /*[helpstring("Creates a context menu for the current selection node.")]*/
  636. STDMETHOD(CreateSelectionContextMenu)( HNODE hNodeScope, CContextMenuInfo *pContextInfo, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu) = 0;
  637. /*[helpstring("show/hide column")]*/
  638. STDMETHOD(ShowColumn)(HNODE hNodeSelected, int iColIndex, bool bShow) = 0;
  639. /*[helpstring("to get the sort column")]*/
  640. STDMETHOD(GetSortColumn)(HNODE hNodeSelected, int *piSortCol) = 0;
  641. /*[helpstring("to set the sort column")]*/
  642. STDMETHOD(SetSortColumn)(HNODE hNodeSelected, int iSortCol, bool bAscending) = 0;
  643. /*[helpstring("Returns the data for the specified clipboard format of the specified list item")*/
  644. STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNodeScope, /*[in]*/ BOOL bForScopeItem, /*[in]*/ LPARAM resultItemParam, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrPropertyName,
  645. /*[out]*/ PBSTR pbstrPropertyValue) =0;
  646. /*[helpstring("Returns the nodetype GUID identifier of the specified list item")*/
  647. STDMETHOD(GetNodetypeForListItem)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNodeScope, /*[in]*/ BOOL bForScopeItem, /*[in]*/ LPARAM resultItemParam, /*[in]*/ PBSTR pbstrNodetype) =0;
  648. /* returns view extension by inserting them to provided iterator */
  649. STDMETHOD(GetNodeViewExtensions)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNodeScope, /*[out]*/ CViewExtInsertIterator it) = 0;
  650. /* Inform nodemgr that the column data for given node has changed & to save the data */
  651. STDMETHOD(SaveColumnInfoList) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/const CColumnInfoList& columnsList) = 0;
  652. /* Ask nodemgr for column-data (no sort data) to setup the headers. */
  653. STDMETHOD(GetPersistedColumnInfoList) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/CColumnInfoList *pColumnsList) = 0;
  654. /* Inform nodemgr that the column data for given node is invalid. */
  655. STDMETHOD(DeletePersistedColumnData) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode) = 0;
  656. /* Does about object exists for the snapin whose node is provided. */
  657. STDMETHOD(DoesAboutExist) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/ bool *pbAboutExists) = 0;
  658. /* Show about box for given context. */
  659. STDMETHOD(ShowAboutInformation) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode) = 0;
  660. /*Executes a shell command with the specified parameters in the specified directory with the correct window size*/
  661. STDMETHOD(ExecuteShellCommand)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ BSTR Command, /*[in]*/ BSTR Directory, /*[in]*/ BSTR Parameters, /*[in]*/ BSTR WindowState) = 0;
  662. /*Given the context update the paste button.*/
  663. STDMETHOD(UpdatePasteButton)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/ LPARAM lCookie) = 0;
  664. /*Findout if current selection context can allow given dataobject to be pasted.*/
  665. STDMETHOD(QueryPaste)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/ LPARAM lCookie, /*[in]*/ IDataObject *pDataObject, /*[out]*/bool& bPasteAllowed, /*[out]*/ bool& bCopyOperatationIsDefault) = 0;
  666. /*Findout if current selection context can allow given dataobject to be pasted.*/
  667. STDMETHOD(QueryPasteFromClipboard)(/*[in]*/ HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/ BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/ LPARAM lCookie, /*[out]*/bool& bPasteAllowed) = 0;
  668. /*Given the current drop target (or paste target) context paste the given data object or the one from clipboard*/
  669. STDMETHOD(Drop) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/LPARAM lCookie, /*[in]*/IDataObject *pDataObjectToPaste, /*[in]*/BOOL bIsDragOperationMove) = 0;
  670. /*Given the current drop target (or paste target) context paste the given data object or the one from clipboard*/
  671. STDMETHOD(Paste) (/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[in]*/BOOL bScope, /*[in]*/LPARAM lCookie) = 0;
  672. /*Get the IPersistStream of the CViewSettingsPersistor object for loading the settings.*/
  673. STDMETHOD(QueryViewSettingsPersistor) (/*[out]*/IPersistStream** ppStream) = 0;
  674. /*Get the IXMLObject of the CViewSettingsPersistor object for storing/loading the settings.*/
  675. STDMETHOD(QueryViewSettingsPersistor) (/*[out]*/CXMLObject** ppXMLObject) = 0;
  676. /*Inform nodemgr that the document is closing, do any cleanups.*/
  677. STDMETHOD(DocumentClosing) () = 0;
  678. // Given the node get the snapin name
  679. STDMETHOD(GetSnapinName)(/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/LPOLESTR* ppszName, /*[out]*/ bool& bValidName) = 0;
  680. // Given the node see if it is dummy snapin
  681. STDMETHOD(IsDummySnapin)(/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/bool& bDummySnapin) = 0;
  682. // See if the snapin supports MMC1.0 version of help (MMCN_SNAPINHELP)
  683. STDMETHOD(DoesStandardSnapinHelpExist)(/*[in]*/HNODE hNode, /*[out]*/bool& bStandardHelpExists) = 0;
  684. };
  685. // helpstring("IControlbarsCache Interface"),
  686. MMC_INTERFACE(IControlbarsCache, 2e9fcd38-b9a0-11d0-a79d-00c04fd8d565) : IUnknown
  687. {
  688. /*[helpstring("Detaches all the controlbars.")]*/
  689. STDMETHOD(DetachControlbars)() = 0;
  690. };
  691. typedef enum _EXTESION_TYPE
  692. {
  695. EXTESION_TOOLBAR = 0x3,
  698. // helpstring("INodeType Interface"),
  699. MMC_INTERFACE(INodeType, B08A8368-967F-11D0-A799-00C04FD8D565) : IUnknown
  700. {
  701. STDMETHOD(GetNodeTypeID)(/*[out]*/ GUID* pGUID) = 0;
  702. STDMETHOD(AddExtension)(/*[in]*/ GUID guidSnapIn,
  703. /*[in]*/ EXTESION_TYPE extnType) = 0;
  704. STDMETHOD(RemoveExtension)(/*[in]*/ GUID guidSnapIn,
  705. /*[in]*/ EXTESION_TYPE extnType) = 0;
  706. STDMETHOD(EnumExtensions)(/*[in]*/ EXTESION_TYPE extnType,
  707. /*[out]*/ IEnumGUID** ppEnumGUID) = 0;
  708. };
  709. // helpstring("INodeTypesCache Interface"),
  710. MMC_INTERFACE(INodeTypesCache, DE40436E-9671-11D0-A799-00C04FD8D565) : IUnknown
  711. {
  712. STDMETHOD(CreateNodeType)(/*[in]*/ GUID guidNodeType,
  713. /*[out]*/ INodeType** ppNodeType) = 0;
  714. STDMETHOD(DeleteNodeType)(/*[in]*/ GUID guidNodeType) = 0;
  715. STDMETHOD(EnumNodeTypes)(/*[out]*/ IEnumNodeTypes** ppEnumNodeTypes) = 0;
  716. };
  717. MMC_INTERFACE(IEnumNodeTypes, ABBD61E6-9686-11D0-A799-00C04FD8D565) : IUnknown
  718. {
  719. STDMETHOD(Next)(/*[in]*/ ULONG celt,
  720. /*[out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)]*/ INodeType*** rgelt,
  721. /*[out]*/ ULONG *pceltFetched) = 0;
  722. STDMETHOD(Skip)(/*[in]*/ ULONG celt) = 0;
  723. STDMETHOD(Reset)() = 0;
  724. STDMETHOD(Clone)(/*[out]*/ IEnumNodeTypes **ppenum) = 0;
  725. };
  726. class CBasicSnapinInfo
  727. {
  728. public:
  729. CBasicSnapinInfo() : m_clsid(GUID_NULL), m_nImageIndex(-1) {}
  730. public:
  731. CLSID m_clsid;
  732. std::wstring m_strName;
  733. int m_nImageIndex;
  734. };
  735. class CAvailableSnapinInfo
  736. {
  737. public:
  738. CAvailableSnapinInfo (bool f32Bit) : m_cTotalSnapins(0), m_himl(NULL), m_f32Bit(f32Bit) {}
  739. ~CAvailableSnapinInfo()
  740. {
  741. if (m_himl != NULL)
  742. ImageList_Destroy (m_himl);
  743. }
  744. public:
  745. std::vector<CBasicSnapinInfo> m_vAvailableSnapins; // snap-ins that are available in the requested memory model
  746. UINT m_cTotalSnapins; // total number of snap-ins referenced in the console file
  747. HIMAGELIST m_himl; // images for snap-ins in m_vAvailableSnapins
  748. const bool m_f32Bit; // check 32-bit (vs. 64-bit) snap-ins?
  749. };
  750. // helpstring("IDumpSnapins Interface"),
  751. MMC_INTERFACE(IDumpSnapins, A16496D0-1D2F-11d3-AEB8-00C04F8ECD78) : IUnknown
  752. {
  753. STDMETHOD(Dump)(/*[in]*/ LPCTSTR pszDumpFilePath) = 0;
  754. STDMETHOD(CheckSnapinAvailability)(/*[in/out]*/ CAvailableSnapinInfo& asi) = 0;
  755. };
  756. MMC_INTERFACE(IPropertySheetProviderPrivate, FEF554F8-A55A-11D0-A7D7-00C04FD909DD) : IPropertySheetProvider
  757. {
  758. STDMETHOD(ShowEx)(/*[in]*/ HWND hwnd, /*[in]*/ int page, /*[in]*/ BOOL bModalPage) = 0;
  759. STDMETHOD(CreatePropertySheetEx)(
  760. /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR title,
  761. /*[in]*/ boolean type,
  762. /*[in]*/ MMC_COOKIE cookie,
  763. /*[in]*/ LPDATAOBJECT pIDataObject,
  764. /*[in]*/ LONG_PTR lpMasterTreeNode,
  765. /*[in]*/ DWORD dwOptions) = 0;
  766. /*[helpstring("Collects the pages from the extension snap-in(s)")]*/
  767. STDMETHOD(AddMultiSelectionExtensionPages)(LONG_PTR lMultiSelection) = 0;
  768. /*[helpstring("Determine if the property sheet exist")]*/
  769. STDMETHOD(FindPropertySheetEx)(/*[in]*/ MMC_COOKIE cookie, /*[in]*/ LPCOMPONENT lpComponent,
  770. /*[in]*/ LPCOMPONENTDATA lpComponentData, /*[in]*/ LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject) = 0;
  771. /*[helpstring("Set data required for property sheet tooltips")]*/
  772. STDMETHOD(SetPropertySheetData)(/*[in]*/ INT nPropSheetType, /*[in]*/ HMTNODE hMTNode) = 0;
  773. };
  774. const long CCLV_HEADERPAD = 25;
  775. // helpstring("MMC Default listview interface"),
  776. MMC_INTERFACE(IMMCListView, 1B3C1392-D68B-11CF-8C2B-00AA003CA9F6) : IUnknown
  777. {
  778. STDMETHOD(GetListStyle)( void ) = 0;
  779. STDMETHOD(SetListStyle)(
  780. /*[in]*/ long nNewValue ) = 0;
  781. STDMETHOD(GetViewMode)( void ) = 0;
  782. STDMETHOD(SetViewMode)(
  783. /*[in]*/ long nViewMode ) = 0;
  784. STDMETHOD(InsertItem)(
  785. /*[in]*/ LPOLESTR str,
  786. /*[in]*/ long iconNdx,
  787. /*[in]*/ LPARAM lParam,
  788. /*[in]*/ long state,
  789. /*[in]*/ long ownerID,
  790. /*[in]*/ long itemIndex,
  791. /*[out]*/ CResultItem*& pri) = 0;
  792. /* parameter changed to HRESULTITEM, not to use the CResultItem*
  793. pointer until we know it is not a virtual list */
  794. STDMETHOD(DeleteItem)(
  795. /*[in]*/ HRESULTITEM itemID,
  796. /*[in]*/ long nCol) = 0;
  797. STDMETHOD(FindItemByLParam)(
  798. /*[in]*/ long owner,
  799. /*[in]*/ LPARAM lParam,
  800. /*[out]*/ CResultItem*& pri) = 0;
  801. STDMETHOD(InsertColumn)(
  802. /*[in]*/ int nCol,
  803. /*[in]*/ LPCOLESTR str,
  804. /*[in]*/ long nFormat,
  805. /*[in]*/ long width) = 0;
  806. STDMETHOD(DeleteColumn)(
  807. /*[in]*/ int nCol) = 0;
  808. STDMETHOD(DeleteAllItems)(
  809. /*[in]*/ long ownerID) = 0;
  810. STDMETHOD(SetColumn)(
  811. /*[in]*/ long nCol,
  812. /*[in]*/ LPCOLESTR str,
  813. /*[in]*/ long nFormat,
  814. /*[in]*/ long width) = 0;
  815. STDMETHOD(GetColumn)(
  816. /*[in]*/ long nCol,
  817. /*[out]*/ LPOLESTR* str,
  818. /*[out]*/ long* nFormat,
  819. /*[out]*/ int* width) = 0;
  820. STDMETHOD(GetColumnCount)(
  821. /*[out]*/ int* nColCnt) = 0;
  822. STDMETHOD(SetItem)(
  823. /*[in]*/ int nIndex,
  824. /*[in]*/ CResultItem* pri,
  825. /*[in]*/ long nCol,
  826. /*[in]*/ LPOLESTR str,
  827. /*[in]*/ long nImage,
  828. /*[in]*/ LPARAM lParam,
  829. /*[in]*/ long nState,
  830. /*[in]*/ long ownerID) = 0;
  831. STDMETHOD(GetItem)(
  832. /*[in]*/ int nIndex,
  833. /*[in]*/ CResultItem*& pri,
  834. /*[in]*/ long nCol,
  835. /*[out]*/ LPOLESTR* str,
  836. /*[out]*/ int* nImage,
  837. /*[in]*/ LPARAM* lParam,
  838. /*[out]*/ unsigned int* nState,
  839. /*[out]*/ BOOL* pbScopeItem) = 0;
  840. STDMETHOD(GetNextItem)(
  841. /*[in]*/ COMPONENTID ownerID,
  842. /*[in]*/ long nIndex,
  843. /*[in]*/ UINT nState,
  844. /*[out]*/ CResultItem*& ppListItem,
  845. /*[out]*/ long& nIndexNextItem) = 0;
  846. STDMETHOD(GetLParam)(
  847. /*[in]*/ long nItem,
  848. /*[out]*/ CResultItem*& pri) = 0;
  849. STDMETHOD(ModifyItemState)(
  850. /*[in]*/ long nItem,
  851. /*[in]*/ CResultItem* pri,
  852. /*[in]*/ UINT add,
  853. /*[in]*/ UINT remove) = 0;
  854. STDMETHOD(SetIcon)(
  855. /*[in]*/ long nID,
  856. /*[in]*/ HICON hIcon,
  857. /*[in]*/ long nLoc) = 0;
  858. STDMETHOD(SetImageStrip)(
  859. /*[in]*/ long nID,
  860. /*[in]*/ HBITMAP hbmSmall,
  861. /*[in]*/ HBITMAP hbmLarge,
  862. /*[in]*/ long nStartLoc,
  863. /*[in]*/ long cMask) = 0;
  864. STDMETHOD(MapImage)(
  865. /*[in]*/ long nID,
  866. /*[in]*/ long nLoc,
  867. /*[out]*/ int* pResult) = 0;
  868. STDMETHOD(Reset)() = 0;
  869. STDMETHOD(Arrange)(/*[in]*/ long style) = 0;
  870. STDMETHOD(UpdateItem)(/*[in]*/HRESULTITEM itemID) = 0;
  871. STDMETHOD(Sort)(
  872. /*[in]*/ LPARAM lUserParam,
  873. /*[in]*/ long* pParams) = 0;
  874. STDMETHOD(SetItemCount)(
  875. /*[in]*/ int nItemCount,
  876. /*[in]*/ DWORD dwOptions) = 0;
  877. STDMETHOD(SetVirtualMode)(
  878. /*[in]*/ BOOL bVirtual) = 0;
  879. STDMETHOD(Repaint)(
  880. /*[in]*/ BOOL bErase) = 0;
  881. STDMETHOD(SetChangeTimeOut)(
  882. /*[in]*/ ULONG lTimeout) = 0;
  883. STDMETHOD(SetColumnFilter)(
  884. /*[in]*/ int nCol,
  885. /*[in]*/ DWORD dwType,
  886. /*[in]*/ MMC_FILTERDATA* pFilterData) = 0;
  887. STDMETHOD(GetColumnFilter)(
  888. /*[in]*/ int nCol,
  889. /*[in,out]*/ DWORD* dwType,
  890. /*[in,out]*/ MMC_FILTERDATA* pFilterData) = 0;
  891. STDMETHOD(SetColumnSortIcon)(
  892. /*[in]*/ int nNewCol,
  893. /*[in]*/ int nOldCol,
  894. /*[in]*/ BOOL bAscending,
  895. /*[in]*/ BOOL bSetSortIcon) = 0;
  896. STDMETHOD(SetLoadMode)(
  897. /*[in]*/ BOOL bState) = 0;
  898. /*[helpstring("Get the current list view header settings.")]*/
  899. STDMETHOD(GetColumnInfoList) (/*[out]*/CColumnInfoList *pColumnsList) = 0;
  900. /*[helpstring("Modify the list-view headers with given data.")]*/
  901. STDMETHOD(ModifyColumns) (/*[in]*/const CColumnInfoList& columnsList) = 0;
  902. /* Put the specified list item into rename mode */
  903. STDMETHOD(RenameItem) ( /*[in]*/HRESULTITEM itemID) =0;
  904. /*[helpstring("Get the column settings that snapin supplied originally")]*/
  905. STDMETHOD(GetDefaultColumnInfoList)(/*[out]*/ CColumnInfoList& columnsList) = 0;
  906. };
  907. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  908. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  909. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  910. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  911. ////
  912. //// MMC 1.1 changes
  913. ////
  914. // MMC_ITASK, internal form of MMC_TASK has additional field for classid.
  915. struct MMC_ITASK
  916. {
  917. MMC_TASK task;
  918. LPOLESTR szClsid;
  919. };
  920. // helpstring("Console <=> CIC communication conduit"),
  921. MMC_INTERFACE(ITaskPadHost, 4f7606d0-5568-11d1-9fea-00600832db4a) : IUnknown
  922. {
  923. /*[helpstring("CIC calls this when snapin's script wants to notify the snapin of something")]*/
  924. STDMETHOD(TaskNotify)(/*[in,string]*/ BSTR szClsid, /*[in]*/ VARIANT * pvArg, /*[in]*/ VARIANT * pvParam) = 0;
  925. /*[helpstring("CIC calls this when the script asks for tasks")]*/
  926. STDMETHOD(GetTaskEnumerator)(/*[in]*/ BSTR szTaskGroup, /*[out]*/ IEnumTASK** ppEnumTASK) = 0;
  927. /*[helpstring("Returns the primary snapins IExtendTaskPad")]*/
  928. STDMETHOD(GetPrimaryTask)(/*[out]*/ IExtendTaskPad** ppExtendTaskPad) = 0;
  929. /*[helpstring("Returns the primary snapin's taskpad title")]*/
  930. STDMETHOD(GetTitle)(/*[in]*/ BSTR szTaskGroup, /*[out]*/ BSTR * szTitle) = 0;
  931. /*[helpstring("Descriptive Text for the default task pad.")]*/
  932. STDMETHOD(GetDescriptiveText)(/*[in,string]*/ BSTR pszGroup, /*[out]*/ BSTR * pszDescriptiveText) = 0;
  933. /*[helpstring("Returns the primary snapin's taskpad background image.")]*/
  934. STDMETHOD(GetBackground)(/*[in]*/ BSTR szTaskGroup, /*[out]*/ MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_OBJECT * pTDO) = 0;
  935. // /*[helpstring("Returns the primary snapin's taskpad branding info.")]*/
  936. // STDMETHOD(GetBranding)(/*[in,string]*/ BSTR szGroup, /*[out]*/ MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_OBJECT * pTDO) = 0;
  937. /*[helpstring("Returns the primary snapin's listpad info")]*/
  938. STDMETHOD(GetListPadInfo)(/*[in]*/ BSTR szTaskGroup, /*[out]*/ MMC_ILISTPAD_INFO * pIListPadInfo) = 0;
  939. };
  940. // helpstring("Interface for accessing strings in a console file"),
  941. MMC_INTERFACE(IStringTablePrivate, 461A6010-0F9E-11d2-A6A1-0000F875A9CE) : IUnknown
  942. {
  943. /*[helpstring("Add a string to the snap-in's string table")]*/
  944. STDMETHOD(AddString)(
  945. /*[in]*/ LPCOLESTR pszAdd, // string to add to the string table
  946. /*[out]*/ MMC_STRING_ID* pStringID, // ID of added string
  947. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  948. ) = 0;
  949. /*[helpstring("Retrieves a string from the snap-in's string table")]*/
  950. STDMETHOD(GetString)(
  951. /*[in]*/ MMC_STRING_ID StringID, // ID of string
  952. /*[in]*/ ULONG cchBuffer, // number of characters in lpBuffer
  953. /*[out, size_is(cchBuffer)]*/
  954. LPOLESTR lpBuffer, // string corresponding to wStringID
  955. /*[out]*/ ULONG* pcchOut, // number of characters written to lpBuffer
  956. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  957. ) = 0;
  958. /*[helpstring("Retrieves the length of a string in the snap-in's string table")]*/
  959. STDMETHOD(GetStringLength)(
  960. /*[in]*/ MMC_STRING_ID StringID, // ID of string
  961. /*[out]*/ ULONG* pcchString, // number of characters in string, not including terminator
  962. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  963. ) = 0;
  964. /*[helpstring("Delete a string from the snap-in's string table")]*/
  965. STDMETHOD(DeleteString)(
  966. /*[in]*/ MMC_STRING_ID StringID, // ID of string to delete
  967. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  968. ) = 0;
  969. /*[helpstring("Delete all strings from the snap-in's string table")]*/
  970. STDMETHOD(DeleteAllStrings)(
  971. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  972. ) = 0;
  973. /*[helpstring("Find a string in the snap-in's string table")]*/
  974. STDMETHOD(FindString)(
  975. /*[in]*/ LPCOLESTR pszFind, // string to find in the string table
  976. /*[out]*/ MMC_STRING_ID* pStringID, // ID of string, if found
  977. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  978. ) = 0;
  979. /*[helpstring("Returns an enumerator into a snap-in's string table")]*/
  980. STDMETHOD(Enumerate)(
  981. /*[out]*/ IEnumString** ppEnum, // string enumerator
  982. /*[in]*/ const CLSID * pCLSID // CLSID of owner (NULL for MMC)
  983. ) = 0;
  984. };
  985. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  986. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  987. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  988. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  989. ////
  990. //// MMC 1.2 changes
  991. ////
  992. // ITaskCallback
  993. // helpstring("Task callback. Handles the drawing and selection notifications of tasks"),
  994. MMC_INTERFACE(ITaskCallback, 4b2293ba-e7ba-11d2-883c-00c04f72c717) : IUnknown
  995. {
  996. /*[helpstring("Determines whether to display "Edit" and "Delete" items for this taskpad.")]*/
  997. STDMETHOD(IsEditable)() = 0;
  998. /*[helpstring("Modifies the underlying taskpad.")]*/
  999. STDMETHOD(OnModifyTaskpad)() = 0;
  1000. /*[helpstring("Deletes the underlying taskpad.")]*/
  1001. STDMETHOD(OnDeleteTaskpad)() = 0;
  1002. /*[helpstring("Gets the GUID identifier of the underlying taskpad.")]*/
  1003. STDMETHOD(GetTaskpadID)(/*[out]*/ GUID *pGuid) = 0;
  1004. };
  1005. // helpstring("Interface for releasing Node Manager's cached com objects"),
  1006. MMC_INTERFACE(IComCacheCleanup, 35FEB982-55E9-483b-BD15-149F3F9E6C63) : IUnknown
  1007. {
  1008. /* gives a chance to release cached OLE objects prior to calling OleUninitialize */
  1009. STDMETHOD(ReleaseCachedOleObjects)() = 0;
  1010. };
  1011. #endif // __ndmgrpriv_h__